Chapter One

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"'Cause I know

The first day that I met you

I was never gonna let you

Let you slip away"

Jungkook leaned against the thin counter, arms crossed against his chest. He closed his eyes, breathing in the smell of vanilla and chocolate. His ears embraced the silence of the bakery, until the silver bell above the door rang, indicating a new customer. Jungkook inhaled the sweet smells one more time before turning around, facing the customer. He had to contain a gasp at the ethereal beauty the customer displayed.

"Hello, welcome! What can I get you?" Jungkook smiled at the customer.

"Hmm... What do you recommend?" The man's voice was deep and raspy. It shocked Jungkook. The man looked so adorable he wasn't expecting such a voice. He had lighter brown hair, and his face had perfect symmetry. Jungkook couldn't help but smile at the adorable freckle on the tip of the stranger's nose.

Jungkook was stuck admiring the man, unaware that he hadn't answered, until a hand was waving in front of his face. "What? Oh, I'm sorry. What do I recommend?" Jungkook tapped a finger on his chin thinking about what he wanted to recommend. "I really love our pumpkin spice pound cake, but honestly, everything here is delicious. You can't go wrong no matter what you pick."

The man in front of him chuckled, and Jungkook felt his stomach flip at the sound. "Well then, I'll take two slices of the pumpkin spice pound cake, and a caramel macchiato."

"Excellent choice." Jungkook smiled while the man paid. "I haven't seen you in here before."

The man nodded. "Yeah, I just moved here a week or so ago. I'm from Daegu, but my boyfriend is from here so that's why I moved to Busan. He wanted to be closer to his family."

Jungkook's smile wavered when he found out the man had a boyfriend. He yelled at himself internally to get his shit together. He couldn't be upset when every attractive customer would have a boyfriend. "Well, sir, I hope you like it here. I'll get your order ready, you can take a seat over there if you want while you wait."

Jungkook prepared the man's order and walked over to the table to deliver it. "Here you go."

The man smiled at him, he had an adorable box smile. "Thank you." He got out of his chair and exited the shop without another word, leaving Jungkook wondering whether he would ever see the man again.

Whoops, I started another book. Oh well🤷🏼‍♀️

Here are what Tae and Kookie look like in this story:

Sweaty Jungkook is a whole concept wow^


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