16: The 'Small' Jump

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Nurse Becky stood, watching as I struggled to stay alive. She was probably contemplating whether to help me or not after everything I had done to her. The door of my room flew open and Gloria entered.

Her gaze went from Nurse Becky's to mine and she rushed over to meet me on the floor. "Oh my gosh, Berry, stay with me okay?" She tapped my cheeks to keep me awake. "Help me!!!" She yelled at Nurse Becky who seemed to snap back to reality.

I tried to breathe through my mouth as Glo placed my head on her lap on the floor. I felt myself being lifted from the ground and onto my bed. My eyes started to close. "Stay awake" I heard Nurse Becky say as she rubbed something on the back of my palm. I felt a sting on the back of my palm where she just rubbed with something cold.

"What's that?" I heard Glo ask, beside me.

"Something to reduce the pain for the time being, she can't take her drugs in this state" she answered swiftly.

"How did she end up like this?" Glo asked suspiciously as sh narrowed her eyes at Nurse Becky.

The petite nurse scoffed "You didn't think I did this, did you?" She said.

"I met you in the room and you obviously weren't helping her!" Glo shot back. "Yes, she might have done horrible things to you but couldn't you just push that aside for the sake of her life? It's your job!" She said.

"You're right" Nurse Becky mumbled. "Call my attention if you need me" she said and left the room.

I was calming down, my breathing was going back to normal and I could see things a bit clearer. "Are you okay?" Glo asked, squeezing my hand in hers.

"Hm" I hummed in response, exhausted.

"Have some rest, I'll sit on the couch" she smiled at me and made her way to the couch. "I talked to the doctor and they said you can stay here for a few more days. He said you've caused too much trouble so your stay here will be shortened. Any more troubles and you'll be kicked out of the hospital" she explained as I frowned.

"I'm sorry for causing you all these trouble. I didn't mean to be so problematic" I said in a croaky voice.

"It's okay, stop apologizing now or I'll kick you out of the window" she smiled at me. I managed a smile back and got in a more comfortable position.

"Gloria, you know I love you, right?" I said, looking at her. Honestly, I can't remember the last time someone cared for me this much. It warms my heart to see that someone cares.

"Of course. I'm loveable" she winked at me and I rolled my eyes at her.

" You just had to spoil the moment, didn't you?" I gave a her a pointed look. I yawned feeling tiredness wash over me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm the bestest ever" she flipped her hair and I snorted.

"Okay, I take that back. I don't love you anymore" I said with a smile.

"Honey, you can't stop loving me. Ever" she blew me a kiss and I faked a gag. "Now have some rest and stop giving me comebacks, I need to get some extra clothes and see my parents" she waved her hands at me.

"Okay. Don't stay out too long so you won't get kidnapped or something" I said to her as she stood up from the couch.

"The kidnappers wouldn't dare. I know karate" she winked with a smile and I laughed.

"Right then." I said and she walked over then pinched my cheeks slightly.

"Now sleep" she scolded and walked towards the door. I sighed. "Don't worry, I'll buy you ice cream on my way back" she blew me a kiss and left, shutting the door behind her.

"Okay" I said even though she couldn't hear me. I stretched on the bed and examined the wire connected to the back of my palm.

I got more comfortable on the bed and thought of my parents. Do they still care about me? Do they even know if I'm alive? Yes, they paid for my hospital bills but I never saw them ever since my stay here. The doctor told me they came and paid a few days ago but why didn't they want to see me? Do they hate me that much or are they so busy that they can't check if they're daughter is doing okay?

Maybe if I try harder they'll notice me. But I don't think I can. After all, I got good grades, studied every night and even avoided having friends. I shut down my social life so I can be better than my sister. So that they can see me and know that I'm not just a waste of space. So they can know that I am something. Something better than my sister. At least-

"Psst!" A sound from the window startled me, making me jolt up and look at the window. "Hey! Let me in!" The familiar voice whispered.

"Corey?" I called and the person hissed in pain.

"Yes. Yes, just let me in" He hissed. I put on my red and blue fuzzy socks before tiptoeing to the window, moving the stand that held the fluid that passed through a tube into the back of my palm, with me.

I unlocked the window and pulled it open, feeling the cold breeze blow my hair. A dark shadow entered my room, climbing into my room. "What the hell, Corey?!" I exclaimed.

He closed the window and locked it. He was in black sweats and a black hoodie. He pulled the hoodie off his head, revealing his hair as he grinned at me. "Hey" he said.

"Hey??! Don't hey me! What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!" I freaked. He rolled his eyes and ran his hands through his hair, dishevelling it. He strolled into my room casually, limping a bit. I pulled the curtains shut and followed him, taking my stand with me.

"Why are you walking with a stand?" He asked as he watched me walk over to my bed.

"Because it's the latest fashion" I answered, sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Strawberry, did you hurt yourself again? Why would you be so careless?" He said and walked over to place his palm on my forehead. I watched him the whole time with a pointed look.

"Right. I'm not the one limping and going into another person's room while not fully recovered!" I said back and he snorted.

"I'm not limping" he said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Sure. Do you walk like that now?" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"C'mon! Don't treat me like that, I came all the way from my room to see you" he pouted and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You've seen me. You can go now, before I get into more trouble" I said and he snorted.

"You're a legend here" he said and I flushed.

"I'm not! The nurses and doctors were just being annoying" I pouted as my cheeks turned a bit pink, out of embarrassment.

"Right..." He trailed off, not believing me. I glared at him before huffing and rolling my eyes.

"Why are you here Corey?" I asked, with a serious expression.

"To go out" he answered with a smile.

"Out? Here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"C'mon. Don't tell me you're not bored of these walls!" He said and I sighed.

"Even if I am, there's nothing I can do about it" I said, looking at him. "Besides, I'm tired, I need to rest" I yawned.

"Who said there was nothing you can do about it?" He gave me a mischievous smile. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What did you do Corey?" I said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Nothing" he shrugged, with the smile and slowly stood up. He put his arms behind him and walked slowly towards my door. I watched him suspiciously.

"Corey..." I said as I saw him open the door of my room and left, leaving the door opened. I frowned in confusion and removed the tube from my wrist. I stood up, wore my slippers and walked towards the door. What's going on?

I poked my head outside the window and the whole hallway was clear. There were no doctors or patients or even nurses around. I frowned and stepped into the hallway. I saw Corey standing by the end of the hallway with a smile. I put my hands on my waist and raised an eyebrow with a smile. What is he planning now?

"Meet me up there" he said with a wink and disappeared into a corner. I sighed and closed the door of my room shut before following his path. I walked up the stairs and go to the top of the building. I instantly remembered Jonah. I wonder how he's doing.

"What are you up to, now?" I asked teasingly as I saw Corey sitting on the ledge, one leg lifted up and the other swinging from side to side.

I walked towards him and sat beside him, swinging both of my legs. The cold breeze blew the light material of the hospital gown and I shivered slightly. The stars have started to show but are very few and the bright outline of the moon in the sky could not be mistaken.

"Have you ever been up here?" He asked, looking forward, like he was in deep thought.

"Yeah" I answered quietly. "I came up here for a breather once and I saved a life" I smiled to myself.

"Hmm, saved a life?" He smiled slightly and looked at me. The small light coming from the moon illuminated his grey eyes making them seem brighter. I could see the reflection of myself in them. I looked away before I did something stupid.

"Yeah" I answered, watching my legs swing below me. "He was about to jump from the ledge. I came with something stupid but I was hopeful that it would change his mind" I said with a smile. Then I looked at him, meeting his gaze "And I'm glad it worked"

"This is my first time up here. I recently just found out about it" he said. "Ana asks of you. She misses you" he said, smiling at me. I almost felt like crying at the mention of her name.

"Aww, I miss her too" I said and felt another cold breeze pass by making my teeth clench.

"You're cold?" He asked and I nodded.

"You don't have to be cliche and give me your hoodie, you'll just die of cold." I said as I gave him a pointed look. He laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

"I was actually going to do something else" he said and I met his gaze. I gave him a 'really?' look.

"What?" I asked. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around me, caging me in them. My cheeks warmed up as he placed his chin on top of my head.

"This" he answered and it felt good. It wasn't as warm as a blanket or a sweater would feel but it was warm. It was that kind of warm and comfortable that made you want to fall asleep or maybe I was just tired.

I felt my eyes begin to close and I started to slant sideways. Like sideways that led to the ground. Corey's grip on me became tighter. "Corey? What are you doing? We're gonna die!" I yelled but he didn't seem to listen to me because we fell off the ledge.

"Stop being so pessimistic! We're not gonna die! You're just being a chicken" he yelled back. I felt weightless at the rate at which I was falling. I shut my eyes in fear.

"I swear if I die, I'll hunt you in your dreams and make you go crazy" I threatened, holding him tight. The harsh wind blew and at the end of my sentence, I landed on something soft and bouncy.

"That was amazing!" Corey grinned as I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a trampoline. We just jumped from the top of a freaking building!!!!

"WE JUST JUMPED FROM THE TOP OF A FREAKING BUILDING!!! AND THAT WAS AMAZING??!!! WE COULD HAVE DIED!!!!" I yelled at Corey, feeling an outburst of emotions.

"Calm down, it was just a small jump" he waved me off. I raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief.

"A SMALL JUMP??! A SMALL JUMP???!!!! You've got to be kidding me" I shook my head in disbelief and got down from the trampoline. My stomach turned with excitement at the thrill of what I had just done.

"Hey! Hey! C'mon, but you have to admit it was fun. You didn't even realize until we were half way" he jogged beside me.

"Still. It was dangerous! I'm heading to my room, goodnight!" I snapped and stomped back into the hospital through the back entrance, since we were at the back of the building.

"Are you mad at me?" He pouted as he followed me back into the building. I ignored him and continued walking towards my room "I was just trying to cheer you up. You looked sad in the room earlier" he said, walking backwards.

"Just let me be" I sighed tiredly and walked into another hallway.

"I won't leave you if you don't smile" he said and continued to follow me. I rolled my eyes and blew out a breath.

I faked a smile "satisfied?" I said and he shook his head.

"No. Leave the fake smiles to your fake friends, I don't need them" he said sassily. I smirked and continued walking.

"Corey....just go..." I drawled out, feeling exhausted.

"Fine, fine, I'll go" he said with a fake frown. "Goodnight kiss?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"In your dreams" I said, smiling.

"Whatever" he sighed and we continued to walk in silence. Just when I opened the door of my room, the people that sat on the couch made me halt in my steps. With my croaky voice, I called;

"Mom? Dad?"

Hello sweethearts,
How are y'all doing? Please don't hesitate to alert me of any mistakes. How was this chapter? Was it how you wanted?

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