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"Mom...Dad... Can I ask you guys for a favour? Please." I begged clasping my hands together. "What is it dear?" Dad asked.

I shuffled my feet's and played with my hands. I wasn't so sure. "Um. ...you know...uh.."

"Spit it out" mom smiled.

"Okay....Temimyfriendwhobroughtmedoesnthaveahomeherparentsdiedandhersiblingstooshehasnowheretogosoiwaswonderingifshecouldjuststayhereandlivewithus." I rushed out.

"I don't speak spanish. Please translate" Dad said with seriousness.

I took a deep breath "Temi my friend who brought me doesn't have a home her parents died And her siblings  too. She has no where to go so I was wondering if she could just stay here and live with us since we have more than enough to take care of her and..."

"Oh my God! Of course! I never knew. We will right dear?" My dad nodded in agreement to my mom. "We owe her so much for bringing you to us." He added.

I squealed in excitement and hugged both of them. "I may have asked God for forgiveness and become a christian again. Thanks to Temi. I realized It was stupid of me to blame God for what happened" I added shyly.

"Seriously?!" my mom squealed like a teen. dad pumped his fist in the air and jumped. They both engulfed me in a hug to which I returned laughing. My parents were the best!

"let's tell her the good news!" Mum smiled.

We all went downstairs to see her waiting on the couch.

"Welcome to the family" Dad smiled grinning at her. We all hugged her leaving her confused. "W..what?"

"you're now ours. Our daughter. Temitope. We just have to go through some procedures at the court, and hopefully it goes well" Mom announced.

"Hi sis" I said.

"Oh my..." she said. She couldn't finish as she broke into a fit of sobs. She hugged my mom crying into her shoulders as my mom kissed her head. "its okay to cry. I'm sorry" my mom whispered.

Temi laughed and shook her head, wiping her tears. Dad shook his head amused. "Teenage mood swings are just, I don't even know again"

We all laughed and then it died down. Tears sprang up in our eyes as we looked at each other. With wide arms we hugged ourselves.

"Thank you so much. I asked God for forgiveness" I said. She hugged me tighter. "Thank God. I was wondering how much more foolish you could get"

We laughed.

"But still....Thanks.. Honestly, I'm like so grateful and. .words can't describe my feelings right now..I'm just..." She cried all over again.

" Wipe those tears jare" I said quoting what she had said earlier. She laughed and wiped them.

"Ah! Teenage mood swings!" My dad said feigning frustration. I beamed at him and playfully hit his arm "daddy, you'd never understand. Your teenage years are long gone."

" It was one heck of a life when I was a teenager."

Oya....story time


Y'all  better clap for me o! Three updates!!!! Ayeeeeeeeee. So I don't wanna be a spoil sport so I'd keep my mouth shut about the next chapter but still.....

Be prepared 😉😉😉

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