For Hiccup

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~Astrid's P.O.V~

For the passed few days, I'm drifting off from being the known psycho killer. I just finally realize Hiccup was right. I have to change for the good of my life, but how long I can have a normal life without having this burden that will pull me down knowingly I hurt these people.

I then told Hiccup about my passing and this feeling is lifted that I hold on for so long and now I feel much comfortable with someone that I can really trust, besides my parrot of course. I was just walking to my locker as I overheard something that triggers my behaviour right now.

"That Serial Killer has been quiet for the passed two months since Ricky passed"Student said, as I ease dropped across the lockers

"No kidding, two months, usually a serial killer strikes again about a week or two".

"She stopped? Perhaps she got tired already unless....who knows"Boy shrug.

"I heard she maybe gone soft or something"Boy laughs.

I then breathe slowly and ignoring their pity comments about me, but hey if I forget all of this from happening I can try to move on but a burden will be in the way of course.

"Hey Andrea is town guys! Can't wait for the concert tonight!"a kid shouts, cheerfully.

I then block my ears as I don't wanna hear all of these mentioning about my plot I was going to do with these kids.

"Stop it!"I muttered, continue on running until I spot Hiccup by his locker.

I felt happy that he's here. I waited by as he closes his locker, he looked at me surprising then smile.

"Hey Astrid"He greets, pulling his backpack upper.

"Hey"I fake smile"good morning".

"You okay?"He asked, concerning as he might've saw me feeling edgy just now.

"Sort of, I just need Hiccup time"I hugged him as I get better now, closing my eyes as I smile.

"Always"He responded of the hug.

We let go and continue throughout the hallway.

"So your parents are back home, safe and sound?"I asked, as we're walking across the hallway.

"Yep, I asked like a trillion questions if they encountered our so called enemies. Nothing"He shrugs.

"Hmmm, I haven't seen Heather either. Something tells me they're on to something"I narrow my wyes around.

"Like what?"

"Like they're waiting for the right moment to catch me. That's Grimmels motive, he goes to your head and somehow separating us. So we gotta stuck together"I grab his arm"maybe he told the principal already too"

"Stick together?"He stutters"and if he knew, we could've been expelled already unless they're waiting for the right moment".

"I hope not, I mean seeing me vulnerable Hiccup-"

"Don't worry, I'm here"He assures me.

"Oh why do I have to fall for you"I chuckle lightly.

"Because you want to"He smirked.

"Good point"I slightly blush, feeing embarrassed that I'm just an average teenage girl now.

"Hiccstrid time?"He laughs.

"Hiccstrid time? Create special moments? Why not!"I said, excitedly

"I don't like, I love it. Hiccstrid time it is then"He chuckles, holding my hand tightly.

"And there's classes though"I mumbled.

Hiccup then gave me a concern look"is something wrong, you're trembling?".

"Hiccup, I'm okay. I'm just have open wounds at that moment. But don't worry. As long as I'm with you, I feel happy"I smile at him.

"Okay, let's get this moving"He smiles back.

"So how about during lunch we'll hang out?"I suggest, checking the time on my phone.

"Sounds good, I'll see you then"He kissed my cheek, as he trails off to class leaving me blushing.

"Gez that Hiccup"I chuckle, going to my home room.

Hours went by, it was time for lunch finally. I felt kinda excited to spend time with Hiccup again, as long as I'm with him I may be forget who I really was back then. I walk out fo my classroom then make way to cafeteria or what not, hoping to meet Hiccup now.

I then enter the cafeteria until suddenly I was immediately interrupted by my other friends, Elsa, Anna, Ruffnut, and Cami. I totally forgot about them, I guess with drama I must've been over stressing about my personal life, I should say hi.

"Hey Astrid!"I was greeted by the group of people from a table in the corner.

I look over and spot Ruffnut, Elsa, Anna, and Cami hanging out, I'm glad I saw them, I walk towards them.

"Hey girls"I wave, sitting next to Cami as they're having lunch.

"Hey Astrid, it's been awhile since you hang. What's up?"Anna chuckles lightly.

"Oh you know"I slightly blush"I been busy".

"Oh I know that tone"Cami smirked at me.

"Whatcha you mean?"Ruffnut chew her sandwich.

"I recognize that town from Afar. She's seeing someone"Cami point at me.

"Isn't it obviously. She's hanging with Hiccup without us knowing!"Anna gasp"get in bed yet?".

"W-What?! No!"I protest"n-n-not yet".

"That's my girl"Anna high fives me.

"So since we're about few weeks away for the graduation ceremony. Prom is coming"Elsa said.

"I totally forgot about that, but isn't it too early to plan?"Ruffnut looking at her calendar phone.

"Never too early for anything"Elsa point out"plus graduating from high school is special for all of us".

"She's right"I shrug"after all of our hard work in school, that's something to celebrate on".

"Damn straight"Anna agree, checking her nails.

I look over my phone as I was texting Hiccup as he should be here by now.

"Say, is anyone going to that concert this weekend? That Andrea is playing"Cami spoke up.

"Mmm Maybe"Anna said, looking over at me.

"What about you?"She asked.

I frown and try to keep a straight face"N-N-No, I'm busy".

"You Alright Astrid?"Elsa ask, giving me a suspicious look.

I look up"I'm alright, I'm just waiting for Hiccup to show up".

"Unless he got hold up by his friends or teacher"Ruffnut guessed.

I then stand up, pulling my backpack up"I better get going, see you girls later!"


As I exit the cafeteria I quickly look around the hallway and couldn't find him, plus he's not answering my texts. So is something up or he's caught up.

"Where's Hiccup?"I look around. As we're supposed to meet here before lunch is over.

I quickly sprint around the first floor and second, looking for Hiccup, he won't reply my texts or calls now. I'm worried something might've happened.

As I was about to go to the stairwell, I stop instantly and saw a black suv. I look closer and spot Heather carrying Hiccup in the back seat.

"That B##ch!"I huffed"Hiccup I'm coming!".

I ran straight down the stairwell as fast as I can until I made it to the nearest exit. When I got there the suv went speeding down the road, as I can recognize the license plate I hope I can track it.

"Hiccup!"I stammer, as I ran all the way here.

What I'm supposed to do now, Heather got Hiccup and this is getting for real now. All of this. This is my fault, why I got Hiccup involved of my mess.

"Argh!!!"I ran to a tree and start punching, reading my frustration.

"C'mon Astrid, think think think!"I shut my eyes for awhile and thought about a plan to rescue Hiccup.

I open my eyes immediately and forgot that Jack's Father is a cop. But this is a emergency and I have to. For Hiccup.

"No choice but to ask, oh well"I sigh, looking around the school yard and inside, until I saw a group of guys chit chatting.

I recognize one of them immediately and quickly ran up to them.

"Fishlegs! Where's Jack?!"I asked, demandingly.

"He's over by the gymnasium. What's with the rush?!"He nervously said.

"Thanks!"I left him dumbfounded, going to the gymnasium as I spot Jack talking to his other friends.

"Hey Jack!"I tap his shoulder.

He look over at me"Astrid? What's up?".

"I need to talk in private"I whisper.

He nods as he followed me to a corner of the gymnasium.

"Your Fathers a cop right?"I muttered as I spot Tuffnut looking at us suspiciously.

"Yes why?"

"Daddy's Boy!"Tuffnut snorted, as he might've heard.

"No time explaining, I need your help. Super badly"I exclaimed.

"Well what's it about. Tell me and I can help you better"He suggested.

"No! You won't understand! Hiccup needs my help! Please. Do it, for Hiccup"I pouted.

"Okay, I'm listening"Jack assure me.

I move closer to his ear as I whisper something to him which he immediately look shock.

"You want me to get WHAT?!?!"

~Hiccup's P.O.V~

Ugh my head is still banging, what's going on? Oh wait I remember now, Heather kidnapped me by holding against my will.

"Oh good you're awake"She chuckles, as I look up to see who it is.

"Heather? Where am I!?"I yelled, struggle to free myself but unfortunately I was cuffed.

"By A discreet location. Right now Grimmel is proceeding to get Astrid"She smirk"don't worry, you'll get to see her for abit".

"Listen Heather! Astrid is a different person, she's not like who she really is"I exclaimed"she changed".

"Astrid is nothing but a killer, you have no idea what she did at Berserker!"She slaps me on the face.

"Oowww! Hey don't go physical at me okay! Stop living from the past and move on! That's what Astrid is trying to do, she's trying to accept these new feelings which she haven't felt since her Father was killed".

She scoffed"whatever, Astrid will either be dead or alive if our employers wanted that".

"Heather, what would you do if you were in her shoes?"I told her.

She rolled her eyes"I'd rather kill myself for being her life".

"Wow. Just wow. You're cold"I clenched my teeth.

She kneels down and reach her knife to place it against my throat"I admire your stupidity, but since Grimmel wants you alive. We'll use you as bait to lure Astrid to a trap if He cannot find her".

"I will not be used"I said, angrily.

"Mhm, typical little Hiccup trying to save your Astrid. How cute"She chuckles, putting her knife away.

"You won't get away from this"I stated, struggling to get free from the restraints.

She rolled her eyes"oh don't worry, no one will ever know. No One".

Suddenly the door was knocking as we look over.

"Hm, that was fast. I guess Grimmel finished her off"She smirked down at me, as she walk over to open the door.

When she opened the door she gasp walking backwards as it was Astrid pointing a stun gun at her.

Heather Gasp"you?!".

"Leave my Hiccup alone you!-"Astrid yells.

Then suddenly Astrid pulled the trigger, which leave Heather being electrocuted and now she's on the floor laying unconscious.

"Oops"Astrid faceplanted herself.

"Oh my god!"I shouted, feeling uneasy as she still pointing the stungun at my direction.

"Hey! She kidnapped you!"Astrid exclaimed, walking towards me.

"Eh??!, you could've missed!!!"I protested, ducking down.

"Well f##k me then!"

"Was that an insult or a to do list?!?"I shout back.

"What?"Astrid said, awkwardly.


Astrid shook reaching down to me as I was release from the cuffs"You're welcome".

As I was released she quickly hugged me, feeling so relieved I'm safe and sound.

"Oh Hiccup, I'm so sorry about this, you shouldn't get involve of my life"She sniffles, really holding me tightly.

"Hey"I said, softly"we're in this together".

She look up at me and smile"Oh Hiccup".

I smile as we lean forward for a kiss, it was slow and passionate but we have to go now.

"Grimmel will not stop until he gets me, I must leave town"She suggested as we're about to leave the cabin.

"No that's too risky, he'll get everyone we know and then use it against us"I disagree her attempt to leave Berk City.

"Well I've dealt Grimmel before. I'm sure he'll use the same tactics again"Astrid then holds my hand as we ran outside.

"Still can't believe you electrocuted her"I mumbled, looking back at the cabin.

"I got an itchy trigger finger here okay!"She snapped, as I follow her to the forest.

"Point that somewhere else!"I move away the stungun"I don't wanna get shock".

She scoffed"oopsy".

"How'd you find me?"I wonder how.

"I kinda ask Jack for help"She awkwardly look away.

I froze for abit"you didn't??".

"Not exactly"She chuckles nervously.

As we're outside I can finally feel the wind blowing to my face as I glance around wondering where we are.

"Man we're really at Edge Mountain"I stammer for air as we kept on running.

Edge Mountain is a tourist attraction as it is nearby Berk City, so clearly this area has been here ever since.

"Don't worry, I parked the car over here"She pointed out at a nearby road.

"I hope Grimme doesn't-"

Suddenly we saw a silhouette sitting down by a log. We stopped our tracks as we glance over and it was Grimmel.

"Oh no, I spoke to soon"I groan, as Grimmel is sitting down, fiddling with his knife and tilt his head up and look down again.

"This ends now!"She harshly growl, as she grabs a branch as I found one too.

"This time we'll do it together"I said, standing next to Astrid.

"I was about to say that"She whisper.

We then move in slowly as we're surround by trees forming a circle around us and Grimmel in the middle wide open which was coincidence and creepy.

"You cannot not live with your own failure"Grimmel wickedly smile at us"where that bring you? Back To Me".

I glare at him as me and Astrid walk both sides surrounding him, it appears he has a katana too.

"I thought by getting rid of you would solve problems faster"He points at me with his knife"but then again, Astrid cares about you. Now that is laughable to me".

He stands up putting his knife away from his belt side"now that you both are here, thanks to Heather. I can finish off by eliminating both of youse".

"My Father will find out"I angrily stand into a defence pose.

"He'll never know"He laughs, reaching over his katana"Because they won't never find your bodies".

"Snake"Astrid hisses, reaching over her back to being out the stungun, hoping to shock him or something.

Grimmel then smiles wickedly as an insane person would do.

"This is fun yes?! No?!"He frowns.

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