The First Time He Kissed You

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 He laughs and asks, "Would you like to have a coffee? I'm on break from shooting. I want to catch up."

You very much want to catch up with him. You have missed his sweet smile. You nod, smiling, "Yes, I would love to catch up." Then, you both walk up to the order window of your dad's truck. Yoongi orders your favorite coffee and cake.

Smiling, you say, "You remembered?" 

He says, "Of course. Remember the first time we went to the coffee shop on campus?" 

 You start blushing deeply. He says, "You turned so fast from the counter that I ended up wearing your coffee and cake." You blush and lower your head.

He gently lifts your chin so you face him again. He licks his lips and smiles. "Very delicious cake, as I recall." 

You giggle at him. It was the first time he kissed you in front of everyone, and you tasted the cake as he did.

You blush as he hands you your coffee. He says, "It seems fate keeps bringing us together." 

You think, 'Maybe this time we should listen,' and you smile.

You both sit and enjoy your coffee and cakes, catching up on each other's lives. You run a successful law firm, and he became a global K Pop idol. You were so proud of him.

Your firm handled a couple of cases for him a few years ago and won. But the two of you were so busy then that you decided that neither of you had the time for a romantic relationship, even though he wanted it as much as you did.

"I knew you had it in you to be something big, Yoongi. You had talent back then, too, and I'm so proud of you." You smile at him. 

He grimaces. "Well, you were the only one who thought so at the time."

Taking his hands in yours, you proudly say, "But you proved them all wrong, Yoongs. You made it." 

 He sits there, lost in thought, while recalling how you always tried to boost his confidence and be there for him.

 He regrets not making a better effort to stay in touch and wonders where he would be now if you had not pushed him.

He looks back at you and says, "I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch as I should have." 

You keep your hands over his, giving them a slight squeeze. "Yoongi, you were very busy. Even before your debut, you were so popular. I understand."

 Frustrated, he says, "No, you don't." 

You look at him, "What the hell, Yoongi?" and pull your hands away as he rolls his eyes. 

"You don't understand. There was no excuse for me not to have kept in touch. I should have made the time, especially for you. You are the main reason I have come this far."

Astonished, you ask, "Me?"

He smiles, "Yeah, you. Your faith in me helped me to believe in myself."

Tears fill your eyes, "I saw in you what you could be. That was and is why I have always supported you and sometimes even prodded you into staying on the path you wanted to follow."

You blush while smiling at him. He takes your empty cups and plates to the waste bin. You sit there, remembering the good times you shared with him and the not-so-good.

He comes and sits back down, this time beside you, and he takes your hand. "I know I have a lot of making up to do."

You sigh and say, "You don't have to make anything up to me."

He starts to speak when the staff calls for him. "I have to go, but can you come see me later tonight?" he quickly writes down his new address and hands it to you.

 You become sad, saying, "I'm sorry, there is no way I can meet you tonight." Your heart is heavy with regret, but you know you must finish the final prep tonight for your morning court case with your partner.

When staff call for him to return to the set again, he looks longingly into your eyes. He takes your hand in his as he goes to stand. "Can I see you tomorrow then? Will you come here?"

 "I have court tomorrow, Yoongs. I can't come." You regretfully have to tell him.

They keep calling for him, and he lets his hand slip from yours. He starts taking steps further and further away from you. Then, unexpectedly, he runs toward you.

He quickly reaches you and softly caresses your face, "I can only hope that fate won't take so long to bring us together again." He is being called back to the set more urgently now.

He kisses you and then licks his lips. Grinning, he says, "Umhm, still delicious."

With that, he hurries back to the set as one of the crew comes for him, and you lose sight of him.

You need to go, or you'll be late for your next client, but your heart and your memories won't let you.

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