Chapter 3

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      8:00 am Arya walked through the doors of her inner office, prepared with supplies. She put a mini stapler, her laptop, a photo of her and her mom, and a pen and notepad on the desk along with a clipboard. The desk was about 4 feet wide, with a lamp. It was a simple wooden desk, and on the opposite wall was a painting of a meadow. A girl was running through it, dressed in a white dress, blond hair flying behind her. Two waiting chairs were under it.

     The walls were cream and white trimmed. A filing cabinet in one corner beside the desk, a coffee machine beside the door leading to Mr. Grahams office. All in all, a very cozy space. She was preparing coffee and had just poured a cup when he walked in. She smiled.

"Mornin' sir." She said.

He glanced at her. She wore pants, and a black button up with a white undershirt. He nodded.

"Good. Hello." He took the offer of coffee. "Thank you. Yes, 1 sugar, hazelnut shot please."

Arya fixed it saying. "Hmm, I love my coffee that way. So it gives you that bitter taste that wakes you up with the perfect touch of sweetness." She hands it to him.

   "Really? Well, that's good." He said in a business tone, taking a sip. "Come on then, I will need you to accompany me to a meeting this morning. Bring that clipboard and a pen will you?"

    She grabbed it, some paper, sticky notes and a couple of folders he handed her.

Good thing I wore tennis shoes. She thought as he walked briskly ahead of her, counting off the things she was to do that day, and she made a list.

They walked into the meeting room, where a man waited, with a canvas covered in a sheet. Luke sat, and Arya with him, setting her supplies on the table.

"Hello Mr. Graham sir. I have here, a piece of art that I made myself. New, modern art." And he pulled off the sheet, revealing a mishmash of color that looked as if it had been just splattered on the canvas. Luke grimaced.

"Not another one." He muttered. "Sir, Mr....."

"Carlisle Evans."

"Yes, what is it?"


"This is nothing of the sort. All it is is splatter paint. Worthless actually. Get-"


Luke looked at her irritated. "What?"

"Well, can't you see it? The shape the black makes? And the two blue spots? The curve of that white? If you ask me, it looks like a woman with black hair and blue eyes with white skin is hidin' in that painting."

Evans shook his head enthusiastic. "Yes! Exactly!" Luke got up, and looked closely at it.

"Oh yes, I see it. Very clever, much like Picasso. Abstract art. Very good. What price did you say?"

Evans looked happy. "As new, would $300 be too much?"

"Not at all. You have a deal. It shall be added to our collection by next week."

And the deal was done.  As they walked out, Luke looked at her.

"Coffee Girl?" He said. She looked up.

"Arya sir."

"Yes Arya, what was that. How did you?"

"I had a very good teacher. And my mother always said that since my mind is abstract, it helps me see things that others cannot." She smiled a small smile. He laughed, "well, it served you well today."

From then on, Mr. Graham brought her to all his meetings. It was the same routine.

8:00 am coffee, meetings or paperwork then home.  Arya and Sarah ate lunch together. One day, Sarah made a strange comment.

"Mr. Graham seems to be.....fond of you." She giggled, biting into her sub sandwich. Arya laughed.

"Oh come on! Nah, he just likes his coffee. Says I make it perfect."

"More like he thinks you're perfect." Sarah said.

Arya rolled her eyes, but then went over everything that had happened in the past week since she started working at Graham inc.

Once or twice she had caught him staring at her  through the open window of his office when he was on the phone, but he could have just been making sure she was doing her work....right?

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