Chap 1 - At The Bus Stop

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Ri's POV:
Today was a bad day already, I don't want it to get any worse. Hm hmm-mmm hmmm hmm, I walked slowly, humming to the tunes of a song playing on my earphones. Then I saw a figure standing at a distance, and he was looking handsome. As I got closer, I realised it was Park Jimin, the famous boy at our school. I had a crush on him during school days and he's got more handsome now. Should I talk to him? No maybe... No. But when will I get such a chance, a sheer coincidence. Gathering all my courage I went towards him...

"Park Jimin?" I yelled as he turned around looking at me, a bit taken aback from my yelling.

"Yeah. Ummm sorry, do I know you. Actually, I have a bad memory, sorry about that" he said with guilt filled eyes, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, it's okay, I'm Bae Taori, we were in same class during high school. I was the class president also. You may not remember me, I never stood out that much being a quiet student, more like a nerd" I chuckled as he squinted his eyes trying to remember me. I won't feel that bad even if he doesn't remember me right now, I was the one having a crush on him, not the other way around.

"I think I remember, you were the topper of our class I guess. Sorry I couldn't recognize you, Taori, your name is unique though" he smiled bringing forward his hands which I shook firmly.

"Yeah you can call me Ri, it's okay. And I don't look that pretty to be remembered" I said looking down, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Who says that, you are pretty! By the way how come you are here?" he said with a straight face, my cheeks heated up hearing his comments, though not meant in that way.

"I live here, I'm on my way to office. How about you, how come you are here. I don't remember seeing you in this area before" I replied quickly before he gets suspicious of my behavior.

"Okay, actually I'm here to meet my best friend. Do you remember V from our school? He's my best friend" he said with a smile, I could watch him smile all day long. He waved his hands in front of me as I chuckled.

"Oh, I don't think I remember but if I see him I may remember. I'm not good with names. Then what are you upto these days?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Okay no problem. I'm pursuing singing as a carrier, right now I am struggling to prove myself. I've also recorded some songs. Tell me something about you Ms. Topper!" he chuckled

"Okay, great. I'm not Ms. Topper. I'm working at an MNC as a PA" I smiled watching him smile.

"Oh great-" he was cut off by a sudden downpour. Wasn't the sky clear this morning? This day couldn't get any better and I forgot my umbrella at home.

"Ri, whom are you waiting for, come on, let's go take shelter there at that bus stop" Jimin said breaking my train of thoughts catching my wrist and pulling me along with him. My cheeks were flushed, hope he didn't see that.

At the bus stop,

"Oops, unexpected rains, are you okay?" he said running his fingers through his now wet dirty blond locks.

I don't know, I thought looking into his deep brown eyes.

"Yaa, we got drenched though. When will my bus arrive, I'm getting late!" I said rubbing my hands, feeling a bit cold.

"Here, take this" he said putting his jacket around my shoulders, I was shivering after getting drenched in the rain.

"What about you?" I asked through my chattering teeth.

"It's okay, you are shivering" he smiled patting my shoulders.

"Thanks" I smiled shyly.

What was that, am I in a kdrama? It's so cliche. I like it though.

"Jimin you said you are a singer, can I listen to any of your songs?" I asked trying to divert my mind, I feel so hot suddenly.

"You would like to hear my songs?" he asked, a bit surprised.

"Yeah, why not." I replied, adamant to listen to his voice

"Let's share our numbers, I'll send it to you" he suggested to which I nodded blinking my eyes. He's asking for my number? Woah!

"Okay here" I said handing over my phone in which he added his number, then calling his phone to get mine.

"I've sent it. By the way what were you listening to earlier? I heard you humming."

"Ummm that's my fav song, Khairiyat, I hear it almost everyday. You want to hear it?" I asked, offering my earphones.

He took them and shifted towards me as the wires were short of length. And now we were sitting too close for my poor heart which was beating faster. Was this a good idea? I'm already regretting it....

"Hmmmm, this song is nice, I like it." he said humming in a deep voice near my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Finally I met someone who loves to hear my favorite songs. We have similar taste in songs, this is one of my fav song." I smiled as his hand brushed past mine, lastly settling besides my hand.

"Hey, a thought crossed my mind and let me warn you, it may seem childish!" I clapped my hands trying to change the track my mind was going on which went haywire.

"What?" he asked curiously.

"Do you believe in fate?" I chimed

"Actually, I don't. I think it's over rated. What about you?" he shrugged raising an eyebrow.

"I believe in it after some incidences that happened with me. Just like how we met today, what do you think about it?" I asked, getting nervous.

"That could be a coincidence also. But I'm not fully against this concept of fate." He nodded

"Umm then-" I was cut off by loud honking. My bus arrived, at the wrong time!

"Ohh, my bus arrived. Guess I have to leave then Jimin. It was nice to meet you, even though it was unplanned. And if fate is real, let's see if we meet again." I finished climbing the stairs of the bus as he chuckled with a nod.

"Of course! Bye and have a safe journey." He smiled waving towards me as I waved back going for an empty seat at the corner, putting on my earphones.

Oh no, great Ri! In a hurry you forgot to give Jimin his jacket back, such a fool I am!

I opened my bag shuffling it for my cell phone, finding it I texted Jimin.

Park Jimin

Sorry Jimin I took
your jacket with
me I'll return it the
next time. Sorry🥺
sᴇᴇɴ 𝟷𝟶:𝟹𝟶

It's okay, keep it
with you till then,
so we can meet up
for that another day😉

Okay, Thanks by the
way for the jacket.

Bye then
sᴇᴇɴ 𝟷𝟶:𝟹𝟷


Actually I felt better after meeting Jimin, talking with him was such a relief. I hope everything goes okay today, I don't want anything bad to happen now.

Jimin's POV from start till now:

Waiting for V:
Hey, when will this guy arrive he does this always, I'm standing here from like an hour, he's impossible. Hmm, who's that girl, looks cute though.

When it started raining:
Oh no it's raining, she's day dreaming or what we'll get drenched I'll have to do something

After Ri left:
She's interesting though, I don't know about fate, but this coincidence was nice, I wish it happens again. I would like to meet her again.

A while later after Ri left,

"Hey, Jimin-ah, so sorry. I got late." Taehyung arrived finally. I'm so angry at this boy

"AGAIN! Now I'm used to this. Why are you late this time?"

"When I was walking here I saw you talking to a girl, who's she?"

"Don't use that useless brain of yours, she was our high school classmate. Do you by any chance remember our class president?" I asked getting curious, this boy had gossips from all over the world. I'm not joking!

"Somewhat I guess. Hey wait, I think I remember something, you know some students in our class said she used to favour you a lot. Your late submitted assignments were sneaked in by her. But I'm not sure if it's the same girl or not." V said scratching his head.

"Hmmm, interesting. Let's go then, we have to discuss about our next song with Hobi hyung." Jimin said with a smirk playing on his lips as they went to the cafe they had to reach 1 hour 30 mins back.

At the cafe,

"Hey, it's like I'm waiting for an eternity for you guys, where were you?" Jhope whisper yelled watching the duo come in.

"Sorry hyung for making you wait. It's all V's fault, he always makes us late. And on top of it, there was a sudden downpour so we got even more delayed."

"Sorry hyung" V said guilty lacing his voice

"It's okay, palli palli (fast) discuss about the song, I've to go, I sneaked out in my lunch break."

After discussing with Hobi hyung, he left for his office. We both sat there enjoying the coffee as it rained outside. I smiled humming to my new favorite song as a ding sound came from my phone. I fished my pockets to find a blinking light on the top of my cell phone. Unlocking it I saw Ri's new status, a smile made it's way to my lips which the boy besides me quickly noticed.

"Hmmm, what's happening here" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Don't cook up things V. I'm just looking at the status of some friends" I shrugged him off.

"Just friends?" he smirked, I tried smacking his head, which he dodged easily, this boy!

I think I've to start believing in fate!

Status of Ri:

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