Coffee Date

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Nervously wringing his fingers together, Varian sat on the table, looking out from the window by his side as he remembered the events from the day before. He had been working on one of his projects when his phone rang. Expecting it to be a message either from Eugene or Lance, he groaned as he picked up his phone. But when his eyes caught that one beloved and cherished name, his face brightened up and a smile formed on his lips. 


Hastily putting down the phone, he removed his gloves, wiped his hands, and grinning stupidly, picked up the phone, again. Switching it on, he clicked on the notification to see what she had messaged him.

Are you free tomorrow?

For you? Always. He whispered, but instead of typing that, he decided to go with something simpler and something which wouldn't make Cassandra break his bones.

I am.

He wondered why she would want to meet him tomorrow, they rarely contacted each other, even though they were neighbors. Cassandra had her job, and Varian was preparing to ace that interview with Corona Labs. However, that didn't mean they didn't meet. Rapunzel would plan a small get-together whenever she got a chance, usually, it was the weekends. And while Cassandra and Eugene bickered about all the small things in the world, Varian would sit there, fawning over Cassandra and listening to her icy cold, yet soft voice. He furiously blushed as he remembered how, just a week ago, he had held her in his arms to protect her from the speeding motorcycle. The feeling of her against him felt too good to be real.

He was brought out of his thoughts by another notification ding, and he looked down to find a new message from Cassandra.

Can we meet then? At the Snuggly Duckling?

He held his breath as he read the sentence over and over again. Cassandra wanted to meet him. Another big smile formed on his lips as he let that sink in. Cassandra wanted to meet him. Punching the air, he flopped down on the chair behind him, still smiling.


Today was his best day, that Varian knew for sure.

Contrary to the joy he had felt yesterday, he was feeling nervous today. Cassandra had never asked him to meet up like this. He was equal parts confused and scared. But soon, the door in front of him opened and Varian raised his eyes to look at the newcomer. It became difficult for him to breathe and as much as he tried to understand why he couldn't, because his mind was no longer functioning smoothly. Cassandra was wearing a maroon off-shoulder top and grey jeans, that dark rep lipstick that has been her all-time favorite, and short black hair, with those grey highlights. Absolutely breathtaking, that's all he could say, though he knew that those words didn't do her justice. 

"Hey." He stood up embarrassed as she approached his table. 

"Hi." She smiled as she sat down, Varian sitting a few moments after she did. "You are here early."

"Uhh yeah..." He laughed nervously. No, he wouldn't tell her that he had been waiting here for about half an hour, he was too excited as well as nervous about meeting her.

The waiter came up to them, to take their orders and Cassandra looked expectantly at Varian. 

"Hot cocoa." He said, looking at Cassandra. 

"Black coffee." She nodded at the waiter, who noted it down and took his leave. "The service here is good." She looked at him and smiled.

Varian froze. Sudden panic invaded his body. Cassandra had asked him to meet. He could feel his palm getting sweaty and his heart beating harder. It didn't help when Cassandra leaned all the more closer to him, putting her hand up to his forehead, "Are you ok? Your cheeks are red." She whispered, biting her red lips. He couldn't answer, his brain was busy processing his lips on hers. A sinful thought, he knew, but couldn’t help it. He’d fallen deeper than he knew in the abyss named Cassandra, and her sitting here, in front of him, didn’t exactly make it better. He slowly moved towards her, eyes fixed on her lips, and not caring about anything else, he leaned up closer, pressing his lips to hers. Her lips were soft and for a moment, he felt bold enough to entangle his fingers in her hair. A part of his brain, which was still conscious, screamed at him to stop and to understand the gravity of the situation.

Suddenly his eyes flew open as he scrambled away from her. 

What the hell was he thinking? He raised his eyes to find Cassandra staring incredulously at him. Varian was sure that today was his last day.

"I am sorry… I shouldn't have…" He mumbled, not knowing how to diffuse the awkward situation. His brain was blank, words not forming, and all he could do was shamefully look down. But suddenly a soft hand gripped his, making Varian look up. For a moment he felt that his eyes were playing tricks on him, but no, Cassandra was in front of him, smiling ever so slightly.

“Do you like me?”


“I asked whether you like me or not.”

“Can I lie?” He asked her, he was definitely not ready to tell her the truth and end up with broken bones.

“You can’t.”

His heart started to beat so furiously to the point that he felt that it could burst out of his body at any moment.

“I very much do. Do you?” Before he could stop himself, he blurted out and bit his tongue. What was wrong with him? Why didn’t he have self-restraints? Grabbing his cup with shaking hand, he sighed, was today really the day he died at Cassandra’s hands?

“Can I lie too?”

His hands stopped shaking, and he looked over to find those green eyes sparkle and her smile growing wider. And that was when he knew, “Definitely not.”

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