Chapter 44: Heartwarming

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-1 week later-

Y/n's P.O.V

The usual harmony of work again absorbs my mind to the brim. But still, my mind doesn't forget to seek a glimpse of my phone for a single message from Jungkook. Only to feel a bit insecure about the number of messages by me was left unseen by him.

Everything seemed fine till that day of the beach. He reacted okay after hearing out my past that day. Then why haven't I heard of him for about a week now?

He might be busy, my lazy side offers.

Or maybe not. The overthinking side of me slyly smirks at my trust.

Is he ghosting me or something?

Nope. I shake my head nonchalantly, trying my best to refrain from overthinking.


Author's P.O.V

" you finally called. I thought you would stick to the texts for some more days." The bitter chuckle radiates out of him, while his lonely eye gazes your caller id till it turns off.

That mixed-up feeling of hoping that you would call again yet he wishes for you to not, capture him. Even though he wouldn't be able to answer your call but that doesn't stop him from hoping you would be desperate enough to meet him.

Then he might be able to tell his side of the story, he thinks.

"Hey...Kook. Have you heard anything about Dongmin?" Hoseok enters, only to receive a worn-out face from the younger.

"Nope, He doesn't pick up my calls, nor contacts me," Jungkook informs. His eyebrows crashing together in disgust and infuriation.

"I'm sorry, Kookie." The sudden apology of Hoseok catches him off-guard. "I'm sorry for messing these more. I know I have-"

"Let's not talk about that." Jungkook offers, cutting him off.

"No...I think you should tell Y/n about all of this. She will certainly understand-" Hoseok confronts.

"Please!" He hisses out. " Don't-"

"No...kook. It might get too late, please try to" The abruption of theirs presents on the way they are cutting each other's words.

"It's already late,hyung" Jungkook sulks in pain, in his own world of thoughts. "Besides, she doesn't deserve me. I know, she would soon get her Taehyung back."

The pain along with guilt reflects upon the elder, as he lowers down his head.

"I'm at the fault here, you know," Hoseok mutters guiltily.


"You really live in caffeine, Y/n," Yoongi states out the fact, before ordering the designated coffees for you two.

The sweet aroma of the coffee shop no more grabs the attention of you, as the worry and concerns for Jungkook blind you. Your fingers constantly slipping on the calling bar of his caller id. That same anxiety and worry again perceive upon her, the day when Taehyung left you. She couldn't bear that pain anymore.

But her overthinking is already preparing her for that.

"Hello, Miss." A polite and formal voice of a woman fills the other side of the phone finally. "Sir is too busy to receive any calls now. So you may try later."

"Oh..." The strange relief shoots through your system for being able to hear his whereabouts finally, yet with a hint of melancholy for not hearing his voice. "Okay." You purse your lips in a tight grin, before hanging up.

"Here is your coffee." Yoongi pops up, delivering your caffeine from the barista.

"Thanks." You mumble, being lost in your own little world.

"You off or something? You don't really thank me for this often?" Yoongi points out the slightest difference in your behavior. And at times like that, you can't help but be grateful that there are actually some people like him that really pay attention to the slightest.

This type of gesture truly melts your heart.

"I just decided to thank you more often." A smile lays across your face as you answer, only to receive a scrunched-up curious Yoongi.


Time carried away the day, flowing along with the busy people and lives. White clouds playing with the orange rays of the evening. Another lonely day for you while a guilty one for Hoseok and Jungkook.

"So Ms.Song, I hope you would participate in the campaign with them there." Jin, her boss announces in the meeting, only to get distracted Y/n.

"Umm...Ms.Song?" He mentions you again, this time successfully snapping you from your zone.

"Ah..yeah.I'll think about that." You respond flustered.

"Okay then...that's all for today. Y'all seem so distracted today." Jin ends the meeting, receiving those fatigued sighs and lazy farewells from his employees, Y/n's no exception.

Supporting on your slouchy steps, you prepare yourself to leave for the day. Hints of purple and indigo playing with orange rays of the late sun in the sky, whispering the end of the day. Yet here's you dramatically sighing every now and then, simultaneously checking your phone.

This time of the day always felt so refreshing and rewarding to you. And after an exhausting day of work, you always felt incomparably at ease looking at the dusky sky. For still stare at the vast of oranges, but can't seem to alleviate the clouds of worries in your mind.

Should I visit Jungkook? You suggest yourself, before diving into another wave of thoughts.

Through all those muffled laughter and screeching noises of traffic, through all the loud thoughts inside your head, your brown eyes randomly peek upon the surrounding.

Till the vision of yours settles on a person.

That warm dark brown hair doesn't reach his ears anymore but still covers his forehead anyway.

That aura of stunning never seems to leave him, as he surely stands out among the common people.

Oh so heartwarming...

Yet it carries the pangs of pain for you over the months.

Kim Taehyung.

Those dark hues of his brown orbs again stare into you.

All so breathtaking and intense.

Till those heartshaped lips compress on another pair of lips of a woman, but still his eyes wide open.

As if seeking for you yet leaving you out of reasons, for again drowning into those.

The green light ignites, signaling all the cars to move, as you robotically drive out of the scene. Strangely no pain, no shock settling on that stern face of yours, nothing.

'Probably that's what was left in my life.

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