I Can't

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A/N: So, how we feeling with the last chapter? Thanks for reading! You guys are awesome!

Namjoon knocked on the door half expecting Y/N to not be home. She was probably still with Yoongi and that bothered him. But, the door handle pushed down, and there she was standing in a purple t-shirt and black shorts. 

"Hi JoonBug." She said stepping aside to let him come in. He did a quick look around to see if Yoongi was hiding somewhere. Y/N came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his stomach, then nuzzled her face into Namjoon's back. 

"Where'd you go earlier?" She asked her face still in the back of his shirt. He loved when she would do that. 

"Hobi needed my help." He pulled her arms away just enough so he could turn around and look at her. He instantly regretted it when he saw her scowl.

"What?" He questioned.

"You lied to me." Y/N accused.


"Earlier you said you had to go to work… Now you are saying you were helping Hobi" she poked him in the chest. "Which is it?"

He clicked his tongue. "Really? I was just helping Hobi with something at work."

Y/N pouted instantly feeling guilty. "Oh… I'm sorry Joonie…" she picked at a spot on his shirt as she pushed out her bottom lip. 

Namjoon picked her up making her squeak, and then walked over and sat down on the gray couch. Draping her legs across his lap.

"I won't lie to you." He said tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Y/N smiled at him. 

"I believe you." 

Picking up the remote she scrolled through netflix trying to find something.

"JoonBug… what looks good?"

He didn't really want to watch a movie, he wanted to do something else. So he shrugged, which made her whine. "Jooooooonnnnieee"

Grabbing her legs  he pulled her up onto his lap. Y/N adjusted with one leg on either side of him, her thighs a little more exposed than before. "Do we have to watch a movie?" He asked as he ran his thumb across her bottom lip, while biting his. 

Y/N blushed, "wha...what do you..want to do?" She said flustered. He grinned as he leaned closer to where their noses were nearly touching. "This…" he whispered his lips brushing hers  lightly, slowly Namjoon kissed along her jaw and down her neck to her shoulder. "Mmmm" she hummed tugging at the bottom of Namjoon's shirt, he leaned back to pull it off. He grabbed her by the back of the neck bringing her lips to his, kissing her intensely while moving to lay Y/N down on the couch. Pressing his body against hers, his warmth enveloped her, and in that moment she was happy. 

They continued to make out, until things became more heated, his hand trailing down her sides to her hips, moving his hands under her shorts, Y/N body tensed and she started to cry. Namjoon sat up quickly, pulling her up into hug. He could feel her tears against his chest.

"Are you okay?" He asked cupping her cheek in his hand tilting her head up to look at him. 

"I...I… can't.." she cried. 

"It's okay." He soothed bringing her head to his chest, stroking her hair. "It's okay.." 

Whatever Hin had done to her made her fear being touched, and he knew that by her reaction to him touching her hips. He wanted her to know she could trust him that he was nothing like Hin. But, he also knew that these things take time. So, he would wait for her.. he smiled at the realization that he was falling in for her. 

Y/N cried herself to sleep so he carried her to her room, and tucked her in kissing her forehead. 

"Goodnight beautiful" he whispered closing the door, then heading out into the cold night.

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