My Friend

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~Hiccup's P.O.V~

Lunch hour and I'm outside at the back of the football field, recently they renovated or made changes of the football field and library.

It was kinda nice, because the glass looks fake and somehow nicer than our original football field. I had a chance to become a football player but I decided not to, instead of becoming the biggest Jerk.

Sometimes being popular gets annoying, as if I've got a revival which his name is Alexander. We had our differences but he's far from worse, like he dated 6 different girls last year and this year he calm down.

For me I haven't had a chance to get a girlfriend, except the girls I told you about. But thing is, is that I'm not that kind of jerk that's looking for sexual activity. People just assumes.

My goal now is becoming a Lawyer, as it runs in my family which my Dad is the major of Berk of course. My Mom sees a different path because somehow a animal rescued her long time ago. It changes her mind to become a zoo keeper which she loves doing.

I forgot to mention that I lost my foot awhile back, so I'm wearing a prosthetic leg which I got used of walking now. Oh the best part is that my leg can switch to running from walking so I don't have to limp all the time.

My Mother was very concern about my disability as it should describe, but I'm grucci about it.

Suddenly  a girl walks in the library and it was Her.

"Hey Hiccup!"Astrid greets, approaching to me.

"Hey. Sup?"I ask, closing my text book.

"Just walking around, looking for a study spot"She says, holding up her textbook in front of my view.

"Oh really? Why not study with me. I needed to focus on chemistry"I exclaim.

"Super! Although"She looks down at her book"you wanna study someplace else later on? We can study all evening?!!".

"Why not? I'm free today"I chuckle, actually hanging out with her is kinda nice.

"Sounds wonderful!"She giggles, trailing off to class.

"Hmm Astrid"I mutter, curious about this blonde girl.

~Astrid's P.O.V~

"Step 2 complete"I whisper to myself, feeling proud that I confronted him.

This Hiccup character, he's okay. A lot better then my previous victims, he does have an excellent a$$.

"Wonder if he's single though"I murmured, entering my class.

If I'm gonna live here I gotta keep it cool and secretly about my intentions in Berk, I must not leave any evidence behind, head my trail of blood that'll leads me to my end game.

I already made like two friends and I'm okay with that, so I gotta make more friends to earn their trust.

"You're Ruffnut Yes?"I point out, as this girl with braided hair and a SnapBack.

"No actually"She says.

"May I"I nod my head to the empty seat.

"Not at all"She insists, as I say next to her, it's been almost a week that I've got in Berk High.

And I couldn't make out the students here, but this one here seems outgoing.

"You're new here I'm guessing?"She asked, politely.

I smiled"yes, I'm Astrid".

"The names Ruffnut but I figure you would know because-"

"Ruffnut you suck balls!"

Suddenly another identical person that came running in class and walk back out fast.

"Shut up Tuffnut!"She bark, clenching her teeth.

"Thorstons behave"said Mr Jefferson.

"And that's my annoying brother Tuffnut"She muttering words about her brother.

I laugh"my Thor, I bet having a sibling is fun?".

"No s##t, he's annoying. Dumb and I'm smart"She stated.

"Tell me? Can you give me a small tour around Berk tomorrow? I'm still new to everything out here"I shrug, as I pretend that I didn't know the area.

"Absolutely, we can meet up at the Mall of Berk if you want tomorrow?"She insists, putting a smile.

I smile back"wonderful! We're friends now?".

"I can agree on that"She chuckle.

~Hiccup's P.O.V~

As classes are down today, I walk out feeling a relief the day is over. Which I'm glad of that. Today was just a normal school day in Berk.

As I fully understand my classes and prepare for the worst outcome of assignments, quizzes, and tests. I'm ready for anything that the teachers can pull up for.

I totally forgot to give Astrid my cell phone number, great now I have to wait at the spot where I'm supposed to meet her after classes, unless if I can find her inside if she didn't leave yet.

I took a small walk around the front of Berk High, seeing all the students leaving. As I looking around, looking for the familiar blonde headed chick.

Until suddenly I spot her along with another blonde chick which is Ruffnut.

"Well Ruffnut, I'll see you later I got plans this evening"She said to her, waving goodbye.

"Bye Astrid!"Ruffnut shouts, as she trail off to her brother Tuffnut from the distance.

Astrid quickly sprint towards me with a small smile on her.....cute face.

"Ready Hiccup?"She asked, pulling up her backpack straps.

I was gawking at her looks and suddenly shook from fantasy.

"Uhhhh yeah yeah! Let's get going"I stammer, point out to a side walk that leads to the Berkian Park.

The area is very big and somehow friendly like, a small cafe, playgrounds, a empty space for entertainment like concerts and stuff.

"I see you made friends after me"I spoke, breaking the silent walk.

"Yeah, I figure if I get out of my shell. I make friends"She smiles widely at me"just like you".

I chuckle"yeah".

As we make our way closer to the park we were distracted by a small billboard where people put stuff which gives our attention.

"Hey check it"I point out, seeing an paper which was very recent, saying Missing Person.

"Oh my, Missing Person Austin Putin"She squints her eyes reading the paper.

"Oh I forgot to mention, recently people start showing up missing or dead. It's kinda weird it happens here in Berk. Was so peaceful"I shrug, as I about to continue on walking tot he study spot until she continue looking at the pictures.

"You don't say"She folds her arms glancing the other posts on the small billboard of missing people.

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