Is this Goodbye?

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A/N: Hi my beautiful people! This story is slowly coming to an end! I'm so excited. Bare with me through this chapter. This chapter has a lot of heartache, and fear of the unknown. So yea. Let's jump into it. Thank you all for the 1.1K reads and the 235 votes. It means so much to me!

Is this Goodbye?

His body was shutting down, the pain was just to great. Bodies were not suppose to bend in such a way. How could they give such a man 6 months in a federal state prison and say that was just. 

Now he is folded, broken, and bleeding all because the monster thought he was the one that tortured him for months last year. Now seeking revenge on someone who saved his life. 

Namjoon had so many things to live for. He fell in love with a girl who sacrificed a happy life for two little ones after their parents passed away from a terrible accident. He wanted nothing more than to be her person, and had even went so far as to find the perfect ring. Now, he wasn't sure if he would make it another hour.

I'm so sorry Amber.

He thought as tears filled his eyes, his arms went numb while he looked through the small hole to see his captor working quietly at his desk. 

Someone had to know he was missing… But, would they come to save him? 

Four days of grueling pain, and no sounds other than his screaming in this cold dark box.

"Hin…" he cried hoarsely. The man turned in his chair glaring at him.

"I couldn't catch ghost boy… so you have to suffer, and I'm only paying you back. Except you'll have scars people can see. Just like little bitch." Hin laughed like a maniac and turned off the light. 


He approached the counter where Dianna was talking to Amber. Who was Namjoon's girlfriend, she was crying again. No one could really blame her though. Namjoon had gone missing after his 24hr shift. That night he was supposed to meet her uptown at some fancy place while Hobi watched the kids for her. But, he never showed. 

"Hey Shorty.." Hoseok said pulling Amber into a hug. 
"Wh-where could...wha...what" she couldn't even finish what she was saying. She was sobbing so hard into his chest. His heart broke for her, if only he could make Namjoon magically appear. 
"We'll find him… try not to worry." 

"Yea lovie, we will find that boy." Dianna said reassuringly. 

"Have you talked to Yoongi?" 

Amber shook her head. "Y/N said he…. He had another exhibit in France…"

"So, Y/N knows."


"Hmmm…." Hobi tapped his fingers on his chin, then pulled his phone out.

((To Y/N: Hey..))

A few moments later, his phone rang.

"Hey… have you heard anything?"

A sob came through the phone. Y/N was crying.

"Okay… talk to me hun. What's going on?"

"He...he..he took Joonie…" she sobbed.

Hobi was confused. Who took him?

"What? Who???" He asked dread coursing through his veins as he waited for the answer.

"Hin?" She gasped. Hobi could hear the phone drop, and then what sounded like two shots.

"Dianna call the cops!"

Hobi raced from the hospital, squealing his tires as he slammed his foot into the accelerator. By the time he got to her apartment complex cops were everywhere. 

"Sir.. I'm going to have to ask you to step back." The young officer with the last name of Jeon stated. Hobi’s eyes filled with tears.

"MY FRIEND IS IN THERE! PLEASE!!!" He screamed. OFC Jeon looked him over with concern then nodded. "Follow me." He started walking toward the building. Hobi followed closely. 

As they approached the door to Y/N's apartment he could see the blood splatter across the door. His heart fell. 

God Please No!

He begged silently. OFC Jeon walked through the threshold, slowly Hobi followed him but when he entered the small apartment his knees buckled and he fell to the floor. 

A body laid on the floor covered by a sheet with two officers talking to a man that was too pretty for his own good. 

"Hobi…" a small voice sobbed. His heart skipped a beat when he looked up and saw Y/N walk through the kitchen door.

"Oh thank God!!" He said running over and hugging her. 

"What happened?" He asked his heart still racing.

" Hin picked the lock to my apartment, and when I went to the kitchen he was standing in the middle of the living room… he had a knife in his hand, and a look of pure hatred." She explained shakily.

"That's when you dropped the phone?"

"No…" she said looking over at the man now talking to OFC Jeon.

"Hin ran towards me, which caused me to drop my phone, and then shots were fired. By Jimin my neighbor. He saw Hin picking my lock."

Her hands covered her face as she started to cry. 

"That's not all…." Crying harder. 

Hobi feared the worst. 

"Namjoon is in a barrel in a warehouse near the waterfront. Hin has pictures of him on his phone, along with a video of Yoongi getting on a plane." She went silent for a minute before she spoke again. 

"We have 24hrs to find Joonbug, or he dies." She collapsed onto the couch in a fit of tears. 

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