Chapter 3

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Surprisingly Coldpaw woke up before Kinktail was awake but then again this was his first hunting day! Coldpaw waited by the block of ice that guarded the camp and when Kinktail was awake he lead Coldpaw out of the camp and asked,
"Coldpaw what's the difference between a fish and a rabbit?"
"I know fish live in water and rabbits live on flat lands,"
"Nope, well yes but that's not the answer I'm looking for, fish have slippery scales and rabbits have fur, tomcatch fish you have to make sure your claws are unsheathed and once you get it out of the water you have to fling it at rocks, they can't breath air like us. And with rabbits you not only have to he quick but you have to pounce and break its legs, or bite it's neck. Now let's catch some fish!"
"Okay!" When Coldpaw got to the river fish wher flinging themselves in the air.
"This is salmon, they are very easy to catch they are so desperate to keep their families alive, but trout are more of a challenge." Kinktail turned to Coldpaw, "now try to catch one," his voice was calm, and it helped Coldpaw to relax. Coldpaw swiped up and scooped out a big fish and flung it against a rock, just like Kinktail told him, it started bleeding instantly. "Very good, but next time try to keep it clean," They took it back to camp, it was sun-down and Coldpaw could see the big bright full moon. Kinktail whispered something to Onestar, she nodded her head.
"Hey did you catch that mall by yourself?" Falconbeak asked.
"Yep I did,"
"Wow I'm impressed,"
"Naw I think Kinktail held it down for you," Dirtspot replied jokingly
"Where is Harepaw?"Coldpaw asked eagar to change the subject
"Oh Petaldusk is still teaching him how to swim,"
"Really?" Coldpaw asked, he didn't feel right without his brother. He headed towards the medicine cat den hopping he could help Deadpaw, but he didn't make it two mouse lengths when Onestar yowled,
"All cat old enough to catch their own prey gather here at high-berg for a clan meeting!" Coldpaw over heard Lunarkit, and Smallkit whining to see if they could go to the clan meeting, Coldpaw didn't hear what the cream queen's reply was, he was running to fast.
"Tonight is the gathering, I will have Coldpaw, Deadpaw, Kinktail, Nightshadow, Dirtspot, Darkfeather, And Whitecrow going. Also, tomorrow we star the migration at sun-high, so let's go to the gathering," Coldpaw did his best to follow but since the snow was melting it hard to keep from sinking and dodge the branches on the ground.
"Why are we migrating?" Coldpaw asked Kinktail. Coldpaw was happy Kinktail went to the gathering.
"We are migrating because the snow is melting and we do it every new-leaf to leaf-fall,"
"Cool," finally they ended up at and DarkClan, and EmberClan wher already there. Coldpaw had never smelled so many cats in his life. Then WinterClan showed up. Coldpaw was a bit scared and Deadpaw was by a spot below a tree. I wish Harepaw was here. He quietly thought to himself. He spotted Kinktail talking to Thunderfang even Kinktail has a cat to talk with. Then a beautiful she-cat with a swirl shape on her muzzle walked into Coldpaw
"S-s-sorry, this is the first time at a gathering," the she-cat said.
"This is my first time to, my name is Coldpaw,"
"M-my name is Swirlpaw," the she-cat shyly said.
"My mentor is over there talking to Thunderfang," Coldpaw pointed at the two old toms chatting.
"My mentor is R-Ravenheart he's talking to that light b-brown tom," she quietly whispered pointing her muzzle with a swirl design at Darkfeather.
"We have three new apprentices, Coldpaw, Deadpaw, and Harepaw Harepaw could not show up tonight."
"Coldpaw! Deadpaw! Harepaw!" The crowed of cats cheered.
"And we will be doing the migration as usual," Onestar finished and dipped her head to Adderstar.
"Rouges! We've seen rouges, passing on our territory we wish ColdClan luck at migrating." Adderstar paused, "And we have two new apprentices, Cloudpaw, and Swirlpaw."
"Swirlpaw! Cloudpaw!" The cats cheered. Adderstar dipped his head,
"Do you have anything to report Wavestar?"
"Nothing," the sleek silver she-cat said"What about you Brackenstar?"
"Nope," The golden pelted tom said. When the gathering was dismissed Swirlpaw spoke up.
"Yeah? Swirlpaw,"
"Wh-why... Never mind hope to see you soon."
"You to Swirlpaw, after during leaf-fall in fact,"
"Kay bye," the black she-cat said padding off.

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