Chapter 22

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For Brooklyn and the others that were up at Xanadu, the first week went by slowly for them but Hudson himself was rather grateful for the quiet after all of those sirens and cars going by in the city.

However, it felt like it was a calm before the storm in which Brooklyn could soon break down at any moment. He right now kept up on holding in his feelings and sometimes avoiding the others whenever he could. But when he wanted to glide, Brook only wanted to glide with Lexington.

On the first half of the third week, Brooklyn himself didn't feel like he was improving in the slightest with Coldsteel haunting his stone dreams every day even if Coldfire was there to comfort him. One night, however, Brooklyn decided it was best if he could probably have some kind of bath to calm his nerves.

Entering the bathroom, Brooklyn turned on the faucet for the tub, allowing it to fill up with nice warm water, feeling the steam come along, which made a smile appear on his beak.

Once the tub was completely full, Brooklyn stepped a foot into the warm water, sighing in happiness after taking off his loincloth, then soon slid down inside, his arms resting on the sides of the tub.

"Now this is... nice..." Brooklyn mumbled softly to himself, letting his body grow loose and limp for once as the warm water loosened up his stressed muscles, feeling himself growing sleepy then after only a few moments in the bath.

After a time in there, Brook yawned and felt his eyes beginning to slip shut. Usually, it was rare when gargoyles fell asleep not in stone unless sick or exhausted before sunrise in which Brooklyn himself was mentally tired around that time, his head nodding off to one side as darkness came along.


He found himself awake in a foggy area that looked like Castle Wyvern but, in the dreamland, which Brooklyn realized now he was dreaming. Brooklyn walked about nervously along the ground near the castle until he heard a voice speaking that was horribly familiar.

"Welcome, little slave!" Brooklyn looked upward in fright, seeing someone he had hoped to have gone away from his mind forever.

"You!" Brook gasped, spotting Coldsteel up there on the castle, though he wasn't in his robot body, for he was now flesh and blood despite this being only a dream. Coldsteel smiled maliciously, taking off into the air suddenly, diving down at Brooklyn.

Brooklyn tried to run away but his body felt slow and stuck from the effects of his nightmare until Coldsteel snatched his prey under his arms, who screamed in fear, being hauled up to the castle, then dropped to the top of one of the towers.

The red gargoyle grunted, rubbing his head in pain, turning to the sight of his abuser, flinching when Iago landed, laughing mockingly, stalking closer over.

Coldsteel folded his arms. "How lovely to see you in your dreams, wherever you are, Slave!" He greeted, taking Brooklyn's beak harshly in his hands.

Brooklyn struggled wildly, tears in his eyes. "Stay back! Leave me alone!" He shrieked, shoving Coldsteel's evil hands away, which felt just as awful as his robot ones.

His enemy's eyes glowed white this time around, baring his fangs. "Oh, how I'm looking forward to getting you back, and to put you in your place again, Slave. You won't hide away from me forever!" Iago sent a kick at Brooklyn, who tumbled back against the wall, shaking.

"I'm not your damned slave! You're not here!" Brooklyn shouted back, his voice shaking from his fear, still not feeling strong enough until Iago gripped his chest, hard with his foot. Brook winced, fiery pain shooting in his body.

Coldsteel shook his head down at him. "Who's the Alpha over you now, stupid silly omega? Once I possess you, you will be gone for good! Bet your family would like the new and improved you with me in charge!"

Brooklyn gagged and struggled, his eyes wide and round, writhing. "No! NOOO!" He shrieked, kicking with all his might...


Coldfire was sitting with Elisa, who was reading her a book until the two suddenly heard a screaming coming from the bathroom.

Elisa instantly shot up out of her chair. "Come on, it sounds like Brooklyn!" She exclaimed, Coldfire following in her wake as they raced down the hall until finding Brooklyn's screams from the bathroom. Coldfire opened the door, gasping when seeing her adopted hatchling writhing in the tub, looking like he was asleep, screaming his head off.

The gold cyborg gargess quickly rushed over. "Brooklyn, you're still asleep, wake up!" She exclaimed, gripping his shoulders, grateful her robot body was waterproof while she saw tears of stress leaking down his already wet face, eventually grabbing him, and taking Brooklyn gently out, ensuring he didn't struggle.

Brooklyn sobbed and whined in his sleep when feeling someone in the waking world take him suddenly, until eventually his eyes shot open; seeing both Coldfire and Elisa there, flushing when remembering he was still rather naked.

"Uh... uh... E...lisa? What's...?" Brooklyn croaked, eyes drifting back and forth, shaking as the water was still on his skin.

Coldfire stroked his cheek. "You're alright. I had to get you out of the tub before you hurt yourself." She murmured, making Brooklyn really flush from embarrassment again. He couldn't even have a nice bath without a pesky nightmare now.

Elisa noticed how awkward he must be, since he had no loincloth, handing it to him after Coldfire got a towel to dry him off. Brooklyn still had tears of humility come down while his 'mom' dried him, wishing his privacy times could be normal again without being coddled.

"How about some tea before the sun comes up later?" Coldfire asked after Brooklyn quickly took back his loincloth and put it on, hoping Elisa wouldn't have to see him naked again after this. He nodded, figuring the tea would help cheer him up.

Coldfire guided Brooklyn back to his room, sitting him down again on the bed while Elisa went for the tea. Brooklyn wiped his eyes further, before speaking in a small voice. "Another bad dream..." He mumbled, shaking.

This concerned Coldfire since normally bad dreams happened in their stone skin. For Brooklyn, it wasn't normal and healthy. She held him snug in her arms and Brook welcomed them, leaning his head on the top of her arm.

"I'm sorry, little one. Hopefully the sunrise will give you some moments' peace." She assured while humming her special song for Brooklyn, who gave a watery smile from her voice. He rather liked Coldfire's singing voice while she rocked him.

Elisa soon returned with her tea for Brooklyn who accepted, taking small nervous sips, eyeing the window of his room, afraid to sleep and see Coldsteel again. Once he finished, Coldfire gave Brooklyn a soft kiss on his forehead until soon, his body began to be covered in stone for the day.


This nightmare proved now to be even worse for it had Brooklyn being imprisoned once again, chained by his wrists and even tail and neck, wriggling greatly, which had the cuffs grow tighter and tighter, seeing Coldsteel approach once again in his flesh and blood form, towering over Brooklyn.

Brooklyn swallowed bile in his mouth, his ears super flat. "Why can't I have a normal day's sleep for once?" He asked himself softly, as Coldsteel suddenly planted his foot on Brooklyn's soft belly, who winced.

Iago laughed mockingly. "You see, Slave? You are now a slave in your own mind. Even if you're in hiding now, I can still taunt your dreams. How about we play for a little while, hmmm?"

Brooklyn breathed greatly, struggling for air as Coldsteel suddenly laid a hand on his chest in a predatory manner, making Brooklyn tense, glancing away.

Not satisfied with the reaction, Coldsteel drew a knife, thrusting it under Brook's beak in seduction. "Not a good reaction, Slave. You're supposed to enjoy what I have for you..."

Brooklyn squeaked when struggling to speak, pulling his cuffs. "This... this kind... of what you're trying to do... it's... disgusting!" He gasped, Coldsteel suddenly slapping his face.

"Slaves don't speak their minds! And here's some food for you..." Coldsteel said next as the door opened, revealing the humans that worked for him.

Brook's eyes dilated at the sight of all that awful junk food again, squirming and trying to escape Iago's predatory hold on him, gasping and sobbing, not wanting to eat it, Coldsteel holding out one near his face. "Eat it! Eat it!" Iago stormed, making Brook shrill out in fear, tears sliding down fast, once again feeling like a childish omega...


The sunset leaving the sky had Brooklyn jerk out of his stone sleep, yawning but in a scared way, his eyes looking about in his fright, thankfully not seeing any more junk food lying about anywhere or Coldsteel, putting a hand on his heart, struggling to settle himself down while crying a little.

Lexington had knocked on Brooklyn's door, wanting to see if his brother could watch a movie with him until opening the door, seeing Brooklyn not looking very good, his face wild looking and panting. Brooklyn turned sharply around at the sound of the door opening, eyeing his brother.

The olive gargoyle gave a small wave, making sure to tread lightly since his brother at the moment was still rather tensed. "Uh, hi. Just-just checking on you and seeing if you... you wanna—." He couldn't finish as suddenly Brooklyn's eyes flashed white, still seeing Coldsteel from his trauma attacks, slashing with his hands.

Lex yelped when dodging his brother's attacks, wondering what had gotten into him after seemingly been calm a few days ago. "GET AWAY!" Brooklyn roared, his beak bared in a snarl of fear and anger, quickly going under his bed to hide away from the prying eyes of the world.

That attack made Lexington feel rather upset, for his brother had never attacked him like that before, knowing this was going to take either Hudson or Coldfire to calm down Brooklyn so he knelt down, seeing Brooklyn crouched underneath there.

"Take it easy, I'll be back, I promise." Lexington said gently, though being cautious in case Brooklyn attacked again. Brook just bared his fangs, Lexington running out of the room, managing to come across Coldfire making breakfast alongside Elisa. Elisa turned at the shocking sight of Lex looking rather worried.

"What happened?" asked Coldfire, hoping her hatchling wasn't having another breakdown though Lex's eyes filled with tears.

"I really... don't know. All I did was go in to say hi but... but then, he wound up nearly attacking me!" Lexington gasped a little from his running. Elisa's eyes rounded, for it wasn't in Brooklyn's nature to attack any of his brothers. Something was definitely wrong.

Instantly, the two women quickly followed Lexington back to Brooklyn's room, wanting to ensure Brooklyn didn't injure himself, opening the door, and seeing nobody in there.

"Brooklyn? Where are you, love?" Coldfire called in her soft voice, turning around, wondering where he was hiding. Lex then pointed to under the bed where his red brother was. Elisa peeked under, a hand on her mouth at the sight of Brooklyn cowered under there, just curled up and sobbing for Brooklyn himself was feeling guilty about nearly hurting Lex until he heard his 'mom's' voice echo in his ears.

The red scared male turned, shaking badly from those past nightmares of Coldsteel that had haunted him for the past two weeks, swallowing a painful lump in his throat, seeing Coldfire there with a gentle look in her robot eyes. She held out a hand. "Come on, little one. We're here for you." She encouraged, gesturing gently.

Brooklyn flinched, until eventually, he caved into her honey voice, inching weakly out until gripping her hand tight, allowing her to pull him from under the bed, eyeing his little brother in worry that he was angry.

Coldfire stroked his cheek again motherly. "Are you alright? You had only just woken up." Brooklyn swallowed more pain down his throat, doing his best to get himself together, afraid of mentioning what he had been dreaming about, head hurting terribly. "N-Nothing's... wrong... nothing..." Brooklyn mumbled under his breath, sounding rather delirious, fumbling onto his bed.

Lexington looked rather shocked at his reply. "Nothing wrong? Bro, you nearly scratched me!" He said, his voice full of concern. Brooklyn tensed from his brother's angry sounding voice, hiding his head into Coldfire's arms.

Coldfire nuzzled him. "Brooklyn, sweetie, you can't let your inner pain keep hurting you. It is healthier to let it out now since it's been three weeks already." She said for encouragement.

Brooklyn's ears perked from those words of wisdom, wiping his eyes, his emotions threatening to blow up right there. Brooklyn then knew he couldn't keep in his dark secrets anymore, not after four nightmares from the past days.

Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, Brooklyn instantly sobbed more loudly than before, allowing his emotions to escape. Coldfire hugged him, rubbing his arms, Hudson having arrived on the scene as well.

After a time, Brooklyn felt his voice began to speak, still not having gotten over his sadness. "I just... just can't stand it! Feels like the world just wants to kick my butt!" He screamed, eyes flashing white.

That stunned Coldfire, who sensed great trouble through Brooklyn not just from his kidnapping. She and Hudson continued to hold him gently to help Brooklyn ease himself into talking further.

"Recently, been... been thinking... at how happy my whole clan was in their own little happy endings. Broadway has Angela, Goliath with Elisa, Hudson, you have Bronx and Lex, you are able to look after Alex. But me? I've got nothing!" Brooklyn finally choked out at last, which had everybody glance at one another in confusion.

Elisa took Brooklyn's hand. "No, Brooklyn. You're just as important to the clan as everybody else..." But Brooklyn wasn't finished, pulling his hand away. He breathed raggedly while talking, Coldsteel mocking his head.

"B-Bet I wasn't the first choice to be second in command, right? If the whole clan were still around, Goliath probably would've... why would he pick somebody like me anyway after forcing us out of his sight on that night?! Bet if I had never been hatched, Goliath would've chosen someone better." Brooklyn whispered the last part, holding his legs.

Coldfire couldn't hear what he had said there. "Sweetie, what did you say?" she asked.

Brooklyn snarled, angry saddened tears in his eyes. "I said, I wish I hadn't been hatched! You'd all be in a better position if I wasn't even thought of!" He shrieked, making pretty much everyone in the room look mortified at his words.

Hudson had a disappointed look on his features. "Laddie, don't you dare ever say that!" The brown male scolded, but Brooklyn didn't believe him, shielding himself in his wings.

"But I'm right, aren't I? Demona wouldn't have turned evil if I hadn't been born! We wouldn't have even come to this time! The clan would still be alive! Coldsteel could've evaporated if I hadn't been there! I'm just the stupid omega second to Goliath!" He shrilled, all those burdens feeling heavy on his body.

Lex himself wished he could cut off his own ears to not hear his own brother, the cocky, confident one saying all this. "Brook, please! Y-you'll ruin yourself if you keep thinking like this!" He said in just as sad a voice as Brooklyn, who kept up his sobbing.

Brooklyn merely shook his head. "Just say it; I know ever since that night, that... you all didn't want me. Bet my own rookery mothers and fathers didn't need me deep down. Goliath probably still hates me for ruining their plans with having the evil one disappear." He sobbed openly, Coldfire instantly taking him into her hold, kissing his cheek.

"No, no, sweetie. It breaks my heart hearing you talk that way. Of course, we still want you. Every life, especially yours, is precious to this Earth. We will always be there to love every minute you're with us." She murmured, taking his beak into her hands. Brooklyn's eyes stung from his tears; her voice so soft.

Hudson nodded, next hugging Brooklyn too, wrapping his wings around him gently, Brooklyn shaking from his cries, Hudson allowing him to let all of his feelings out finally.

Lexington swished his tail nervously before speaking up again. "Brooklyn, I'm the most glad you're here with us. Without you, we wouldn't have become the Trio. You kept us all together, and... and I'm glad Goliath chose you bro." He said in a shaky voice amidst his red brother's shaky sobs.

Brooklyn's ears perked at Lexington's words, looking at him with red eyes, surprised at Lex's touching words, wiping them, as a ghost of a smile appeared on his features. It wasn't a true happy smile, but it was good enough for the olive gargoyle, who held out his hand.

"I mean what I say, I really do. And as your clan, we will continue to keep Coldsteel away from you. We won't let him mess with you anymore!" Lexington declared, a determined look upon him. Brooklyn sniffled harder, but this time from some small happiness, gripping Lex's hand tight, not wanting to let him go.

Hudson looked pleased at what Lexington said, still wiping Brooklyn's tears with his thumb, shushing him gently. "The whole clan is glad you haven't died in Coldsteel's grasp lad. We're so very blessed you hatched into our lives." Hudson soothed.

Hearing those words sent a wave of peace through Brooklyn's body even with Coldsteel still mocking him mentally, but he ignored it for now, happy to have some love finally, despite not having it from a mate yet.

Soon, the group broke up to let Brooklyn have quiet time after his breakdown, though Lexington remained to ensure Brooklyn was comfortable enough. While Brooklyn lay on his bed, feeling rather drained and sleepy, Lex spoke up suddenly. "Uh, Brooklyn, maybe-maybe I can give you a light massage, just until the sunrise? You look like you need it."

Brooklyn himself never had any of his brothers really massage him like this, his eyes looking rather happy about that idea, nodding. Lexington went up to Brooklyn, starting to massage the Second's shoulders and arms.

Lexington kept it up, wanting his tight muscles to be loose, even going to massage the wings. Brooklyn moaned with half-closed eyes. This felt really good to him, thinking now he hopefully won't have any more nightmares after this. "When... do we go home?" Brooklyn asked sleepily, glancing at his brother.

The olive gargoyle stopped for a moment. "I believe in four days or so. Maybe we can go for one more glide and do a movie. How about it?" Lex suggested, now rubbing Brooklyn's stomach and tail. Brooklyn liked that idea, nodding, his body feeling limp and heavy.

Lex suddenly saw the sun coming up into the sky. He stroked his brother's forehead. "See you in the evening. Please feel more better soon." He said softly, leaving to stand outside the door to turn to stone. Brooklyn felt himself changing into his stone skin again, his mind very relaxed more than before, now happy he was alive here and now.

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