Chapter 10

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Four individuals used the attachments of the mop vac, which were previously stolen from Uiwo, to turn them into weapons.

One of them used the hammer to hurt anyone within arms reach, then flung to hit a moving target in the head.

The blender and soap dispenser got stolen for personal use. A roboticist used the blender attachment for one of his gadgets to reproduce a liquid substance, and the soap dispenser was reused to store the liquidized bombs. At first glance, it resembled funballs though the outer layer was encased in a gel and the interior, the chemical with the liquid substance which contained acidic compounds. In other words, it could be used as a bouncy bomb.

The other individual used the scissors for stabbing and cutting at close proximity. This individual in question attempted to cut Master Yin's beard. The Yamitzu dojo master twisted this man's arm, kicked him at the back of the knee to make him kneel on the ground, then the man screamed when Yin bended his limbs that would make him look like a human pretzel, then tossed him to the side like a rag doll

Melon's scream was heard when a hybrid satyr groped her gluteus maximus. Blade beat the frisky freakshow to a pulp despite that she already slapped the pervert, leaving a red hand print. While the spouses were beating the savage satyr senseless, Ximo spanked Blade's booty and made a run for it.

Irate, Blade swung his scythe like a maniac as the nearby neanderthals scattered from getting sliced.

Blade wasn't the only one that got a spank from Ximo. Ruben II also felt the smack on his right buttocks, the Cinnabarian also went into a fit of rage as he punched a muscular tawny man which had a similar physique to Ximo, the situation getting out of hand was an understatement to Ximo's spanking tirade.

All of his targets were male, he managed to spank along the handsome men were as followed: Geoffrey Murphy, Logan Peterson, some of the rejected candidates that signed up for the BOSS positions for the Redemption Round and lastly, a male guard.

There were other handsome men that Ximo wanted to tap, but couldn't: Brandon, Breloq, Chris, Eros, Hexice, and Johnathan.

Brandon concocted a forcefield with a click of a button from his belt. Ximo's hand was inches away from hitting Brandon's bonafide behind before the forcefield ricocheted and nearly lost his equilibrium when Brandon caught of the older man and increased the defense of his forcefield by adjusting the knob.

There were two reasons why Ximo couldn't touch the Deity of Liberty, mainly because Breloq was nimble on his feetless legs. Secondly, his desired target erected an array of doors. Ximo slapped the wooden surface of the door before Breloq created multiple ones to escape. Even if Ximo could manage to touch him, he wouldn't be able to spank Breloq. He'd have to jump high enough to smack the metallic rump, and even if there was a sliver that he would manage to succeed, Breloq would be immune to the pain inflicted. Making his efforts of  provocation, a dud.

Chris was untouchable because he could teleport Ximo elsewhere with a snap of his fingers. Eros was also accompanying Annabell and Chris when this occurence transpired.

“I can heal myself just fine.” Eros stated while Chris lent some of his energy to heal the white wizard.

“Thanks for helping us.” Annabell said.

"Don't mention it." Chris flashed a smile before a couple of hooligans wanted to attack them. Ximo tiptoed in hopes to hit one of them before Chris teleported the hooligans in the same forcefield some of the spellcasters, mages, witches and the sorceress were in and Ximo backed away and looked the other way as he whistled.

Hexice had quick reflexes, despite his porcelain exterior, he had the flexibility of a contortionist and the grace of a belly dancer combined to dodge Ximo's attempts at spanking his porcelain posterior. The Deity of Fate wiped off the dust of his skirt as he left the muscular human staggering, “Silly mortal, as amusing as your attempts were, there is no mortal than can come close to touching this.” Hexice tapped his own behind and swayed his hips as he walked a couple of steps away from him. He turned to face Ximo, “Consider yourself fortunate that you haven't been bestowed a fate worse than death. Ta tah.”

The main reason Ximo couldn't spank Johnathan, was that the announcer sat on a chair. As much as he wanted to wait for the right moment to strike, he saw Johnathan take out his phone to video chat with his son.

Ximo looked for his next target instead, at the corner of his eye, he saw a caretaker bring the cleaning cart down the hall. Ximo followed him from afar, then came closer.

He attempted to spank Jecamiah, but when he saw the caretaker comfort a mother and child, he ceased.

He felt guilty, Ximo took advantage of the skirmish to rouse men while a simple man, a humble caretaker tried to comfort the ones who suffered the damage from the skirmish.

Jecamiah passed a bible for the child as a present as he conversed with the mother.

Ximo turned away and headed out, by the time Faim and Uiwo had found him. They heard a shrilly shriek coming from the administration. 

Adrian entered the administration and found a roboticist aim his weapon at Dirlu, the decibels that Dirlu unleashed were loud enough to make his eardrums suffer. The glass of the blender attachment cracked, not enough to damage the gadget, but sufficient to make the employees complain.

“I'll give you your refund, just stop screaming!” Adrian complied, anything to not make his eardrums bleed. When Faim amd the Beauchamp brothers arrived to the administration, Uiwo identified one of the blokes that robbed him.

“He's the bloke who robbed me.” Uiwo pointedly accused at a man that had an armband with the word SLEDGE on his right arm.

“There's the bloke who spanked me.” The guy that had the armband with the word HAMMER on his left arm countered, openly accusing Ximo. “No one touches the Hammer and gets away with it.”

While this exchange occured Adrian counted the money to return the refund to Dirlu. Then the roboticist/inventor aimed the weapon at Adrian, prompting him to give all the money they had and convert it to euros.

Ximo raised his arms in the air and said, “I apologize.”

“But I won't.” Sledge stated referring to the theft and assault he did against Uiwo earlier. Sledge got punched in the face as Sledge, Hammer, and the Beauchamp Bros fought like cats and dogs while Dirlu walked away with her money. Faim sneaked up behind the roboticist and disarmed him.

The felon then pulled out a taser and electrocuted Faim as he made a run for it, as the blonde fighter fell to the floor, the disarmed roboticist didn't expect to get slapped by Dirlu's glove.

When the Daoituen thief was metres away from entering the infirmary, a tawny skinned thief stole the EMCuff.

Haeji then shouted Korean curse words at the thief as he ran away with the electronic bracelet. Mochi recognized Haeji's voice from a block away and ran to reach her after he clawed the swine.

While the thief ran away, he hopped over a black cat as he landed to continue his retreat, a cape landed on his face and clouded his vision. Enveloped by the darkness, he dropped the EMCuff to the floor before the cape made him disappear.

Mochi saw Maggie pick up the cape and spotted the EMCuff as he saw Jinx pick it up with her maw. The magician folded her cape before she saw Jinx carry it.

“I still can't grasp how most of them lose their minds for no apparent reason. They act as if they got possessed or something.” Maggie mentioned before they heard a scream.

Jinx spat out the EMCuff, then said, “Most of you humans are bonkers if you ask me, and this bracelet tastes terrible.”

“That looks a lot like the cuff my human was wearing.” Mochi came in and gave a closer look. Maggie paid her attention to the adorable tri-color feline.

“Ciao, bello gatino.” Maggie greeted Mochi to which the tri-color interpreted it as a farewell.

“Ciao, human.” Mochi took the EMCuff and brought it to the infirmary.

“You are an idiot,” Jinx remarked, “you don't know if the cat is a thief as well.”

“He seems honest.” Maggie said while the black feline rolled her eyes.

Never let a human do a cat's job. Jinx thought as she followed Mochi to the infirmary. The black feline heard Haeji and Jian conversing.

“Patricia lied,” Jian warned, “she is using the EMCuff to track you and Joon. The device isn't as deadly as Patricia made you believe.”

“Joon and I both got electrocuted after I lost the match, so don't tell me that her threat wasn't real.” Haeji furrowed her eyebrows.

“She didn't give empty threats, she gave false security.” Jian stated.

“That's right,” Juuzou stood next to Jian to confirm his statement. “she has no intention of letting Joon go.”

She recalled her last encounter with Patricia.

"I hold the cure for your brother's illness."

"I don't believe you." Haeji deadpanned.

"I don't blame you. Believe it or not. I was in a similar situation, though I won't bore you with the details."

"What do you want from me?" Haeji asked her, scrutinizing her motives.

"I want you to make my job easier." She saw Patricia hide the vial in her jacket, "If you win in the Redemption Round, I'll loosen the leash on you. In exchange, you do something for me when the time is right." Patricia warned her.

"Really?" Haeji dried her tears.

"Obviously. I'll call you to give your next instructions. Now move along."

Given by Patricia's body language, she had no intention of letting them go, but what was it that she wanted her to do?

“If she's not going to give the cure, I'm not going to wear that fretter either.” Haeji crossed her arms before Mochi dropped the EMCuff in front of her.

“Even if you refuse, she'll find another way to get what she wants.” Jian reminded her.

“What do you mean?” Haeji raised an eyebrow. Even Juuzou was curious about what th Ji clan member referred.

“You aren't the only thief. She could find someone else to do it. Anyone who is more willing or more desperate to do it for the right price.” Jian suggested.

Haeji's mind reeled until she thought of one person who robbed her twice in one day, Ratu.

Ratu searched around the stadium and sneaked into the office from door to door, floor to floor in hopes to find the exact location of where the prize money was being held, but instead, he was caught by Erica as the flashlight blinded the boy temporarily and shielded his eyes.

“What are you doing here, young man?” Erica drawled as she raised her chin to look domineering that she actually was. The rubber duck deflated to make a wheezing sound to make Ratu uncomfortable.

“I dropped something.” He lied, he didn't drop anything, it was the only lie he could come up with at the moment.

“Like what?” Erica asked as she moved the flashlight around, not taking her eyes off of Ratu. If she knew he was making a false move to drop her guard, Clyde would squeak.

Ratu looked under the table to distract her. “Where'd you drop the ball?” Erica asked a trick question, testing him. If he confirms her question, she'll know he's lying. If he says that he didn't drop anything, she'd catch him in his lie.

“What ball? I'm looking for my money.” Prize money that is.

“Why didn't you say so?” Erica turned off the flashlight as she headed out the door, “By the way, if you're after the prize money by any chance, you won't find it in here.” Erica walked out of the door while her rubber duck squeaked in mock laughter before she closed the door.

Maggie looked for Jinx until the black feline had sneaked out of the infirmary. “What did you find out?”

“Nothing important.” Jinx stated in a bored tone.

“You see. There is nothing to worry about.” Maggie said before she heard a loud bang and protests.

A piercing shriek of fear echoed around the stadium walls, as the previously content reptilian sat up with worry. 

Saw surveyed the surrounding area, trying to detect the scream, but after a few loops around the main arena, he turned up with nothing. 

Scale watched as the bicephalic dragon descended back down to the ground beside him, an exuberant glint of confidence in the dragon’s eyes. 

“Did you find out where the scream came from?” The reptilian asked, with a tint of fear.  

Saw shook his head, just as a cloud of smoke appeared in front of them. 

Out from the smoke steps a short but burly being, with cloaked black skin and flame red eyes. 

Beside it, was a towering scythe with a chipped wooden handle and razor-sharp blade, the tip of which is laced with a deadly toxin. 

“Prepare to meet your match… maker!” The being says with a deep, guttural voice, followed by a very light laugh. 

The joke washes over Saw but not Scale. All because his time in the Shadow Realm drew him close to the people. He knew about their lives, their affiliations. He knew that in front of him was Barbed Wire, a family man, who devoted his life to helping people find their one true love. 

What he didn’t know was why he was here threatening their lives. 

“Mr. Wire, is everything alright? Do you need help?” Scale asked as he stepped forward, armed with this unknown confidence.

“I don’t need help! But you will, by the time I'm finished with you!” 

“Oh, what’s got you so grumpy, grumpy? Did Snow White and the rest of the dwarves go off without you?” Saw chimes with this profound fighting spirit. 

Barbed let out a menacing growl, before picking up his scythe and swinging it forward. 

Saw was too far away to actually get hit, but Barbed felt happy that he had provided the dragon with a warning. 

“At least I’m not a whiny little dinosaur!” Barbed remarked smugly.   

“I am a dragon, you numbskull!” Saw snapped back angrily, instantly regretting his behaviour. 

“Dinosaur, dragon, they’re both extinct where I’m from.”

Scale wasn’t listening to the insults being flung around the room. He was too lost, broken. He couldn’t comprehend how such a jovial person could now stand completely devoid of life. 

“Barbed, I know things aren’t great, but you don’t have to do this, you’re better than this, so please, go, go be with your family” Scale pleaded, a tear ran down his face.  

Barbed scoffed, “What family? My son is dead, killed by a revolution that knows our realm will be destroyed.” Barbed Wire glared at the reptilian disdainfully, “Your bet with Grim merely stalling the inevitable.”   

Scale went to comfort him, but before he could get any words out, a second puff of smoke appeared in front of them. 

This time it was a short, larger than life Shadow Soldier, with rosy pink eyes and a heart shaped pendant around their neck. 

She had a scythe gripped beside her, as well as several miniature spears clipped to a belt around her waist.  

“Sorry darling, I was just making sure I looked good for this fight.” The female Shadow Soldier stated, a look of uncertainty pressed upon her face. 

Barbed sighed, before ordering “Take care of the Reptilian, while I handle Mr. Extinction over here.” 

He said it so dismissively, not really acknowledging his wife’s presence or the danger that he had put her in. Both Barbed and his wife charge forward, swinging their scythes at their respective targets. 

Scale rolled aside while Saw took to the sky, letting out a steam of hot air. 

Scale then jumped to all fours, preparing to make a dart to safety. 

He scurried away while his opponent picked out one of her miniature spears. Examining it,  then throwing it directly at Scale. 

The spear nicked the end of his tail, providing him with a mild stinging sensation. 

Scale ignored the pain, continuing his cowardly retreat, weaving through the competitors, who now fought for their lives. 

Saw shrouded his opponent in smoke, creating a mist of blindness. 

Barbed Wire swiped at the empty air, each failed swing caused his temper to rise. 

“You cannot hide from me, dinosaur!”  

Saw ignored the taunt and focused his efforts on spelling the word magnetism. 

Scale knew he couldn’t fight, that his former friends would defeat him with a single blow. He was a coward, doing what cowards do best. Running. 

He continued running until about halfway where he had a temporary loss of balance, a trip. The Shadow Soldier took this as the perfect opportunity to take another swing.

Scale didn’t have enough time to dodge, so he quickly grabbed the thing he tripped on and threw it at the soldier.  

The scythe collided with the stone snake and got stuck. While the Shadow Soldier wrestled her scythe free, Scale took the distraction, as an opportunity to put enough distance between him and his attacker. 

Once magnetism is spelt, Saw took a back seat and watched as Barbed was lifted off the ground and glued to the ceiling.  

Saw followed his enemy up, a grin spread across his face as Barbed struggled against his new confinement.  

“Get me down from here!” Barbed ordered.

“As you wish,” Saw replied smugly, before spelling out the word drop. 

Barbed got propelled to the floor, crashing to the ground with a thud and laid there in infuriated agony. 

The drop was a significant distance and would have perhaps killed a more weaker being, but Barbed was immortal, a life of forever, immune to disease, aging and injury. 

Although, that doesn’t mean he couldn't die. In fact, there are several toxins that can kill a Shadow Soldier, one of them being Highfeldiläxomurntarianfox 45, a toxin that was on the tip of his scythe. 

Scale glanced behind him to see that the Shadow Soldier has freed her scythe and is now advancing towards him. 

He turns back and continues with the running, trying to maintain the distance that he had just built. 

However, the run was cut short when Scale accidentally ran in front of a wizard’s spell. The powerful surge of magic blasting him across the room. 

While Barbed slowly pulled himself to his feet, Saw turned his attention to his sister, spelling out the word awake.  

Claw let out a large yawn, as she stretched out, her eyes slowly beginning to open. 

Scale struggled to lift himself up, the blast wiped out his strength, his whole body numb with pain. 

“Aargh! Why did you have to use one of your stupid words, you know I don’t like being under your spell.” Claw moaned at her brother. 

The Shadow Soldier drew ever closer to the deflated Reptilian’s body. 

Saw explained to his sister what’s going on, omitting the fact that he has quite enjoyed the fight. 

The Shadow Soldier picked up Scale, gripping him by the neck, squeezing the life out of him. 

“Lava!” Scale choked, a desperate attempt at appealing to his attacker’s conscience. 

A sense of recollection washed over the Soldier, as she lost her grip and became confused by the present. 

“Scale, is that you?” She called fearfully, a disoriented look pressed upon her face. 

Scale nodded, but as he did so, she began convulsing, a large, inhuman grunt escaped from somewhere deep inside her body. 

Scale so desperately wanted to help his friend, but he had no idea how, so instead, he did what he did best. Ran. 

He was too afraid, too hurt to realise that he was heading back the way he came, back towards the bicephalic dragon and the other Shadow Soldier. 

The bicephalic dragon created a smoke screen before diving down to where Barbed stood now. Claw lunged out at Barbed, who just managed to sidestep the attack.  

Barbed then made his own attempt at a strike, swinging his scythe towards the more fiery of the two dragons. 

Claw dodged, as the female Shadow Soldier's convulsions cease, a dark entity pressing into her mind. 

"Kill him! Take your scythe and tear apart that coward's life." The entity echoes around her mind, a constant loop of darkness. 

"But…" Lava faltered.

"No buts, my dear, it must be done. The emperor's plan must succeed. Because if it doesn't, I won't resurrect your son." 

The Shadow Soldier nodded her motherly nature, her desire to be reunited with her son overriding the fond memories of Scale, replacing it with a shroud of darkness that  broke apart her morals.

Scale rushed past Barbed, his tail brushed against the Shadow Soldier's flame. 

Barbed instinctively reacted, spun around and swinged his scythe. He had no idea his wife would be there, that the scythe would hit her, that the toxin would take root inside her and melt away her flesh.  

Claw goes to lunge, seeing the Shadow Soldier's vulnerability as the perfect opportunity to attack. 

Saw reached out to stop her, reasoning that not all fights need to be finished. 

"I… I… She's dead." Barbed cried out in disbelief, still not quite registering what he had done. 

Scale had gone to comfort him, reassure him everything will be alright, but Barbed knew it wasn't. He had killed his wife and for what? A promise. A promise that could easily be broken.

That's why he decided it was his time to go. 

He knew he couldn't keep feeding himself lies, telling himself that his son will return. 

So, in his last moments alive, he turned to Scale, sharing his final words of wisdom. 

"My wife and son meant everything to me, more than words can say. I would have never got through life without them. But it wasn't just them that meant the world to me, no, the Shadow Realm has always had a special place in my heart. It was where I grew up, where I met my beautiful wife and where I raised my son. So, when I heard that it was going to be destroyed, I broke down in tears. But then, you came along and I mean you're no warrior that's plain to see, but what you did that day, standing up to Grim when no else would, that took real courage and I reckon even if you don't succeed, they'll still be talking about you years to come, as the hero that tried."

As soon as the last word left his lips, to an audience of gasps and cries (I mean, even Claw let out a little whimper), he slammed the scythe into his chest.

There's a few minutes of silence, before Scale tearfully said, "I think they were being controlled."

I'd like to thank everyone for being patient with me related to this skirmish that's going on here. Thank you, PenguinMaestro for helping me with the other prompts including for your participation with Felix's Skirmish and Ryan's Skirmish in the previous chapters.  Thank you, JohnathanSmith026 for writing Scale's Skirmish which I decided to include in this chapter. And for those who I've missed giving the shoutouts and credentials, don't worry. I haven't forgotten about you either.


Thanks for sticking around.

More chapters coming soon.

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