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Doyoung was tired, so so tired. He had to pick up extra hours because Jaehyun lost his job... again. Doyoung, being the good boyfriend he is, decided to provide for them while Jaehyun was currently jobless. He rubbed his eyes sitting at his desk at work. It's 9:30 and he's still here trying to get all the paperwork done he was given and to read over drafts. His boss was restless, a man named Johnny Seo, a nice man but hard worker. He had already unbuttoned one button of his dress shirt, loosened his tie, rolled up his sleeves, doing anything to relieve his sore body was sitting in his chair all day. His stomach growled and he sighed. He heard a door open and shut and the sound of keys. He didn't bother to look who it was. "You're still here?" Johnny asked shocked.
"Need to get this done" Doyoung mumbled. Johnny walked over and checked over the files.
"Doyoung these aren't due until a few months, go home" he said worriedly. Doyoung always knew Johnny was a kind man, he treated his workers like family. Doyoung sighed too tired to argue back and started to organize his things putting them away, Johnny helped him.
"Thank you" Doyoung said softly as he grabbed his coat, phone, and keys. He put on his coat and shoved the items in his pocket.
"No problem. Make sure to drive safely, the ice is pretty bad" Johnny warned and Doyoung nodded.
"You too" he said. They had decided to walk out together and separated going to their own cars. Doyoung took a moment to collect himself. Should he get some takeout? He sighed and decided to do so. He called a restaurant that both him and Jaehyun love and ordered their usual. It'll take 20 minutes to reach his destination, but an extra 10 with all the ice. He saw Johnny had already left and he pulled out of the parking lot after buckling his seatbelt.

He picked up the food after driving carefully in the dark with his headlights on. He set it on the passenger seat and put his car in drive once more. He sniffled feeling sluggish. He knew he was coming down with something since yesterday, late nights at the office and then going outside where the temperature had dropped. He started to drive back to his house, he missed Jaehyun all day, he was like his lifeline. Unfortunately Jaehyun didn't answer most of his text today and he was worried, he wondered if he had gotten hurt or fallen ill. Doyoung sneezed and quickly looked back at the road feeling a bit disoriented. He regained himself and managed to make it all the way home. He parked in their driveway and grabbed the plastic bag that held their food and got out and locked his car doors. He walked to the concrete pathway to their door and walked in the slush that had covered it, cringing when it made gross noises. He got out his keys feeling extremely cold, his fingers like ice, his cheeks and nose burning cold, and his legs shaking. He quickly unlocked it and entered his warm home with a sigh of relief. He set down the takeout on the counter and slipped off his shoes and hung his coat on the coatrack after grabbing his phone and keys and setting them on the counter. "Jae I'm home" he said but heard no reply. He frowned. Maybe he's asleep already. He started to walk upstairs wiping his running nose with his dress shirt not really caring since he's going to change anyways. "Jae?" He questioned and stopped at their door and was about to open it before he heard something.
A moan.
He hesitated, maybe he's just watching porn? Or a movie? He grabbed the door knob but stopped once more.
A feminine moan, louder, more realistic. He heard Jaehyun grunt. No way... no, it has to he fake.
He cursed and slowly opened the door, oh how he wished his hadn't. A woman laying on her back on their bed, legs spread wide as Jaehyun went down on her. Doyoung was so shocked he stood frozen, it felt colder than outside, lonely in his own home. "J-Jae?" He spoke up and felt his eyes sting. The woman screamed and Jaehyun looked at Doyoung with shock and regret. He got off the woman and found his boxers and put them on.
"Baby-" he started to say and walked over to his boyfriend of three years. Doyoung didn't let him get closer, he pushed him away and started to cry.
"What the fuck Jung Jaehyun?!" He screamed and saw the woman holding the blankets to her chest jump at his loud voice.
"Doyoung it's not what it lo-" Doyoung cut him off again.
"Not what it looks like?! Are you serious?! You were fucking a woman in our bed and you dare say 'it's not what it looks like?!'" He yelled once more. "Fuck you!" He bawled his eyes out and ran down the stairs and grabbed his keys and phone not bothering to grab his coat. He slipped on his shoes in a hurry and opened the door.
"Baby come back I'm sorry!" Jaehyun yelled as he ran down the stairs. Doyoung slammed the door and ran to his car almost slipping on the ice. He hurriedly unlocked it and got in and started it up. He saw Jaehyun open the front door and try to get to him but Doyoung pulled out of the driveway and sped off. He was crying so much he felt his nose run and kept having to wipe it. His boyfriend cheated on him, his loving boyfriend slept with a woman in the same bed they had shared. He screamed and choked on a sob. He kept driving, not stopping. Even when his phone kept going off.

They met in college.

"Will you go out with me?" Doyoung remembers Jaehyun asking him that. Jaehyun looked nervous, flowers clutched in his hands, face red, and eyes hopeful. Doyoung said yes, he had a crush on the younger for a long time. He remembers Jaehyun's big smile, dimples showing, and relief flooding his body.

They met each others parents a month into the relationship, it was tough at first but both set of parents accepted their sons and their relationship. As long as they are happy.

They went on their first official date to a drive-in movie, they had laid in the bed of Jaehyun's truck and held hands and kissed softly.

Doyoung didn't notice with each memory he sped up.

Their first time was a mess but beautiful, Doyoung remembers all the love Jaehyun put into it all the care. He loved him for that, he didn't solely do it for his own release but he made sure Doyoung got his.


Their first fight was over something dumb, hell Doyoung even forgot what it was about. They ignored each other for two hours and then eventually crawled back to each other and talked it out and cuddled on Jaehyun's bed.


After two years they bought a house together, it was a bit empty at first but they quickly got furniture to fill it, they made it their own. It was cozy and warm. Sure Jaehyun lost a few jobs over the years but he eventually got a new one. It was rough at first but they pushed through.


Jaehyun was Doyoung's safe place, so warm and loving and accepting. When Doyoung would come home stressed from work he'd take care of him. Hold him and relax him. When Doyoung had breakdowns Jaehyun was always there for him, and he did the same for Jaehyun.


Suddenly Doyoung snapped out of it hearing a loud honk seeing a semi-truck, bright lights blinded him. "Shit!" He screamed and jerked back in his lane. His car slipped on the ice and he screamed trying to control it again. Suddenly he hit the guard rails that outlined the road since there was a large hill which led to a ditch behind it. He felt his stomach in his throat as his car flipped over it, he flipped upside down screaming in fear. The roof dented, his side mirrors crushed, his seatbelt tugged roughly on him burning him, his change that he kept in his cup holders fell around him. He flipped again. This time all the windows shattered, the doors bent, his hood popped open, his front and back lights broke. He flipped again and again, his car and himself taking more and more damage. The glass cut into his skin, his legs were crushed, his arm hurting, his ribs sore. Blood seeped from him everywhere, it hurt so bad but he was so focused on the event that he could barley feel it. It finally stopped when he landed in a ditch, his car upside down in the snow. He was cold, so so cold and tired. He couldn't move, he was stuck and crying and bleeding. He tried disparately to unbuckle himself but his hand hurt so bad he assumed it was broken. He managed to unbuckle and fell uncomfortably sobbing at the pain. He heard sirens and thanked the heavens and whoever called, he army crawled out of his window desperately wanting to live, even if his heart his broken. He sobbed in pain eventually making it out and laying in the cold snow that turned red underneath him. His vision was blurred but he still made out men running towards him and grabbing him. He screamed out in pain crying and sobbing as he was dragged away from the car and onto a gurney and carried up to the ambulance.
He must've blacked out because he was already in the ambulance driving to the hospital. Woman was talking to him as others tried to patch him up enough to make it to the hospital. She said something along the lines of "stay awake for us sir, don't close your eyes." He tried his best but he couldn't, he could feel his body weaken, he could feel everything, all the pain, both physical and mental.
"Tell Jaehyun I love him" he rasped out and the lady nodded.
"We will sir but you have to stay with us" she spoke calmly.
"Can't" he mumbled, he started to close his eyes.
"Sir stay awake, we'll be there soon" he said.
"I-I can't" he spoke again, his eyes hurt. He closed them. He heard them yelling at him but he couldn't figure out what they were saying.
"I love-"
"An accident happened last night on the highway, a car lost control on the ice and tumbled down a hill to a ditch. Unfortunately the driver, Kim Dongyoung, died in the ambulance around 11:45." One newscaster spoke.
"We advise you all to drive safe on the roads and to not go over the speed limit" the other spoke.

Jaehyun broke down, he sobbed on the floor wishing it wasn't true. He prayed for him to come back but he didn't, Doyoung never walked through that door and said. "Jae I'm home!" And would run to him and hug and kiss him. He knew he fucked up bad. Why did he do it? For pleasure? He already had Doyoung who he could make love to. So why did he do it? He broke down even more rocking himself on his living room floor. Everything smelt like Doyoung, his house felt empty, it didn't feel like home. Doyoung was his home. His love and he threw it away. He cried and repeated how much he loved Doyoung hoping the male could hear him.
But he knew he couldn't.
Because he's dead.

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