One of Those Days

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~Hiccup's P.O.V~

Weeks have passed and I'm slowly getting better on allowing the prosthetic leg to be part of me, literally, like I'm really trying to think it's my actually leg even though it's gone.

I'm currently jogging along the park trail as it was such a beautiful day, but there were some discomfort upon my pavement where my leg used to be. But I shouldn't let it bother me. It's like a constant reminder to me of why I lost my foot or leg or I don't know.

Astrid has become a little distant like something is conflicting her. She may be a cold blooded serial killer but that doesn't let me stop loving her. I know this will become a burden and I'm carrying that with me for a long time. But how long this will be.

Suddenly I stop and spot Astrid sitting on a bench in the park alone. But when I notice in my right side I seen people and their kids having a wonderful time at the park. So I quickly pace up towards her cautiously.

"Hey Astrid"I greet her.

Astrid looks up at me surprising"oh hey Babe! I didn't know you'd be here".

I lightly chuckle"thought I'd jog for bit".

I sat down next to her and notice her torment etched face like she's conflicted. I looked over to her front view and back to her with a glance of her trembling hands. I then intertwined our fingers and comfort her.

"Babe, are you okay?"I whisper.

"N-N-No....its one of those days"She sighs heavily, moving closer to me. As I wrap my arm around her.

"I'll be okay"I murmured, as her trembling hands slowly stop as she felt relax.

After comforting her, we decided to head to a nearby cafe to grab a nice cold drink. We both grab star berry milk shakes.

"Oh this is so good!"She exclaimed, slurping on her drink.

"I know right?! This cafe has the best milkshakes of what I heard"I cheer of excitement seeing Astrid looking better.

"Thanks Hiccup"She smiles"for being there for me, again".

"I'm always there for you, you can always count on me"we intertwine our fingers as I ensured her.

"I've been total wreckage over the past couple days, I just don't know what's wrong with me. I know it's my time of the month but something inside me is eating me up"She explains"I just felt...guilt".

I softly nod and understood why"I wouldn't understand how you're feeling right now, especially how everything is complicated".

Astrid then shrug, leaning back"Hiccup, it's not really easy to fight off these urges. I've been restless. I know I have to stop. Really...I'am".

"You will always figure out Astrid, you're smart, you're an incredible person, you'll always find an angle".

She laughs"jheeeze you, always finding a way to make me smile, I know you're pushing it hard. I love that you're really caring. Thanks Babe".

"Anytime"I said, as we continue on our drinks and make our way home.

Meanwhile, as the moon hung high in the night sky, casting eerie shadows across the park trail, a lone figure walked cautiously, senses alert. The limited lighting made it difficult to see, but the person couldn't shake the feeling of being followed. Every rustle of leaves sent shivers down their spine.

"I shouldn't have stayed out late!"the person pants of exhaustion.

And then, out of the darkness, emerged the Shadow—an elusive figure, bent on revenge. The person's heart raced as they realized the danger lurking in the shadows. In a desperate attempt to defend themselves, they fought back, but it was futile. The Shadow was too skilled, too calculated. In an instant, the person met their demise.

Leaving behind a chilling clue, a mark of his dark presence, the Shadow slipped away into the night, disappearing like a phantom. Moments later, police sirens wailed in the distance, the sound growing louder as they closed in on the crime scene.

The next morning.

~Astrid's P.O.V~

I was just coming out of the washroom as I yawn, stretching out my arms as I descended the staircase and headed to the kitchen.

"What do I feel like having"I said to myself looking at the coffee or tea.

"Coffee I guess!!"

As I begin brewing my fresh cup of coffee, knowing that caffeine will boost me up for the day, I continue on to the living room as I flicked on the tv with my coffee on the side and flick through channels. Until suddenly the news coverage caught my attention as I read there was murdered.

My eyes went widen shocked and I almost spill my hot coffee, I stood up as I listen in the breaking news.

"No..."I muttered.

My whole body jotted up and run back to my room to text Hiccup of what happened, the next several minutes a loud knock on my door and that kind of triggered me.

"Who is it!"I called out.

"Astrid it's me!"Hiccup called out back, if his cute voice knowing it's him.

I went up to the front door and open it, feeling the comfort of his presence.

"Oh thank Thor you're here"I said, relieving.

"Astrid are you okay?"Hearing Hiccup's voice laced with worry.

I took a deep breath"Hiccup, Look".

I pointed out to the news coverage and he looked at what's it about.

"Murdered?"He looks back to me"Astrid".

"Look I know how coincidence it maybe! But I swear to Thor, and I swear! I was at home after we parted ways yesterday"I pleaded.

Hiccup blinks"okay, I believe you. This could just be too coincidence-".

Suddenly the conversation stop as the news coverage spoke out.

"This just in! Police have stated that this has been the third time someone was brutally murdered this past summer. As seeing it all connects because whoever it was left a clue for the Police to discover. The Police have recovered a playing card that has a weird symbol on it".

"What?!"I was turned as I focus myself hearing the news coverage.

"The police has not made any comments on if we have a serial killer in Berk City-"

I look back at Hiccup"I don't do that, I never leave anything behind".

Hiccup gave me an odd look and look back at the news"this is just too coincidence".

"Hiccup, I think someone is copycat".

"But....that means someone else knows about your secret...."Hiccup eyes went widen.


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