22: No food in the library

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You now this kind of feeling when you feel proud of yourself for doing something someone thought you'll never do? No? Yeah, me too. I was supposed to feel that way but I felt like I'm giving my parents more reason to hate me. No, that's not what I want. I just want them to know that there's a second daughter that needs love and support from them. There's a second daughter that can be as good as or even better than the first one.

"Are you okay?" Corey nudged me. I snapped from my thoughts and gave him a smile. "Oh my God! What happened?! Holy shit, you smiled at me! Did I become hotter? " He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes, laughing.

" Idiot" I muttered. He chuckled as we continued walking. With the bags in my hands, I don't even know where we were going. "Where are we going?" I asked Corey.

He shrugged and looked at me. "Wherever you want to go" he said and I don't know why I became nervous.

"Let's go to the library then" I said, glancing at him to see his expression.

"No. No! That's really where you want to go? A library? Really?" He rolled his eyes at me as I laughed.

"The library is fun too. You get to discover things through reading books--" he cut me off.

"And?" He stopped walking, raising an eyebrow.

I opened my mouth to speak, thinking of other things we could do in a library. "Um...books?" I said.

He shook his head at me, chuckling. "Let's go to the library" he said and I raised my eyebrows. Didn't he just say--I--what?

"Huh?" I blurted. "I thought--"he cut me off. Again!

"Stop talking and let's go!" He said, transferring the bags in his right hand to his left. Then he took my hand and started to pull me towards the library.

"You know, I hate being cut off while talking" I said, narrowing my eyes as we both jogged towards the library.

"I know" he smirked. I scoffed and narrowed my eyes at him further.

"And you still do it?" I questioned in disbelief. He chuckled, glancing at me.

"Yes" he said and jogged ahead of me. I scoffed again, rolling my eyes. The little...ugh!

We got to the front of the building. The community library. It's always open 24/7 and on most occasions, that's where I usually end up spending the night during exams. Corey and I stood side my side as we looked at the building. Corey looked at me.

"Well...what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He grinned, making his way towards the entrance. With the bags. Idiot.

I followed him. "They don't eat in the library idiot" I called. He ignored me.

The security guard standing at the entrance eyes the shopping bags in our hands till we got to the entrance. "Hello--" he cut me off.

"No food in the library" The bulky man in a dark brown uniform said, his deep voice making me almost cower in fear.

Corey smirked and dropped his bags on the floor. He put his hands in his pocket and brought out some money. My eyes widened. That lier! "How about now?" Corey said, looking the guard.

The guard simply adjusted his stance and gave Corey a hard look. "No food in the library" he repeated. His voice even deeper. I gulped. Damn, his voice can make a person pee in their pants.

"C'mon man! We are hungry and we want to read!" I whined. He gave me a look and I kept shut. Okay, maybe I shouldn't talk...

"Fine. What do you want?" Corey said, tucking his money back in his pockets.

"No food in the library" he repeated again, folding his arms over his chest. I couldn't help but gulp at the way his muscles grew twice the size. He is wearing a black face cap and he has a mustache but no beard or any other facial hair.

"We'll share the food with you" I suggested. He gave me a long look as Corey looked at him hopefully.

"No food in the library" he said, making Corey and I deflate.

I looked at Corey, sighing. "Let's just leave the bags outside." I said. He looked at me, in thought.

"Or we could just drop it in the car" he said. He blinked twice. Huh? He didn't bring any car...and why is he blinking like that?

"Car?" I raised my eyebrows. He blinked at me again and I understood. "Oh, right. Yeah, our car!" I exclaimed. The guard raised an eyebrow at us.

"You can go inside. I'll take them to the car" Corey said and I nodded. I have no idea what he's planning this time. I smiled at the guard who made way for me to enter the library. As expected, there were only about three people in the first row and no one in the other rows.

I walked to the last row, which was the fifth row. Here, the librarian doesn't get to shush you everytime you make a sound because it's at the far end of the library. I found a round table with three chairs, by the window. I sat on a chair and rest my back in the wall, sighing.

Then I heard a knock on the window, making me jolt from my position. I looked at the window and saw Corey with the bags, signalling for me to open the window. My eyes widened when u realized what he's going to do. He's going to sneak the bags in!

"Okay, okay" I whispered and opened the window. He passed the bags to me and I dropped them in the floor as quietly as possible.

After passing all the bags, I clapped my hands and let out a breath. "I'll pass the entrance" Corey whispered to me and I nodded. I closed the window and pushed all the bags under the table. I put one chair opposite me to block the view of the bags.

I see Corey approaching me with a smirk. My mouth curled into a frown. "I don't like this. What if we get caught?" I guessed at Corey as soon as he got to my table.

"Chill out, nerd. No one is getting caught" He rolled his eyes at me. He sat down on the chair opposite me and slumped his arm over the arm, lazily.

"I'm not a nerd" I rolled my eyes at him. He smirked and brought out one of the bags.

"Sure" he said. He unloaded the contents of the bag which were two bags of marshmallows, lots of sweets and chewing gums. I took one bag of marshmallow and cut it open. I put one in my mouth, enjoying the chewy sweetness.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" I sighed, shoving another marshmallow in my mouth. Corey cut the second bag of marshmallows and put one in his mouth as well.

"It's fun" he chuckled. I pushed my chair back and stood up. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I want to pick a book? Duh" I raised an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes at me. I shoved the bag if marshmallows in the side pocket of my coat.

I walked away from the table and walked towards the shelf of historical romance books. I let my fingers graze the books as I walked past them. I stopped when I saw a title. A Ripple In Time, it read. I picked it up and flipped through the pages.

"Boo!" I heard a deep voice say and I jumped in fear, making the book fall from my hands. The familiar laughter made me roll my eyes.

"Idiot! I almost died!" I said, turning around to meet Corey's grin, with a glare. He rolled his eyes at me.

"You're so dramatic" he said and I snorted, picking up the book that fell. I returned it to it's place on the shelf hurriedly. "What book was that?" He asked.

"It's nothing. Let's go" I said hurriedly, feeling embarrassed. I mean, it's wired to see someone who reads romance but still has rules guiding her life. I pulled Corey's hand.

"No. I want to check it" he said, not moving an inch. He took the book and checked the title. "Hm....A Ripple In Time" he read out loud, making my cheeks turn red.

"Just let's go!" I whined. He chuckled at my reaction. I rolled my eyes and took the book from him, then turned around to return the book to it's place. I returned it and turned around, to meet Corey's gaze. I just realized how close he was standing. I gulped as my heart started to race.

I looked away from his gaze and tried to walk away, through his right side. He raised his right hand and placed it on the shelf, blocking my path. Eager to leave, I turned to his left side but he raised his hand and this the same as well, caging me. I took a deep breath and slowly turned to look at him.

His grey eyes met mine. I looked away again and tried to duck under his arm to leave this position. He went to a squatting position, still caging me between him and the shelf of books. "Are you scared?" He asked me. I was staring at the ground, I can't meet his gaze.

"No" I breathed out, almost in a whisper. Distraction! Distraction!, My mind yelled. I gulped again, my breathing getting heavier. It was like the library got even more quiet.

"Then look at me" he said. I kept my gaze trained on the floor. "I won't kiss you, I promise" he said. I laughed in my mind, I'll be the one doing the kissing if I meet your gaze, honey.

I felt his finger graze my chin, as he raised my head towards him. As soon as my gaze met his, he smiled. My gaze started to lower to his lips. I shut my eyes immediately, dismissing any inappropriate thoughts. "No" I muttered to myself.

I heard Corey chuckle and I felt a cold breeze whoosh past me. I opened my eyes and realized there was a good distance between Corey and I now. Oh.. He winked at me before digging his hands into his pockets. I blinked. "Let's go"he said.

I picked a marshmallow from my pocket and placed it between my lips, looking at Corey beside me. Why is he smiling? Before I could process what happened, he took a bit of the marshmallow between my lips. I gasped, shocked. "You stupid idiot! You have yours!" I exclaimed.

"Shush, we are in the library" he said, placing his index finger on his lips. He gave me an amused lol as I glared at him.

"I'm not going to shush!" I scoffed. "You have to replace the the marshmallow you took or I won't keep quiet! And how could you take it from my mouth! That's invasion of privacy!" I added.

"I'd love to shut you up my way but I don't want to get kicked in the guts again" he said, giving me an amused look. I blushed in embarrassment. Oh, he remembers that.

"That was out of instinct" I pouted, defending myself. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you defending yourself so I would kiss you?" He said. I choked back a cough. What?!

"What?! No! I'm just-- No! Never!!" I rushed out. He laughed and I was literally red from all the embarrassment. I started to walk ahead of him. What's wrong with you Berry!

"Hey, hey, fine. I'll stop laughing" he said and I looked at him. He raised his hands in surrender. I let out a small smile. He took my hand and locked it against his. "This is nice" he said and I hummed in agreement.

We walked back to our table and saw a familiar bulky man, his hands folded over his chest in an intimidating manner. On his left stood a short woman-- compared to the guard-- in a yellow hand woven sweater and back skirt, a rectangular spectacle perched on her nose . It looked like they were waiting for our arrival.

I looked at Corey and gulped, as his Adam apple bobbed up and down. Then we looked at the two people in front of us. In front of them was about table that contained all the bags we sneaked in and some sweets and chewing gum scatter in the table. Busted.

Hello sweethearts,
How was this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for the support in the last chapter and I'll make sure to publish the next one as soon as this reaches ten votes! Don't forget to vote, comment, follow and share. Enjoy!

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