8. The Healing Hugs

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"I'm late, ain't I?" Zeiba spluttered as she gushed into the cabin, wheezing.

Reese, not expecting her sudden entry, was shocked. "Jesus, you gave me a heart attack!"

Zeiba wheezed some more and then, chuckled like a naughty child after pulling off a prank. Gulping some water greedily, she started doing her work at once.

It was then that Reese noticed that something was different about her that day. On closer scrutiny, she found that Zeiba had put her hair in a bun, instead of keeping them down messily like everyday. She'd also dressed up a little- in a peach colored, full sleeved dress and black heels.

--She was looking beautiful.

"Someone's got a date huh?" Reese winked.

"Hell no!" Zeiba retorted in disbelief. "Why, can't a girl just dress up for herself?"

"We generally don't... dress up unless we have something special to attend" Reese shrugged.

Zeiba laughed. "I don't have a date, Ree. My sister pleaded me to wear this today, because she bought it for me yesterday"

"That's sweet"

"Zeinab is sweet, I tell you"

With an exchange of smiles and casual nod of heads, the girls both got back to their work.

Thus the cabin filled with the sounds of fingers typing furiously on the keyboard and scribbles made by pens on paper, with occasional chitchats and humming of songs (mostly by Zeiba).




"Can you drop me at my house today?"

Reese turned around at her question and saw Zeiba fidgeting with her handbag. "Sure... but why?"

"Zeinab usually picks me up because the timing matches with her own work" Zeiba said. "But she has to stay at the office for some meeting today..."

Reese saw Zeiba fidgeting some more and realized that she wasn't very free when asking for favors.

So she smiled and said, "I'll surely drop you okay? But first, I need to pay my due rent to Miss Morris, or else she'll throw my things out!"

Zeiba chuckled. "Miss Moron might be Cruella's sister"

"There are possibilities" Reese snickered and the girls shared a long, good laugh as they tidied everything before leaving the office.

After almost half an hour, the girls were standing in front of Reese's newly renovated rental home. It was a small two storey house- Reese lived in the ground floor and Miss Morris, on the top one. From where they stood, they could see a grumpy looking woman watering the potted plants in her balcony.

Reese gulped audibly, which made Zeiba cackle.

"You wouldn't be laughing after a while..." Reese said through gritted teeth and entered through the small gate, Zeiba following behind (still chuckling).

"Miss Morris?" Reese called aloud, standing at the foot of the spiral staircase which connected the two floors. "I brought your rent. I got my salary yesterday, so I'd gone to the ATM"

A few moments later, a large figure came down the steps. She was wearing a loose, green maxi which gave out an aura of dullness; her hands were covered by gardening gloves with a million dirt stains and her hair was... well, messy. And not the beautiful messy either.

-- The infamous Miss Moron.

Before any word could be spoken, Miss Morris barked, "Reese! Do you realize that you left the gate open yesterday night?"

Reese flinched for a moment and then said timidly, "What?"

Miss Morris sucked her breath,making an angry hissing sound. Zeiba just stood there, too scared to do anything.

"You, my dear" Miss Morris glared at Reese, "had left the gate open yesterday night after coming from your goddamm office! May I know why?"

Reese was perplexed for a second, but then she recalled about the day before. It was one hell of a busy day in the office, and both Reese and Zeiba couldn't get out until 8 PM. By the time she'd reached her home, Reese was dead tired and in a haste to hit the hay, she'd forgotten to lock the gate.

Shit happens... She thought and said, "I'm sorry, I was--"

"--SORRY! What if something bad had happened yesterday?!"

"Miss Morris, I'm sorry. Won't happen again, I swear" Reese could hardly control an eye roll.

"Look at her cheekiness!" The woman shouted, and some people passing by couldn't help but turn their heads. "Good thing your parents aren't here now. They'd be dead of shame anyway"

"Ma'am, that's quite enough" It was Zeiba who spoke- with respect yet with a tinge of sternness.

But it was of no use-- Miss Morris' s words had already pierced through Reese's heart. It always did when someone brought up her parents, that too in such a hurtful way. It had hit her right on the spot.

"Who are you to speak anything?!" Miss Morris's temper was out of control.

"I am her friend. And you have no right to talk to my friend like this just because of a small mistake" Zeiba's tone was firm. "All humans make mistakes"

"Oh, spare me the preaching" Miss Morris waved aggressively. "Reese, give me the rent"

Reese handed her the blue envelope without saying anything. Miss Morris snatched it and went off, mumbling under her breath.

An awkward silence followed with her exit. Zeiba couldn't find the right words to say, and Reese couldn't find the strength to speak.

Finally she looked up and hugged Zeiba. "Thank you"

There was a certain sadness, a certain pain in that mere 'thank you'. It sure had meaning, but more of unworded emotions that Reese was carrying within herself at that moment. As if she meant for it to sound grateful, but it turned out to be more of sorrow.

Though she couldn't quite put her finger on it, Zeiba hugged her back warmly. "What are friends for, you birdbrain?"

Reese laughed, but it was way too dry. What are friends for, you birdbrain? The words repeated in her mind.

"Come on, I'll drop you at your home" she said, getting on the scooty as she spoke.

"Uh... Are you su--"

"I'll drop you, Zeiba"

"Urrm... Okay..." Zeiba said, thinking that it might not be the best time to argue with her.

With that, they drove off, in silence- in utter silence.

But somehow the silence seemed to be much more deafening, much more suffocating to them than they'd ever expected it to be.


...Aaand chapter 8 done! Pleeeease Vote/ Comment/ Share 😄

And do tell me if you're enjoying the story! I'd love to hear some suggestions 🙏

(p.s- I hate Miss Moron 😒)

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