Two for One

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A/N: a little light in the darkness for you guys.

The sun was shining through the blinds of the small apartment window. Yoongi had a blanket pulled up over his face. Hobi had left earlier that morning for his support group. So he had the place to himself before he went to the studio.

Stretching out on the couch he rolled over to look at his phone. Two missed calls and five text messages. The missed calls were from Hobi, three messages were from Namjoon, one from an unknown number, and the last of course from Hobi.

((Namjoon: hey man, you got a free day today… could really use a friend.))
((Namjoon: understand if you're busy.))
((Namjoon: pizza sounds so great right now.))

Yoongi replied.
((Reply to Namjoon: Sure, I'm suppose to go to the studio but it can wait. Meet you at the Pizza Joint in 20?))

He scrolled to the next message.

((Unknown: why is a raven like a writing desk?))
Why does this person keep texting him. He shook his head, opening Hobi's message next.

(( Hobi: Build up the courage and ask for her number. Y/N  gets released today. Did not realize she was in my support group until this morning…. I can relate, and honestly you'd be good for her.  Boy she is adorable.))

Yoongi's face fell. Hobi's support group was for people who had been abused mentally, physically, and sexually. Which meant the worst. But, he knew that she was abused by her current boyfriend, and he was definitely still looking for him. However, the guy just vanished into thin air.

How bad was her abuse? What could he do to take all her fears and pain away?

Grabbing his pillow, he placed it over his face and screamed. Dropping his pillow on the floor. He slid off the couch, and shuffled to the bathroom.

Yoongi stared at his reflection, raking his hands through his bed head to somewhat tame it. Pulling on a black sweater and black jeans with a bucket hat. He was ready to meet up with Namjoon.

"Where's the funeral?" Namjoon teased as he sat down in the seat across from Yoongi. He rolled his eyes at his friend, taking a sip of his citron tea.

Namjoon looks down at his phone and smiled.

((New message from CRASH💜))

He looked back up at Yoongi who was looking at him like he had something on his face.


"Who was that?"

"A girl I've been talking to. Which is why I messaged you."

"Looks like we both have girl issues." Yoongi chuckled uneasily.


"Yes… although you seem to be a step ahead of me."

Namjoon smirked, waving down a waitress to take their order. He ordered a large pizza and breadsticks. Then he jumped right to his dilemma.

"Well, I met her a while back. But, she was in a rough spot. So, I didn't want to make my feelings obvious."

Yoongi nodded. "Mine just thinks I'm her stalker."

"Dude seriously?" Namjoon asked taking a slice of pizza of the pan the waitress put on the table. He closed his eyes and danced a little. "Sooo good."

"Yea… I get so nervous around her, and when I touched her hand, my whole body caught fire."
He said in a daze.

Namjoon swallowed hard. "That's chemistry right there." Taking a sip of water he spoke again. "You should go for it. Be brave man. Don't let her get away."

Yoongi smiled. He was right he should, and he was going to... just had to figure out the how.

"Tell me more about your girl." He urged as he chewed on a piece of bread.

Smiling a big dimple smile, "She is sweet but hard, doesn't like for people to treat her any different cause of the things she's been through. She is strong, and always has a way of making me laugh."

"She sounds great man. What's the issue then?"

"I know her past. I've seen her broken, and in places most people wouldn't want a potential boyfriend to see. Let alone know about. I've seen her skeletons." He sighed solemnly, gazing out the window at the rain.

"You can't decide her feelings for her."


"Tell her how you feel. If she feels the same, you'll know. " he nodded as if he just gave himself advice too.

"Thanks man. I hope I helped you out too."

Yoongi smiled at his friend. "Of course."

They finished up, chatting about day to day things and Yoongi's new art piece he was working on, and the random crazy calls Hobi and Joon would get called out on. A little while later they both left. Yoongi walking towards the hospital to talk to Hobi.

Walking through the parking lot towards the door, he spotted Hobi talking with Y/N. His heart faltered. Yoongi wanted to run, but his feet were frozen.

Hobi spotted him as well, so now he had to move.

Move dammit.

He felt like he was going to vomit he was so nervous. "Yoon!" Hobi waved as he shuffled up to them. He gave him a devious look. "This is Y/N.. we just finished group. Whatcha doing at the hospital."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes. "Really?"

Hobi beamed at him, then turned to Y/N. "This is my best friend Yoongi. He saved me, when I wasn't able to save myself."

Y/N smiled, "Hi"

He couldn't breathe, and he could feel his face burning. Hobi wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"He is also shy around cute girls." He laughed as Yoongi tried to hit him, but he put his hand on his forehead and jumped back. Hobi's arms were longer than Yoongi's reach, which made him curse under his breath. All the while Y/N was watching in amusement trying not to laugh.

"You are adorable. Kinda like a kitten. It was nice to meet you. See you next Tuesday Hoseok." She waved as she walked off. Leaving Yoongi with his arms dangling, and his forehead still being held by Hobi.

"Bye!" He waved before getting kicked by an angry cat-eyed Yoongi.

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