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She's asleep again, and I just can't keep my eyes off her. After eating the warm broth, and some of the crackers, she held her stomach and ran to the bathroom, throwing it all up. She's warmer than is normal, and I am concerned. Is she getting sick? Collecting some towels and a cool basin of water, I sit back on the bed. The dried tear tracks are the first thing I wash away. A thin sheen of sweat paints her forehead, and I place a washcloth there.

When I think she's comfortable, I put everything away, and lay next to her, holding her to my chest. She's sleeping so soundly, which actually surprises me. Normally, my actions would cause her to stir awake, but she's just snoring cutely while I can't seem to calm my own mind. I understand why she reacted the way she did to my mother's awful words, and I'll do anything to help her understand that it doesn't matter to me.

I was on the phone with Yoongi Hyung when she found me on the balcony. Her surprise at my smoking the cherry flavored cigarette, made me chuckle at first. Unfortunately, she found it just another example of how she's 'ruining my life' when I explained that I'd started smoking them occasionally while she was at the clinic. All her anger was only directed at herself, and she ended up heaving over the toilet again. I had to carry her weakened body to the table and hold her on my lap while feeding her the broth... It literally only stayed in her stomach for minutes before she threw it all up... Another round of guilt hits me at how I feel like a failure... We're quite a pair...

My phone vibrates on the nightstand, and I grab it, trying not to disturb her. The text from Jimin illuminates our surroundings, and I just stare at her for a minute.

[Hey... How is she?>

<Sick... She's been throwing up.🤢]

[Oh no!! Something she ate?>

<Not sure... Probably the stress. I hate my own Mom right now.]

[Don't say that Jeongguk. Haerin doesn't want you to hate her.>

<How am I supposed to feel? My own mother called her those names. She made Haerin think it's best to leave me.]

[We'll figure it out. Is there anything I can do? Do you need me to come there>

<Not yet... I'll let you know. Thanks Jimin.]

[YW... Take care of her.>

Throwing my phone back on the night stand, I pull Haerin closer. Her hands fist into my shirt, and I can't stop the smile. She's clutching onto me and I just caress her hair and back. I relax into the bed and try to settle my restless thoughts. I'll find a way to fix this...


As the sun filters into the room, I crack my eyes open to see Jin sitting against the headboard. He looks so handsome with his messy hair, and I feel happier than I ever have. A sudden realization that I could lose him, hits me hard. I promised Haerin that I would go with her if she needs to leave, and that would mean never seeing Jin again. My heart aches at the thought, and I bury my face in the pillow.

"Hey Nana... You came home late. Is everything alright with Haerin?"

"Ummm... Not sure. She's quite upset. She believes she is ruining Jeongguk's life and relationships..."

"That's ridiculous... She was the victim..."

"I know... But his mother hates her, and she feels responsible for their being apart."

"Nana... You don't believe that, right?"

"Of course not!"

"Then help her understand... You're her best friend... Her sister... She'll listen to you."

"I wish it were that simple... She's just too emotional because... Nevermind... I'll try."

Shit! I can't believe I almost told him. Haerin would never forgive me if I spilled it... Especially since it's not certain...


Hot!! I feel like I'm burning up!! I open my eyes, realizing that it's because Jeongguk is wrapped around me. I move his arm away, to sit up, and he groans making me feel guilty. As soon as I'm away from him, I feel my stomach clenching again... I move to the bathroom, and close the door to mute the sound. Kneeling in front of the toilet, I feel the liquid flow up my throat, into my mouth, and out... Ugh...

"Hae? Oh God! Baby... Why didn't you wake me?"

I choke back the sob threatening to escape as I rest my forehead on my arms. There is literally nothing worse than throwing up... Jeongguk crouches next to me and pulls my hair away from my face. I turn away, not wanting him to see my wrecked state. A new wave of nausea hits and I raise myself up, heaving more stomach acid into the toilet.

"Shhh... It's ok... Try to relax Baby..."

My back arches as I continue to wretch without any control. Spots swim at the corner of my eyes, and I swear I am about to break the toilet seat with my bare hands because of how hard I'm squeezing.

"jeongguk... i..."

"Don't talk Baby..."

He moves toward the tub, starting the water, but keeping his one hand on my back. My stomach screams in agony like I've been doing hundreds of crunches and I collapse back against the wall. When he's got the tub full, I feel him pulling my clothes off, but I'm too weak to care. I'm dizzy and sore when I feel him lift me into his arms and we lower into the warm water. I rest my head back onto his chest and he starts cleaning my body. The sigh escapes before I can stop it, and he just continues what he's doing.

"Baby? I think we should go to the Dr."

"no... i'm fine."

"Haerin-ah... You haven't held anything down in days... You should get checked."

"i'm not sick..."

He doesn't speak or insist, just keeps cleaning me, and letting me rest against him. I should just tell him what I think is going on... But it's like I'm unable to say the words... He'll be forced to stay if he knows... His integrity and loyalty would never allow him to see how much it will just continue to ruin him... Before I realize, I'm being lifted from the tub, and a robe is wrapped around me. I hum at the warmth of the soft fleece, and how relaxed I feel.

"If you won't go to the Dr... You'll need to eat Hae... Should we try soup again?"

"hmmm... peanut butter and jelly with a milkshake."

"Alright... Vanilla, chocolate or strawberry?"


"Alright. Get into bed, and I'll order it."

His warm lips caress my forehead, and I ignore the butterflies. I need to stop... I have to be strong and make him understand. My stupid teenage fantasies are never going to become reality without causing him to lose everything... Maybe he left first... But I need to leave last to make sure his dream isn't lost.


A text from Jeongguk has me rushing to the store. He told me Haerin is still sick but refusing to go to the clinic. She asked for peanut butter and jelly with a vanilla milkshake. I search the aisles, gathering the requirements to make the thing she wants to eat. Since childhood, I know how picky Haerin is about peanut butter. It has to be a certain brand, which is sweeter, and not too peanutty... Jelly... Hmmm... I stare at the dozens of choices and not knowing what to do, I grab a few different ones. The bread aisle brings more choices, so I take multiply kinds just to be safe.

Walking through the store, I come across the section with health stuff. I look for medicine that could help her stomach... A female employee speaks from behind me, causing me to jump a little.

"Do you need help finding anything?"

"Uh... My friend has been sick... She keeps throwing up, and I was sent to get some food and I thought to see if there is stomach medicine. Do you know of something?"

The woman looks into my cart, and a small smile appears on her face. I don't know what she's thinking, but she reaches up to grab a bottle of chewable heartburn tablets, handing it to me. Then she turns and when I think she's going to leave, she comes back with a couple other things. My eyes blow wide when I see what she is holding... Of course!!

Thanking the woman, I hurry to finish my shopping. I also grab a few things for Jeongguk to snack on, and head to the car. I drive to the McDonald's and order a couple burgers... Most importantly the vanilla milkshake. After I have everything, I continue and pull in front of the hotel, using the valet service. With the bags in my hands, I rush towards the elevator. I hope she's ok.

When he opens the door, I notice the exhaustion on Jeongguk's face. He takes the bags from my hands and I carry the McDonald's to the table. Haerin is asleep on the bed, and Jeongguk just collapses onto the couch.

"Jeongguk-ah... Sleep... I'll look after her. I promise to wake you if something happens."

"Hmmm... I guess... I wish she would let me bring her to the Dr. Jimin... I hate seeing her like this."

"She'll be fine Gguk... Now get some rest. I'll put the milkshake in the freezer, and I have all the things for sandwiches when she wakes."

Before I'm finished unpacking things, I see Jeongguk has passed out on the couch. I put the medicine in the bathroom with the other items, and head to the bed. I lay down beside Haerin, facing her, and just watch her sleep. She's still the cute girl I met in kindergarten. Matured in many ways, but when she sleeps it's like we've gone back in time.

I don't even realize that I've dozed off until I feel a soft hand on my cheek. I open my eyes to see Haerin looking at me.

"hi jiminie... when did you get here?"

"hmmm... not sure... but when my best friend needs her peanut butter fix, what else could i do?"

A cute giggle escapes her, followed immediately by a groan. She sits suddenly, rushing to the bathroom. I follow her, and watch as she heaves over the toilet. Not wasting time, I grab a washcloth and wet it with cool water. Once I've placed it on the back of her neck, she relaxes a little. She doesn't have anything in her stomach, so she is just gagging mostly. A few minutes go by, and she stands on wobbly legs.


With a smile, I hand her the item the woman at the store gave me. Her eyes widen, and she meets my gaze.

"Ummm... I..."

"Just take it Hae... Better to confirm, right?"

She nods and I leave her in the bathroom. I can tell she already suspects, but I wait patiently on the bed for her to come out. Jeongguk's snores are the only sound in the room until the door clicking open. My pale best friend is standing there with tears in her eyes, holding the stick.

"It's positive..."


Thank you for reading!

Only a few chapters left... Mapping out the ending.

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I love you all!!


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