Meeting Sam and colby (gone sexual) *part 4*

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So, it's 1:47 right now, and we are so close to meeting Sam and Colby. We're about 20 people away from them. This is gonna be our second meeting them. The first being when we first arrived here so. Ya. I don't wanna make this too long, so well skip to after or when we're about to meet them 👋

Time skip

It's our turn to meet them, again, and were so happy to be able to hug them again. Hugging them is so fucken.....heavenly I guess 😍 but the girls in front of us were done, and the lady let us through to meet them again. I start walking towards Colby, and y/f/n starts walking towards Sam. You walk to Colby, and you see him look at you, and you smile at him, and he gives you a smirk, and he's looking at you up and down, and he bites his lip. When you go up to him, he immediately says "oh hey. I remember you" While having a smirk on his face. "Pretty sure I know that ;)" You say. He let's his arms out, and you wrap your arms around his neck, and you feel his arms wrap around your waist tightly. You start to feel something poking you on your leg. Then Colby asks if he can pick you up (like he did last time) and you agreed. You jumped up, and he grabbed your thighs and held on to you tightly. You look at him, and he looks a little embarrassed, not because he was holding you, because he had a......boner. You already knew it, so you moved down a bit so your covering it
He looks at you and smiles. Goddammit Colby why you gotta do this to me? You started to get a little wet. " Did I make you wet?" You hear Colby whisper in your ear. "Shit did I say that out loud" You said, a little bit of worry in your voice. Colby must have noticed it cause he just said "it's okay babygirl" You got even more wet. He held you tighter, and you buried your face into his neck. He finally let you down, and you went over to Sam and hugged for a good 2 minutes. All you guys stood there waiting to take the picture. The lady finally took it, and you asked if you could get another picture, but both Sam and Colby carrying you two, and they agreed. So you did, and ya. After you just said thank you to both Sam and Colby, and when you hugging Colby, he gave you a little paper with a address on it.
Colby: Meet me here at 6:00 tonight. Hope to see you ;)
He whispered in your ear. You smiled at him, and he smiled back, but with a wink. You guys said goodbye, and went to buy some merch. After you bought your merch, y/f/n asked you:
Y/f/n: What was Colby saying to you when you were hugging him?
Y/n: Oh. Nothing..........
Y/f/n: C'mon y/n! You can tell me anything.
Y/n: Ugh. Fine. But only because I can trust you, and if you won't tell ANYONE!
Y/f/n: I won't. I promise. So, SPILL THE TEA SHISHTER
You started to tell her everything that happened, and she was really surprised, and congratulated you. It was currently 4:36, and you guys stopped by Chipotle and Starbucks cause you two were hungry. You both ate, and drank your Starbucks. I'll just skip to 5:30 cause I'm not creative. But see you guys!
(10 minutes later)
OMG! THIS DID NOT JUST HAPPEN! COLBY FOLLOWED ME BACK ON INSTAGRAM?! WHAT?! HOW?! WHY?! OMG! Well, see ya later! (The character, not me)

Time skip

So it's 5:45 now, and I searched up the address, and its pretty far away. So I thought it'd be good to leave at 5:50. 5 more minutes and I'll leave 👌

Time skip (again) to 5:50 (5 minutes)

It's 5:50 now, and I told y/f/n that I'm leaving now, and the just said "good luck" With a wink. You went outside and got in your car. You immediately got the AUX cord, and started playing Billie Eilish (if you don't know who she is, you legit haven't lived yet) and your playlist which included, yungblud, Aaron Doh's album "Love Lies", Lil peep, and Xxxtentacion. Anyways, you went to the address.....and IT WAS FUCKEN SAM AND COLBY'S HOUSE! HE ACTUALLY GAVE ME THEIR ADDRESS OMG IM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT RN! what?! Colby actually trusts me though? 😂 shaking rn. Omg. I still don't believe this. Well, I better text Colby on Insta and tell him I'm outside! HA!

Note: Anyone want me to write a chapter about the convo y/n and Colby had on insta? If so comment and I'll make one. If this get 25+ comments, I'll make it 👌

I texted Colby and said "Hey colbs. I'm outside:)"
He instantly opened it and replied "k. Be out there:)"
After a few seconds later, you saw the door open, and Colby comes jogging towards the gate and opens it. You smile at him, and he winks at you. "What's with him and his winking? 😂" You thought to yourself. You parked by his red Corolla, and he closed the gate. You got all your stuff together, and you got out your car. You were wearing the usual. Actually, Sam's beyond the norm sweatpants and colby's black take chances shirt. But you cut your shirt into a crop top. He came up to you, and he said:
Colby: Nice outfit ;)
Y/n: thx:)
He then came closer to you and grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck and dug your face into his neck. You guys hugged for about 3 minutes, and he said:
Colby: I'm surprised you actaully came.
Y/n: Why would I miss out on a opportunity like this ;)
Colby: Your right. Wanna go inside and meet the roommates?
Y/n: Hell ya
He lead you inside, and it's even better to actually be in their house instead of watching it through a screen. It was like heaven. You saw Sam in the living room, and it seemed like he recognized you, cause he came up with a weird look on his face and asked:
Sam: Hey I've seen you before. Didn't you come to our show earlier?
Y/n: Ya. That was me.
Sam: Colby, can I talk to you for a sec?
Colby: Uhm...ya sure. Y/n, go ahead and make yourself at home.
Y/n: Damn get you a stan that gives you their address and says "make yourself at home" 😂 (lmao.....don't really tho)
Sam and Colby just laughed. They walked off into the kitchen and you walked into the living room where Sam was at, and you sit on the couch. You recognized everything from their videos. From where Sam filmed his new video "never have I ever part 2", to just.......everything. You have always dreamed to be in Sam and Colby's house. But not to long are all the roommates gonna be living there (fr tho. They said they're all gonna move in a few months if you didn't know 🤧). It's sad, but whatever makes them happy and whatever they deserve. You just got on your phone with all these thoughts going through your head. But after a while you just whipped out your phone and got on Instagram and Snapchat. You didn't wanna put you being in Sam and Colby's house because that would cause A LOT of drama, and as if you were already out into a lot of drama. So you just scrolled through your feed. A few minutes later you heard two people coming towards your way. You looked around, and you saw Sam and Colby coming towards you.
Colby: So....whatchu wanna do y/n?
Y/n: Idk. Your the who invited me here.
Colby: Well we'll save that for later ;)
Y/n: Okay ;)
You got up and walked towards them.
Colby: Wanna see the roommates now?
Y/n: Sure
He took your hand and led you upstairs to Aaron, Corey, and Jakes room. He took you to Corey's room first. Colby knocked a couple times, and a few seconds later, you saw the door opening. You see Corey's head stick out the door.
Corey: Hey Colby
Colby: Hey man. So....uh.....i.....met this our LA show. And I invited her to the house. She's a really big fan.
Corey:............okay.......*whisper* you sure we can trust her and she won't give out our address. Well, it's not like our address already leaked but still.
Colby: Ya we can trust her. She already promised. And she seems like a nice girl. C'mon y/n.
You were by the railing by the stairs on your phone. You walked over to them.
Colby: Y/n, this is Corey. Well, you already know him. So, Corey, this is y/n.
Corey came out of their room, instead of just his head poking out of the door.
Corey: *puts hand out to shake hands* hello y/n. Nice to meet you.
Y/n: Corey. Nice to meet you too.
You were both smiling, but you were smiling more thinking you finally got to meet your idols, and not just hug them, get a picture and walk away at the show. You actually get to take the time to actually talk to them and stuff.
Colby: Okay. So now that you finally met Corey, time for the other two.
Corey: See ya later y/n
Y/n: See ya later Corey *throws peace sign*
Colby holds your hand again, and walks you accords the hall to Jake and Aaron's room. You went to Jakes room first. Colby knocked a few times, and immediately he opened the door.
Colby: You dumbass
You laughed at their humor.
Jake: oh who's this?
Colby: This is y/n. I met her at the LA show today. I invited her here. And yes, we can trust her she won't leak our address. Right?
Y/n: That's right.
Jake: Well, nice to meet you y/n *shakes hand*
Y/n: Nice too finally meet you too Jake
Jake comes closer to get a hug. You accepted, and you hugged him back. After about 1 minute of hugging, jake let you go and you and Colby went across to Aaron's room. He knocked on it two time and Aaron opened the door.
Aaron: Oh hey. Who's this?
Colby: This is y/n. I met her at the LA show earlier. I invited her.
Aaron:.......can we trust her?
Colby: Why does everyone think she's gonna leak our address? She's the same age as us! And yes, we can trust her.
Aaron: Okay then. Well, nice to meet you y/n.
Y/n: Nice to finally you Aaron.
He walked up to you and you guys hugged. Man these guys have the best hugs ever I swear I never wanted to let go. After a minute again, you guys let go.
Aaron: See you later y/n
Y/n: See ya later Aaron
Aaron walked back into his room. Colby came closer to you and whispered:
Colby: Now I have you all to myself ;)
That kind of send chills down your spine. He lead you to his room, and he let you in first.
Colby: Have a seat on the bed
So you did. You sat on the edge of the mattress.
Colby: Again, make yourself comfortable. Well, if you want.
You decided to go all the way back to the headboard of the bed. You sat against it. Colby was making his towards you, and he sat on the bed. He went beside you, and got as close as he can to you. He grabbed your hand and held it.
Colby: So....whatchu wanna do?
Y/n: Isn't that what you asked me when I first got here?
Colby: Ya. That's why I asked you.
Y/n: Well.....what was that you wanted to save for later? ;)

(and it starts)

Colby: Can I tell you something?
Y/n: You can tell me whatever
Colby: When I met you at the show, I just fell in love right there. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life. I saw something in you that I've never seen in anyone else before.
Tears started brimming at the edge of your eyes.
Y/n: I feel the same way. When I first discovered you on vine, I fell in love honestly. But after you started your personal channel and started expressing yourself more, I completely fell in love with you. And I was sad all these years I thought I'd never be able to meet you. But here I am, talking to Colby Brock himself in his room. Wow
You guys were just staring into each other's eyes for about a minute. Colby slowly started raising his and up to your neck. He then reached your neck, and he moved your hair out the way and held the back of your neck. You started leaning towards him, and so did he. You both slowly leaned towards each other, until you caught yourself touching Colby's soft lips. You started to kiss gently. It soon started to get really heated. He bit your lip, as if asking if he can enter. You accepted, and he entered your mouth and started exploring. He then grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, and one hand grabbed his neck, and the other grabbed his hair, tugging on it a little earning a small moan from him. He soon broke the kiss, but moved down to your jaw line. Putting small kisses on your jawline, earning a few small moans from you. He moved down to your neck, and he found your sweet spot. He left a couple dark spots, and you haven't even gotten to the "part" Yet and your already a moaning mess. He moved down to your stomach, kissing it gently and left a few hickeys. He soon made it down there. He went to your V line first. Again, he left a few hickeys and found your other sweet spot down there. He soon made it down to your panty waist band thingy (😂) and he started to tease you. He started rubbing your clit through your panties, making you moan louder. You soon started to get fed up with him teasing you. You sat up, and flipped you two, so now he's on his back and your on top of him. You got on top of "him", and slowly started to grind on him gently. He moaned a bit, but then you started to go faster and harder. He moaned a little louder, which turned you on more. You two were already a moaning mess. You went down past his legs so you could take off his clothes. You started to take off his black joggers. He finished taking them off for you, and threw it in a random place. You started to gently kiss his V line, and suck on it a little, leaving a few dark hickeys. You moved down to his boxer waist line thingy I forgot what it was called 😂, but before taking it off, you started to palm him through his boxers, earning a few moans from him. You stroked his staff a few times before slowly removing his boxers. You soon took it off, and you looked up at Colby, and he bit his lip. You grabbed "him", and you licked the tip to tease him. You licked up his staff, and you went back to his tip, and licked the slit. But all of a sudden, he stopped you, and he stood up, and said:
Colby: Get on your knees
And so you did, and before anything else, you quickly put your hair in a messy ponytail. You grabbed his cock again, and slowly started stroking up and down. You could hear him moaning, and not long after, you put what you could fit of him into your mouth, and pumped the rest with your hand. Not long after he grabbed your ponytail and moved your head at the pace he wanted. Every now and then he would buck his hips up.Tears started to form at the brim of your eyes, you made eye contact with Colby, and he bit his lip. You felt drops of liquid coming out and going down your throat. Colby stopped for a while, and you took his cock out of your mouth, and he was leaking pre-cum. Which is probably why he stopped. He was breathing hard, and so were you. He picked you up off the floor and put you on the bed facing up. He grabbed your legs and spread them as far as could. He started teasing you by touching the inside of your thigh. You moaned a bit. He started to lick your pussy, slowly rubbing your clit. You started to moan louder. He soon started to push one finger in. He slowly started to pump it in and out of you, letting you adjust. You were a moaning mess by now. After a while he put in two fingers. He was going as fast as he can now. He also started to rub your clit while pumping his fingers in and out.
Y/n: I'm close
He started to slow down, making you whimper a bit. He went fast again, but then he stopped and pulled out his fingers. Which made you whimper again. He then positioned you on the bed where you were on your back, and he was in between your legs. You were a virgin, which in a few seconds you weren't going to be anymore. Colby positioned himself at your entrance, he looked at you and you nodded in response. He slowly started to slide into you. He thrusted a few times before pulling out. He then flicked your clit with his tip (wtf 😂) and he rubbed against your pussy. You were a moaning mess, and so was Colby. He started to leak pre-cum again, which turned you on even more. He did this over and over again until you got fed up with him teasing.
Colby: That's what I wanna hear
He stopped teasing you, and he positioned himself at your entrance again, and this time, instead of being gentle, he slammed into you, making you scream in pain. He didn't let you adjust, so it was painful at first, but after a few more thrusts you got used to it and the pain just turned into pleasure. Soon you were a moaning mess again. Colby threw his head back in pleasure. His hands were holding your waist pushing you onto him at the pace he wanted.
Y/n: I'm close
Colby: Me too. Just hold it in a little longer
You felt a knot starting to build up in your stomach. You were a few thrusts away from your climax. That is until Colby stopped, pulled out and switched positions cause he was getting tired. He laid himself down on the bed so now he was on his back and you were on top of him. You got in front of him, positioned him at your entrance, and slowly slid down onto him. He grabbed your waist again and he bounced you up and down at his pace. This time you threw your back in pleasure. You two were close again, and Colby knew it. He let go, and let you take control. You grinded on him, fast and deep. Colby was a moaning mess, and you started to go as fast as you can now. You felt the knot in your stomach as you became weaker and weaker. The last few thrusts hit your g spot, which made you climax. You screamed Colby name as you rode out your climax. You tightening around Colby must have sent him off because not long after he came inside you. You flopped down on his chest, and you slid "him" Out of you. You two lay there, you on too holding Colby and Colby holding your waist.
Colby: That was fucken amazing
Y/n: It was
Colby: Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?
Y/n: I will Colby.
You leaned down for a kiss, and you two lightly kissed. You got off of him and lay by his side. He pulled the sheets over you two and cuddled you, and he never let go. You two soon fell asleep.

Why did this smut take so long? Lmao but finally, I release the smut you all have been waiting for. I hope you enjoyed, and if you want me to continue this exact story, comment below and I will!
Word count: 3553 GODDAMN WHAT THE HELL 😂😂

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