Chapter 7 : Someone

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"Sometimes what you're looking for comes when you are not looking at all."

"Hey!"Someone says lightly tapping on my shoulders.

Tilting my head backward before straightening myself, I made myself face the owner of the voice. A pair of big doe eyes, brown as chocolate, stared at me with an appalled expression. His eyes are so big and open that I can even see his irises. He has strong arched brows and thick eyelashes, which is totally illegal. His lower lip is thicker than the upper one which was a perfect bow-shaped, making it appealing. The fons et origo behind his shocked expression was me, which increases more as he examines my face.

I'm gonna be the one who should wear that confused expression instead of him but without any intention, I started to admire him, not caring about his shocked gaze on me.

His rich black hair that had touseled with griminess which promised panache. But the most appealing feature in his face, which is attracting me first, is his prominent jawline, as well as his cheekbones, made his pale skin look devilishly handsome. Then his masculine body covered with a black dress shirt which was visible because it was kind of figure-hugging. He looks like an angel fell from heaven. Nah...That's not the proper way to describe him.

I could only describe him in three words.

Really. Freaking. Hot.

But why did this gorgeous man greeted me? By any chance, do I know him? Have I seen him somewhere?

No..that's impossible...he has not that type of face which could be forgotten easily. He has that type of appearance which could make people pause in their tracks. But I guess, he is used to that as he looks like someone who doesn't care about those people's judgment. He has his own way of life.

" I know you?"Slightly clearing my throat, breaking the awkwardness, I ask him as he continues to stare at me. Okay...that's kind of weird and creepy. I feel extremely out of place like a pepperoni that had mistakenly put on a vegetarian pizza. Feeling captive under his gaze, I squirmed timidly being in my place, taking a glance at the surroundings nervously.

"Uh...I'm sorry... look like someone similar I know."He says stuttering a bit in the middle finally breaking his intense gaze, tilting his head slightly while scratching his back of the hair. I could tell by the look of his face that he's mentally cursing himself for being so awkward.

"It's okay. It happens."I said satisfactorily as he nods with a grin, feeling a bit less awkward. I turn my heels towards the barista to grab the iced mochas that I ordered earlier before grinning back at him for the sake of politeness. That guy stood there blankly as I left him but soon follows me to the barista.

The barista was still preparing it and Yoongi was on the phone. But this time, I stood at a side of the serving counter, admiring all the designs done in here. The guy waits in front of me before ordering his coffee.

A heavy silence settled, thicker than the smell of caffeine in the atmosphere. Only the sounds of espresso makers and other machines within whispers of people are heard. My unsettled eyes roam hastily around and try to avoid the glances of others that passed by. I could tell that he's looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

I walked passed him, grabbing the mochas whilst my eyes wandered around in search of a nice spot. But before my feet reached the destination the nice spot which I espoused with my eyes a while ago, that guy takes the place.

"Great!"I mumbled under my breath in sarcasm. Frustration hits me as I calmed by telling myself that I can walk faster than him. I looked around again in hope of finding a better spot than the previous one.

Taking the mochas from my hand, Yoongi apologizes, "Sorry, for taking long." he finishes it with a polite grin which made me forget about the frustration earlier."'s okay."I assured him by returning the grin.

But he seems to stuck in his place, eyes slightly wide as he looks behind me. I turned my head as my gaze met that guy who was enjoying his coffee in that nice spot which I chose earlier. Then again, I turned to Yoongi who was still staring at him as if he's trying to recall something from his brain.

I cling his arms as I drag him to the second nice spot in my eyes, as I don't want someone to take that spot as well. He stumbles a bit but soon balances himself, as he stands firm again not even moving an inch, as I pull him by his arms.

"Wait!"He says as he hands me one of the mochas from his hands and holds my free hand with his other gently, dragging me to that guy. Why the hell he's taking me there? I asked myself, looking at him furrowing my brows, but he keeps dragging me there, not caring about my confused state.

"Jungkook!"His voice came out in an exuberant way as well as his expression like a cork ready to burst out of a champaign. That guy, whom Yoongi called Jungkook now, looked at him with no different emotion. His lips formed the slightest curve at the mouth's corner and a youthful excitement plastered with a light raise of eyebrows above his amused and joyful eyes.

"Yoongi!"He states with equal excitement.

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