Chapter 6

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When waking up the next night, Brooklyn stretched out weakly even in this too small a cell, rubbing his eyes, seeing he was still Coldsteel's prisoner, happy that his fever from the sauna was gone now.

Oh perfect... Brook thought, rubbing his belly, remembering that Coldsteel was still unnecessarily overfeeding him. Another question hit him though; why would Coldsteel even want to keep him not able to fly freely on his own just to weaken his wings when he wanted to take over his body to begin with?

Such questions made his head hurt, rubbing it more again. Also in this cell, it was much too quiet. He missed the sounds of the city and didn't have much space to stretch his wings. He had to keep them folded a lot of the time. How Brooklyn wished to ride a motorcycle right now to get as far away from Coldsteel as possible.

Before Brooklyn could think anymore, he heard a knocking on his cell. Turning around, he saw his enemy there, grinning smugly. "Hello, little body. Before you eat, I got another test. I wish to improve your fighting skills. Since last time I used you, I was quite disappointed."

Brooklyn's tail swished; his eyes glowing. "I don't need help from scum like you! I already know how to fight, thanks!"

Coldsteel growled back at him. "Trust me when I say these 'training lessons' won't be so friendly for you. Now it is time to take you to your first one," he snapped, ordering the guards to bring him out.

The younger male backed up when the guards got closer, using his tail despite his lack of energy to swipe at one, knocking the human down while the other one pulled out a cattle prod. "Keep still, Freak!" snapped the human, jamming the cattle prod into Brooklyn's belly, causing his body to fill with electricity, shrieking aloud, slumping to the floor, allowing the men room to drag him away to the test.

But upon nearly reaching their destination, the guards roughly secured Brooklyn's wings once again. He hated it, wondering why they were doing that more, seeing a strange metal door before him.

"Get in!" snarled the human, shoving Brooklyn through the entrance. He pushed himself to his feet, looking about, wondering what Coldsteel could have for him now that involved all of this 'improving of his fighting.'

He warily looked about this room, which was a little bit bigger than his cell but saw small holes in them, ears flattened at what could come out of them.

"I hope you've practiced your dodging skills, dear body. For this is what is to come in your test..." said Coldsteel in a mic at him.

Heart racing violently, still feeling awful from the previous rooms, Brooklyn was about to ask what it was until a laser shot was heard, a strong laser beam shooting out at his direction from above.

"AH!" Brook shrieked out, just barely dodging that one, panting heavily. But not before another laser headed his way from below, causing Brooklyn to jump, a hand over his chest. He leaned against the wall but yelped in pain when a small laser suddenly stung his left hand, rubbing it.

"And there's more to this test as well..." mocked Coldsteel again. Brooklyn's ears shot up when a rumbling noise in the walls was heard, gasping when seeing the walls closing in just a little bit before stopping.

"Are you crazy?!" He shouted in anger and fright, six more lasers firing now that the space grew shorter, hands over his head as one nearly hit him. Coldsteel only laughed, after the seventh laser came by, the wall moved in a little bit once again.

Brooklyn right now was starting to feel scared again about being closed in by this wall, which would squish him thinner than he normally was before all that feeding, gasping from when a laser nearly struck the side of his belly, flinching from the feeling of it. He covered his head from two of them barely hitting his head, reminding Brooklyn of when they tried interrogating Xanatos about where Goliath and Elisa went and defeating the laser guns, Broadway saving him from being fried.

He was soon kneeling on the floor, crawling around, sometimes jumping to get away from those awful blasts, flinching more from the walls closing every few minutes. Why must Coldsteel continue to torture him this way? Why?

The lasers and walls continued on for the next long while, exhausting Brooklyn greatly, sweat on his forehead, not thinking he would be able to eat at all after this, Coldsteel laughing at him."How's your training going, Body? Getting any more tired?"

Brooklyn bared his fangs up at the ceiling, as a laser nearly fried his beak. It was getting more dangerous with the walls moving closer and closer, as he ran to the door, scratching and banging on it, roaring his displeasure. "LET ME THE F* OUT, COLDSTEEL! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!" His wrists hurt from slamming on the door, yelling aloud in pain when a laser managed to strike one of his wings, making him stagger.

Coldsteel mostly laughed even more. "Don't think so, weak future leader. And what does Goliath even see in you? You're just a loser hatchling with no real purpose. And I will make you see it soon."

Brooklyn roared furiously, the walls now dangerously too close for his liking, ears flat when the lasers now came more frequently, hitting his body everywhere when trying to move to anywhere. Soon wrapping his wings around for what protection they could do for him, sitting down and trying to push the wall back with his feet, struggling to ignore the lasers hitting him. He wouldn't let this monster win this round!

His fangs bared tight, eyes shut, skin burning from those horrible blasts, legs growing into jelly. The walls were slowly crushing Brooklyn to death. Sweat came off of his skin in puddles. "Ugh! St-top!" He choked aloud, whimpering from a laser striking his arm and belly now, having enough of this awful test.

Coldsteel saw Brooklyn looking ready to pass out from the fighting test, feeling somewhat impressed from earlier but that went away when the walls got ever closer, seeing how pathetic Brooklyn's cries of pain were while the walls were almost touching his beak.

Brooklyn glanced up now, his eyes fresh with tears of pain. "No... more... please!" He begged aloud, not wanting to be squished into jelly, covering his body and turning away, wincing, more lasers torturing him further, unable to dodge them any longer.

His face flinched when Coldsteel laughed mockingly. "The poor little hatchling. Couldn't handle a few lasers? Quite disappointing. Oh well. Next test should be more your style."

Brooklyn shook, the walls nearly about to smash his bones until they rumbled, moving away. He opened his eyes, panting, shaking, rubbing his arms. The lasers stopped too, much to his relief. Turning around, Brooklyn weakly looked at the guards coming, their cattle prods humming with power.

One of them moved near, causing Brooklyn to snarl weakly, smacking it away. Another raised his. "Shut it, Abomination! You're returning to your room!" The man threatened, smacking Brooklyn with his prod, the red male howling in agony. He fell to the floor in a heap, allowing the guards enough time to grab his arms like vices.

When put back in his cell, Brooklyn spotted Coldsteel approaching with his food, which Brooklyn felt like he lost his appetite. He cringed up, struggling still not to show weakness since Coldsteel probably spotted his tears in the camera.

"Here's your meal, my body. Your results were rather poor, though we should continue to have more fun with each other, and soon, I shall take you once again." He purred, placing the tray down, which had the usual junk food.

Brooklyn swallowed, his throat feeling scratchy, shaking as he went to reach for the food before him, having enough of this. Taking a bite, Brooklyn felt the need to throw up but did his best to eat it, Coldsteel watching with cruel mocking mirth in his gaze.

After his third burger, Brooklyn was struggling to breathe with his bloated belly, drinking the last soda drink he had, pushing the tray far away from him.

Coldsteel eventually petted his hair again. "I'm sure you enjoyed that meal. Your next one shall be here eventually. Pleasant dreams..." He taunted, Brooklyn quickly going onto his mattress to get away from his tormentor.

His throat was just stinging right now, mostly from all the food Brooklyn knew he shouldn't be eating, and his skin also felt rather painful from those awful lasers.

"I'm... sorry, Hudson... I'm sorry..." Brooklyn croaked, doing his best to keep himself strong, his chest achy and racking with sobs, wishing he had the Phoenix Gate now to go back in time and fix everything that had happened, even way before he stupidly touched Coldstone while the spell was still going.

Why was I so stupid and blind to not realize that Coldsteel's spirit was still on Coldstone's body? Maybe this is more proof than ever that I probably shouldn't be a leader... Brooklyn thought, laying down, trying to settle his belly, which still bothered him greatly.

But what did Coldsteel have in mind for him next? These tests would probably get worse than they already were, which made Brooklyn feel even more scared, until soon, his biological clock told him the sun was coming.

But he remained there, feeling troubled, face still holding onto that expression as his skin turned to stone for the day, a small tear falling down the stone skin.

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