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~Hiccup's P.O.V~

She ran up to me so quickly that she got the knife up to my throat.

"I will slit off your throat right now!"Astrid threatens me, with her glaring eyes.

"But Astrid, you know I'm right"I whisper, holding back my fear of death.

"Is that so? Don't worry Hiccup"She smirk"I'm still gonna use you for certain things, we'll make a great team".

"A team?"I asked, feeling the shape edge of the knife, like she's ready to press it to be near my skin.

"Let's call our selfs, Hiccstrid?"She smiles, moving back and hiding her knife again.

"Hiccstrid?"I asked, touching my throat.

"Don't worry Hiccup, your life belongs to me now"She smirks, walking away"one word out, I'll kill your entire friends and family".

As she trails off, I collapsed on the ground feeling so anxious about this whole thing. Everything is hitting me so hard that Astrid is the Berkian Killer, She Amy have done this to other cities too, as she moved a lot. But I wonder her family knows her dirty secret, I wonder if anyone knows at all.

But if I play her game, I may able to convince or somehow stop her doings of hurting innocent people, I just need the right time.

"Oh Thor help me"I sigh, heavily, laying on the ground.

~Back at Berk High~

Just arrive back as I'm actually late for class, I needed to focus now as my life is threaten by Astrid's cold words and I can't say anything about.

Staring down at my textbook reviewing the content that I'm having a quiz in a few days and I'm already prepared. but I'm keep being off, over a week I'm nervous of something or someone but like I'm afraid, even now I can tell everyone about Astrid's the Berkian Killer even though I don't have proof of her actually caused of it. But I need actually proof that there is evidence of her crimes, I just need to find answers on whom I should speak with.

But this is unbelievable, I gotta rethink this through before I do something stupid. I wonder if someone out there, like a detective is investigating this case, it'd be a miracle if some does.

I flip a page on my textbook, trying to focus on my studying, pretending to forget this nonsense.

"Hey Hiccup"Jack approaches sitting across the table"so how are things with Astrid?".

I look up, as I wanted to say but I gotta fake it"it was fine, we're cool".

He raise his brow"really? So you guys are a thing now? Or just pretending?".

"Meh, doesn't really matter actually,. But can we change the subject?"I shook, not wanting to bring up Astrid into this already, if Jack finds out, Astrid would perhaps do that.

"Alright alright, no need to be a sassy little B##ch about it"He chuckles, pulling out his textbook as well.

"Oh whatever dude"I mumble, leaning back against my chair"I'm just having kinda bad day, that's all".

"So not what I expected from you, it felt like something happened between you two"He point out.

"Nothing happened between us"I assure him"we just talked about things, things you wouldn't understand Jack".

He rolled his eyes"whatever man, I listen too. I'm not those guys that wants s#x, besides your cousin".

I shook"but of course".

We begin doing our study for some reason, even though our classes are done for today. Jack seems to care about his grades all of sudden, but his goal was to be a police officer. Coincidence?


As I began packing my stuff, Jack left fifteen minutes ago, so I'm heading home as well, I felt the library as I make my way to the nearest entrance until.

There she is again, watching from the hallway. I just feel a bad vibe about something not to sure what.

I trail off out of the school and ignore the fact I'm being followed by her, I just kept calm and focus on home. I hope she doesn't come in my home, unless she'll invite herself in like those serial killers in those crime movies.

It's all a game to her, even though she told me her true intentions of murdering someone, it's wrong and she has to know that. I wonder how long she went to this path in life, I wish I can really understand her feelings, why she became this person, and how come she doesn't want to tell me the cause of it.

Suddenly this pops up my mind, she said she had lost her father, I wonder she....no it couldn't be, she wouldn't do that. No I cannot think of that right I must head on home and be on my way, why do I have to get involved in her life. Poor Astrid.

As I made it home, I notice she didn't follow me, perhaps she's hiding behind those bushes across the street, the garage is empty so my parents is not home, I quickly went inside the house, immediately locked all doors and windows, hoping to sealed myself.

I ran up the stairs, went to my room and drop my backpack to collapse on the bed.

"Ugh! I'm so stress about this and I don't know if I should ratted her out to the police. But I got no evidence no one will believe me"I exclaimed, rolling aside.

Suddenly my phone vibrates, as I received a text, I pull out my phone to view how it is.

Astrid: you better not do anything stupid Hiccup, I'm watching you 😛🙄🤐

Hiccup: I won't...otherwise you'll hurt my family am I right?

Astrid: LOl 😂 yeah, just pretend we never had that conversation at the park.

Hiccup: ok...

Astrid: enjoy your evening Hiccup 😏

As I closed my phone and lay back on my bed.

I ruffle my hair, and sigh of relief that she isn't in the area. But I gotta keep an eye on my family.

As I jump up form my bed, my mind was cross that perhaps I should do a little research, I went over my desk to research some homicide cases that can be possibly similar to Astrid's way of killing.

I google up this and scroll down the list of links and articles.

Serial killer strikes again

No witnesses to this unsolved case

Serial killer targeted teenage boys

A cold blooded incident occurred in Berserker Region

Detective Grimmel Grisly hunts down this sociopath

I raise my eyebrow knowing this detective is perhaps hunting down Astrid, I wonder he tries to solve this murder cases, I lean back against my chair and thought for a moment.

Man I have to psychoanalysis Astrid, her ways of being herself.

"I have to try"I said to myself.

Suddenly Toothless appears on my desk, meowing about dinner time.

I smile"don't worry bud, I'll get your dinner ready".

I rose back up and stare outside my window and saw her across the hill beside our neighbourhood, she seems to being spying on me or something.

If Astrid wants to play

"Game on"

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