The Couple With a SuperStar

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~Hiccup's P.O.V~

Our summer begins, thankfully we have a lot of time in our hands. We thought about going away for today and just spend the time in the sun, avoid any drama. Right now she's driving.

I look over to her and smile, she quickly look at me and chuckle.

"Don't distract me"She laughs, slowing down on a stoplight ahead.

"Distracting you?"I gasp"why? I'm a distraction?".

"Y-Yes, I mean no! I'm driving Hiccup"She stammers, pointing at the road.

"I apologize my dear Astrid, I'll try not to look cute"I smirk, looking at my window.

She rolled her eyes and smile, concentrating her eyes on the road.

"Green light"I muttered"red light".

Astrid gave me an annoying face but continue on driving.

"Where we're going?"I asked, as we enter downtown.

"A restaurant called Warehouse, their prices are cheap but fortunately their food is sooo goood!!"She praises, turning to the right and entering the parking lot.

"Warehouse? That the new restaurant?"I looked confused wondering about this new restaurant that I haven't heard of, oh wait I don't go out much.

"It was open months ago, you probably haven't gone out much?"She said, looking at the parking spaces"should I parked in the handicap?".

"Maybe?"I glance down at my foot"it would be okay I guess"I happened to have a handicap sign.

I reach over my pocket and place it on the dashboard. I sigh and climb out of the car and wait for Astrid.

"You good?"She asks, standing next to me.

I nod"yes, don't worry".

She smiles and we began walking across the street and finding this restaurant she talks about. There was a lot of people walking by and I know this is downtown but it's always busy. We then finally found it and luckily for us there's no line up, we enter the restaurant and stand by the door inside as we waited for a waiter or waitress to help us.

Astrid scoffs"ugh I forgot the service is quite bad. The food is good but they really need to speed things up".

"Oh I'm sure they'll help us"I said, defensively.

"But it's not busy!"She ranted, pointing at the tables and booths.

Until finally a waitress approach us"welcome! My name is Jenny, where would you like to sit?".

"Over here is good"Astrid point out at the booth area.

"Certainly!"As she guide us to our seats.

We finally sat down as the waitress hand out the menus"now what drinks would you want?".

"Water please"I said, glancing down at the menu.

"Orange juice please"Astrid said.

The waitress nods and walks away, we both then thought about what to get.

"Progies are good"Astrid suggests.

"Appetizer?"I recommended.

We then placed our orders as we waited for our food, but I'm feeling a little discomfort on my new prosthetic foot. Astrid then notice my expression.

"You okay?"Astrid asked, touching my hand on the table.

"Ugh, I really need to get used of not having a foot"I groan, still feeling the emptiness on my left foot.

"Oh Hiccup,

"Wait, is that"Astrid nudges my arm as she looks over at the woman that's about our age sitting alone.

"Wait, is that"I repeated the same response Astrid has.

Astrid then looks at me with a surprising expression"it's her!".

"Nah she can't be"I disagree, I then look again.

Astrid then slaps me"don't check her out doofus!".

"Ow! I was just correcting myself if that's Andrea!"I pleaded.

"Pssst! Excuse me miss!"I wave my hand at her.

She quickly look at us"yes?".

"Please tell me, are you Andrea Hayden?"Astrid asked her.

The woman then look both ways and decided to sit with us.

"You are Andrea Hayden!"Astrid gasp.

"That's me!!"Andrea laughs.

"Oh my gosh! I'm meeting you in person!"Astrid feel like a fangirling in a concert.

"Nice to meet you both too! Mind if I eat with you?"Andrea greets cheerfully.

"Please do!"

"What are you doing here?"I wondered"I thought you're on that world tour-"

"Keep it down!"Andrea shush me"I'm on vacation and I don't want any attention right now!".

"Sorry!"I chuckle nervously"must be tough to avoid all of the attention".

"You have no idea! I been keeping a low profile for awhile and I been super busy lately that I need a break for the summer. I know fans would be upset but hey I need a break".

"Well you been travelling a lot lately! With the tour recently"Astrid point out"no wonder why you cancelled that concert here".

Andrea nods in agreement"yess, I just thought I can take the summer off but nooo my agent & the crazy fans wants me to perform this summer".

"I would've felt the same way if I were in your shoes"I chuckle.

"Same! "

Andrea then glance down at me"not to be rude or anything, you're Hiccup Haddock right? Mayor Stoick's son??".

"Ya, that's me!"Hiccup scratches behind his neck"and if you're gonna question about my prosthetic foot, I lost it from a incident that I don't wanna keep talking about".

"Oh Jheeeze I heard about that! I hope you're well Hiccup"Andrea said, tapping my arm"and so sorry for being rude".

"I been good! Recovering faster but I'm still getting sued of this new foot"I slightly felt annoy with this uneasy feeling down there.

"Aww get well soon though! And I know you're in good hands!"She looks at Astrid"I know those looks when you look at each other. Love".

We both slight blush and felt slightly embarrassed.

"I keep good company"I said, looking at Astrid.

"Oh stop!"She says.

"Anywho! Let's eat!"Andrea said as our food arrives.

The three of us enjoyed our food as we filled our stomachs until we exploded, not really. As we finished eating we got outside and luckily we exchanged numbers.

"You too are great to hang with! We should hang again! It's hard to find real friends"Andrea says, while getting in her car.

"For sure! See you around!"Astrid waves goodbye at our new friend. Leaving the parking lot and honk the horn.

"She was nice"I said, walking back to our car.

"She is! Can't believe we're friends with a super star!"Astrid squeal like I have never seen before. I'm really glad she's letting out and being herself this time, instead of worrying what she was before.

This summer will be lit.

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