Chapter 20

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Eventually, the day would come when Brooklyn would travel to Xanadu along with Fox and Xanatos, though he still didn't want to be away from his clan.

Sato had declared Brooklyn well enough body wise to travel, but advised he would need constant observing of his mental health. Lex had offered to go with them as well, which Brooklyn was grateful for, not wanting to be completely cut off from his brothers.

Fortunately for Brooklyn, he really didn't need to pack too much for his trip other than some of his favorite music and a jacket in case he needed to keep warm. Coldfire had helped him with the light packing. But at one point, Brooklyn felt tears falling again, Coldfire cupping his cheek in her hand.

"I know this is a tough decision, little one, but once we get out into the fresher air, it will help you feel better, I promise." Coldfire said in her caring way.

His eyes still stinging with tears, Brooklyn reluctantly agreed as they left his room, going out to meet Xanatos as he would have Fox fly him out to the cabin. Brooklyn's ears fell when seeing his family there to give him a little goodbye.

Angela too had gone up to give Brooklyn her own hug even though he flinched a little from the gesture, still remembering that time when Coldsteel made him carry her. "Please be well," she said gently, giving Brooklyn a small kiss which he flushed from, though knowing he would never, ever be with her.

Elisa herself had taken a leave of absence from the police force so she could go on the trip with Brooklyn, having arrived with her own suitcase of her clothing, seeing Brooklyn now getting his hand shaken by Broadway. David and Puck would babysit Alex while Fox and the others were away, Hudson taking Brooklyn by his arm and coaxing him to the chopper in the courtyard.

Goliath held out his hand. "This is for your own good, Brooklyn, I promise you. We don't wish you gone forever, I hope you understand," he then attempted.

Brooklyn mostly swallowed a lump in his throat, nodding lightly, now a little glad to get away from the pitying looks on his clan's faces for what happened to him. He wouldn't tell them what happened if all that was going occur was them treating him like a fragile snowflake.

After doing one last shake of his leader's hand, Brooklyn allowed Hudson to take him down to the chopper landing where he, Elisa, Coldfire, Bronx, Lexington and Fox all got into it. This is going to be one long ride.... Thought Brooklyn sullenly while sitting in his seat near the window. At least he didn't need to glide out too far which would tire out his still rather weak wings.

For most of the ride after the chopper took off into the sky, Brooklyn mostly sat on his seat, holding his knees and gazing outside, not wanting to speak. Hudson at one point stroked his hand gently, which made him only give a weak smile once before it faded away. Coldfire knew this process was going to still take time, eager to get her adopted hatchling up to the retreat.

After quite a bit of copter travel, Brooklyn could see the retreat from above the trees, smelling the fresh air around them. He remembered their first time up here when fighting Jackel and Hyena, two Pack members. How good it felt to be in a forest once again, wanting now to just explore in solitude. With no Coldsteel around, this now would possibly be good for him, though his face still looked quite forlorn.

The chopper landed and eventually, Hudson helped Brooklyn get out. Elisa hauled her and Fox's suitcases over to the cabin where Brooklyn was eager now to just rest for a while. Fox came out of the chopper and used her keys to unlock the place, Brooklyn stepping inside. He gazed around at the rather spacious area; mind having settled now that he was far away from that robot maniac. Coldfire put a hand on his shoulder, smiling at him.

"Well, we're here. Should we find your room?" Brooklyn merely nodded just a little bit, wanting to get away from everybody else for a while, watching Bronx go around and sniffing every bit of the place. Thankfully, Coldsteel hadn't injured Bronx or Lex too bad during their encounter. The two of them went upstairs to where Fox soon opened the door to one room that was spacious enough for Brooklyn's comfort while in healing mode.

The red male's eyes rounded in awe, a small grin on his face at the sight of the room before him with a nice-looking bed. Even though he normally wouldn't sleep in one after that Coldsteel encounter, he knew inside he would probably have to, going over to test it.

Brook felt the bed mattress which was nice and soft, and the pillow was a feather filled one that would be wonderful to sleep on. Coldfire brought in Brooklyn's bag, giving him a warm smile. "I hope you'll be alright here."

He turned at the sound of her voice, his ears still lowered at the idea of having to hide away from his enemy like a coward but nodded. This was fine for him as Brooklyn decided he needed to lie down for a while.

While laying down on his soft pillow, contemplating about what was happening, Brooklyn jumped again when someone knocked on his door after Coldfire left. Turning around, Brooklyn saw it was Lexington.

The olive gargoyle gave a soft smile at the sight of his still depressed brother, who seemed calmer after the nights before when Coldsteel attacked but not completely himself still.

"Hi, bro. Been wondering if you wanted to stretch your wings after that flight, explore?" he invited. Brooklyn held one of his pillows with flat ears but now the idea of breathing fresh air was slowly getting to him, nodding while standing up, following Lexington outside of his room.

While the two of them wandered to the window of the cabin, Coldfire saw where they were walking to. "And where are you going?" she asked.

Before Brook could explain what it was, Lex spoke for him. "Just for a glide to stretch our wings. We'll be back before sunrise," he stated, Brooklyn nodding at his mom, who had folded her arms but eventually nodded.

"Ok, but just make sure Brooklyn is safe near you." She said gently, smiling at the idea that Brooklyn was willing to glide again now that they were away from Coldsteel. Maybe this place was the best spot to heal his soul.

The brothers soon walked over to the edge of the window, Brooklyn swallowing since he hadn't glided for so long, desiring to feel the air under his wings after being confined in an underground building. Lex took his hand. "Just take it easy for tonight, we won't be going far." He said, Brooklyn nodding again as they both soon took off into the night sky. Brooklyn felt a little unsteady at first, but eventually his wings managed to steady themselves.

It was a rather beautiful night to be out gliding, glad they had left early when they did so the two could have the night to themselves, soaring around the cabin, and next into the woods to see what could be found.

Brooklyn's sad expression soon turned into one of happiness at being free to glide, having nearly forgotten now about Coldsteel's promise to possess him. His eyes suddenly spotted a river and he pointed, the two gargoyles gliding down to take a look.

The river moved along, making its splashing noises, Brooklyn finding a place near it to sit down, staring into the water, wondering what the others were doing right now, hollow sadness taking him over again. Lex noticed, but didn't say anything for the moment, allowing them both to have some silence while just listening to the river.

After a time, they were able to head back to the cabin just another hour before sunrise, the others welcoming them for a quick bite of dinner then going into their rooms to turn to stone.

Brooklyn stretched, the flight having done some good for him but eager now to sleep, seeing Coldfire coming in with a gentle smile.

A spark of worry however was in his eyes. Despite having moved away from the city for the next few weeks, Brooklyn could still feel Coldsteel's presence all around him.

"Mom?" Brooklyn asked, his ears rather low as Coldfire gazed in his direction. "I hope... Goliath is right in having me be here and that Coldsteel won't find me."

Coldfire had a sympathetic look on her features when taking Brooklyn in her arms. "Trust me that he won't. Coldsteel has never learned about Xanadu, and he never will. Just try to relax and get him out of your thoughts. I hope you have a good day's sleep." She said softly, Brooklyn smiling in her arms until she let go, Brooklyn turning to stone while he sat on his bed. Coldfire prayed Brooklyn wouldn't have any daymares.

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