Chapter Five

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"I wonder why I feel emptiness and I sing these blues
I wonder why I feel hopelessness when I watch the news
I wonder why I can't find my voice in my dreams
I wonder why they say hate your brother and hide your gold
I wonder why we all fear the things that we might not know
I wonder why I can't find my voice in my dreams"

Lowkey this song doesn't go super well with this chapter but it's good enough and I just wanted an excuse to include lyrics from this song lol

Taehyung checked the time on his watch, a frown on his face when he realized he was late for work. "Shit," he mumbled. He eyed the sign for the coffee shop, but ended up walking past. He couldn't be late for work again. He was already on probation. One more mistake and he would be without a job, unable to afford his rent or food.

He threw open the door to the Gucci store he worked at, and was immediately greeted by his manager. "Taehyung, you barely made it on time. I know we are friends but I can't keep going on easy on you. What is the problem?"

Taehyung felt himself blushing. "Well, you see, I stop at the coffee shop every morning, and sometimes there is a line."

Jin tapped his foot in frustration before noticing the pink tint to the younger's cheeks. "Kim Taehyung, tell me you do not have a crush on someone at the coffee shop."

"Pfft nooo." Taehyung scratched the back of his neck before walking to clock in for his shift.

Jin laughed, following him. "What's the person's name, Tae? I go to that shop sometimes too, you know. There is a guy who works there who has a really cute friend."

Taehyung stopped what he was doing and looked at his hyung with wide eyes. "W-Who?"

"Hoseok, but his friend's name is Namjoon."

Taehyung exhaled. "Oh, good." His heart was racing inside of his chest. "That's, uh, great, hyung." He grabbed a pile of clothes from the registers and started to put them pack onto the hangers or tables that they belonged.

"Tell me his name." Jin whispered directly into Taehyung's ear, making him jump.

"What? No!" Taehyung's voice came out more shrill than he had wanted it to.

Jin squeezed Taehyung's ear, twisting it slightly, making the younger groan in pain.

"Fine! Jungkook! His name is Jungkook." Jin released his grip and Taehyung rubbed his hurt ear.

Jin tapped a finger on his chin while he spoke. "Which one is Jungkook?"

Taehyung felt himself blush again. "He's the one who has a bunny smile. Dark brown hair. Almost always is wearing a white t-shirt and Timberlands."

"Oh!" Jin jumped suddenly. "I know him!"

"Fantastic," Taehyung mumbled under his breath.

"He's so cute!" Jin pinched the other's cheek, making him blush even more. "I think Jungkook is friends with Namjoon too!"

That is when Jin got an idea. He took out his wallet and handed the younger some money. "Here, go down to the coffee shop and buy me a decaf iced coffee. You don't even have to clock out. Feel free to buy yourself something too!" Jin walked off, smiling to himself, while Taehyung stood there confused.

After a minute, he shrugged and walked over to his favorite shop, opening the door. He was overwhelmed with the scent of vanilla and coffee. Thankfully, the shop was virtually empty since most everyone is already at work. He smiled his box smile when he saw Jungkook behind the counter. "Kookie!"

"Morning, Taehyung!" He flashed his wide smile and Taehyung felt his stomach explode from the butterflies. "What'll it be today?"

"Decaf iced coffee and my usual drink, please." He handed Jungkook the cash, not even counting it out.

"Who else are you buying for today?" Jungkook asked as he turned around to start making the drinks.

"My boss, Jin."

"Kim Seokjin?" Taehyung was shocked to hear his boss' full name from Jungkook's lips.


Jungkook chuckled, pouring one of the drinks into a plastic cup. "God, Namjoon doesn't shut up about him. He will sit here and talk about how attractive Jin-hyung is for hours and hours."

"Really? We should set them up sometime!" Taehyung got excited at the thought.

Jungkook handed Taehyung the two cups, still wearing his bunny-like smile. "We should!" He started to walk back to the register to help a customer who just came in, but stopped and headed back over, slipping a piece of paper to Taehyung. "You, uh, forgot your receipt." Jungkook winked before talking to the next customer. "Good morning, ma'am, how can I help you?"

Taehyung looked at the piece of paper in his hands. I didn't ask for a receipt? He never gives me a receipt? That is when he noticed the word "okay" written on the slip of paper, along with a smiley face. Confused, he looked over at Jungkook, but he was busy doing his job. Taehyung shrugged before grabbing the two drinks and exiting the shop.

"What did he say?" Jin bombarded Taehyung the second he entered the store, grabbing his coffee and change.


"Did he say yes or no or anything?"

"He handed me a slip of paper that said 'okay' on it," Jin started screaming and jumping around the store. "But I don't know what he meant by that."

Jin smiled creepily to Taehyung before winking. "I just got you a date with Jungkook, McAlister's Cafè at 6:30 PM tonight."



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