3: Baking is not thy thing

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"Here we are!" I squealed as I hopped off Corey's back. He groaned tiredly, leaning against the door as I took the key and unlocked it.

"Strawberry!" Someone said, startling me and I saw Mrs Walt leaning against her door as she stared at me. See?

"Oh, hi Mrs Walt." I said smiling at her. When she finished searching my body with her eyes she moved to someone behind me.

"So that's your name!" Corey suddenly sprang up from his leaning position "Strawberry" he tested it on his tongue as I rolled my eyes. He didn't notice Mrs Walt staring at him the whole time.

"Who is that eye candy behind you?" Mrs Walt asked, her eyes wandering behind me as her voice suddenly changed from groggy to tiny and sweet. She batted her eyelashes at him and grew a smile on her wrinkles face. Am I dreaming or she is really trying to flirt with him?

"Mrs Walt, this is Corey. Corey this is Mrs Walt" I said, gesturing using both of my hands. Mrs Walt's smile developed to a grin and she licked her dried lips on hearing Corey's name. Corey shifted awkwardly from one leg to another, obviously uncomfortable with the way Mrs Walt was eyeing him. I almost gagged out loud.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Walt"He said awkwardly as Mrs Walt brought out her right hand, stretching it towards Corey. With a raised eyebrow, I watched as Corey kicked her outstretched hand and pecked it softly before dropping it back.

"My, my, you're such a sweet gentleman, aren't you?" She blushed deeply as she bit her lower lip.

"I can be anything you want Mrs Walt" Corey winked at her, making her while face turn red. Do they know I'm still here because this flirting is hurting my eyes!

"Oh please, just call me Veronica" she giggled. I grabbed Corey's hand, tight.

"I'm sorry Mrs Walt, but we have to leave now. It was nice talking to you" I smiled politely and entered the house, locking the door behind me. I leaned against the door to be met with a smirk on Corey's face.

"What?" I asked.

"You seemed eager to pull me inside your house and I was wondering why" he said, faking a thoughtful face. "Oh wait, and you locked the door!" He gasped.

I rolled my eyes and muttered 'idiot' under my breath. "I-"

"Are you trying to rape me?" He placed his hand on his chest, gasping again. I pushed myself off the door and walked slowly towards him in a predatory way as he didn't move an inch. The smirk slowly dropped to slightly parted lips. Wait, I was NOT looking at his lips. No! I wasn't.

I was so close to him that my face was in direct contact with his chest. My breathing was getting heavier by the minute as I stood on my toe. My forehead was levelled with his lips and I could feel the small breaths he took. His grey eyes bore into mine and I pointed at my lips making his eyes dart to my lips.

"I'll rather rape a tree than to rape you" I whispered and I saw him go stiff. He seemed to have snapped out of his trance as I stepped back slowly with a smirk on my face, satisfied with his reaction.

"We need to work on your lying skills Grumpy pants" he smirked and walked to the couch. He plopped down on it and stretched his legs in the table, crossing one over the other. I rolled my eyes again and walked to the kitchen to drop the oil I bought.

I came back and found him sprawled out on the couch as he scrolled through the channels on the TV. I cleared my throat and sat down on another couch as he raised his head to see me.

"Don't you have anything fun here! I'm bored" he complained as he continued scrolling through the channels. Then he suddenly stopped and sat up "holy shit, you parents are not around, are they?" He asked , with widened eyes.

My body went rigid at the mention of my parents, "No, I stay here alone" I muttered as he sprawled out back and sighed.

"Let's bake!" He said and sat up for the second time.

"Nah, baking is not thy thing" I said in a foreign accent jokingly.

"Okay" he said and stood up, walking to the kitchen.

"Where are you going? You know what, I think you should leave. The time is 7:54pm already" I said as I saw him searching the cabinets and bringing out ingredients.

"Nope, loosen up! Have some fun" He rolled his eyes as he brought out baking powder.

"Ughhh... Do you even know how to bake?" I asked, frustrated.

"Nope" he said and poured some flour into a bowl "Let's make cookies"

"I don't know how to bake, you don't know how to bake, so how the hell are we gonna make cookies?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He did a facepalm and put one hand on his waist.

"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" He asked me and I shrugged. I never really broke the rules...

"Letting you into my house?" I said and he raised an eyebrow. "Fine! The time I lied to my parents" I said, defeated.

"What?! You've never jumped from a cliff, gone skydiving, swimming with the dolphins?" He listed with an amused smile.

"Nope. I've never ever and I don't think I need to" I said, trying to convince myself.

Successful people don't waste their time doing spontaneous things when they could be making money.

"We're going skydiving this weekend" He declared as he tried to cut another bag of flour. I walked over to him and tried to collect the bag of flour from him.

"Maybe you should just go. I don't want any trouble" I said, seriously as we both struggled with the bag.

"How is making cookies going to get you in trouble?" He scoffed, still struggling with me.

"The-" The bag burst open making it's content spill everywhere as I closed my eyes subconsciously. I opened my eyes slowly with the torn part of the bag in hands as I scanned the environment. The whole kitchen was filled with flour dust particles as well as the idiot standing in front of me.

His brown hair and eyelashes were white as I cracked up into bubbles of laughter. He blew a breath and opened his eyes slowly. He saw me laughing and took part of the flour that was in the bowl and dumped the entire bowl on me as I stopped laughing.

"WHAT THE- COREY!! I SWEAR-" He cut me off by dumping water on me. And let me tell you people, water plus flour is never a good mixture for your hair. I practically growled and grabbed some eggs, about five, nearby and cracked them on his head.

Then the fight started. He took a can of spray whip cream and sprayed it on my hair as I attacked him with a can of mustard. I took more eggs from the cabinet and threw it at him. Some missed, making it hit the floor and the cabinets behind him while a few hit him right in the face.

Then he took the oil I bought from the mall, a few hours ago.

"No! I just bought that!" I whined as I stepped back slowly, trying to escape.

"Guess what strawberry?" He smirked " I don't care!" He said and followed me as I ran out of the kitchen to the sitting room. My heart was beating wildly.

"Calm down" I said slowly but it was too late. He already got me. He opened the cover and poured half of the oil on my head. My mouth hung open as I raised my head and wiped my oily hair away from eyes. He stood in front of me with the oil in his hand, smirking mischievously.

I tackled him and we both landed in the floor with me straddling him and his hands somehow ending up on my waist. He let out a grunt because I was sitting on his stomach. He recovered and his eyes widened when he saw the bottle of oil with me. I winked at him and emptied the entire bottle of oil on him.

Then we heard the door swing open making our eyes snap to the direction of the front door.


Hello sweethearts,
How are y'all doing? Thank you so much for reading the first chapter, voting and especially the comments. They made my day ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please don't hesitate to bring my attention to any corrections!

Thank you, don't forget to vote, comment and follow. Enjoy!


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