Chapter 19

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After she entered the storage room to find some clothes for the victim to wear, while she rummaged through the aisle to find the right size, the usurper picked up her weapon hidden in one of her boots before jabbing Jane on the left calf to extract blood, enough for the transformation to last for a couple of hours.

“Ow! What was--” Jane turned and saw a light coming from the usurper's weapon as she saw how the stranger morphed to look just like her.

“--that you found out about my little secret.” Carina spoke while Jane's eyes widened at seeing herself naked, or rather her impostor. “I'm not gonna let you off that easy.” The impostor pointed the weapon against Jane's head, “I'm not going to risk getting caught by the likes of you.” Jane Doe made the mistake of making any sudden movements and Carina responded by kneeded her in the stomach and, hitting Jane on the nape with the magazine well of the firearm, knocking her out.

Nour checked on Jane Doe and informed the bicephalic dragon and the reptilian that she only suffered a mild concussion.

“If you need our help, all you have to do is yell.” Claw offered loudly.

“That won't be necessary,” Saw interjected before he whispered to Claw's ear, “keep your voice down. Be considerate with the other patients.”

“You don't have to give me an earful either.” Claw retorted before Jane opened her eyes and took in her surroundings before the bicephalic dragon and the reptilian exited the infirmary.

“Thanks for helping me back there.” Scale mentioned.

“No problem. Take care.” Saw said before Claw waved at the Reptilian.

“Bye Scale.” Claw added as Scale waved back and they headed their separate ways. Scale went out to search for his friends while the bicephalic dragon headed for the vestibule.

Jane Doe laid on the bed, worried about what that imposter might do. What if she was after her family, or her loved ones? Or worse, what if that wannabe wanted ro steal her life. Her finances, her husband, her children. I have to do something before she goes after my family. Jane's mind raced as she stood up from the bed before Nour had caught up to her.

“What are you doing? You can't leave the infirmary like this.” Nour tried to reason with her.

“I have to! I don't have time for this!” Chris heard the scuffle as he watched Nour and Jane argue.

“You were found unconscious, stark naked. You could've been killed!” Nour reminded her.

“I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about my family.” Nour wasn't able to persuade her, much less stop her from leaving the infirmary. She had to tend to the other patients. Jane Doe exited the infirmary wearing patient scrubs as she set out to find the imposter. Chris exited the infirmary and followed her, perhaps he can stop her from doing something brash.

Carina scrolled through Jane Doe's contacts to see who they were and what connection they had with the person she supplanted. The first contact she chose was AJ and scrolled up to the oldest texts and read them to figure out who he was, as it turns out this Average Joe was her brother according to what the text implied.

Sunday, Feb 16, 2020

Thanks for babysitting Bryce and Charlotte while I visited Dinah at the hospital. (10:28 AM)

(10:29 AM) Sure. What are siblings for?
Give my darling sis-in-law a kiss for me.


The usurper scrolled down the most recent texts and found nothing important. When she picked the next contact to read the text messages, the phone rang. The name that appeared on the phone call was called HUBBY.

She accepted the call and asked: “Hello?”

“Hey hun, I won't be abke to pick up the kids today. My boss wants the sales audited in the next hour. How's work?” He asked over the phone. Carina looked out to the other side of the hall and could see random strangers hustling, some avoid getting hit by a flurry of pebbles or jets of water which could ve seen all the way to the vestibule.

“The usual.” Carina replied and looked away from the remnant of said skirmish, “What would you like for dinner?” She asked, playing along with the façade.

“Some clam chowder would be nice.” He requested while the usurper rolled her eyes.

“Ciao, sweety.” Carina feigned in that sickenly syrupy tone.

“Bye hun.” He said before hanging up. Carina sighed, feeling lethargic. It was already bad enough that she had to keep a low profile to prevent agents like Stella and Micah from picking up her trail, now she had to pretend to be this doting wife for good measure.

It were times like these that she wanted to drop the act, let the I.B.I. agents find her to arrest her, or let her erstwhile associate Sphinx wipe her out of existance with the blasted ray gun and disintegrate her to a pile of dust once and for all. There was no point in finding an electromagnetic gem to power her cruiser to warp out of this planet.

The duo of do-gooders that were after her for months have decided to search the vandalized trophy room for any trace of her DNA. Just when she decided to find the trophy that had the embedded gem. They were diligently scanning the place for any fingerprints. Carina had no option than to avoid them. Her task of obtaining the Venusian's DNA was more trouble than what it was worth and thus relinquished from pursuing Chris at this point. His dashing appearance wasn't was she was after, rather it was his powers.

His power to change anything with a snap of his fingers. She witnessed how she was translocated from one place to another. She was free from the chokehold she was under when the handsome Venusian had snapped his fingers as if it were the solution to all of her problems. If she could have that power, she wouldn't have to risk getting traced by the I.B.I.

She wouldn't depend on using a teleporter to travel across planets, galaxies, nor dimensions ever again. She wouldn't even have to use her spacecraft either, and the best part, no need to go through all that trouble to obtain the power source.

Carina's eyes beamed.

The solution had been in front of her this whole time. She could simply ask him to give her something she longed for. She pulled out the hankerchief Chris gave her and ask him to turn it into the electromagnetic gem she sought so hard to find.

Jane Doe marched across the hallway, she didn't care if the world surrounding was chaotic she needed to find the imposter before whoever that person—if she could call the one who knocked her out a person—was. She wasn't going to give the imposter the chance to steal her life nor go after her family.

As a mother, she wasn't going to let that monster nowhere near her world, nor her children. She'll do anything to confront the usurper head on, ignoring the fact that Chris had to snap his fingers to make the flurry of magic that was coming toward her bounce off as he tried to get her to snap out of it.

You'd think that she'd stop for a second from marching toward peril with the amount of times I snapped my fingers to get her attention. Chris thought as they already crossed past the vestibule, fast approaching the reception. Carina was right around the corner.

“Hey! Snap out of it!” Chris snapped his fingers for the last time. Carina heard it before she turned around. Chris put his hand on Jane's shoulder. Jane flinched, looked over her shoulder and saw a handsome man behind her.

Carina recognized his voice immediately. This was her chance.

“We're so close to catching them. I can feel it.” A familiar drawl was heard across from where Carina stood. The usurper immediately recognized the lilt of the southwestern belle.

“Close, but still out of reach.” Micah replied matter-of-fact, “I'm not gonna stop until I catch whoever stole my identity and make them pay.”

Carina had to act quickly, she needed to escape. Carina's eyes darted all over the place as she tried to figure out how she would get out of this. She clasped her hand on her mouth she forgot that she had to put on a face mask.

“I suffered from second hand embarrassment witnessing everyone stare at my lookalike's nudity. My nudity, Stella. Even the dinosaurs saw it.” Micah ranted.

“I know. I was there.” Stella mentioned.

Jane was caught off guard when she saw him. “What do you think you're doing!?” Jane asked shrilly. Chris's sky blue eyes looked familiar, as if she had seen them somewhere before. He removed his arm from her shoulder.

“Excuse me miss, but I don't think is safe for you to be walking around like that.” Chris told her before Jane realized he was referring to her wearing patient scrubs.

“I have better things to worry about other than being stared at.” Jane snapped back.

Carina walked past them, calm and level-headed, but deep down she was a bundle of nerves as she took advantage of the distraction while Stella and Micah were precariously close.

“If only there was a way to pinpoint where an usurper is nearby.” Stella mused, then paused as she spotted the poorly made updo and recognized the usurper from the footage. “There she is!”

Carina walked faster while Chris and Jane watched Stella chase the imposter. Jane immediately recognized the Amoebian running behind her colleague.

“I call dibs!” Jane said as she ran to catch up to them while the three started following Carina. Chris pinched the bridge of his nose.

Should I pursue? Chris breathed hard as he decided to catch up to Jane, he couldn't tell if he was exerting herself just to keep ahead or if he was really that exhausted for using his powers to heal the patients minutes prior to following the receptionist.

Flaming tendrils danced inside Claw's maw before she spat fire while Thomas shot pillars of fire through his hands as it expanded in width to counter the attack, smoke rising in between.

Scale had been looking for Blade and Melon for a while, though he hadn't had the slightest idea that they were caught in the crossfire between the Dimension Guardians and the couple of skirmishers that remained.

Blade swooped down like an angel of Death to rescue his wife from four individuals. Melon was irate that a masked man in a hoodie had cut the mid riff of her dress, if she hadn't defended herself in time she would've gotten stabbed. Blade swung his scythe and sliced the hoodie of his wife's attacker clean off, the attacker fell to the side by the pull of the scythe.

The menacing magic that radiated off of Blade was so inmense that the Dimension Guardians perceived him as a threat. The murderous look of his crimson eyes, pointy orange tinted wings, sharp elongated scythe and the wave of dark energy wasn't exactly helping his case either.

Sora, Stacey and Zack took formation to attack the Shadow Soldier while María took down two of the skirmishers that went after Melon.

The orange dimension crystal swayed like a pendulum as the wind circled around the crystal, a breeze twirled then dove to his hand and exerted as the wind shot out from the palm of Zack's hand with a push whereas Stacey erected stones for Zack to propel. The wind hit Blade, but had little effect on him, though he got hit with a couple of stone didn't prevent Sora and Stacey to use their powers against the Shadow Soldier.

Melon ran towards her husband despite that the Dimensions Guardians were using their powers to take him down, except Thomas who had his hands full in fighting fire with fire against the bicephalic dragon. María made a last ditch effort to drown Blade in a wall of water with her hydromancy only for Melon to dive in to rescue her husband in vain.

The Dimension Guardians were confused by this as they saw Melon embrace the menacing Shadow Soldier, not knowing that it was her spouse. María waved her hands and removed the water barrier she created, leaving Blade and María soaked.

“A little help?” Thomas asked, beads of sweat trickling down his face and neck.

“Sorry.” Sora apologized to her teammate as she ran up to help him, María awkwardly apologized to the couple. Zack slipped and fell on his way to help Thomas while Stacey buried her face in her hands either from stress or second hand embarassment from the ordeal.

The Reptilian had finally found his friends, sodden. “There you are! I finally found you! What happened?”

“Y'know, the usual.” Blade stated before Scale offered to help Melon up, after she got up on her feet then they helped Blade up even though he could get on his feet by himself. He accepted the gesture and went along with it.

Ragdoll had kept an eye on the Dimension Guardians for a while, he couldn't find an opening to swipe the Dimension Crystals the five individuals wore, much less is there was a giant two headed dragon fighting them.

He waited from where he stood for the right opportunity to strike, the disproportianate bicephalic dragon was doing the work wearing them down. All he had to do was wait. It wouldn't take long for one of the dragons to finish them off.

Fake Jane ran as fast as she could while being chased by the slate-skinned space cadet and the petit bespactacled humanoid that were tailing behind her. Carina took the risk of being the moving target of the Dimension Guardians and the large twain-headed wyvern and jumped in the crossfire, backflipped like a gymnast dodging the flurry of pebbles, jets of tap water and the spun along following the current of the wind Zack blasted with his aeromancy. Even Saw who was concentrated in spelling the next incantation lost his train of thought as he watched the imposter land the jump then rolled under the pillars of flame Claw and Thomas maintained. Blade, Melon and Scale were briefly entertained by Carina's moves, Ragdoll was mildly impressed as well.

Neither Stella nor Micah could get past the onslaught so they try to find their way around it by the time the real Jane and the blonde Venusian caught up to them.

Jane Doe tried to do the same but she slipped on the wet floor and fell while Chris dodged the stray stones and pebbles before the fighting between the Dimension Guardians and the Delbwöare twins had ceased. Sora told her teammates to stop the instant she saw Chris while Claw inhaled, then exhaled to regain her breath after spewing fire for a prolonged period of time. The dragoness craned her head back and rasped, "Finally."

Jane positioned herself to sit before Chris helped her up. “You alright?” He asked out of courtesy to which Jane brushed it off like it was no big deal.

“It hurts.”

“No one asked you, Zack.” Zack narrowed his eyes at Stacey then stuck his tongue out.

“I'll be fine after I catch that fraud.” Jane said.

“You mean the woman who did all the backflips?” Scale asked her.

“Yes, the same woman who attacked me.” Jane affirmed. Ragdoll eavesdropped on their conversation as he stroked his furry chin.

“So that explains what happened to you a while back.” Saw mentioned, “I also noticed that the only thing your attacker didn't steal is the ring you're wearing.”

“Yeah, I noticed it too.” Scale concurred, he sawit back when he had found her in a dark room near the informary.

“It's my wedding ring.” Jane said as she looked at it for a second.

“Guess the attacker doesn't like commitment.” Melon commented.

Ragdoll listened to the trivial conversation and immediately knew that it was the handiwork of an usurper—It wasn't about commitment rather it was more about authenticity.

An average usurper would take caution in who they want to supplant. Usually the usurper meticulously studies their target down to the very last detail, but this copycat didn't have time to imitate their target. On the contrary, the imposter rushed in to take another form because they were running out of time. If that were the case, the imposter must have been really desperate to supplant the victim without covering their tracks, they left out a loose end.

The wedding ring in question was the only thing authentic that belonged to Jane. A common usurper would take everything that belonged to their target, including their prized possessions. Either the usurper wasn't thinking, or didn't want to get traced.

Most entrances with an integrated security system have metal detectors, if the usurper got caught carrying metal, the guards would usher in and search the belongings—and the imposter themself. So this usurper was crafty, but not nimble enough to destroy the evidence.

Could this usurper be the same person who contacted me? Ragdoll thought to himself. Then thought about the message he received about the Dimension Crystals the teenagers were wearing. Ragdoll himself didn't have many connections outside the cosmic contraband business. Sphinx, Carina, Persia and Wirehair were the only ones who had those connections and they rarely contacted him nowadays. Persia was apprehended months ago and Wirehair got disintegrated with the weapon trade fiasco, which only leaves Sphinx and Carina.

Stella and Micah where chasing the usurper in question, fake Jane panted as she tried to outrun them. The two chased her down a flight of stairs that led into the underground floor.

She didn’t want to get caught and sent to prison. She would rather get blasted and disintegrated into atoms than to let an agent revert her to her original form. After all she went through to get genetically modified to eradicate her hereditary disease by eliminating the gene that caused her to have Cystic Fibrosis. She wouldn't only be reverted back to her original state, she would have to get accostumed to relive with breathing complications in an isolated prison cell on a planetoid with mediocre medical care.

“You're not gonna get away with this!” Micah shouted as she pulled out a blaster and thumbed the dial to tractor beam. Stella was inches away from grabbing the imposter when out of the blue, the lights went out.

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