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The car ride is silent, but not awkward. Jeongguk maneuvers his car expertly with his left hand, while holding my thigh with his right. I am lost in my own thoughts, as I look at the man in profile. He's so much more beautiful than he was when we were young, and I feel completely unworthy next to him. I try to shoo the negative thoughts away though, since I know he sees something, that I don't, when he looks at me.

It's interesting really... How when you look at something, or someone, with your heart, it can change what you see. When we were young, Jeongguk was cute, and many girls thought so... My heart saw 'my future'... There was no other boy that even got a second glance from me.

"Why are you staring at me baby?"

My cheeks burn when I realize I'm caught almost drooling over him. Tearing my eyes away, I bury my face in my hands while he chuckles as he drives. His large hand squeezes my thigh, and I turn to look out the window and try to bring my blushing face under control.

"Haerin-ah... Don't be shy... I'm yours to look at anytime."


He continues to giggle at me, until I turn and smack his shoulder. His smile becomes one of affection, and he doesn't laugh anymore.

"I love you Haerin. I can't wait to marry you."

"Me too Jeongguk... I feel like the luckiest person..."

"I'm the lucky one baby."

When Jeongguk pulls into the parking garage at our penthouse, my nerves start. Memories of the last time I was here rush through my mind. When he's parked, he turns to see my stressed face.

"What wrong?"

"I was just thinking about what happened... The reporters, and the crowd..."

"It isn't going to happen again. The staff has been changed, and everyone here has signed contracts, and confidentiality agreements. You also may have missed the security gate we drove through since you were staring at my handsome face..."

"Shut up... I wasn't..."

"Mhmm... As you say baby."

He gets out of the car and comes around, opening my door. I let him help me out and intertwine our fingers. I take in the changes of the lobby, and the new staff at the front desk. The man is older, and he greets us with a respectful bow. We respond in kind continuing to our private elevator.

A smile splits my face when we enter our penthouse. It's immediately obvious that Jeongguk had been updating the space. The couches are new, and very similar to the one we have in our current apartment. They are overstuffed, and look like you could sink into them, just the way I like. The colors have been softened, and there are flowers around the room, scenting the whole space.

"Do you like it?"

"It's perfect! When did you have time to do this?"

"I hired a designer to help me. But this isn't the main surprise..."

He tugs me along to follow up the stairs, and when we get to the top, he stops.

"Close your eyes baby. Don't peek!"

He leads me down the hallway, and I hear a door open and close. I'm nervous and curious wondering what else he's got going on...

"Ok... Just remember... If you don't like it, we can make changes, but I was too excited..."

"Can I look now?"

"Yes... Go ahead..."

"Wow... Jeongguk... This is beautiful!!"

I can't contain my smile and the tears that flow are from pure joy.

"I just wanted to take something off your plate..."

"Thank you!! I'm so touched... But one question... Why 2 cribs?"

He scratches at the side of his neck, looking around the nursery. His cheeks become pink, but he is smiling brightly.

"I don't know how it works... But you had twins before, so I thought it was best to do 2... We can always remove 1 of them..."

"I love you Jeongguk... Thank you for this."

His lips on mine has my heart thumping in my chest. I allow him to lift me off the floor and I circle his waist with my legs. When he needs to breathe, he pulls away, keeping our foreheads connected. I stare into his eyes that are sparkling, and can't contain my grin.

"One more question..."


"What about Unnie?"

He giggles a little, and shakes his head at my question.

"I can't tell you... But don't worry... She was on board with what I did."

"Wait... Is Jin going to propose?"

"My curious baby... You'll have to wait and see..."

"Oh my God!!! He is!!!"

He doesn't confirm with words, but his cute smile tells me I'm right. Either way, I know Naeun Unnie is comfortable at the dorm, and wouldn't want to move back in here. I'm going to miss her though... I know we're growing up and moving into a new phase, but she is so important in my life... When Jeongguk is gone on tour, I'll have to learn to be on my own.

"Why the long face baby?"

I hadn't realized a frown had formed, but I shake my head and smile back at Jeongguk.

"I'm ok... I just haven't thought about living away from Unnie... I know it's dumb... I just never thought we would ever be apart."

"Not even when you thought of a husband or boyfriend?"

"I didn't think I would have either... Not after"

"Shhh... We don't talk about that anymore... You are mine, and I'm never letting you go... And Noona is only a phone call away, and can stay in the guest room anytime she wants."

"I know... How did I get so lucky?"

"Easy... You fell in love with me."

The cute lip bite, has my core clenching and then he joins our mouths again.


I feel the sun burning through my eyelids, and a groan makes it way from my throat. Reaching over to Haerin's side of the bed, my eyes fly open to find it empty. I turn toward the bathroom, but it's open and the light is off. A nervous feeling makes me sit up and stretch. Today is our appointment with Mrs. Choi and Dr. Kang. Haerin was weird all day yesterday, acting very manic, and doing nothing but packing for our planned move back to the penthouse. She had a smile the whole day, but it didn't meet her eyes.

I head out of the room and find her on a ladder, pulling dishes from the cupboard to pack. I don't want to startle her in her precarious position, but I also want her to stop this. The dishes she's collecting are not even the ones from our home. They came with this apartment, and I know she's just trying to keep busy and avoid thinking about the conversation we will have today. I call out to her softly, and she drops a stack of plates.

As the dishes shatter on the floor, I see her horrified expression. Moving to her quickly, I scoop her off the ladder into my arms. A few tears escape her beautiful brown eyes, and I gently kiss them away.

"Baby... It's going to be fine... You can stop now... You could have fallen."

"I'm s-sorry..."

"For what?"

"The plates... We'll have nothing to eat off of when we move."

I can see she's not in a good mental space, so I don't tell her they're not our plates. I just shush her and say that it just means we get to pick out new ones. I sit her on the counter and stand between her legs, holding her waist. She's looking everywhere, but my eyes, and I cup her cheeks, turning her to focus on me.

"Listen to me baby... It's all going to be fine. I know you're nervous, but you can stop worrying... I won't let anything happen. We're just going to go and talk... You will say whatever you want, and not care if it hurts her feelings. Understand?"


"Promise? You'll speak your mind?"

"I promise... You'll be there?"

"Of course! I already told the guys I couldn't be at practice today."

"You didn't have to do that..."

"Yes... I did. You are more important... You and my 'bun in your oven' need me, so I'm there..."

I can't help but giggle at her eyes as they widen while her cheeks pink up. I adore her shy reaction, and I don't waste my opportunity to kiss her senseless. If we had more time, I would take her to bed and screw the crap out of her, but we don't... Pulling back, I give butterfly kisses all over her face, trying to get her to relax. When she giggles, I mentally high-five myself.

"Come on... Let's get ready, and go have something to eat before we have to be there."

"What about the mess? I should clean that..."

"Don't worry baby... I'll take care of it."

She doesn't argue, so I lift her from the counter and bring her to the bedroom. I keep it light while we change our clothes. She struggles because she doesn't know if she should be 'dressed up'... I pick out a sweater I know she loves, and tell her to wear whatever bottoms she's comfortable sitting in. When she's finished, she's looking beautiful in the sweater that's off the shoulder, with a maxi skirt. Her hair is loose with the curls and waves that pregnancy has emphasized. I have enjoyed how thick her hair is while she's pregnant... It's a beautiful look on her.


"Thank you for being here Mrs. Choi. I'm Dr. Kang, and I have been working with Haerin for the past 8 months."

"Thank you Dr. Kang. I appreciate what you've done for my daughter."

The scoff that comes from Haerin surprises me, and everyone else. Noone acknowledges it right away though, and I grab her hand in mine.

"I understand you recently reached out to try and reconcile with Haerin. I want to make it clear that my job here is to make sure Haerin continues on her path to wellness. She's worked hard, and has suffered alot. So I need you to know, I'll stop this meeting if I think it's causing damage."

"I understand... I hope we can have a productive conversation. I'm not here to cause 'damage'..."

"Good. So let's start then. Haerin? Is there anything you would like to say?"

I feel Haerin tremble, but she looks towards her mother. I give her hand a gentle squeeze, and she takes some breaths.

"I don't know what to say... I'm caught... I feel too many things..."

"What can I do? Haerin... I want to make a new start with you... I know a simple apology is never going to fix things... I want to move forward..."

"Why? Why would you want anything to do with the disappointment that I am? Why do you want to know the whore of a daughter you gave birth to?"

I see her mother flinch when she asks the questions that have been plaguing her mind. A few moments pass, and Haerin opens her mouth, and I know she's about to apologize for her direct questions... Thankfully, Mrs. Choi speaks before she can apologize for feeling the way she's supposed to.

"I was wrong. I was blinded by power and money. I let your father control how I saw the world. I let that change our relationship. It's my biggest regret..."

Haerin began shaking, and I could see her losing focus. Trying to keep us moving forward, I move to put my face in hers, and demand eye contact.

"baby... say what you want... i'm with you whatever you decide... i love you."

I peck her lips, and she blinks her tears away. Nodding at me, she looks at her mother again, and says the things she wants to.

"You broke my heart mother... You and Dad were never there, and when you were... You wanted me to be a puppet for your company. I was 19... Mom.... I was a kid!! I was scared! You called me a whore... You threw me down the stairs, and almost killed my babies... How could you?? Did you ever love me? I only wanted to be with Jeongguk, and you tried to marry me to a man in his 30s... He was disgusting and tried to touch me at the one dinner we attended... I couldn't even rely on you to protect me. WHY?!?"

Haerin is heaving now, panting for air, but she doesn't look away from her mother. I open my mouth, but stop when Dr. Kang shakes her head at me.

"I was wrong... I wish I could go back in time Haerin, but I can't... All I can do is tell you that I know what I did was wrong, and beg for another chance. I want to have a relationship with you. I want to support your decisions... Know my grandchildren... Please..."

I look at Haerin and see tears coursing down her face. She has staring into her mother's eyes without looking away, and I know it's important to her to let her mother see the pain she's caused.

"I don't know how Mom... How can I believe you? How can I TRUST you?!?"

Her mother doesn't say anything. Instead she kneels before Haerin, bowing her head in shame. I feel my own tears prickling in my eyes, but I fight them back. Clutching Haerin's hand, I gently squeeze to reassure her that I'm there. This is so hard because I'm thinking how I wish my mother would ask for forgiveness... I want her to kneel before Haerin and beg... But this isn't that moment... This is about Haerin's Mom... And I want nothing but for Haerin to forgive her. I think she needs it... I just can't tell her that...

"Haerin... Please... I want to know my grandchildren... I want to know my daughter!! I promise you won't be disappointed, or hurt, by me again... Please..."


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I love you all!!


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