Chapter 11: Surprise

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"She's a weird combination of a happy personality and a sad soul."

Jimin's P.O.V

"Surprise."Excitement laced my voice as I clanged as soon as she opened the door.

My lips parted while she inhaled deeply in distress, unquestionably not noticing my expression right now. Surprises may denote delightful and exciting but to some people, it is just intolerable. She's one of those people who's terrified of surprises. I know she despises it but I surprise her more frequently.

Because...I don't know maybe I love to see her being annoyed.

But now, she's looking exceptionally breathtaking. The small droplets of water dribbling down from her once mahogany hair which is now appearing darker. Her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink as well as her skin looking paler than usual. The robe embosses flawlessly wrapping her curves underneath.

"That was so unwelcoming, Chim."Exasperation got the best of her as she rolled her eyes, asserting that.

"Oh c'mon, I know u missed me, "I stated with certitude conspicuous in my voice while heading straight to the kitchen to place the items I brought.

"Oh, certainly. I even forgot about you."She scoffed while approaching the opposite orientation of the kitchen island.

"Ouch.That hurt."Clutching my chest, I pretended to have heartache because of her 'offensive' words, obtaining a defeated grin from her.

She took a seat in front of the kitchen counter, gazing at me and the things I brought as I was busy settling them.

"How did you know that I was home?"Curiousty overlaying her expression as she leans in the kitchen counter, inspecting me.

"Your mom texted me that she has a date.And you were kind of sad.So she asked me to take care of you."Showing her my most fáilte smile I replied as she nods,still scrutinizing me with her gaze.

"That's not a date.That's a whole freaking trip."She declares before flumping on one of the stools before the kitchen island.

"Yeah.I know that."I state glancing at her once, concentrating myself in arranging the food.Exuberant owned my expression for a certain time as something popped on my mind.

"Guess what I brought for you?"I asked her while she gazed straight into me as if the answer is written in me. Her brown orbs rummaging for an answer while her brows were creased not able to find one.

"What?"A sigh of capitulation egress from her within her words but her brown orbs says something else. Maybe not ready to surrender yet.

"I mentioned the word 'guess'."I taunt her as her brown orbs penetrated into me to quit this childish enthusiasm."Your most favorite thing in the world."I proffered her a definite clue to get the answer.

But instead, the waves of disheartening splashes across her brown orbs, poisoning the ocean of pleasant emotions. Her gaze settles on her lap as she takes a deep breath as if she's explaining something to herself. After a brief moment, she again peers back at me, forcing her lips into a smile.

"Why are you in your PJs?"Changing the topic, she asks me back something else with a chuckle. Astonishment is the only word that could describe my expression right now, seeing her sudden change of emotion.

"Surprise!"I holler again awkwardly as she gawks at me wide-eyed."I'm here for a sleepover."

"Are we in high school?" Chortling a little at my words, she scoffs at me before stuffing herself with a marshmallow that I placed earlier in a bowl.

"Yah! Will you be in that robe for tonight?"I snap at her out of embarrassment because of my previous words. She grins shamelessly at me while shoving another marshmallow in her mouth. She playfully proceeded her way to her room afterward.

"Weird girl" I mumbled under my breath before resuming my work.

Y/n's P.O.V

Snacks that we gathered around ourselves looked like a convict attempting justice as we sat engrossed, too focused on the movies. Barely noticing the popcorn that failed to make it's way to our slack mouths during the movie. The movie was so action-packed that the screen owned my eyeballs the whole period. We really spend that type of quality time after a long time. Yesterday was really fun.

Through the splinterings of the curtains, the egg yolk sun discharged her daylights and anticipated entrance into my eyes. The apprehension still in the grips of the night's glue, faint smile painting on my lips. Thoughts of the visions of last night flickering in mind,each of them gratifying the little success of my brain.

Hoping out of my bed,my feet carried me with it's slouchy step towards the kitchen.My eyes immediately spotted him making some type of dough.His bangs precisely reaching his eyes as he softly jerks his head to move them out of his sight.A vague grin get holds of my face as I make my way between his arms grabbing a rubber band.

"Wh-"His words cut off as he realizes my action.Collecting a grasp of his front hair,I secure it with the band preventing it from falling on his eyes.

"Here you go.Cute." Admiring my work on his hair, I stated as a mousy smile snares his face revealing his crooked teeth.

"I always look cute.You just didn't notice it earlier."That smile still plastered on his face but my gaze fell on somewhere else.

No, something else.

Blood stained red roses securely presented into a bouquet which was anchored in the coffee table.The glorifying daylights transcending through the blinds shimmering the ends of the petals.Excuting it more like round blood drops.

"Somebody left it on the doorway.Maybe sometype of sample flowers."He utters, noticing my gaze towards the pristine flowers.

That was too eye-catching that I just involuntarily nod at Jimin as my body desperately made it's way towards the coffee table. Hands gently stroking the sides of the petal as a card took my attention.

But that just ruined my mood.

"You changed a lot. Or did I mistaken to recognize you earlier?"

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