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Seeing Brian with his friends was a good thing. I'd never seen a group of people love each other more than family would. I'd never seen such happy faces.

Now, I wouldn't say that my family was bad, but we were atypical. We showed love in different ways. My father had that hard, strict, overbearing love. My mother was kind, but very to-the-point if you knew what I mean.

And Jun... well, Jun was like me.

Now, friends? I didn't have any the way he did. There were some in school, but none that stuck, you know. For the longest, my ex's friends were my friends. Except, you know... the one hiccup with that one girl that sent me spiraling into emotions I hadn't known existed.

Which also led me to make some pretty big decisions. Grown-up decisions. Moral decisions.

With that thought in mind, I stepped out of the Uber Brian had ordered for us and grabbed his hand as he led me towards the entrance of his apartment building. He looked back at me with his bright, rainbow smile, and inside, the tiny cheerleading Kay swooned so hard she fell over. That twinkle, that dimple, that love in his heart, it was all mine, wasn't it?

"Are you sure about this?" I whispered as he pressed his key into the lock and guided me into the lobby. "The shop's a big responsibility."

Brian pulled me forward, so I quickly stepped in front of him, then slowly wrapped his arms around my waist while we waited for the elevator.

"It's fine," he whispered in my ear, pressing just a small peck against my earring. "The guys got it. It's just one day."

One day.

Everyone, Leeny included, decided we needed a day together. Just Brian and me. No drama. No arguments. Our way to properly makeup and reestablish the relationship we'd built.

Now, at first, I was a bit against it. I knew it was Sunday, but they threw Monday on the table, considering the end of our weekend had spiraled a little. Despite how it ended up, which was great, we had to make up for the time we lost. That's what they said.

So, I had said, "It was only a few hours... not even a full day."

This had only made Rianne pull me aside and whisper in my ear, "Girl, I may enjoy being single, but I know for a fact having a full day of just loving is what everyone needs once in a while."

Leave it up to the gorgeous Rianne to sort of giving me "sex" talk. Awkward.

Me giving in to this time together only meant one thing—Rianne, Shawn, Kyle, and Leeny would run the shop on Monday. Our phones would be off—not that mine worked, anyway. And we were to be left alone, in peace.

Watching the numbers slowly come down to the main floor, I slid my fingers between Brian's. "But you've spent almost every day there... it's your baby."

The elevator doors opened and with both legs on either side of mine, Brian gently led me inside. He tapped the number five button lazily with one hand as his other gripped me tightly. "But you're my baby, too," he said against my neck as the doors closed behind us. When the first number quietly dinged, he pushed me forward again, and I pressed my hand against the wall in front of me for support. "And I have some apologizing to do."

I wanted to say he'd apologized enough, that I was the one who needed to say 'I'm sorry,' just a few more times. But when his chest pressed fully against my back and a full kiss covered the curve between my neck and shoulder, I knew what he meant. It wasn't just apologies.

Was I too innocent to say that I honestly didn't know what make-up sex was like? I mean, I'd read about it, seen it in movies; that hot, sultry love scene; couples wiggling around in sweat and fiery breaths, whispering just how much they needed each other in the other's ear.


The elevator dinged again. "Brian." I slowly closed my eyes, the tips of my fingers squeaking against metal as he pushed closer to me. "W-what if someone comes in?"

His expert hand found its way under my shirt and around my breast. I bit my lip to hold in my moan. "I'll tell them to fuck off," he nearly growled in my ear.

Double woah.


Brian turned just my face and with a deep kiss, swallowed the words to the rest of my sentence. His tongue demanded entrance, and I complied. He tilted me back, ever so slightly, and I laid against him. The curve of my body bent perfectly against his.

I listened to the elevator ding three more times before the doors opened, exposing the empty hallway just outside it. Still bent against him, he pulled into the hall as he walked backward. One hand moved behind him in search of his keys. I heard them jingle as I opened my eyes and sucked in a trembling breath.

"I love you, Kay," he said as he turned me around, keys in his hand.

My fingers latched onto the front of his shirt as he side-stepped over to door 5B. "I love you, too," I breathed.

The smirk he gave, so devilish and sexy, made me bite my lip to stifle my moan. I wasn't sure what it was about this, about him right now. Maybe it was because I knew what was coming.

Sex was great. Making love was great. But make-up sex?

Triple. Woah.

"Come here." The door opened wide behind him and he pulled me inside. He did it so fast, I didn't see him use his foot to shut the door. I didn't see his hand move to flip the lock.

His lips mesmerized me because they traveled around my neck, up and down my ear, and along my shoulder. He pulled the collar of my shirt so far to the side I heard it tear, but the digging sting against my skin was wonderful. Each time he planted a kiss, he stepped forward, so I stepped back. And we moved just like that until my calves hit his couch.

"Brian," I whispered, eyes half-lidded, trying to see him in the dim sunlight of his apartment.

I realized then I needed little light to see him. I saw him perfectly, like a glowing silhouette. My eyes followed the muscles of his arms as he pulled off his shirt; my gaze followed his hands as he pulled off mine. He leaned forward again, so I sat on the arm of the couch, and latched onto my hair with a hungry grip. My moan was too loud when he took my mouth in a kiss.

"Kay," he spoke against my lips, muffled by the way I hungrily kissed him back. Even without a shirt, I felt hot, on fire, and I sighed in relief when he leaned down to tug off my pants. That smirk he did against my lips was so sexy, I didn't even need to see it; I felt it. I felt the pull of his cheeks, that husky chuckle beating a gust of breath just under my nose.

Looking up, I saw that glint in his eyes, that golden hue brighter than any sun. I allowed him to press me down, back against the couch. I relished in the cool sensation the cushion left against my dangling legs.

His fingers latched around the edge of my underwear. "I'm sorry, Kay," he said in a half groan, slowly revealing every bit of me to him.

I was trembling, and I pressed my hands down my thighs in search of some warmth to stop it. "I'm sorry, Brian," I replied, my voice just above a breathy moan.

He said nothing after that, but he didn't need to. His body spoke for him.

In a slow dive, he came over in one swift motion. An arm wrapped around my lower back and hoisted me up; his legs pulled mine apart so he could come in between. His hips connected with mine so perfectly, that the cry that left me was silent. The sound didn't leave my lips until he moved. A sound that was drawn out, loud, hungry.

And God, I didn't recognize myself.

But I liked it.

No, loved it.

Not that he and I should fight more often, but this—this was different. With us like this, pressed against the couch, cushions sliding out from under us, the feeling was unreal. My hips, tilted up slightly, made for perfect entry. And my god, I felt nothing like it.

The buildup, the screams. The way he gripped my hair to pull my head back. The way he pressed hard kisses on the nape of my neck. My body rocked with his, against his. The friction, the warmth; I was whimpering in delight.

This was his apology; this was his love. I felt it in the heat of his breaths. The need resonated with the echo of my name.

It wasn't long until we'd nearly reached the other end of the couch, my head pressed up against the cushion. He balanced my legs on his shoulders, his hands on my hips. Like this, I lost it. My screams bounced off the walls and I know, just knew, the neighbors had to be blushing.

But Brian? I'd never heard him like this. His mouth was open just enough to let out his moans. The sweat that trickled down his body made him angelic.

I reached out; I touched him. I let my hands slide against his skin.

That's when we locked eyes, and he breathed, "I need you, Kay."

What he said, I felt it. That heat from him, that swelling inside him, it was mine, too. I couldn't respond as my third orgasm pushed through me. Instead, I screamed and savored it. My back arched, legs weak, I let myself go.

And so did he, and it was every bit worth it.


Our late morning turned into an early evening of just the same—endless sex, countless orgasms, and our never-ending words of eternal love. By the time night covered his windows, we'd fallen asleep, tangled up in his blankets, tired and spent.

It was when morning came again that I felt the strength return to my legs. Still wrapped in Brian's arms, my eyes fluttered open, and looked towards his dark curtains that blocked out most of the sun outside. Mentally, I wondered what time it was, but deep down, I knew it was early.

See, I was never the type to sleep in. At least, my sleeping-in wasn't up to par. If I stayed up late one night, the next morning I'd be up by 8 A.M, with no exceptions. I couldn't sleep any later than that. I blamed it on my parents' strict lifestyles. Only, back then, we couldn't sleep past seven.


Now, Brian looked like he could sleep until noon. Looking up at his face, I watched his eyes slowly move under his eyelids. I watched his lips part as he pushed out a calm breath. He looked so peaceful—he always slept that way—and I didn't have it in my heart to wake him.

Again, just like before, I planned on making him breakfast.

"Okay, Kay," I whispered to myself as I sat up, blanket pressed to my chest. We'd fallen asleep naked, and my clothes were scattered somewhere around his house. Considering I hadn't planned on coming here yesterday, I had nothing clean to change into. Common sense told me what was Brian's was also mine. Without disturbing him, I slid out of bed, over to his drawers, and grabbed one of his black tees.

"First, prep," I planned out loud as I pulled his shirt over my head and stepped out of his room. Everything was dark, from his living room to the kitchen, and I took it upon myself to open each of the curtains to let the light come in. After, I fixed the cushions we'd thrown on the floor. Then, I picked up the clothes we'd left behind—and smiled.

Glimpses of the night before came back to me in flashes, and instantly, I was warm again. But I told myself no, breakfast first. If I knew Brian—which I could say I did—he'd squeeze in some more loving before the afternoon. And I needed to have my strength back up if that was going to happen.

As soon as the living room was straightened up, I slid into the kitchen humming a quiet song. His fridge, forever stocked with food, hummed with me as I opened its door. My hands grabbed eggs and bacon, and with my foot, I closed the door behind me.

That's when I saw Brian's phone on the counter.

"Oh," I whispered to myself as I looked at it. I hadn't remembered him putting it there. I wondered if he got up at night to do it.

Curious as ever, I put the food down beside it before picking it up in my hands and unlocking the screen. There were six missed calls—each from Mr. Henrickson. Scrunching my nose, I flipped through the text messages that followed:

I've already alerted my lawyer.

Harassment is a punishable offense.

Don't think Eileen can protect you. Or that little girlfriend of yours.

Woah. Super jackass. Even after everything I said, he just wouldn't quit, huh?

In between his texts were two from Kyle and three from Rianne. I thought I'd let my curiosity venture far enough, but another idea came to mind after seeing their names. The top of his phone said: 8:10 A.M. Which meant the temporary crew was prepping the coffee shop for morning business.

I know, I know, they were to leave us alone, and we weren't supposed to call. But I couldn't help it. Shawn and Rianne knew what to do, but Leeny and Kyle? From my understanding, the other day was the first time they'd even laid eyes on the shop. And not that I was Brian's expert employee, I cared about his business. Even more now because I knew of the love that went behind it.

Pushing caution to the wind, I pressed my finger down on the contacts and tapped Kyle's name. He was recently contacted, so he came up first.

Thing was, I hadn't meant to face-time him, and before I could stop it, the quiet ring was answered and Kyle's laughing face came into view. "Hey, Fifth." He blinked rapidly and came close to his screen. "Woah, you're not Fifth."

"No," I giggled, turning around so my back pressed against the counter, "I'm not.

"Who's that?" I heard Rianne ask somewhere behind him.

"If that's Brian, tell him to go to bed!" Leeny called out, too.

"Yo, tell him morning sex is the important part of the day!" That was Shawn, and because no one but Kyle knew it was me on the phone, I laughed so loud that he cringed. He looked back, shook his arms and his head. I couldn't hear him, but I saw him mouth something.

Probably something like, "Shut up, it's Kay!"

And I knew that's what he mouthed because I heard Shawn again. "M-Morning, Kay! Sorry!"

As I laughed again, I watched Kyle move around the coffee shop so I could see everyone. One by one, they waved, each wearing their aprons and gloves, and I waved back. When Kyle moved his phone's focus back on himself, he shot me the grin that reminded me he and Brian were blood-related. "Didn't we say we got this? Did Fifth put you up to this?"

"No." Again, I giggled and shook my head. "He's actually sleeping. I'm calling on my own."

"Oh!" Kyle pretended to be hurt. "You mean you're saying we don't got this?"

"Nooo," I drew out the o's as long as I could in one breath, "I'm just making sure it's all okay."

Kyle let out a loud 'ha!' One that made me blink too fast. Again, he turned his phone so I could see everyone, but him. "Gang, can you tell Fifth's Missus that we got this."

Instantly, I went pink. His Missus? Was that my new nickname?

"We got this!" they said in unison.

"I know, but," I said, biting the inside of my cheek, but held my breath when Leeny came close to the screen.

"Kay—" Kay. She called me Kay. "—we have it all under control. Don't sweat it."

Rianne came close. "You relax," she said, "cuddle, watch movies. Do everything you two never have the time to do."

Shawn didn't come near, but he made sure I could see him over by the counter. He waved his hand once as he smirked. "We'll see ya'll tomorrow, okay?"

"O-Okay," I stammered, holding in my giggle, "understood."

That much I understood. Clearly, what I hadn't, was that I shouldn't have made the call in the first place. Though my face's image was tiny, hanging on the corner of the phone's screen, I could still see the movement that came behind me. Kyle's wide eyes and laughing face didn't help, either. Before I could turn, Brian was behind me, grinning at his phone's screen as he leaned on his counter.

I stared at his face reflecting behind mine.

"'Sup, Kyle." Brian smirked and tilted his head. "Is she causing trouble already?"

"Well." Kyle adjusted the rope of his apron and lifted one brow as he stared at the screen. "See, she actually called saying we deserved one-day full pay, like thirty an hour."

"What?" Rianne and Leeny complained.

"Hey," Shawn shrugged, "I'm cool with a day's raise."

"I didn't." I turned around and looked at Brian directly. "Really, I didn't, I just—"

"You just called," he laughed, coming around the counter to hold me. "Because you can't help yourself."

I bit the insides of my cheeks again as he took the phone from me. Playfully, he held it over my head before looking into it, winking once to Kyle. "Standard day's pay, no raises. Kay's shop isn't flourishing like that."

"You don't have to pay me," Leeny whined. "Really, it's fine. I don't mind helping."

Brian sighed as he smiled and shook his head once. His thumb hovered over 'end call' before his eyes slid up again. "Ri, you know what to do," he said, "and thank you."

I swear I heard her say before she said, "No problem, Brian."

After, he turned the phone towards me, exposing my awkward, embarrassed smile to everyone. "Now, please, Kay, tell our friends you promise you won't call again today, and that you'll see them tomorrow."

My awkward smile dropped a bit as I heard what he said: our friends. Rianne, Shawn, Kyle, and Leeny—they were my friends, too. Looking at their smiling faces, I felt the warmth from their hearts through the phone. They were my friends. I was a part of their big, loving family, wasn't I?

"We're, uh, waiting, Kay," Kyle batted his lashes.

Slowly, I lifted my hand and waved goodbye. "Sorry, guys," I whispered, "I'll see everyone tomorrow."

In unison, everyone waved and gave me a cheery 'Bye!'

And Brian shut off the call, placed the phone back on the counter, and shot me a grin. That's when I knew I was really in trouble.

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