Chapter 1

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A door opened as a shadow loomed near the aisles, as a short silhouette stepped forward. The usurper strode into the storage room as if she owned the place. Stubby fingers collected a face mask, scrubs, syringes, swabs, empty vials and a banner to make her plan come to fruition. After getting dressed for the part, she closed the door to the storage room as she used the face mask to cover her mouth.

The Beauchamp Brothers took out the vacuum cleaner from the box and inspected it before they saw Mewmi walk away angrily. They both shrugged, then resumed their conversation until they spotted Eimy walk away angrily as well.

"You're a snitch!" Dirlu pointedly accused him while Faim rolled his eyes.

"Why are you blaming me? You were the one that bought the collar." Faim replied as Ximo and Uiwo heard them approach.

"At least I thought about her safety." Dirlu said, her hand on her chest.

"No one is safe with your ideas." Dirlu scoffed at his statement.

"You shouldn't have grabbed me when I was about to do it." Dirlu whined, "look at it, it's ruined." The noblewoman held the sliced collar in one hand and the cat bell with the other.

"I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place." Faim remarked.

"You should've held my vacuum and kept your mouth shut." Dirlu snapped at him before she saw Ximo and Uiwo had taken out the pieces of the vacuum.

"So that explains why Eimy and Mewmi stormed out earlier." Uiwo commented before Faim huffed and walked away. Ximo nudged his older brother on the shoulder.

"Nevermind them, does it work?" Dirlu asked, averting the subject.

"The parts seem to be in place." Uiwo replied.

"We just need to find where to plug it in." Ximo added.

"Obviously." Dirlu remarked before she took the vacuum, though Ximo held the blender that came with the vacuum.

Maggie was milling about when she stood nearby the lounge, two women were curious upon seeing an 8ft tall woman observing the perimeter as if she stood firm, assuming that she were a participant. A woman asked: "are you one of the new fighters?"

Tantetra glanced at one of the bystanders, then denied it. "No, I'm just a guest."

"See, I told you. She's too tall to be one of the fighters." The other girl responded, "She could be one of the guards."

"No, she's not wearing an uniform." The teenager stated, then whispered into her sister's ear. "She could be a cosplayer for all we know."

"I'm right here." Tantetra reminded them. The two sisters smiled awkwardly before they walked away. Tantetra clearly heard one of them refer Breloq as the stilted man.

Tantetra acknowledged about ParaVi's commentary of mortals reducing Deities as urban myths and folktales though one thing is to hear it — and to experience it is actually something else.

Maggie was perusing near the kiosks with her cat when she walked past Carina while the usurper brought the medical supplies to one of the empty kiosks before setting up the banner.

The usurper steepled her gloved fingers then entered the kiosk to prepare the supplies to obtain the DNA samples, expecting a particular Venusian to appear, however, her vaccination stand attracted the attention of random bystanders.

Maggie got distracted when she looked at a kiosk that contained books. Jinx walked aimlessly around the stadium, then passed by the lounge until Akane caught sight of the cat, the Japanese receptionist fawned over her and picked her up. "You are so cute, too bad that there is a no pet policy." Akane said as she bristled the cat in soft strokes before she carried Jinx.

By the time Maggie noticed Jinx's abscence yet again, she called her cat before she ran around the stadium to search for her.

"Who's a cute kitty? You are!" Akane cooed at the black cat as the feline turned her head and rolled her eyes in annoyance from the baby talk. Vilma's sinuses flared up and sneezed repeatedly until she grabbed a paper towel. Alma, Geoffrey, Goung and Sam spotted the cat Akane was holding, though it was Alma and Geoffrey who came to get a closer look at the cat.

“Cute.” Alma commented.

“Where did you find her?” Geoffrey asked her, then they heatd Vilma sneeze.

“I found her by the lobby.” Akane said, as she petted the feline's inky fur.

“Are you sure the cat is a she?” Geoffrey asked her.

“Maybe.” Akane rolled her eyes and responded slowly.

“But is the cat vaccinated?” Alma asked her to which Akane shrugged, though Jinx hissed.

“Get the cat--” Vilma sneezed then finished, “--outta here!”

“Oh yeah, forgot your allergy.” Akane admitted just as she heard Vilma blow her nose through a napkin, then sniffled. “Sorry.” Akane grinned as she apologized, while Vilma glared at both Akane and the black cat. Jinx yawned before wriggling from Akane's arms before Akane put the cat down outside the reception as it the feline ran away.

Logan typed on the keyboard while Alexander and Tr searched for Brandon's workstation where the supposed Rave parts were being held. "We have to get there and interrogate him." Alexander stated.

"Nah-uh, we should confiscate the parts first, then we take him in. And if he resists, I'll knock some sense into him." Tr punched into the palm of his hand, his verdant eyes beamed with as he smirked devilishly. Alexander knowing Tr and how aggressive he can be in prosecuting witnesses casted an accusatory glance at him.

"Don't beat him senseless." Alexander warned.

"Don't worry about it." Tr vacilated.

"Only authorized personnel are allowed to go there." Penumbra spoke.

“As if that has stopped us before.” Tr said in dismissal.

“We'll get a search warrant on this place.” Alexander informed the supervisor.

“By all means, go ahead.” Patricia humored them as she outstretched her arm before she exited the trophy room.

Alexander activated his watch to talk to Logan. “Logan, are you there?”

“I'm almost done.” Logan pressed the key and gained access to the stadium's security system. “There.”

Annabell was at the lounge, sitting on the sofa, staring at the potted plant, bored as her head tilted to the side, slowly propped herself until Eros came back to the lounge and gave her a light novel for her to pass the time. She picked it up with both hands, eyeing at the cover and back cover.

“A souvenir.” Eros responded as Annabell read the synopsis on the back of the cover.

“Thanks.” Annabell said before she opened the light novel. The gray haired wizard sat next to her.

“Is not much, but it would help kill time.” Eros said before he took out a spellbook from his satchel as he crossed his leg before opening the book.

Ash, Astrid and Octavia walked past the lounge as Ash and Astrid were eating snacks while Octavia checked her phone for any updates, mostly on her social media. “I've been receiving ads on my email and it's bugging me. Even after I reported most of these, it keeps coming back.”

“You sure that you aren't getting hacked?” Ash asked while she chewed on her chips before eating another one.

“No, I would've noticed if that were the case.” Octavia replied, sliding on the website she was currently on.

“I recently read that you can get hacked with a subscription from a fake website. With a suscribe not only they have you on their website, they also make quizzes to pinpoint where or how they'll hack you. After you open the website, they hack your account.” Astrid explained as she waved the colorful corn chip then, put it in her mouth kind of pantomiming their modus operandi.

“Nah, I've checked all the reviews from the apps I installed and nothing happened.” Octavia mentioned as she swiped the ads and emails before she clicked on the latest email from the dating app she was on.

“Who's that?” Ash asked, as she dug on her bag of chips as she looked at the screen.

“That's what I want to know.” Octavia replied as she clicked the mail. Apparently was some random guy in his 20s that worked as a security guard at a mall. A tall man with average body mass with biceps and his hobbies were working out at the gym and had a pet labrador named Luke.

“Aw, what a cutie.” Ash commented.

“You better talking about the dog.” Octavia narrowed her eyes through her steampunk glasses.

“Obviously.” Ash said before eating another chip. “Just look at him.”

Stella and Micah had searched from where the screech originated and they searched on each floor but whoever or whatever it was already left.

“It must've been a false alarm.” Stella said as she got down the stairs.

“Great, just like when we began scouting for the Space Babes on planet Horr. It was terrible. We had to search for a wild deformed screecher that was last spotted near the caverns of the Dingbahd jungle, before we found one of Dr. Helix's abandoned hideouts.” Micah recalled.

“I know, I was there.” Stella reminded her. “The screecher was one of the endangered species that Dr. Helix was searching.”

“Before we found out that he was the one doing the gene splicing.” Micah finished. “I just want to take a vacation from these missions. If I find something that even remotely reminds me of one of our previous cases. I'm dropping the case and going to a resort to the Brackmahs.”

“There's no screecher here.” Stella said convinced.

“That we know of, but it's for the best.” Micah commented.

“I'll be signing for the Redemption Round, do you want anything?” Stella asked her.

“A nice hot cocoa capuccino with macadamia nuts to forget for a couple of minutes that we're on another wild goose chase in this massive stadium. And hopefully, leave this planet.” Micah requested in her semi-passive-aggressive tone.

“Ok, I'll get your capuccino.” Stella responded, deliberately ignoring Micah's sarcasm as she headed to the lounge.

Logan hacked the stadium's security camera's, over one hundred of them recording in that moment. The first one recorded the entrance of the stadium, another camera recording the reception and the receptionists to the caretakers walking down the halls with the carts full of cleaning products rolled in from one side of the hall to the other end. As much as he liked to take a glance at Jayshree, he skipped the number of cameras to see which camera recorded which perimeter of the infrastructure.

He looked at the 12th row of the security cameras and spotted the destroyed drone that was on the ground floor, and 8 metres away from the drone were two robotic automatons that were part of the infrastructure camouflaged the grayish white walls of the room. “There is my drone.”

“But how did it get destroyed?” Logan rewind the footage and played the recording at the minute Logan lost contact with the drone. The drone had gone past the electromagnetic field and lost signal before the A.I.D. had released a laser to shoot the drone down as it broke down upon impact to the slate floor.

Logan then typed to deactivate the A.I.D. but he didn't expect for the automatons to heighten its security and send an alert to the owners of the androids.

Natalie and Brandon received a notification; the host was nearly done eating the succulent codfish fritter as she checked for any anomalies. Brandon was on his computer when he received the notification on his dashboard.

Your Security System Has Been Hacked

All your actions on the device are tracked by a hacker.

Immediate action is required!

The host closed the page and ate the last of the codfish fritter as she rushed to her office.

A hacker has breeched your defenses. COMMENCING PROTOCOL

Brandon typed on the computer to track the hacker, altering the commands. Logan had already exited the labyrinth to find the damaged drone.

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