2 Bloopers 3

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[Originally Battler's Bloopers 19]

NatTheRat96: Should I write a prequel novelette for the Colleague Series?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: Good point, no one wants to read a prologue/prequel of how a story came to life.

NatTheRat96: Now for the good part: what storylines to keep, and which ones should I discard.

NatTheRat96: The El Gato subplot, keep or discard?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Discard and keep. Chatzy chose: Discard

NatTheRat96: Ryo and Nulekai subplot, keep or discard?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between KEEP and Discard. Chatzy chose: KEEP

NatTheRat96: Perfect.

NatTheRat96: Grim killing Vilma, keep or discard?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between keep and discard. Chatzy chose: discard


NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Why kill a good dynamic?, it's my ship DEAL WITH IT and My OTP. Chatzy chose: Why kill a good dynamic?

NatTheRat96: I know right?

NatTheRat96: Should I share the Collateral description?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and don't spoil it. Chatzy chose: don't spoil it

NatTheRat96 😏

NatTheRat96: The host and the penguin...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between friends, colleagues, friends with benefits, no just no and put that story to rest. Chatzy chose: friends

NatTheRat96: The rat and the penguin...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between friends, colleagues and allies. Chatzy chose: friends

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between AnuniMaestro will never be canon, give it a rest and, and that's final. Chatzy chose: give it a rest

NatTheRat96I should make a bingo card for the Gladtorium Tryout and for the Main Match 

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Go for it, whatever and nevermind. Chatzy chose: whatever

NatTheRat96Who wants Collateral/GT Bingo cards? (I only made 2.)

Haeji: It should be named 

Haeji: (COL)osseum 

Haeji: Cause it sounds better

Haeji: Or (COL) for short

NatTheRat96: The collab has 100+ characters...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between add more, get rid of them and write a POV on each one. Chatzy chose: add more

NatTheRat96: If it involves writing, YES, if it involves OCs, no! I gotta clear at least ½ of them.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between make OC POV by COLlision, no OCs and eliminate ½ of OCs. Chatzy chose: make OC POV by COLlision

NatTheRat96: I knew you'd see it my way eventually.

Shadow: 100 CHARACTERS?

Shadow: No kidding ...

Shadow: NO WAIT 100+? faints

Shadow: Well that's ... awesome?

Shadow: Tansy, you must die.

Blue applauds

Blue: "Please."

Shadow: "Ok then, in cold blood or just ... let her die in the desert?"

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between go and murder her, let her die of heat and let her survive. Chatzy chose: go and murder her

Shadow celebrates

Shadow: "I'm out of hands AnYwAy

Suzanne: "What about Aryl?"

Suzanne smirks

Blue: "NO."

Shadow calls Trevor

Shadow: "Please come over here and bring the earplugs"

Suzanne: "He won't come fast enough."

Suzanne: "Let me call."

Suzanne has called Trevor

Shadow: sees that the call ended 45 min later

Shadow: "Welp."

Shadow: So uhhh, kill Tansy. Ok then.

Shadow: Idk what to do with Aryl actually

NatTheRat96 had obtained some will to continue typing the Epilogue and an additional scene for Phixa's match (which is actually about Piros and Herring) but got lazy again.

Shadow: Awesome!

Shadow: My timer: 16 minutes left

Shadow: How much more I need to edit: 1 chapter from like 3 documents

Shadow: Chapter length: Like 4 pages. (Not very small tho)


NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Asian, Bald, Communist, Despot and Effeminate. Chatzy chose: Asian

NatTheRat96: Asian Emperor

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Employees POV, Harem POV and Fighters POV. Chatzy chose: Harem POV

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between consort status for Vilma, concubine status for Vilma and servant status for Vilma. Chatzy chose: concubine status for Vilma

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Empress status for Dirlu, consort status for Dirlu, concubine status for Dirlu and servant status for Dirlu. Chatzy chose: consort status for Dirlu

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Empress Eimy, consort Eimy, concubine Eimy and servant Eimy. Chatzy chose: concubine Eimy

NatTheRat96  Who is Emperor's male consort?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Warlin, Nulekai, Ryo, Geoffrey and Glen. Chatzy chose: Glen 

NatTheRat96 🤣

NatTheRat96: King Glen: NO!

NatTheRat96: Glen: NO!

NatTheRat96: The Senec: HELL NO!

NatTheRat96: 1 more try...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Warlin, Nulekai, Ryo, Geoffrey, Ryan, Piros, Thomas, Jacinto and Tony. Chatzy chose: Warlin

NatTheRat96:After Brandon defeats (more likely destroys the Emperor.) How would the Le Dynasty play out?

NatTheRat96: Le Emperor

NatTheRat96: Le Empress...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Eleanor, Natalie, Nour, Akane and Erica. Chatzy chose: Eleanor

NatTheRat96: I knew it!

NatTheRat96: Now... Le concubines...

NatTheRat96 rolled a die. The die showed: 6

NatTheRat96: 1...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Nour, Katherine, Erica, Geoffrey, Alma and Natalie. Chatzy chose: Geoffrey

NatTheRat96: 2...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Alma, Akane, Jade, Eimy, not Nat and Sara. Chatzy chose: Alma

NatTheRat96: 3...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Vilma, Jecamiah, Juuzou, Joon, Jacinto and Patricia. Chatzy chose: Juuzou

NatTheRat96 🤣

NatTheRat96: 4...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Carina, Eimy, Tantetra, Rēker, S Penumbra, Nat and Violet. Chatzy chose: Nat

NatTheRat96: 😘😗😶🙃🙂

NatTheRat96: 5...

Brandon left this message 40 minutes ago:6:58 PM

Read the chapter outlines. Still considering whether or not there is a Regeneration or Healing rune. Rune Magic was made on vindictive purposes, so during the Rune War, it was just straight destruction.

NatTheRat96: Neato.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Nour, Adrian, Ximo, Mewmi, Annabell and Ash Sorchya. Chatzy chose: Ash Sorchya

NatTheRat96: 6...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Stacey, María (DG), María (Chris Series) and Ximo. Chatzy chose: Ximo

Ximo flexes to attract.

Ximo 💪🏽

Uiwo: "There he goes again." Eyeroll.

NatTheRat96: Chatzy, which name is better? Giovanni, Narcissus, or Vidrio?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Giovanni, Narcissus and Vidrio. Chatzy chose: Vidrio

NatTheRat96: Next names...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between "Vani", Sheen and Kristoff. Chatzy chose: Sheen

NatTheRat96: Beautiful... even better than I thought.

Glasgow= The Scottish born knucklehead that gets in trouble.

Sheen= The drama queen

Espe Jo= The smart aleck

Vidrio= The shady, quiet guy

Crystal= The voice of reason

Mimi= The cinnamon roll of the team

NatTheRat96: I'm making Sheen the one that sings the Bee Gees, and the one who spills the beans on Emperor's exploitation.

NatTheRat96: Vidrio= The one who mimics Chris in the GT.

NatTheRat96: Glasgow= Most likely headbutts Mewmi unconscious.

NatTheRat96 left this message 12 minutes ago:7:26 PM

Glasgow: "C'mere, let Glasgow give you a kiss."
His siblings: "NO!"

NatTheRat96: Ximo would fall in love with Glasgow.

NatTheRat96: Ximo would approach the guy, and Glasgow would headbutt him if he tried to do something funny. Ximo would have a nosebleed from the headbutt and be like...

Ximo: "You want some of this punk." And they beat each other to a pulp.

Ximo: And Glasgow would taunt him, "is that all you got, gramps?"

Ximo: They would headlock each other, headbutt each other and bust the others knee caps.

Ximo: "I want a rematch, at my GYM! Or are you chicken?"

Ximo: "You wish you were a spring chicken, laddie."

Ximo: And that would be the start of a beautiful (brutal) bromance.

Ximo: in his 40s. Glasgow: late teens

Haeji: Is Ximo a pedoooooooo?

Ximo: NO!

Ximo: HELL NO!

Uiwo: "My bro may be a Bear, but he ain't a pedobear."

Ximo: "Children are sacred. I'm a professional 1st, and a man 2nd."

Uiwo: "I wouldn't bring my stepkids to his gym if I wasn't certain of his ethic."

Uiwo: "2 of my stepsons are crazy about him."

Ximo: "Crazy about the gym, you mean."

Faim: "This guy helped me train for my 1st fighting tournament."

Faim: "The only thing you have to worry about is one of Ximo's full Nelsons."

Faim asked Chatzy to choose between Ximo, Mewmi and Nooq. Chatzy chose: Ximo

Faim: "He's harmless around minors."

Faim asked Chatzy to choose between Ximo's Nelsons, Mewmi's claws and fangs and Nooq's shurikens. Chatzy chose: Nooq's shurikens

Faim: "Nooq on the other hand, is a threat to society. NINJAS"

Mewmi asked Chatzy to choose between bites a lot, claws surfaces and gobbles up food. Chatzy chose: bites a lot

Faim: "Don't let her anywhere near your family jewels. That's all I'm saying." 

Mewmi: "Nip it in the bud!"

Faim: "NO."

Mewmi licks front teeth and fangs semi threateningly.

Mewmi asked Chatzy to choose between human form, gijinko form and cat form. Chatzy chose: human form

Mewmi licks lips seductively, making Faim uncomfortable.

Mewmi asked Chatzy to choose between Faim leaves, Byrr-Abang notices and Eimy puts collar on her. Chatzy chose: Byrr-Abang notices

Byrr-Abang asked Chatzy to choose between gets attracted to her, gets curious and gets sweet tender loving. Chatzy chose: gets attracted to her

Byrr-Abang asked Chatzy to choose between Chief facepalms, Chief also noticed and Chief yells at Byrr-Abang. Chatzy chose: Chief facepalms

Hostess of Colosseum asked Chatzy to choose between ate tasty codfish fritters, has no idea what 2 do and WTF have I done?. Chatzy chose: ate tasty codfish fritters

Hostess of Colosseum: "HOLY FRIDAY CODFISH FRITTERS, it's been ages since I ate those delectable fritters."

Brandon: Oh, great Chatzy. Tell me, what ending will Patricia have?

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between bad, good and neutral. Chatzy chose: neutral

Brandon: What neutral ending will she get?

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between she won't see her parents, her memories gets erased, her memory gets replaced and someone takes away the life Gem. Chatzy chose: someone takes away the life Gem

Brandon: What happens before then?

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between she uses it, taken before she uses it, she tried to hide it and she was captured. Chatzy chose: she uses it

Brandon: Did she get to see her parents?

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and not really. Chatzy chose: yes

Brandon: How is that a neutral ending for her?

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between someone interrupts her, she learns about her parents, life Gem power is different and her father is still alive. Chatzy chose: life Gem power is different

Brandon: What is the true or hidden power of the Life Gem?

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between predicts death, gateway to afterlife, soul swap and manipulates memories. Chatzy chose: manipulates memories

Brandon: Le gasp. Patricia learns that her memories were forged. But which ones? Her parents' deaths? Just her father's? Mother's? Or is everything a lie and both of them are alive?

Haeji: I thought Patricia gets sealed away by Joon???

Haeji: Cause I already wrote Haeji's death + Patricia's ending

Brandon: This is for fun. But if we do make it canon, then it is just events that leads up to it. Stuff that gives more information on Patricia and her family.

Brandon: And possibly more information that can tie her to HaeJi and co.

Brandon: What is the ending you write for her?

Brandon: Yes that doc. However, there are still details that can be filled for it. Her dying parents can be caused by something else. Also, in my storyline of Patricia, her parents died differently. Therefore, it can be a turning point for Patricia's path. I wanted her to be more innocent, but you made her more vindictive. This could be a possible reason for such change. Perhaps, even the other way around, they didn't die from the fire, but someone made her remember the false information

Brandon left this message 22 minutes ago:8:59 PM

ParaVi likes the innocent fear that Patricia unknowingly emits. He has an idea of what her past is like despite her not knowing what it is.
As of right now, Patricia has memories of her parents dying in the fire. This gives her vindictive purposes to search for the Life Gem. However, the truth is her mother passed from heart-ache, and her father died on the job (though that is just what she and her mother were told).
When Patricia discovers the truth, she'll break down, not knowing what to believe. Her motivation wavers until she finds out that her sculpted memories had something to do with HaeJi or HaeJi's people/rivals. Patricia, then puts the blame on HaeJi for entangling her life to HaeJi's when Patricia could've been enjoying a more oblivious, peaceful life.

Hostess of Colosseum: And since Patricia kills Haeji, Haeji becomes Chronus (or some other reaper name) and unknowingly interferes with Patricia's life (or the lives of others).

Haeji: Right!

Hostess of Colosseum left this message 88 minutes ago:3:54 PM


Jesus Christ rose from the dead and defeated death and Satan on the cross.

...and Auctor woke up from hibernation.

Jesus truly is the BOSS.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between poked a bear with the stick, preached the gospel and returned to sender. Chatzy chose: poked a bear with the stick

NatTheRat96: "Wake up Auctor! It's Spring! Christ rose from the dead! It's PASSOVER! Now get outta bed."

NatTheRat96: Auctor gets outta the cave with a loud yawn and stretched its arms like a grizzly bear.


NatTheRat96: "The heathens are celebrating Easter, when it's PASSOVER!"


NatTheRat96: Yeh!

Shadow: But I'll try to make it next challenge.

Shadow: Or I'll see if I can this challenge

NatTheRat96: Go check it out.

NatTheRat96: Get your brain cells bouncing with ideas and inspiration.

Shadow: I wish

Shadow: I don't have the app on the phone I have or the computer

Shadow: Sigh.

NatTheRat96: Save your energy for another time.

Shadow: Yeah, probably

Shadow: Thanks for the update!

NatTheRat96: Thank Ruben for updating. I only emailed him.

NatTheRat96: Guess I appointed myself as the Ambassador of Auctor without realizing it.


Shadow: That is a good one.

Shadow: I tried to install Auctor on the new phone. It doesn't work.

Shadow: This phone is literally a brick.

Shadow: Me: sees the Piney Point environmental disaster on the news

Shadow: Also me lives pretty close that I got the evacuation notice. Welp now we're in the news.

Shadow: For the wrong reasons XD

Shadow: Have any of you heard of it on the news?

Shadow: Just wondering

Brandon: I am not tuned in to current events. I live under a rock.

NatTheRat96 only has Telemundo, Wapa, Tele11, and NBC. Only uses it to watch telenovelas.

NatTheRat96: I'm afraid not, this rat also lives under a rock.

NatTheRat96 googled Piney Point waterleak.

NatTheRat96: Manatee County

NatTheRat96: That's probably your county, Shad.

NatTheRat96: Manatee = Manatí

NatTheRat96: Vaguely reminds me of one of the municipalities in my country.

NatTheRat96 googled flight price from my country.

NatTheRat96: "Damn, the news wasn't kidding that the flights from traveling to PR are cheap."

NatTheRat96: 49 dollars.

Brandon o.o

NatTheRat96: I'm just as baffled as u r.

Shadow: Mmm no it's Hillsborough but close enough that I drive through every day

Shadow: Haha tho I live under a rock too

Shadow: Only heard of it when I got the evacuation warning

Shadow: Haha

Shadow retreats back under rock

Shadow (with Wattpad)

NatTheRat9: Should I publish an ebook for the collab?


NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and DON'T DO IT!. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: Should the collab have more reads?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: More followers?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: Webcomic?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: Webpage?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and No!. Chatzy chose: yes

Shadow: Oh well Chatzy is being mean XD

Shadow: Are you being mean?

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and and who cares. Chatzy chose: no

NatTheRat96: You're implying that despite that you agreed that the collab would become a SMASH HIT someday with the webcomic... you prefer a webpage for it.

Shadow: Haha

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and maybe. Chatzy chose: yes

NatTheRat96: I'm a GRAPHIC DESIGNER, not a web designer.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Try WIX, contact a developer and find a webpage template. Chatzy chose: Try WIX

NatTheRat96: Are you kidding? If Wix were a success we wouldn't be here in the first place, CHATZY!



NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between O_O and say what now?. Chatzy chose: O_O

Shadow: So no thank you Chatzy

Shadow left the chat

NatTheRat96 demands to know the name of this website.

NatTheRat96: "You know what Chatzy? Consider the epilogue dropped."

NatTheRat96 throws epilogue of 1.1k words at Chatzy's face.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between well shit, Ow!...I done goofed and was it something I said? Chatzy chose: Ow!...I done goofed

Haeji: So, is collateral gonna be made yet?


Haeji: also i was thinking that we publish the Juuzou bandages thing as a flashback since vol 1 col has ended 👉👈

Shadow: www.homenursingtampa.com

Shadow: Me and my Mom

Shadow: And I think [COL]lateral will start in 6 months

Blue: "I'm excited that it will start so much later. I can finally sleep without the phone buzzing."

Shadow: "Boo."

Shadow: "I like to wake you up-"

Bary: "We know you do."

Spino: "You woke me up at 5 in the morning with a crowing rooster in your hands."

Spino: "And you didn't let me eat it."

Spino: "Or your pet peacock."

Shadow: "I liked that rooster! And don't you dare insult my beautiful Starri."

Ripper: "Wait, you named that peacock?"

Ripper: "And if it's a she they call them peahens."

Ripper: "Because they're like chickens."

Ripper imitates a chicken

Shadow: "HOW DARE YOU"

Shadow: "Starri is too elegant to be compared to a chicken"

Trevor: "Well I personally think you both have the same IQ."

Shadow: "I think you went too far."

Shadow ties Trevor over a hot fire 

Shadow: I'll leave Trevor's fate to your imagination

Shadow: Because it may probably be way more gruesome

Suzanne claps lazily

Suzanne: "I really think that's too boring. He isn't even screaming."

Shadow: "It's good enough for me."

Shadow giggles

Blue: "I'll make it more exciting."




Verdauga slaps hand over Blue's mouth

Verdauga: "You are not alright, Blue."

Shadow: Guess the song

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