43. too far gone

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43. too far gone


     'NO!' RICK SCREAMED, HIS VOICE BREAKING WITH PAIN. He raised his gun, firing while starting to run for cover. The bullet hit the Governor in the arm and suddenly bullets came flying out of all directions.

Next to her, Michonne let herself fall on the ground, rolling over the grass to get out of the way and avoid being hit. Quinn didn't hesitate to do the same, her body aching everytime it hit the ground. They ended up hiding behind a red car as the gunshots kept on echoing over the field.

'Here!' Michonne yelled, gesturing for Quinn to come over. The lisence plate of the car had a sharp edge and she leaned against it, moving her arms up and down to cut the rope around her wrists.

Finally she managed to get it done and then turned to Quinn and tore the rope of her wrists. Quinn finally noticed the tears rolling down her own cheeks and while exhaling deeply she wiped them away, this was no time for crying. They had to do something.

Suddenly the tank next to them started moving, rolling up towards the fence. She watched with wide eyes as the iron that had kept them safe for months was torn down like paper as the Governor's army moved inside. The tank started firing, blowing up parts of the walls of the prison, the stone shattering with a loud bang, sending dust flying in all directions.

Quinn fell down on her knees in the grass, breathing heavily, she had no idea what to do. Her hands were trembling, her view blurry as she watched what had become the only home she'd ever known, be torn apart within minutes.

'Quinn!' Michonne yelled her name but her voice was nothing but a dull noise in the background. When her friend seemed to realise words were useless, she placed her hand on Quinn's shoulder, shaking her. 'Quinn! Snap out of it, we have to go!'

Her eyes landed on Michonne's face, whose eyes were watering as well but her features were drawn in a determined frown. And that fierce expression that had given her courage so many times before made the world come rushing back to Quinn and she nodded firmly.

'I saw your daggers in the car, go get them, we have to find the others,' Michonne said, nodding at Quinn, making sure she heard it before standing up and picking up her katana from the ground.

Quinn rushed to the car, pulling open the doors, her hands searching the backseat. A sigh of relief left her trembling lips upon finding the belt with her daggers attached to them under the seats. Quickly she put them around her waist, taking two daggers, one in each hand before running onto the field.

Walkers were already stumbling inside, the sound of gunshots and explosions drawing them near. They would hear sounds this loud from miles away. Soon this place would be overrun with corpses.

One walker was heading straight towards her and she raised her dagger with a scream, pushing it through the walker's skull before pulling it back out again. It was then her gaze fell upon the Governor and Rick, fighting each other in the middle of the field. The Governor managed to pin Rick to the ground, hitting him over and over again, before placing both his hands around their leader his throat.

Sharing a quick glare with Michonne both of the women ran up to them, pushing the walkers in their path out of the way. Michonne reached them first, raising her katana and driving it straight through the Governor's back. Once Quinn reached them as well she noticed the weapon coming out of his chest on the other side.

In one movement Michonne pulled the katana back out, making the Governor fall on his side as Rick rolled out of the way. Both men lay on the ground, wounded and bruised. Michonne walked up to Rick to help him stand as the man asked for his son but Quinn's gaze was focused on the Governor. Blood was streaming out of his wound, coloring the bright green grass a dull red. It spread out, reaching her shoes and making red stains appear on it but she ignored that.

Taking her dagger in her fist, she stared right into his eye, having no words left for him she brought the weapon down with an earpiercing scream, plunging the dagger right through his other eye.

She stared at the man, the hatred that crawled through her stomach slowly dying down as all the life left the man his body. It left her feeling empty as a sudden gasp left her lips. Frowning she pulled the dagger out of the Governer's lifeless body. Andrea's laugh echoed through her head and Merle's bright blue eyes flashed in her mind. The man responsible for both of their deaths was gone, finally gone, but way too late.

If she had kept looking with Michonne and not given up to a life safe within a few walls. If she had kept on going out there maybe they could've found him, stopped all of this from happening. It wasn't fair, it shouldn't have happened, none of it. But it did and she couldn't do anything about it now.

Looking up from the Governer's body, panic settled in her stomach. Michonne and Rick were gone, nowhere in sight. Instead she could only see the walkers, stumbling around the field and into the prison and now that her vengeance was done, something much more important came crawling into her mind.

'Milo,' she whispered and started running up to the enterence of the courtyard, pushing walkers out of her way as she went. But there was no one there except for dead bodies. 'No,' she mumbled, looking around frantically. She started running through the courtyard, looking for her brother, for Michonne, Rick, Daryl, anyone but there was no one to be seen.

Turning back to run to the field her eyes widened upon seeing the huge herd of the walkers that had gathered behind her. Violently wiping away the tears that had been streaming down her cheeks she turned to run. Running and crying turned out to be a difficult combination and she found herself struggling to breathe as she pushed her feet to run faster.

She rushed up to the where a hole had been made in the fence and pushed herself through it, running down the field towards the forest edge. The snarls of the walkers were still too close behind her for to stop and while sobbing she pushed her legs to run faster. She reached the forest and didn't stop running, disappearing between the trees with a herd of walkers on her heals.

Zigzagging she tried to avoid running against a tree but her view was blurry from all of her tears and so she missed the tree root sticking out of the ground.

A yelp left her lips as she landed on the ground. Quickly she rolled over, reaching for her dagger as she first walker approached her, falling down on top of her. She stretched out her arm to catch it, stopping the corpse from sinking its teeth into her flesh. With an angry scream she raised the dagger, throwing it in his skull and pulling it back out. Quickly she jumped up, kicking away a walker that was coming too close and plushing her dagger through the eye of another one.

Her gaze landed on the walkers still behind her, she counted at least ten and with the state she was in right now there was no way she would be able to take them on. So she turned to run away again.

Painful stings went through her stomach, her breating haunted as she sprinted through the forest. Her tears had finally dried but left her with dry eyes and saulty cheeks. Her thoughts were racing, worried for the others but the only thing she could do now was push herself to keep on running.

Suddenly a walker stumbled into her view, a startled scream left her lips as she ducked at the very last moment to avoid its outstretched arms. Then she quickly turned around and pushed her dagger through its skull. As she tried to pull it out however she noticed it was stuck. A scream of rage and frustration left her lips as she pulled at it, hard, finally it came free, making her stumble backwards. Losing her balance she landed on her back on the leaf covered ground.

The snarls of the approaching walkers were growing stronger and she wanted to push herself up, she wanted to keep on running but her body seemed to have shut down.

When the first corpse came walking into her view her breathing became rapid and she started crawling backwards, using her elbows. The creature fell down, biting at her feet. Groaning she raised her leg, kicking at the walker until she had kicked through its skull, brain matter stuck to her boot.

Having no time to be disgusted however she jumped up, her legs trembling and stomach aching. A load groan came from behind her and she gasped, turning around she was about to raise her dagger only to see it lying on the ground a few feet away, she must've dropped it.

Quickly her hand went to her belt as she tried to pull out another dagger, but it was stuck. Screaming in frustration she pulled at it, all while stumbling backwards from the walkers closing in on her. Her back hit a tree, while she was still violently pulling at the dagger to get it free. Raising her leg, she put her feet against the walker its chest to keep it at a distance while she pulled at the dagger.

Another walker came walking towards her, pilling up against the other one. Her leg felt like it would snap underneath their weight. Giving one last pull at the dagger it finally came free, a sigh of relief escaped her lips but just as she was about to kill the corpses an arrow flew right through the skull of one walker and then came out through the eye of the second walker.

She only knew one person who could shoot that precisely. Kicking the walkers away her eyes fell on Daryl, standing there with his crossbow still raised. Beth was standing next to him, breathing heavily. Her eyes spotted the ringdagger on the ground and she reached for it, taking it in her hands before handing it to Quinn.

'Thanks,' this one panted, then gestured at the approaching walkers behind them.

And without saying another word the tree of them started running, pushing through the treeline, away from the walkers.

Their snarls slowly faded as they ran, until eventually they disappeared completely. Still the three survivors kept on running. Soon leaving the forest behind as they entered a field with grass so high Quinn couldn't look over it. Her stomach was aching and her heart pounding way too loudly.

A small yelp came from behind her and she turned around to see Beth had fallen down. Not moving the girl kept lying on the ground and Quinn gladly joined her. Trying to calm herself down as she closed her eyes, her breathing still way too fast.

She opened her eyes to stare up at the bright blue sky and in that moment she wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and never wake up again.

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