Surprising Dan

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Jet black Heart- 5SOS

Dan's POV

You thought I would have done Yours first, didn't ya?

Ok, I'm done filming my internet support group and am ready to edit. Sadly, I have to start packing so I won't make the same mistake twice. I don't want my eye to suffer like that again...

   I go up stairs to my room when I was stopped by Phil.

   "DAN?! Are you ready?!" He said shaking me

   "Geez, chill out for a sec. I'm not, but The flight doesn't leave until 9 and it's 4 now. Just relax. Why are you so nervous? Are you hiding something beside where we are going?" I said crossing my arms smirking. Hopefully this will make him crack.

   "Oh, I thought the flight was sooner then that. I will go now." He said trying to walk away. Key word: trying.

   I then grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back in front of me.

   "Phil, answers, now. And Please don't lie again." I said giving him a glare.

   "I don't know what you're talking about?" He said scared. Man he's such a bad lier.

   "Phil. Tell me where we are going and why you have been avoiding me. Also, who the heck you been talking to that's so secretive that you have the leave the building." I said getting impatient. I know it's supposed to be a surprise, but I hate the lying.

   "Dan, just trust me on this one. I can't tell you anything about this just yet. But you're going to be glad I did because it's going to be worth it." He said seriously

   "Fine, anyways I'll find out once we get to the airport." I said thinking I had the upper hand.

   "In that case, we're going to Florida." He said walking off.

   "Wait, are we going to Disney or universal or something." I said confused

   "Dan, I'm not telling you. Now go pack up before you get lazy and not do it."

   Before I had anytime to reply to that rude comment, he shuts the door to his room in my face.

   Ugh, I hate surprises. Also, I hate that Phil is being so secretive. At least he's being honest now. Through out the week, he's been faking being sick or make an excuse to leave the house. Like saying we need milk, when we had just bought a whole new one the day before.

   But I guess there's no convincing Phil to tell me or trying to figure out his plans. I might as well go start packing. Crap, he said Florida, didn't he. Ugh, it's going to be hot since it's spring.

   Time skip when they are about to leave the apartment.

   Still Dan's POV

"Phil, let's go. We're going to be late if I you don't hurry up. Get off the stupid phone of whoever you've been talking to." I said pissed off. God, I hate that he's treating me like this. I'm actually considering not going at all.

"Sorry Dan, just making sure the place we're staying at is ok." He said like I'm not bothered by what going on.

"If that's all, then why not do it when we are in the cab? I'm actually considering not going at all if you tell me why you're being so secretive." I said crossing my arms giving him a glare.

"Dan, I know you hate secrets, I really do. So if you don't want to be kept in the dark any longer, I'll tell you. I just wanted to do something special for you." He said disappointed at the end.

"Phil, if it means that much to you, then I'll wait. I just want you to know that I hate that you have been lying to me." I said sighing at the end.

"I know, I just panicked. I had to make something up in order to make sure you don't find out."

"I'll be ok if you tell me when we land please."

"I can't promise you that, but I can promise you will find out once we reach where we are going to be staying at."

"That's the best I'm going to get, aren't I?"

"Yep, now lets go. I can hear our cab getting impatient." He said then walking out the door.

I didn't mean to lash out on him like that. I just not used to him lying to me. And the secrets don't help either. At least I'll be able to figure out this mystery in the end.

I walk down the stairs, the endlessly long staircase, and walk up to the cab. I put my bags in the back and get in the back.

"I already told him where we're going." Phil said

"Thanks Phil." I said

I then pulled out my phone and earbuds and pulled up Spotify. I hit my playlist and 5SOS play with Jet Black Heart plays. This songs suits me. I then looked out the window and stare at the passing cars. I took a quick glance at Phil and noticed he's doing the same thing. I then looked out the window again and waited since we are a hour away from the airport.

Skipping to when they get to the gate. Also, I think I'm going to do just Dan in the chapter. I'm sorry I didn't expect this to be this long😐

We are now at the gate ready to board the plane. I found out that we are going to Jacksonville Florida. We could still be going to Disney, so I'm not giving up on that.

"You ready Dan? It's going to be a long flight." Phil asked

"I guess, I might as well get this over with." I said getting up.

Hey, I'm going along with this secret game. But that doesn't mean I'm going to like it.

"All first class users please proceed to gate B22 for Jacksonville Florida." The lady on the intercom said

"Well, that's us. Let's get going." Phil said heading up.

I followed him and waited in line. I then gave my ticket to the lady to scan, then walked down the tunnel. Man I hate this tunnel. It just reminds me of a horror movie.

We then got on the plane and toke our seat in the 3 row. Me and Phil are on the third row while I got the window and he got the aisle.

We waited a bit and I was just going through Instagram when the lady on the intercom said we leaving the gate. I put my phone on airplane mode and put it up. Phil toke this chance to talk to me since I've been on my phone the entire time.

"Dan, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't have been lying to you. You have every right to be mad at me, but please don't let it ruin this trip. I know you're going to love what I have planned for you. Trust me." He said sadly

"You don't have to apologize Phil, I should have trusted you that you were doing this for a reason. Let's just forget that ever happened and let's just enjoy this free time, ok?" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Good idea. It looks like we're about to take off." He said pointing out the window.

I look over and noticed we're next to take of. The plane then starts to go fast making me lean back. We eventually got in the air and are now situated in the air. Shorty after, they said we can get out electronics.

   I then pulled back up Spotify and plugged my phone in the tv to charge. I then lean against the window because I'm tired. I get this sleepy all the time since the air sick meds that make people sleepy. If I don't take them, I can get sick easily.

   Shorty after, I decided to close my eyes to get some sleep. But before I do, I look over at Phil and see him trying to figure out the tv. Also I hear him mumbling something about which movie to watch before sleep over came me.

   I then woke up to us landing. I'm about to sit up, when I noticed something. Phil fell asleep on my shoulder with an arm around my arm. Also he's snoring lightly.

   Great, let's just hope there isn't any fans on this plane. Phan has been growing at a rapid rate. Maybe we should back of a little bit. But I love people's reactions when they see us do something a couple would do. Like for the recent baking video I said feed me Easter daddy, probably not a good idea...

Ok, I should wake him up now. We're about to enter the gate.

"Psst, Phil. It's time to get up, we're about to get off." I whispered to him

"No mommy, I don't wanna eat." He mumbled. At least he didn't say daddy...

"Phil, come on." I said lightly shaking him.

"Ugh, what is it?" He said with his eyes still shut.

   "We are about to get off the plane. Also, you have something that belongs to me." I said shaking my arm he's still holding to.

   "Wa? Oh, sorry dan." He then let's go of me. "Sorry about that, I promise I wasn't sleeping on your shoulder when I went to sleep" he said stretching.

   "It's ok, I know you didn't mean it." I said also stretching

   "So Phil, do we have to get a rental car or a get a cab." I asked

   "I got us an uber driver. One because it's the middle of the night here, and two We aren't used to driving on the opposite side of the road." He said getting our luggage from above.

   "I forgot America is that weird. How far away is our destination?" I asked Phil

   "About a hour, depends on the traffic." Phil said handing me my carry on.

   "That's not to bad. Let's get out off here, I don't want to back up the line." I said as I noticed the door has opened.

   "Good idea, let's go." Phil said walking away.

   I followed behind him walking through the tunnel of death. When we got out, we then got on the airports train to baggage claim.

   We then walk up to where we pick up our bags and waited. We waited for about 10 mins when our bags finally came out. We grabbed them and proceeded to go outside.

   Phil then pulled up his phone to see how far away our uber is.

   "She said she'll be here in 5 mins." Phil said

   I nodded to him and started to look down the rode.

   About 5 mins later, a black truck pulls up in front of use. I guess that's our ride...

   "Hello, are y'all Dan and Phil?" The driver said. Man she has a thick southern accent.

   "Yes ma'am, I'm guess you're our driver today." Phil said standing up.

   "You bet, hope in. You can put your belongings in the back. I reckon you guys are tired, aren't ya?" She asked as we put our stuff in the back seat.

   "We sure are Mrs. Jackson." I said as we got in. Phil told me her name will we waited. Phil got the middle while I got the window.

   "Please, Mrs. Jackson is my mom, you can call me Savannah." She said sticking her hand out to shake.

   "It's a pleasure to meet you." I said to her while shaking her hand.

   "Same." Phil said doing the same thing.

   We then pulled away and started on the road. I looked over at Savannah to get a better look at her and let me just say, she's the definition of a Southern girl. She has dirty blonde hair that's is in two French braids. Before you ask why I know that, blame Y/N. Anyways, she has baby blue eyes. Heck almost like Phil's, but her's is brighter. She has on light red lipgloss and freckles on her cheeks. She's actually very pretty with her natural features, but not as beautiful as Y/N. Also, she has on jean shorts that go mid thigh and a baby blue tank top.

   "So, what brings y'all down to Jacksonville?" She asked paying attention to the road.

   "We are going to visit some old friends." Phil said

   Aha, I finally find out why we're here. But who the heck are we visiting, dang it I thought I had it.

   "Aww, that's Offaly sweet of you to come down here to see them. Also, is that an British accent I'm hearing?" She asked.

   Now is my turn to answer. "Yes." Hey, I didn't say I had to say much!

   "I like your accent, we don't hear it much down here. We usually just get southerners down here, and the occasional New Yorker or New Jersey accents." She said

   "Well, we like your accent too. Even though our friend has your accent to, yours is extremely thick." Phil said

   "Aww, you're making me blush. Hold on a sec..." she said rolling down her window. Oh no, is she about to...

   "Hey dumb asses!!! Go the fucken speed limit or I'm going to fixin' to whip all of your asses!!!" She screamed to the car in front of us. Did I also mention she won't stop honking.

   "You know what, forget this. I'm going to make a short cut in the back way, hope you don't mind. I just really can't stand traffic." She said turning off the express way.

   "I think that would be best." I said

   "Also I think that's best since usually traffic starts around this time." She said

   "So, Savannah. How much longer till we get there."Phil asked.

   "About 45 more mins. Y'all can either sleep or text on your phones if y'all don't wanna talk to me." She said

   "I don't know about Dan, but I'll continue to talk to you." Phil said

   "I don't want to sound rude, but I would prefer to listen to music and close my eyes for a little bit." I said pulling out my phone and earbuds.

   "I don't mind at all fella, but thank you Phil for keeping me company." She said smiling.

   "It's no problem, I just don't wanna go back to sleep because I know once I fall asleep, I'm going to stay asleep." Phil said.

   "Ok then, so what do you wanna talk about sir?" She asked Phil.


   By then I was starting my music and blocking them out. I know it's rude and everything, but I honestly don't have the energy to talk. So I leaned against the window and toke a quick nap.

      Phil's POV

   "Is he asleep yet" Savannah asked.

   "Ya, he's knocked out. He's always like this while flying, it doesn't matter how long the flight is." I said looking at him.

   "Y'all make a cute couple." She said smirking.

   "Haha, no. We are not gay and he has a girlfriend. Besides, he's just my friend." I said casually. Trust me, I'm used to this with all the phan shippers out there.

   "Oh, I'm sorry if I offended you." She said sincerely

   "It's no problem, now I have to make a phone call really quick so..." I said

   "Of course, I'll be quiet as a mouse for you." She said focusing on the road.

   I then called Y/Ns mothers number. It toke a few rings before she answered.

"Phil, why the hell are you call at 2 am in the morning?!" She complained.

"Did you forget that we were going in tonight?" I asked

"No, I just didn't expect it to be that late. Are you almost here?" She asked

"Ya, about 30 mins away. I just wanted to call you to let you know so you can let us in." I said

"Ok, sorry I yelled. Oh I almost forgot, there is a code you have to put in. The code is 7887. Text me when you're here."

"Ok, thank you Mrs. Quinn." I said

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Heather?" She asked

"Sorry, I keep forgetting. Anyways, I got to go, bye."

"Bye sweetie." She said hanging up.

"Are those yer friends?" Savannah asked.

"Yes, but it's our friends mom. Actually, his girlfriends mom."

"Aww, are you surprising her or him?" She asked.

"Both actually. It hasn't been easy though." I said sighing at the end.

"I can only imagine, but glad that things are working out in the end." She said trying to be cheerful.

"Question, how are you this cheerful this late?" I asked

"Well, I don't really sleep that much. Also, I like staying up late. Just driving around and meeting new people. It's relaxing for me." She said sighing.

"Wow." Was all I said.

"Yep, it just feels good to let loss a bit. Especially with my family pressuring me to make good grades and get into college. When all I want to do is travel around the world and meet new people. I hate school, I really do. People there would do anything for popularity and would get easily jealous. I should know, I was the target all my life." She said looking sad.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about this. Things are going to get better, trust me. You just have to push through and ignore the haters. They want you to feel worthless and not good enough, when you really are. You are a beautiful, smart, outgoing girl that many people wish they could be like you. And for your parents, don't let them tell you what you have to do. It's your life, do whatever you want to do. If it's to travel the world, or be an uber driver." I said trying to cheer her up.

"You're right, but it still hurts. I just can't wait for the hard part to be over with." She said

"It will." I said

Then everything was silent. I just want her to take what I said to heart, she only a little girl. She looks to be about 17 or 18 years old and she says she still in high school. I wish her the best of luck, she is a nice girl. I like her personality. Cheerful and full of energy.

"Ok phily, we here at the gate. What's the code so I can put it in." Savannah said.

Man, I must have dosed off for a little bit. I didn't notice we were here already.

"She says it's 7887." I told her

She imports the code and it makes a beeping noise. Then the gates open to this nice neighborhood.

"Gosh, your friend most be rich. These homes cost about a million dollars." She said looking around the big neighborhood.

"Ya well, she got in a lawsuit with Delta and let's just say it made news. Because they failed to do the right procedures, they had to pay a fortune and she gets to fly free." I said

"Wow, she's one lucky girl." She said

"Not really. She only got all his is because her dad died because of it..." I said. Maybe I shouldn't have given that much info on her now...

"Oh, I didn't know..." she said looking sad.

"She's ok now, she's happy again." I said. I then remembered I had to wake up Dan.

"Dan, come on. We're here." I said shaking him.

"No... go away." He mumbled back.

Guess I have to do this the hard away. I then grabbed his phone that still playing music and put it on full blast and have rock in roll on.

Dan the ripped the earbuds out of his ear screaming bloody murder. I forgot how loud he gets.

"PHIL!!! WHAT THE FUCK YOU DICKHEAD?!?!?!" He screamed at me.

"Calm down, I had to wake you up somehow." I said calmly

"I didn't do that to you when you feel asleep on me." I said while stretching. "Where are we? I don't recognize this place?" He asked

Great, I was hoping he wouldn't remember. Just to make the surprise better.

"You don't, well hopefully you will remember the people." I said smirking

"Phil, what are you planning?" He asked

"You'll figure it out soon." I said

I then looked over and noticed that one, we are parked outside Y/Ns house, and two, Savannah is leaning against her door away from us holding her chest.

It looks like Dan wasn't the only person scared.

"Sorry Savannah, I didn't think ahead that he was going to scream." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"I'm just surprised. I thought it was a girl from the Exorcist was in the car trying to kill me." She said laughing at the end.

"Hey, I have you know that's my manly battle cry." Dan said trying to defend himself.

"Ya, either a man being killed or one crying for his mommy." Savannah said laughing. I joined in.

"Haha, very funny. Let's get our bags and head to bed before I fall over dead." Dan said getting out of the door.

"Danny, you know we're just kidding. But you're right, it was nice meeting you Savannah. Hopefully we can each other again." I said sticking my hand out for her.

"You to Phil, be safe." She said shaking my hand back.

When I turned around. I noticed dan has already grabbed his bag and walking away.

"Danny, wait up. I still need to grab my bag." I shouted out at him while reaching back grabbing my bag in the back.

"Fine, but only because I don't want to knock on the door." Dan said

Dan's POV
Don't worry, it's almost over

I am waiting for Phil to get out of the car and say goodbye to Savannah. Once Phil is next to me, we wave after her while she's pulling away.

I then turned to Phil and asked, "So Phil, now what?"

"Well, let me just text her we're here so she can let us in." Phil said pulling out his phone.

Wait, did he say she? Wait a sec, who do I know that lives in Florida, is good friends with, is a girl, and is so important that Phil made sure I didn't know who it is. Omg, I know who it is now. How can I be so stupid, I might as well have a gun up to my head on how clueless I am right now.

"Phil..." I said emotionless

"I just texted her, she should be out in a sec. What is it Dan?" Phil asked looking up from his phone.

"Are we visiting Y/N? And is this her house?" I said while being frozen

Phil then smirked and said, "It's about time you figured it out, I would have thought you would have figured it out after she said where we were going."

Before I can respond, he hear someone coughing. I looked over to where the sound came from and see Y/Ns mom and sister at the door.

"It's about time you boys got here. Now come inside before an alligator eats you." Molly says walking back inside with Violet in her arms.

"Surprise!" Phil said using his jazz hands.

I don't know what to do. I didn't not expect this at all. I'm here to see her again, we can finally be together again. And it's all thanks to Phil, and I treated him poorly at home. I have to make it up to him.


"YOU ARE THE BEST!!!" I screamed while give Phil a hug. I don't think he expected this since he almost falls over.

"You're all good mate, you're my best friend." Phil said hug back

"And you are mine too, I'm so sorry for making you feel bad about this whole thing. I feel so stupid." I said disappointed at the end

"Hey, it's ok. Also, I thought we agreed that we would forget about that mess?" Phil asked.

"You're right, let's head inside. I don't want to get eaten before I can see her again." I said pulling away from Phil.

Oh wait, she's up in New York right now. Oh man, that sucks. But at least she comes back tomorrow.

"And the best thing is, Y/N doesn't know that you're here." Phil said as we start walking up the door.

"Really, that means we can surprise her?" I asked

"Yep, why did you think I suddenly planned this trip out of nowhere. We wanted to surprise both of you and Y/N in New York was the perfect opportunity." Phil said

"I still can't believe you guys planned this all just for me and her to see each other." I said

"Of course, dude you do know I ship
S/N right? Also, you guys have been miserable being apart. With her trying to move on and you ignoring every girl you see." Phil explained

"Geez, you made our situation sound a million times worse." I said jokingly

"Oh it was bad." Phil said while walking up to Y/Ns mom in the kitchen.

"It's good to see you boys. Sorry I didn't help with your bags. Violet tried to see you but she fell asleep on the couch. So right when Phil texted me y'all were here, I was carrying her up stairs." She said while give me and Phil a hug.

"It's ok Heather, but I just wanted to tell you we got Danny good." Phil said giggling

"Good to hear. I bet y'all are tired so I'll show you to your rooms." She said walking out the room

Me and Phil stared to follow her with our bags up the stairs.

We walk down this long hallway and stop at the second door. "Phil, this will be your room." She said opening up the door. Inside we see a decent size room with Blue and pink queen bed.

"Haha, you got a girls bed." I said laughing since the room is in pastel colors.

"Ya, sorry about that. My sister was testing out a new style for her new house and this was her creation." She said sighing at the end

"It's no problem, I would rather sleep here than a dark room." He said walking in.

"Night Phil." I said waving him goodbye as I continue to follow her.

"Night Dan." Phil said shutting the door.

"Dan, I hope you don't mind. But you're going to be sleeping in Y/Ns room." She said

"Wait, what?" I said so shocked I stopped mid way.

"Is is a problem? I just don't have the other guests room set up because I thought for some reason you were going to arrive tomorrow." She said scratching the back of her neck.

"Oh, it's fine. I could honestly care less, I just want to sleep." I said trying to play it of cool. But honestly, I DO CARE!!!

"Good, her room is behind this door." She then opened to a dark blue and black room. In the middle, there's a king size bed with checker Dark blue and Black. With gray carpet and white walls. I noticed her gaming area in the corner that's surrounding by black styrofoam. It looks cute. This room suits her well.

"Well I'll let you go to sleep now, I'm at the end of the hall if you need me." She said walking down the hall after shutting the door.

I walk into her room, put my bags at the foot of her bed, and jump on her bed. It's so soft, why are all girls bed so soft. Wait, that sounds weird. I'm just saying that since the pastel video I did with Phil, those bedsheets was so soft. And it was from a girl. I'll just shut up.

I open up my suitcase and grabbed new boxers and pj pants. I then changed and went under her covers. This is so weird...

Good news is, I get to see her tomorrow. I can't wait to see her again. I can just imagine see that pretty face again with that award Winning smile. With that thought in mind, I went to sleep.

Holy crap that was long, thats what happens when you like to go into to much detail. Anyways, Dan finally finds out Phil's secret plan. I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow for them? Also, I'm so sorry, I promised to do the kids in this chapter. But I honestly don't know exactly know what to do in that chapter just yet. I will figure out what to do, but I had been working on this all day at school so be happy. Expesally with 4820 words. I'M A WIZARD!!!
Bye-bye now y'all😂😂😂

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