68. open up your eyes

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68. open up your eyes


     SHE WAS DANCING. A THOUSAND COLORED lights were illuminating the floor around her. Music was vibrating through her bones and a pleasant numbness that only drugs could provide was floating through her veins.

Her eyes were closed while her body swayed to the rhythm of the music, her entire world at peace. No screaming, no anger, no death just her and the music.

The bruises that colored her skin seemed a lot worse than they usually were and she frowned upon moving her arm, a sharp pain lingered there and she could not remember feeling before. She hated that the drugs weren't numbing it. Maybe she needed more. She opened her eyes, looking around through the mass of colors and dancing shadows.

Stumbling forwards she tried to make her way to the bar, pushing herself through the dancing crowd around her while the music only seemed to grow louder.

Quinn didn't mind.

The louder it was, the more she felt alive.

The dancefloor was home, she had made it so when her father had crushed her ballet dreams. He couldn't crush this. She ran away and wasn't planning on returning, ever.

The walk towards the bar seemed to take endless. There didn't seem to be an end to the dancing crowd, the heated bodies, the loud music. Suddenly she wondered if she was going the right way. She tried to remember which way the entrance of the club was but couldn't get a grip on her thoughts. They were spinning through her mind like the ballerines she liked to watch spin around on stage.

This was how she liked it, feeling like the entire world was gone and all she had to do was dance.

But then why kept her arm aching so bad?

Annoyed with the pain she kept on pushing through the crowd, yearning for the relief of feeling the drugs entering her bloodstream.

Suddenly she stopped in her tracks as she tried to remember the last time she'd been in a club. The last time she had danced on clouds with sunlight in her veins. She didn't know, she couldn't recall it.

Panic came alive within her, crawled around in her stomach like a living beast trying to escape a cage. She pushed the dancing crowd that surrounded her aside, stumbling around blindly, desperatly searching for an exit. A sob left her lips. The monster within her had crawled up to her chest, soon it would reach her heart and she was pretty sure she'd been dead when it did.

She was definitely high but she couldn't remember taking any drugs. All she saw when she concentrated was a face. It was a man, he looked angry but somehow she knew he wasn't mad at her. There was despair in his painfully beautiful blue eyes and somehow all she wanted to do was reach out, touch him, tell him she was fine. She lifted her hands and his face dissolved before her eyes like smoke. Her gaze went to her hands and the beast inside of her awoke again when she saw the red sticky blood on her fingers.

A scream left her throat and she stumbled backwards, wiping her hands at her shirt but that didn't help because her shirt was covered in blood as well.

Everywhere she looked she could see it, on the walls, the floor, in her hair, on her jeans.


She screamed again, tears streaming down her face. She was locked in a nightmare. This wasn't the heavenly blissful numbness she remembered. This was hell.

She fell down on her knees, hugging herself as she cried. She was locked up in some sort of cruel joke and her mind did not seem the know the way out. Past, present, all of her memories, they seemed to be one big mess. She couldn't get a grip on anything.

The music changed and at first she barely noticed it, the panic to raw and real but slowly the words reached her and settled within. This wasn't just any song. The words were so familiar that it hurt. Her mother's song...

Hot tears crawled down her cheeks and she wrapped her arms around herself, rocking back and forth as she sang along, the words pouring out of her, as if it'd been yesterday that she last heard them.

"For the first time you can open your eyes
And see the world without your sorrow
Where no one knows the pain you left behind"

Something warm wrapped itself around her hand. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked down. A small, pale hand was tangled in her own. A soft voice singing along with her own.

"And all the peace you could never find
Is waiting there to hold and keep you
Welcome to the first day of your life
Just open up your eyes, eyes"

A sudden light shone down on her, so bright that she winced and closed her eyes. Her tears were still streaming down her cheeks as the vision slowly died away, the drugs that had captured her let her go. And for a second she doubted if she truly wanted to leave but then those painful blue eyes appeared before her again and this time she remembered the person they belonged to.

Just as broken, just as damaged as herself but would he ever go back to that life? Would he ever give up like that and give in to the blissful silence that only drugs could provide?

She knew the answer.

And that was all she needed to let go of the vision. She ignored the shreds that were still clinging onto her and walked straight into the light, towards the soft and small voice that kept on singing and the warm hand that was holding hers.

Quinn opened her eyes, blinked a few times to get used to the light, then frowned upon seeing what appeared to be a hospital room.

Carefully she turned her head to the right, pain flaming through her back when she did. The memory of the car accident flashed bright as day through her head and a sudden panic held her in a tight grip. But it faded as soon as it came when she saw who was seated beside her, still singing, her eyes focused on their entangled hands.

"Welcome to the first day of your life
Just open up your eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes"

'Beth?' She stammered, her throat dry and voice hoarse and soft. But the teenager heard her and looked up, her eyes wide, a smile forming on her face. 'You're alive,' Quinn mumbled, feeling a tear escape the corner of her eyes.

Beth nodded, reaching out and placing her other hand on top of Quinn's as well, squeezing gently. 'Yeah,' she nodded, her voice sounding so strong and so full of relief. 'I knew you'd come,' she smiled, 'I knew it.'

She looked strong, determined, just like when Quinn last saw her but there were new wounds on her face. Two ugly cuts that were stichted up but would definitely leave scars. Anger boiled up inside of her at the thought of someone laying their hands on her little friend. But she pushed it away. Beth didn't her to be angry right now. She offered the girl a smile, embracing the feeling that took over when she let the fact that the teenager was alive sink in. It felt as if her entire body was glowing, her heart too big for her body but then her eyes noticed the drip that was attached to her arm, pomping morphine into her veins. She expected the monster to awaken again but this time she remained alarmingly calm.

The teenager noticed what she was looking at and a guilty look appeared on her face. 'It was the only way to save you,' she muttered but Quinn barely heard her.

'I was dancing,' she whispered, trying to make sense of the vision her brain had trapped her in while she was unconscious.

Beth squeezed her hand, taking Quinn out of her thoughts and she turned her attention back to Beth. 'The others?' The teenager questioned, her voice shaking slightly.

A smile appeared on Quinn's face. 'All fine, we're all okay. Maggie's okay. We found each other.'

She laughed, relief all over her face. The sound reminded Quinn of christmas bells ringling, of magic and home...

The door opened and a man entered, wearing a lot white coat and glasses on his nose. He looked like a doctor. He was pushing a wheelchair ahead of him, parking it next to Quinn's bed.

'It's time,' he said, looking between Beth and Quinn.

'They're here?' Beth questioned, frowning.

The doctor nodded. 'They have two of our people. They're going to trade.'

Hope flared up in her chest like a hot flame. They were here...Well, of course they were. If the look on Daryl's face when the car hit her was anything to go by, it was actually a surprise it had taken them this long.

Beth nodded, determination radiating off her features. She jumped up and detached Quinn from the drip, then offered her her hand.

Taking a deep breath to prepare herself for the pain, Quinn reached out and let herself be pulled up. A dull pain flared through her spine and from there it spread through her entire body. She shivered, then frowned. She wasn't wearing her own clothes but instead some sort of blue hospital gown.

The doctor noticed her look and reached behind him, taking a pile of familiar looking dirty clothes and laying it down on the end of her bed. 'We'll let you get dressed.' Then he turned and left the room.

'You sure you don't need any help?' Beth asked, studying Quinn intently.

She nodded. 'I'm sure.'

The teenager seemed to doubt but accepted her answer and left the room, closing the door behind her.

A shaky breath left Quinn's lips before she pushed herself off the bed and stood on her weak legs. A curse left her lips when she lost her balance and almost fell. She leaned against the wall for support and slowly started to get dressed.

Every movement was painful and as she stood there almost naked she could see her skin was colored like a painting, yellow, purple and blue bruises covering her arms, legs and stomach. Bandage was wrapped around the arm she had injured when they had gone down the bridge. She was weak and would be a liability out there but staying here wasn't an option either...

With renewed determination she sat down on the bed and put on her boots. Then reached for her daggers and put the belt around her waist. She immediately felt stronger with the weapons so close to her. Then she walked up to the door, Holding onto the wall to keep her balance she made her way out to the hallway where Beth and the doctor were waiting for her.

'I brought the wheelchair-' The doctor started but Quinn glared at him and he shut his mouth. There was no way in hell she would sit in that thing and let herself be pushed around. Still, walking wasn't all that easy on her wobbly legs.

Beth came to her aid and hooked her arm through Quinn's. Helping her walk with the small steps through the endless, clean polished hallways. But upon moving her hand, Quinn saw something bright shining beneath the cast that covered her arm. It looked like a pair of scissors but she wasn't sure. Beth had armed herself, a fact that put Quinn on edge. If Beth didn't trust the situation or expected things to go bad, Quinn had to prepare herself for the worst as well...

'Who is in charge here?' She asked Beth, looking around in disgust. She liked to know who to hold responsible for kidnapping the girl she had started to think of as a sister.

'Dawn,' Beth replied, 'she's a police officer. She thinks she's holding this place together but I don't think she is.'

'People are turning against her?' Quinn frowned, taking in every piece of information that could possibly be useful.

'The other cops are,' Beth confirmed, 'but the wards are too scared to fight back.'

'Except for you and Noah,' Quinn said, watching Beth eyes widen upon hearing her friend's name.

'You know Noah?'

Quinn nodded. 'We ran into him in the city. He confirmed you were here. My guess is the others used his information to capture those two cops. Though, I'm not sure Dawn will want them back if they're turning against her.' Doubt was staring to kill the flame of hope within her.

'She will,' the doctor suddenly spoke up, 'she needs them to keep this place together.'

His words did not comfort her in the slightest but she decided to let it go. She trusted Daryl, she trusted Rick. If they had a plan, it would work, she was sure of it.

Down another hallway they walked, around another corner they went. With her aching bones it seemed to take endlessly. She was leaning heavily on Beth. Shame flashed through her veins. She should've watched out better, should've seen that stupid car coming. She was pulled out of her thoughts when they turned around another corner and Quinn lifted her eyes, her heart beating faster in her chest when she saw them all standing there.

The woman she assumed to be Dawn, surrounded by her cops and on the other side of the hallway...

Rick, with his stonecold eyes and his hand hovering near the weapons attached to his belt. Sasha right behind him, her rifle steady in her hands. Tyreese next to her, his dark eyes studying the scene with caution. Carol was beside him, fire in her eyes. Noah was behind her, he looked scared but upon seeing Beth he took a small step forwards, suddenly a lot more determined. And then there was Daryl...

His eyes were focused on her, scanning every inch of her body and she could feel a pleasant warmth sweeping through her bones underneath his watchful gaze. She knew he was scanning her all over for any injuries she may have. She watched as his gaze lingered on the bandage around her arm, then went up to her face. She held his stare, nodding at him to let him know she was truly okay. He nodded back at her but his shoulders remained just as tense.

There was only person she was missing...

She scanned the group once again but failed to see her brother. Why wasn't he here? Was he injured? Was he...She couldn't even begin to think about it. Panic spread through her like a flame that she couldn't control, but one look at Beth and she forced herself to calm down. They needed to get out of here, alive and well, then she could worry about everything else. Maybe he just outside the door, keeping watch, waiting for her.

'They haven't been harmed,' Rick spoke, the first one to break the silence.

'Where's Lamson?' Dawn questioned.

'Rotters got him,' one of the cops responded but her voice was too indifferent, too calm. She was lying.

'We saw it go down,' the other cop confirmed.

'Oh,' Dawn muttered and Quinn wasn't able to figure out if she believed the lie or not. If she didn't, she was hiding it very well. 'I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys.' She looked around between the two groups, then nodded at Rick. 'One of yours for one of mine.'

'All right,' Rick nodded and gestured at Daryl.

The redneck pushed the cop he'd been holding hostage forwards. 'Move,' he commanded.

Quinn let go of Beth and gave her a nudge forwards. 'Go,' she muttered. She needed the teenager to be safe. Beth looked at her with doubt but Quinn carefully pushed her again, finally making the teenager move. She made her way to the other side of the hall, meeting the cop in the middle but not even bothering to give him a second glance.

Daryl was the first one to move, reaching her arm and pulling her towards the safety of their group. Beth gave him a quick hug before being ushered into Carol's arms.

Quinn released a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding. Finally, after days of uncertainty, Beth was with them again and she wasn't planning on letting the girl out of her sight any time soon.

Dawn then took Quinn's arm and guided her forwards. She tried her hardest to hide her pain while she walked but she couldn't help but notice the small frown on Daryl's face. He knew she was hurting. 

They met Rick halfway and he released the female cop, taking Quinn's arm firmly in his hand. She offered him a small smile which he answered with a nod and a small squeeze of his hand. He guided her back to the others, who had already started to make their way down the hall, ready to get out of here.

Carol embraced her shortly before letting go and handing her over to Daryl, who helped her keep her balance by placing his hand on her back, her skin burned where he touched her. He looked at her and didn't need words to know what she was thinking. He gave an almost invisible shake of his head, which she knew meant to say that it wasn't her fault that she got hit by that car. She wasn't so sure she agreed.

'Glad we could work things out,' Dawn's voice came from behind her but Quinn didn't bother turning back. She was ready to go.

'Yeah,' Rick mumbled, not sounding like he agreed with her. Then he turned and joined them.

The group had almost reached the door when Dawn spoke again, her words pouring out over them like a bucket of ice cold water. 'Now, I just need Noah.'

Everyone froze in their step, slowly turning back to look at the cop with her stupid demand.

'And then you can leave,' she added.

Rick walked forwards, his hand on his gun. 'That wasn't part of the deal.'

'Noah was my ward,' Dawn countered, 'Beth took his place and I'm losing her, so I need him back.'

It was insane, stupid and insane. Beth was right. This woman was barely holding it together. This demand was just a way to show everyone she was still in control, that she still knew how to handle things. It was nothing but arrogance and Quinn refused to leave the kid in the hands of a woman like that.

'Ma'am, please, that's-' the female cop started but Dawn told her to shut up. 'My officers put their lives on the line to find him. One of them died.'

Noah took a small step forwards but Daryl pushed him back with his free arm. 'He ain't stayin',' he growled.

'He's one of mine,' Dawn replied calmly, 'You have no claim on him.'

'The boy wants to go home, so you have no claim on him,' Rick said, an angry frown on his face.

Something changed on Dawn's face, something cold came alive within her and it made goosebumps tickle Quinn's skin. Her hand moved to her dagger, ready to lash out. She was starting to understand why Beth had hidden those scissors in her cast. 'Well, then, we don't have a deal,' Dawn spoke coldly.

'The deal is done,' Rick spoke sternly, using a tone that suggested there was no room for arguing about the subject.

'It-it's okay,' Noah spoke up, moving forwards, but Rick held out his arm, stopping him. 'No, no.'

'I gotta do it,' the teenager said, looking Rick straight in the eye and Quinn felt the familiar sensation of anger coming alive within her. It wasn't fair. Human lives shouldn't be traited. Freedom and the power to choose was all they had left these days. He handed Rick his gun, seeming ready to accept his fate. Well, he was the only one.

'It's not okay,' Beth mumbled.

'It's settled,' Dawn said.

Noah moved forwards but stopped when Beth called after him, storming towards him and embracing him a tight hug. Quinn felt her heart break for the two of them. They must've frown close in their captivity. Beth had given up her freedom for his and now he was doing the same. Her eyes moved to Dawn and the anger within her started boiling.

She hated the woman.

'I knew you'd be back,' Dawn said with a side-eye glance at Noah.

Those words seemed to awake something within Beth. Slowly, almost as if she was in trance, she moved away from Noah, taking a few steps so she was standing in front of Dawn. Her lower lip was trembling.

Quinn's hand closed itself around the hilt of her dagger, slowly pulling it out of the sheath. The image of the scissors Beth had hidden in her cast was burned in her mind. She knew what the girl was planning to do and she also knew that Dawn her hand was way too close to her gun. Her heart was beating impossibly fast as everything around her seemed to slow down.

'I get it now,' Beth spoke, softly but with a voice filled with hatred.

Her dagger moved at the same time that Beth's scissors did. She pulled her arm back, ignoring the flaming pain that shot through her limb as she did, her dagger left her hands before Beth had even pushed her weapon into the woman's shoulder. The teenager wasn't trying to kill the cop, just make a statement, weaken her, humiliate her. But Dawn definitely meant to kill her for her hand had closed itself around her gun.

The dagger and the scissors hit the woman the same time. One burrying itself into her shoulder, the other into her forehead.

The force of the blade made her stumble backwards, her body becoming limp like a doll, falling on the ground like its strings had been cut. The gun she'd been holding slid over the clean polished floor and came at a stop by the wall.

The entire room seemed to be holding their breath. Tension was crackling like electricity in the air.

It was Beth who moved first. She turned to look at Quinn, who hadn't moved since throwing the dagger, her hand still outstretched, pointed at the place where Dawn's head had been mere seconds ago. Tears appeared in the teenager her eyes, but not of sadness because a small smile appeared on her trembling lips.

She was free again.

A U T H O R 'S   N O T E

Beth lives ya'll!!

I hope this came as a surprise, because up until a few months ago it was a surprise for me too. When I first planned out this story, I thought she was going to die but later I started thinking about it and I realised how much potential Beth actually has. And not just for her own story, but for Quinn as well. This girl has only just started to develop and I think killing her was a big mistake on the writers part. And so I decided to let her live and give her a chance to develop herself in this story to grow into the character I always knew she could be. I hope you guys like this twist :)

I hope ya'll are excited for what's next. I certainly am!

Much love,



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