Chapter 16: Queen

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"She's the kind of queen that knows her crown isn't on her head, but in her soul."

Y/N's P.O.V

No matter how good the weather is, my internal weather system is bewildered between boredom and weariness. Too bored to do nothing, too weary to do anything. The constant shaking of my leg is the instinct against my boredom.

Ugh. When would Jimin bring the coffee?

I was feeling better a while ago. But guess, I can feel the headache is preparing for its debut again.

An overwhelming sense of Weltschmerz captures me the moment I check the time in my phone for the millionth time. Only a minute has passed but it seems like I've last checked the time an hour ago. But again its still a 'seem'.

The general air of malaise escapes from my lips as I lazily scroll through my phone. The thought of texting Jimin knocks my stimuli as soon as I get bored of scrolling sluggishly. But then again, he has left only a few minutes ago.

But who cares? I need my coffee now. And he better come back with the coffee right away. Yeah...I may sound rude. But I can't help it. Cause that's just how I am.

It is what it is.

I was about to text him when a message pops up on my screen. It kind of looks unfamiliar-but familiar. Without any second thought, I check the message.


Hey princess!

The flashbacks of last night dashes my mind like a gust of rain against the brick. I kind of forgot his name.

No, that wouldn't be fully true.

To be honest, I don't remember what embarrassing thing I did in front of him. And if he's the kind of teasing one, then I'm in trouble. A sense of warmth proliferates around my cheeks, thinking all the possible embarrassing things I could do while I'm drunk.

Pushing all those thoughts in the back of my mind, I try to concentrate on the reply of the text. But before I could reply, a pale small hand snatches my phone out of my grip.

"What the heck was that, Chim?" Untamed disapproval seizes me as I involuntarily yell at him. His eyes trails on the text which was send by Hoseok as he slowly arches an eyebrow in reaction.

"Give me my phone back." I command. Discontent lacing my voice as I try to reach for my phone. But he just raises his hand along with my phone, making it out of my reach. The arching eyebrow still rents freely on his face, making me all confused with his expression.After giving it a whirl, I sigh in dissatisfaction for not being able to get my phone back.

"So you are already seeing someone? Huh?" He asks out of the blue.

"I-Uh...Umm...No." I reply, giving a bit pressure on the "No". But his expression still lays hold of an unconvinced arching brow.

"Then why did you stutter?"He further asks,catching me off guard.

Like a cat on a hot roof, the sense of fidgeting bolts me down, making me dug my teeth on the flesh of my freshly moist lips.

"Cause...uh" I try to speak but my mind goes blank because of his sudden missile of questions "That was out of nowhere." I finally speak out. He lowers his hand a bit as if he got involved into a deep thought.

Ensuring it as an opportunity to get back my phone, I reach for my phone. But my grievous luck surely won't be in my favor. He somehow becomes aware of my attempt as he raises his hand.

"Good try." He compliments fraudulently. A mischievous smirk inhabits across his face, making me all confused.

"What now?" I asked,huffing out the air in sake of my fretfulness.

Being clueless on what demon possessed him this time that is making his sudden change of mood. Without any words spoken by him, he leans in about my height. That smirk still crusting his face like a cement.

Without my certain decision, my feet automatically takes a step back from the devilish Chim.

Screw it, he isn't certified as Chim now.

Especially with that dangerous look.

Recognizing my actions, he slowly but confidently takes another step ahead.

Similar to the predator taking his time to let the prey fear him for the last moment of it's life.


Am I scared of him?

He leans more. Few inches away from my face. I could literally feel his hot breath on my face. On the contrary, my breath got caught up in my lungs.

Oh God! What the heck he's doing? And why am I even frozen in my place? Damn author, that's cliché.

Only thing I could focus now is the threatening being in front of me.

"Princess, huh?"He whispers in my ear. His exceptionally soft voice alters into a deep voice. Involuntarily his present aura forces me to gulp down my saliva.

"I thought you were a queen." He states with a low seductive smile plastering in his plump lips.

A proud smile grasping my face in the impact of his words,regaining my lost confidence. Owing to a decent space between us, I push him a bit.

"I'm a queen." I declare proudly. A small giggle scrams out of him.

"Then act like it." He suggests. Once again confusion traps me in it's filthy strings.

"What do you mean?" I ask. The words he was stating was not making sense. Well, at least not to me.

"Like what you were about to reply him?"He asks. Now the impact of confusion from his question makes me more dumbfounded.

"Hi." I shortly reply. A victorious chuckle from him surrounds the air.

"I knew it." His words wreathing around mystification."And that's not a feature of a queen."

"Don't be easy going. Be unique and play hard to get." He advises. But soon after lets out a sigh of being tired, recognizing my still confused face.

"Ok forget it. Tell me about him. I'm gonna help you in how to text like a queen."

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