The Zoo pt.2

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Fight song- Rachel Platten


Ugh, my head. How long have I been out for? Wait, I FEEL ASLEEP?! FML!!! At lest I was wearing sunglasses so it didn't look to weird, I think. Also, my stomach feels better. I guess that nap helped. Ok, now to go and fine my mom and sister.

I looked down at my phone and noticed it's 2 o'clock. Damn, we arrived at 10. I was out for four hours. I'm so thirsty, and I feel sunburnt. Great, also I have 10 missed call from mom and 35 messages saying, 'where are you?' And 'you better be dead or so help me you're going to wish u were.' Welp, I'm dead.

   M/N = Middle name

I call my mom and only one ring and she picks up. "Y/N M/N QUINN!!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! YOU ARE DEAD IF YOU DON'T FUCKEN TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE AT!!!"

"You done yet?" I said

"No... yes. Just tell me where you are at and I will make your death painless." My mom said sighing.

"I'm by the reptile house place thing, do you want me too wait for meet you up somewhere?" I said

"Just go into the place and me and Violet will be there shortly. What were you doing that made you not answer your phone." She said

"Well long story short, the nurse wouldn't give me meds and I toke a nap." I said

"Ugh, what am I going to do with you. We're about 10 mins away and we are still looking around. So we should be there in 20 mins. You're not to leave until we come, understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now I have to go. My phones about to die. Bye." Then she hung up

Rude, she didn't let me say bye back. Oh well, guess I'm stuck at the reptile place. I might as will go inside, maybe I will see Godzilla.

   I walk in and on both sides of me are reptiles. I go to the left and the first thing I see is turtles. I like turtles.

   I start to look down a just only give quick glances since I'm not interested in the lizards. I'm more interested in snakes. I decided to go to the right side and see snakes all behind glass. They look so cool. So scaly and so spine tingling. I walk down the row and at the end I see an anaconda. I love anacondas since there're the only snakes I remember the name of, besides cobras and rattlesnake but I didn't see any.

   I was so into look at the snake, I didn't notice someone standing right behind me until they coughed. I turned around and came face to face with a guy, but not any guy, a hot one.

"Hello princess." He said while smirking. Oh great, he's one of those guys, a fuckboy. Heck he probably already has a girlfriend. She's most likely a slut though.

"Hello?" I said trying to act clueless. Hey, I wanna see how this goes. I wonder what pickup line he is going to pull. It's most likely going to be a stupid one knowing this idiot.

"Where have you been all of my life?" He said winking. Dammit I knew it, he can't even do a sexy wink either.

"Umm, hiding from you asshole." I said in a duh tone.

He look surprised at what I said, but only for a sec. He then did that stupid smirk again and said, "Feisty, I like that."

"A fuckboy, I don't like that." I said rolling my eyes. God can't this guy take a hint that I'm not interested? Honestly, I prefer brains over bronzes anytime.

"I know you're just playing hard to get, but go on. Don't be shy. Ask me out and say I'm hot." He said while his smirk grew.

Holy shit, is he actually serious?! My mom better hurry up so I have an excuse to leave this place since mom says I can't leave.

"Okay, Go out." I said pointing to the exit in a serious tone. I swear, if he says one more stupid comment, I'm going to lose all of my brain cells.

"Damm baby, it's your loss. Here's my phone number, just in case you change your mind." He said fucken winking again. He also gave me a slip of paper and left.

I wouldn't have taken he paper if I had a choice, I just wanted him to leave already. I then looked around until I see a trash can. I walk over, rip the paper to shreds, then threw it away to hell.

I then turned around to come face to face with my mom, but I'm a bit taller than her.

"So, you handled that gentlemen quite well." She said with an evil glare.

"You saw that, hey I'm not inter... wait? Did you hear everything we said?!" I said getting pissed off at the end.

"Of course, I just wanted you too suffer since you made me worry about you all day. And what better way then making you talk to idiots." She said with an evil smirk.

"You're so evil, you know how much I HATE morons or fuckboys!!!" I said.

"Well, just be happy I'm not killing you right now." She said while walking away with Violet.

"I would have preferred that." I said under my breath.

"I heard that!" My mom said.

Why do parents do that. They can hear what you say under your breath, but they can't hear you screaming their names?!

   I speed walked to catch up too them, then we start walking to a restaurant.

   "Omg, I'm so hungry I can get a whale." I said while rubbing my belly.

   "Me too sis, mom can I have some chicken nuggets?" My sister said pouting at the end.

   "Sure sweetheart, I was actually already to get everyone that since it's the cheapest." My mom said in an obvious tone.

   "Geez mom, I would have brought my money if you were going to do that, even though I love me some nuggets." I said

   "Actually, I'm just saving up money so I can get something at the gift shop. I really want to remember this day as the day my daughter gave me a heart attack." She said jokingly, I think?

   "Haha, very funny mom. Anyways we're up next, let's eat before I die of not get food for I think 4 hours." I said.

   Was it that long? Idk, all I know is that I'm hungry. And if I don't get any food in me the next few secs, I'm going to be hangry. I'm still pissed off at that guy and my stomach isn't making things better.

Time skip to when they are at the gift shop

   Also, trigger warning up ahead if you have history with medical stuff. Proceed with caution⚠️

There isn't much at the gift shop. Only crappy gifts like 15 dollar rings that change colors and stuff animals. I can't lie though, they are adorable, but they are expensive. Heck, this elephant costs 50 bucks.

I noticed my mom and sister at the cashier with violet holding a wolf stuff animal. But it's not a big one, it probably costs about 20 something with its size.

I keep looking around until I feel my phone buzzing. I look down at the caller id and it's an unknown, but I recognize this number. I don't remember when or where I've seen it, but I just remember those digits. I decided too answer it.


"Hello, is this Y/N Quinn? As in Starstruck?" The lady in the other side said.

Man, is this some fan that some how found my number again? I already had too change my number twice this month and I'm it's only half why into this month.

"Yes, this is her. May I ask who this is?"

"My name is Miss. Brown and I'm part of the make a wish program."

"Oh I know that, I remember doing a charity live stream with Markiplier a while back. What do I have the pleasure of talking to you?" I said acting professional. Also I said Mark's YouTube name just in case she didn't know which Mark I'm talking about.

   "Well, you know what we do if since you helped us out so much with your charity live streams. Because of you, kids all over the program are able to have their wish come true." She said sounding sincere

   "Thank you, that means so much you appreciate me that much. It's fun to be able to hang out with people I care about and be able to raise money and awareness for kids and teens in need of help." I said

   "We are glad you feel that way, that's what are goal is. Now on too why I actually called you."

   "Aww, and here I thought you were just saying how awesome and amazing I am." I said in a joking way.

   "Haha, funny. Anyways, as you know kids in this program can wish for anything and we make it happen. It can be anything from being a superhero or meeting someone of their choice. Well, a hospital up in New York has kids making a wish to meet you. We counted up the number and we have about ten kids who wished you." She said

   "Are you seriously?! That's amazing that kids will use their wish like that. I would love to meet them. We can do what ever they want to do, just tell me the date and I'll be there." I said sounding extremely happy since I am. It's not everyday you hear this.

   "I know you are on a short break and not uploading much. Before you say I'm a creep, my son watches you and does not stop talking about you. Anyways, we really would like it if you can come this week." She said sounding sad at the end.

   "Umm, it really depends. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but why do you need me so soon?" I said sounding confused at the end.

   "I understand your position, but we have this patient that is under extreme care. She is a ten year old girl with stomach cancer. She has been fighting this for all her life and it's really taken a toll on her. She's hasn't been out much and is always under intense care. She's actually flat lined before but somehow came back. She's always in pain and is never happy, until she watches you. She loves watching your reactions to the random stuff and your heart. She loves talking about how much of a good and generous woman you are. So she made her wish to meet you. I know what you thinking, 'why so soon?' Well the problem is, she isn't going to last long. She only has a ten percent chance of making through this next surgery coming up next week. So we thought since she always been fighting this, we can give her a chance to let lose and hang out with you." She said sounding like she's crying.

   I had to walk out of the gift shop and sit on a bench because I'm on the break of tears. No one should suffer through that, expesally a little girl like her. I have too finish this conversation before I lose it.

   "Oh my, I'm going home right to book my flight now. I mat not know her, but if me just being with her will help her be happy, I'll be there in a heart beat. You can either text me or email me the address and I will try my best too be there tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll be there for the other kids until probably Saturday then I'll go home." I said trying not to cry.

   I know this is my vacation and just to get away from work, but I have to be there to help them. I can't just relax know a girl is dying and the last wish she wants is to just meet me. I know my family will understand, they love hearing story's about kids in programs like this getting a chance to be a kid.

   "I'll email you the information. You have no idea how happy this makes me. I'm actually her nurse and just see her happy when she sees you makes me so happy. She even likes going over your old videos when she's about to get some work done to her. She tells me it helps the pain."

   I can't take this, where is a tissue when you need one?!

   "It's making me happy hearing this, I can't wait to meet her and the other kids. I promise to make them as happy as they can be when I'm done with them. Also, I'll do what ever they want to do or what they can do. If it's to go laser tagging or just talking about random stuff."

   "Perfect, its settled then. Thank you so much again. Also another thing, we're going to make it a surprise for them and we were hoping too make a video about their reactions and what you do with them." She said sounding exited. She must really want to do this idea and so do I.

   "That sounds like a wonderful idea. If you want, I'll post it to my channel to spread more awareness."

   "Yes, yes please. The more people who knows about this the better. I'll send The info now, thank you so much again."

   "No thank you for telling me this and letting kids have there wish. I'll talk to you later, bye."


   Then I hung up and put my head in between my legs. I was not expecting this on a Monday. How am I going to tell my family, I really hope they understand.

   "Hey sweetie." My mom said jump scaring me.

   "MOM!!! Don't do that!" I said holding my heart

   "We heard what you and the lady said."

   "How?" I said sounding confused.

   "Did you really not noticed us sitting next to you? Also you talk really loud." My mom said.

   "Oh, well you understand then why I have to go?" I said

   "Of course, please just make them happy. Also you aren't even going to be gone that long, so don't worry about it."

   "Thank you mom, this really does mean a lot to me and these kids." I said hugging both my mom and sister.

   "Of course big sis, I'll miss you though." Violet said pouting.

   "I won't be gone long, also when we get back I promise to do something special with you."

   "Pinky promise?" Violet said

   "Pinky promise." I said giving her a pinky promise.

   "Ok you two, let's get home so we can get you a flight and packed up." My mom said smiling

   "Yeah let's go. Also Violet, you can tell me about today since I was asleep through it all." I said looking embarrassed.

   "It's ok sis, I knew you were feeling bad. Also mom wasn't that worried, she just said let's leave her and we kept going. She only called you once she realized it's been tree hours." Violet said smirking

   "MOM!!! I could have been kidnaped and you wouldn't have known or cared!" I said sounding surprised and mad.

   "Umm... let's go." She said running away.

   "I'm going to get you." I said running after her towards the car.

Meanwhile, Violet's POV

   And I thought I was the child of this family. Oh well, might as well join them since everyone is already judging us and I don't want to be left.

   "HEY!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! I HAVE TINY LITTLE LEGS!!!" I shouted after them running

   It's true though, I'm extremely short. Hopefully I'll be as big as my sister who is 5'8.

   Yeah, I finally updated. Also, 2697 words!!! I'm getting better and better at this. I know this chapter is sad and everything, but next one is going to be her hanging out with the kids. Also, let's not forget about Phil's mission...

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