26: A Wild But Cute Rabbit

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I walked to the school cafeteria which was empty and sat and one of the benches. I placed my books on the table and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. That jerk thinks he can fool me twice.

He didn't know how hurtful it was to feel like someone is on your side but in actual reality, they're just a bed covered in thorns with are hidden by a blanket. They're just waiting for you to fall on the bed. I fell on the bed and I got hurt. I was stupid enough to believe all the empty promises and lies.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I heard a deep familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Jonah, leaning casually against the door. He smiled as I met his gaze and slowly walked towards me. He goes to my school?

"Hey" I greeted, quietly. He sat down on the bench opposite me and leaned on the table.

"Hi. Are you okay?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. I forced a smile and nodded.

"Of course. I'm fine" I said, lips pressed together in a smile. "I didn't know you attend my school" I said.

"I didn't know you attended my school too. I just saw you while walking by the hallway. I wasn't stalking you or anything" he said, scratching the back his neck. I chuckled quietly.

"Okay, if you say so." I smiled genuinely. He smiled back at me.

"What were you doing all alone here anyway?"he asked. I shrugged and packed my books from the table.

"Nothing. I'm leaving already anyway" I said, standing up. He stood up as well, dusting his jeans.

"Hey, can you keep the way we met between us? I'm talking about the hospital thing" he said, quietly. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay" I chuckled and nodded. I started to walk and he walked alongside me.

"So..wanna meet after school?" He asked awkwardly, glancing at me. I shrugged.

"Sure" I smiled and he grinned. He shoved his hands in his back pocket.

"Awesome. Well, I've have a class now. See you soon" he said, backing away from me with smile.

"Okay. Bye" I chuckled, waving. He left and I walked back to my locker. I looked around and there were barely any student left in the hallway. Max was no longer there as well. I sighed and picked my notes for the next class.

"Hey" I heard someone greet and l closed my locker, turning to face the person.

"What a surprise" I said, non-enthusiastically with a bored look. Molly scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Ha-ha, very funny" she said with a fake smile. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want? I don't remember summoning a nitpicker" I said, faking a yawn. She scoffed in disbelief, placing her hands on her waist.

"Excuse me?" She gasped and I flicked off an imaginary dust off my purple turtle neck.

"Excused." I said, stepping out o her way and started walking to class. She followed me, her heels clicking behind me.

"Who do you think you are? I was going to ask you to be friends but it seems like you don't deserve my friendship" she said but I pretended like I didn't hear and continued walking to my class. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" She yanked me by my arm, making me face her.

"First of all, I don't need your friendship. You can keep it in your expensive Gucci purse. Second, never touch me again" I said, glaring at her. She looked so frustrated as I turned around and started walking again.

"Glo was wrong. You're rude and unbelievable" She spat and I stopped in my tracks. So Glo sent her to me?! What?!

"I'm going to kill her" I muttered quietly to myself, referring to Glo. "When you're done whining about me, do the school a favor and leave the hallway. The janitor wouldn't like to see trash again after recently just cleaning up" I shot back over my shoulder and continued walking.

"You bitch!" I heard her screech before she jumped on my back and started to pull on my hair. I hissed in pain and climbed on her, pulling her hair as well.

"Get your claws off me!" I yelled as she grabbed my boobs, screaming. I slapped her hands away and slapped her across the face. She screamed and scratched her painted nails across my face. I felt the sting and groaned before grabbing a chunk of her hair and slapping her again.

"What is going on here?!" A voice boomed in the hallway and I was being pulled away from Molly. I struggled against the person, reaching for her hair and holding on to it. Molly's scream was loud and deafening as she tried to release my hold on her hair.

"Miss Dave! Let go of her hair, now!" I heard someone say. A dark skinned boy wrapped his arms around Molly's waist and tries to pull her away from me. The person pulling me away from Molly pulled harder, making me tug on Molly's hair harder. I finally let go and she fell, on the dark skinned boy who was pulling her away from me.

She raised her head and her mascara was smudged and was running down her face with her tears. Her face is red and her hair is a wild mess on her head. I smirked in satisfaction but hissed when I felt a sting on my face from the scratch of her nails.

"Both of you, in my office now!" I heard the principal say angrily and I silently cursed. I looked around me and found students already surrounding us. They were whispering to each other and mumbling. Some were smiling at me like I just won a lottery. I rolled my eyes at them.

"That was one hell of a fight, grumpy pants" I heard a raspy voice say, close to my ear. I turned around in the person's arms and realized that it was Corey. I scoffed and removed his hands from my waist.

"She started it" I shrugged. I felt his lingering gaze on me and raised an eyebrow.

"There are scratches on your face" he said and I raised my hand to my cheek, feeling the wet stain of blood. I hissed slightly in pain.

"Damn, she's got nails" I commented and Corey chuckled.

"Oh my gosh! Babe! You almost pulled her hair off her head!" Glo exclaimed, her face twisted in horror. She caused this.

I gave her annoyed look and looked at Corey. "I'll be right back. I think I'm in trouble" I said with a frown before turning around.

"Hey, what did I do?" Gloria pouted, obstructing my path.

"I don't want to talk to you" I said with a glare. I walked past her and made my way to the principal's office.

I knocked on the door slightly. "Come in!" A voice answered. I opened the door and found the principal sitting on her chair, shooting me a disapproving look.

Molly is already there and is sitting opposite the principal. I sat beside her, casting my gaze low. "I didn't expect this from you, Miss Dave." She said with disappointment.

"I apologize, ma'am. She hit me first" I defended myself and I heard Molly's loud sob, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Stop lying. You hit me first and started to pull my hair." She cried. Tears continued to spill from her eyes. Damn, she's got acting skills.

"Enough. You will both be suspended for a week. You won't be given time to catch up with your mates when you resume" The principal said with a snarl.

I sighed. "Okay, ma'am" I said. The principal looked at me and shook her head.

"I heard you were recently discharged from the hospital." She said and I nodded. " Take care" she said.

"Thanks ma'am" I said and Molly stood up, leaving the office. I followed as well. Some students were still in the hallway. I searched the hallway with my gaze for either Corey or Glo but couldn't find any of them.

I walked to the bathroom so I could clean up. I felt some people giving me dirty looks on my way. I entered the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, observing my face. There are two long scratches on my right cheek which have dried blood. That's just about it. My face is a flushed pink so I opened the faucet, splashing some water on my face.

"Nice fight" I heard someone say and I looked up to meet Selena's gaze. She smirked at me before walking to the wash hand basin. She squirted some soap on her hand and opened the faucet.

"Thanks?" I raised an eyebrow. Selena and Molly are friends, right? Then why is she complimenting me? I watched as she scrubbed her hand under the faucet with a smile.

"She needed someone to burst her bubble." She said, glancing at me. "She thinks she can control anyone and anything" Selena said. What a backstabber..

I didn't say anything. I just washed my hands and left the bathroom. I used my hair as a curtain as I got stares. The janitor gave me my books and I thanked him as I put them in my locker. I packed my books and put them in my school bag. My parents are going to be so pissed at me. If they care.

I carried my schoolbag and locked my locker, sighing. I saw Corey walking towards me. "Hey" he greeted as he scanned my face.

"I'm on suspension. For a week" I pouted and Corey rolled his eyes at me.

"Lucky you. At least, you get to stay at home." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"It's not too late to start your fight as well" I said and he chuckled in amusement.

"No thank you, I'd rather not. I can't get the image of you refusing to let go of the other girl's hair out of my head" he laughed and I cracked a small smile.

"Whatever." I said. He cupped my face, squishing it between his palms.

"You were like a wild but cute rabbit" he said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and removed his hand from my face.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Maybe. It was hot though" he smirked, making my cheeks warm up.

"Idiot" I slapped his arm and he exclaimed in pain.

"Hey Berry" Jonah greeted, appearing beside me. Corey looked at him and raised an eyebrow, his mouth twisting into a frown in disapproval.

"Jonah?" He called, grabbing Jonah's attention. Jonah looked at him as well, smirking.

"Hello, cousin" he smirked.

Hi sweethearts,
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