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Y'all gonna hate me for some of this.

"You are my blue mold, saving me
My angel, my world
I'm your calico cat, here to see you
Love me now
Touch me now

Just let me love you
Just let me love you
Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined
Just let me love you"

The first thing Taehyung did after watching Jungkook leave was cry. He had hurt the boy, yet again. After he had told himself not to. He was tired of causing him such pain. Pain he didn't need.

Taehyung, filled with a guilty concience, faced Hoseok, tears in his eyes. Hoseok must've seen the look because he nodded. "It's okay, Tae. I can see the way that you look at him."

Taehyung nodded in appreciation, collecting himself so he could speak. "I'm so tired of hurting him, Hobi. He's already in so much pain."

"Maybe try giving him some space?"

Taehyung frowned. "I live with him though."

Hoseok flashed Taehyung a look, showing that the younger already knew what had to be done. With a broken heart, Taehyung got off the ground and walked into his bedroom.

***Jungkook POV***

I shuffled my feet on the pavement as I took out the keys to my apartment. I was only running on a few rough hours of sleep. My chest hurt. My body was sore. My eyes were puffy.

I unlocked the door, stepping into my quiet apartment. I raised an eyebrow at just how quiet it was, but shrugged it off. He is probably at work.

I went into my room, took a shower and changed my clothes. I instantly felt better after that, so I decided to cook some food for myself. It had been a while since I cooked actual food for myself.

I entered my kitchen, taking out the ingredients and started cooking. As I reached for the fridge, I noticed a piece of paper taped to the door. My face scrunched up in confusion as I took it off, reading it.


       You wanted me gone, so I'm gone. I will have someone come get my stuff once I find a new place. For the time being, I'll sleep in a cheap hotel. It's all I can afford. I'm sorry for hurting you.


My heart shattered as my tears smeared the still fresh ink. I shook my head, grabbing my keys, phone, and the note and leaving my apartment. I went to the closest hotel to my apartment, asking the lady behind the desk if she had seen him, after showing a picture. After shaking her head no, I groaned, moving on to the next hotel.

I ran from hotel to hotel, looking for Taehyung. My chest was hurting and my coughs brought up fresh blood, but I couldn't let that stop me.

By the fourth hotel, I was seeing black on the edges of my vision. I stopped, hunching over with my hands on my knees. I was panting, hard. Tears were staining my cheeks. I looked up, spotting a familiar head of hair walking out of the lobby of the hotel.

"Taehyung!" My voice was barely audible at this point, but I didn't care. I sprinted to him, wanting to catch him and tell him the thing I have wanted to tell him, but have been afraid of. I called his name again.

He obviously heard it as he turned his head slightly in my direction before he faced forward again, continuing the trip to his hotel room.

I caught up to him, running in front of him, cutting him off. "Tae-" pant "hyung."

"What is it, Jungkook?"

"P-Please don't l-leave me l-like everyone else. I-I love y-you. P-Please." I broke out into a fit of coughs, blood splattering on my clothes and the ground, before I collapsed.


I could hear faint sobs as I slowly started waking up. My eyes were too heavy to keep open, and the pain in my chest was still present. I groaned in discomfort as I tried to readjust myself, only then realizing that I am covered in wires.

My eyes found the strength to open fully. As I looked around at my surroundings, my head dropped back onto the pillow. I was in a hospital. Again.

God, I hated hospitals.

"F-Fuck." I coughed, wincing in pain.

"Kookie?" Taehyung's head popped up from a chair nearby, tears stained his cheeks. "You're awake? Oh my God. Yoongi!" Taehyung ran out of the room, probably to get Yoongi. I smiled at how adorable Taehyung was.

A minute later, Taehyung returned, Yoongi right on his tail. I noticed the bloodshot eyes that Yoongi wore, feeling that familiar sense of guilt once more.

"Yoongi! Your eyes are red. I swear you better not be smoking pot again!" I tried to be stern, but it was hard with Yoongi, who just smacked me playfully on the arm.

"Hey! That was one fucking time! They're red cause I was crying you dumbass."

I smiled before extending an arm, embracing my best friend. "I'm sorry for scaring you again, Yoongi."

He patted me on the back before gently kissing my temple. "Just don't go dying on me and I'll forgive you, got it?"

I nodded in agreement before my eyes met Taehyung's pleading ones. My smile wavered slightly as I turned back to Yoongi. "Could Tae and I have a few minutes?"

"I guesssss." He drawled out the word to make it seem sarcastic before he grabbed his phone, exiting the hospital room.

I nervously looked down at the hands in my lap. In reality, I was waiting for Taehyung to speak first. I had put myself on the line and haven't gotten a response. The longer we sat in silence, the more anxious and scared I got.

"You love me?" His voice was soft. He hadn't moved once since he returned from grabbing Yoongi.

I bit my lower lip, nodding slightly. "Of course I do."

"L-Like... as a friend?" He took a small step closer to me.

I shook my head. "I love you like I am in love with you, Taehyungie."

I raised my eyes to meet his as he swallowed, his Adam's apple moving up and back down. "Well hot damn."

I raised an eyebrow at him as his lips turned into his box-shaped smile.

"I had a feeling for a while, since I met you actually, that I would fall for you. I tried to deny it, through Jimin and then Hoseok. I always saw how much I hurt you and I hated it, and myself. Everytime I see you in any sort of pain, I'm in pain also." He took a deep breath. I could see a few tears leave his eyes. "God, Jeon Jungkook, I am so in fucking love with you. I was an idiot for denying it sooner. I should've stuck beside you after our first date. We would've been so much happier together, than we were apart."

"Tae-" I reached out a hand, intertwining my fingers with his.

"Jungkook, please give me a chance you make it all up to you. When you get out of the hospital tomorrow, would you allow me the opportunity of taking you out once more, giving this relationship another shot?"

I nodded, a big smile on my face. "Taehyung?" He hummed in response, not breaking eye contact. "Kiss me."

Taehyung smirked as he stood up from his chair, placing his lips on mine. God, it felt so right. It was as if our lips were made for each other's.

He leaned forward into the kiss, accidently hitting my IV. I winced in discomfort, Taehyung instantly pulling back.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. Are you in pain?"

I shook my head, smile unwavering. "I was before, but it's gone now. You, Kim Taehyung, take away my pain."


Cheesy as shit.

In other words... Taehyung stripped my asshole raw with Singularity today so that's nice.


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