The Beginning

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Kahn was a wolf. He was a lone wolf. He had no purpose, so he became unhappy and sad.

One day, as he padded through the icy forest, the crisp wind flowing all around, he saw two girls. One had beautiful white hair and shining purple eyes. And the other one had sharp blue hair and gleaming dark purple eyes.

Kahn stopped and saw something in the white-haired girls' eyes: a vision.

Kahn was happily playing with the girls, his tail swishing as they ran together through the woods, the snow gone, and spring flowers blooming all around. 

Kahn took a step toward them. They could be his purpose! They could be his friends! His heart leaped with joy as his paws tingled with excitement. 

The girls froze when they noticed the wolf, silently watching them from a far. Kahn smiled at them, hoping they would come and pet him and together they could finally live, happily.

But something else filled their eyes: fear. Kahn stopped as the blue-haired girl screamed with fear. She and the white-haired girl held hands together as they ran away. Kahn jumped up onto a shiny rock, wanting to howl to them: Wait, friends! Come back! We can play together, we can finally be free of this cage of gloom!

But solid ice covered the rock, making Kahn slip right back onto the snow. Tears pulled at his eyes as they disappeared into the mist. They just ran away.

Maybe I am too scary. Maybe I need to become human, just like them. We can have fun together, with me as a human, Kahn thought, as an idea tugged at his brain. 

Kahn's sadness lifted away as he smiled at the thought. Yeah! He just needed to become human! He stood up, his tail swishing with excitement. He was going to have fun with these girls, he would be with these girls! He would be one with them, he would be a human!

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