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A/N: Well, who would of thought I could write 19 chapters.   I've started so many projects before, but never gotten this far. Hopefully, I finish. Thanks for sticking around. Let me know what you think.

Namjoon draped his arm across Y/N's shoulders as they sat down in the booth across from Yoongi giving him a shit eating grin.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and grabbed a menu feigning great interest in the items it offered. 

"Ooo…. They have chocolate chips here." He stated happily while pointing at the menu, eyeing them, then shrugged and went back to his charade. 

"Really Yoongi?" Namjoon huffed. 

"What? Chocolate chips are great." He said innocently causing Y/N to laugh. 

"Be nice JoonBug…" Y/N smiles placing a kiss on his cheek before she grabs a menu as well. 

------ Namjoon------

Namjoon smiled when Y/N kissed his cheek. But, how is it he was her boyfriend…. Yet he felt like the third wheel. 

He scowled down at the menu Y/N placed in front of him. He didn't really feel like eating, he just didn't want them alone together. 

"Oooo...they have cinnamon roll flavored pancakes!" Y/N squealed happily.

Yoongi gave a gummy grin, and Namjoon smiled, dimples on display. But, he wasn't who she was looking at, and that made him uneasy.

"Is that what you want?" He asked quietly. Y/N beamed at him and nodded. 

The waitress sauntered over placing her hand on her hip with a head tilt. 

"What can I getcha" she asked smacking her gum. All three of their noses twitched at the smack. Which made the waitress shift annoyed.


They quickly ordered then started talking about what they had been up to. Namjoon didn't say much, and Yoongi went on about an Art exhibition his work would be displayed in soon. He would also be playing the piano for the event. Y/N was smiling brightly as she listened, and although Namjoon loved her smile, he hated that it wasn't for him. He should not have come, a sick feeling overcoming him.

"Y/N…" He sighed.

She glanced at him, her bright smile faltering a little. He kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to get going… my shift starts soon. " he lied. He just wanted to get away and think.

"Okay Joonie." She hugged him tight. Yoongi looked at him a bit confused, and waved when he got up to leave.

Namjoon needed to think. 

((Hoseok: Hey man you busy?))

((Reply to Hoseok: Not anymore. What's up?))

((Hoseok: I need your help with a patient can you help me?))

That's odd…. He should have a partner… unless its Zach… that boy doesn't help at all. Just steals drinks and complains.

((Reply to Hoseok: sure shoot me the address.))

((Hoseok: 815 Woodcrossing Rd.))

But that's….

-------------- Yoongi------------

"Well, that was uncomfortable." Yoongi joked as he took a bite of his pancakes. Y/N nodded texting fast on her phone. A few seconds later it went off making sigh in frustration. 

"He lied…. Like I get that he has trust issues but.. this doesn't help." Her face fell into her hands.

Yoongi reached across the table but drew his hand back. He wanted to assure her that maybe he really had to go to work, and that he was just acting out because he knew of Yoongi's feelings. 

He looked down at his lap, it would seem he was causing issues for his friend over Y/N. Maybe he should back off on being a best friend for now.

"Y/N…I don't think it's a good idea we hang out." He uttered quietly still looking at his hands.
He didn't have to look up to know she was upset. The table was shoved towards him and exasperation of air from her as she stormed off. 

Yoongi didn't even get a chance to explain. She was gone, and he was certain Y/N wouldn't talk to him for some time, and yet again his heart ached.

Why do I keep doing this?

He wondered.

---------Y/N ------

Yoongi wouldn't even look at me when he said he didn't think we could hang out. I was so upset I had to get away. But, wait… No… he doesn't get to decide that. 

I turned on my heels marching right back into the restaurant, and right up to him.

"Min Yoongi!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me startled.

"You don't get to decide that!" I said sternly.

"Namjoon doesn't like it." 

"Because he thinks you like me."

"He's not wrong." Yoongi whispered.


Yoongi smiled shaking his head as he went to get up.

"Best friend. Sometimes it's hard to be just someone's friend." With that last sentence he walked out, and then he ran.

"Why is he always running?" I asked myself.

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