Chapter 1

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Never fully wrote about Coldsteel before for one whole story. Takes place one or two months after Possession.


It was a sober night at the Eyrie Building since the incident with Coldfire and Coldsteel. On the parapets was a lone red gargoyle, staring out into the distance, glaring softly.

Two months had flown by after they had freed Coldstone of his other two personalities. Brooklyn himself remembered that night strongly nearly every day, which is how much it had impacted him. It was a slow recovery for the clan, mostly fixing the friendship between Broadway, Angela, and Brooklyn.

Goliath too had a hard time trusting his Second again even if he did apologize and admit he was struggling to fight Coldsteel in his head.

The wind blew in Brooklyn's hair, his eyes glaring out at the city. It was difficult for the young second to be able to get used to having his mind back in control, and hated Coldsteel every day, despite the nightmares he still had.

Brooklyn jumped a little when feeling Hudson's hand on his shoulder. "Hello lad. Are ye alright?"

The red gargoyle turned at the sight of the elder, before glancing away. "Fine," he muttered, voice achy from all his stress.

From that tone of voice, Hudson could instantly sense that Brooklyn still hadn't fully recovered from his incident, a pang of sympathy in him. "You can tell me what's bugging ya, you know," he persisted.

Brooklyn scratched the stone he was leaning on before speaking. "I just... I still can't forget him, Hudson. It feels like he is still in here, making me angry!" Brooklyn choked slightly, holding his forehead. "And... and I just can't focus on being a good second in command because of this!"

The elder gave Brooklyn a small hug, making him tense a little, still thinking about Coldsteel. "Goliath won't let him back here. You're safe, and he's gone," he tried to soothe but Brooklyn pulled himself out.

"All I need is payback for what he made me do in his control!" Brook shouted out, wings open slightly, as though he wanted to fly out right away to find him.

"Lad, you're letting your hate take you over again. Remember Demona? You didn't let your revenge addiction on her get to you. It'll have to be the same with Coldsteel."

Brooklyn growled more. "This is different, Hudson. This time I was the one who was being mind-controlled! He has to pay!" He crumbled some rock on the building.

Hudson's worry for Brooklyn filled him up. He tried to coax Brooklyn to calm down again. "Brooklyn, please..." He begged, but the younger male wouldn't calm down. Brook gave one last growl.

"I'm going to find him, Hudson, and make him suffer! Don't tell Goliath where I'm going because he doesn't like me much anymore anyway!" Brook hissed, his eyes aglow that scared Hudson more for his mental state. He watched Brooklyn gliding away, wanting to glide after him to reconsider but the young one looked too far gone for any kind of convincing. He probably just needed time to fight these inner demons for himself.

Hudson's heart filled with deep sorrow, turning to walk back, praying the young one would return in one piece when he ran into Broadway and Lexington. The two were watching after Brooklyn's departing figure.

"Where's Brook going?" Lex asked, his voice somewhat worried. Angela herself was also somewhat concerned for her rookery brother despite the incidentcwhen Coldsteel made him touch her.

Hudson sighed, knowing he had to keep Brooklyn's secret since the others wouldn't understand. "Just gettin' some air. He will be back eventually, don't worry."

Broadway's insides churned with hot guilt, remembering their arguments for the past couple months, figuring it was all from their ordeal, wishing he could apologize for it all, taking Angela's hand in his own for comfort.


Brooklyn soared over the city, happy now to be far away from everybody else so he could focus his thoughts on nothing but Coldsteel, and to try finding the monster. He wanted him to suffer under his talons, especially when he made Brooklyn glide and touch Angela without his permission. He felt his eyes glow brightly, casting his sight about, trying to find the demon robot gargoyle.

"I know you're out there..." Brook muttered darkly to himself, seeing he was close to the docks now. It was for certain Coldsteel could be around them, if he were to get new parts for himself.

He landed on top of a crate that was being prepared to be placed onto a boat, readying himself to sight the maniac. Brooklyn won't wait for Coldstone to do the job for him.

It was quite a while waiting until Brooklyn's ears picked up the sounds of engines, not from a plane. He jumped up a little but did his best to remain quiet, spotting some turbo engines from afar. Brooklyn's eyes narrowed, growling under his breath, as Coldsteel finally came into view. This was his one chance; his only chance to lift this burden from his shoulders.

"I got you..." Brook hissed in a deadly manner, not even thinking about what his clan would think, only thinking about giving Coldsteel a slow and agonizing torture, even if he was a robot. Raising his wings, Brooklyn took off into the air to follow Coldsteel, who still hadn't noticed Brooklyn yet.

Finding a good spot in the air, Brooklyn began to shout. "COLDSTEEL!" He bellowed, hands balled into fists, talons digging into his palms. The cyborg turned about, looking somewhat startled, then recognized his attacker, a little sneer on his face, taking off, knowing nearby where a warehouse was.

Brooklyn glowered, following behind. No way would Coldsteel get away!

It was a big chase through the docks, Brooklyn struggling to catch up to his nemesis while Coldsteel was able to easily dodge thanks to him being able to fly, not glide. This pissed off the Second that these cyborg gargoyles had the luxury to fly while the living ones couldn't. At one point, he nearly had Coldsteel, who quickly moved away.

"You can do better than that, scrawny one!" taunted Coldsteel menacingly, flying closer to the warehouse.

Brooklyn bared his fangs from the insult, hating being called scrawny by anybody, seeing the warehouse coming up. Coldsteel broke through the wall, to find a place to hide and ambush Brooklyn.

Brook landed cautiously, pushing the doors of the warehouse open, eyes drifting about, since it was rather dark and couldn't see anyone. And there was the lack of scent from Coldsteel too, being a robot and all. His hairs on the back of his neck stood up a little at how quiet it was.

Coldsteel hid behind a bunch of crates close to his attacker, who was now his prey. His smirk grew all the more larger, preparing his tentacles to grab him. For Coldsteel, while hiding suddenly had a plan for how he could use the one he once possessed, maybe even do so again.

Brooklyn's ears perked when hearing some noises, and turned too late when metal tentacles came out from behind some crates and wrapped him up, causing him to gasp and wheeze out in pain, the tentacles squeezing his body and especially his belly tight. This couldn't happen! Not now!

The younger male groaned, struggling, as Coldsteel revealed himself, his face hardened with his sneer, and a little bit of lust for his prisoner. Brooklyn's anger faded slightly, eyes rounding a little in small fear, but he got rid of it. "Let me go so I can kick your a—uuuggh!"

The tentacles had squeezed his body further, Coldsteel cackling cruelly. "I'm afraid that won't be happening, scrawny Brooklyn. You're mine once again. And the best part; your clan has no idea you went after me. We'll have such fun..."

Brooklyn wiggled, squeaking slightly from all the pressure from his bonds, until Coldsteel swung him against the wall, knocking his prey out. Brooklyn shrieked in agony when his head hit it, falling down to the ground. Coldsteel then let him go after being unconscious, taking Brooklyn in his metal arms, flying away back to what he was now calling his home base.

Just love my Brooklyn fanfics! This came to me one day. Will have a different rescue outcome that is new from previous stories.

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