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"Jeongguk-ah... Can I ask you something?"


"What do you think of BDSM?"


She's cuddling into my chest so I can't see her face, and I'm afraid to give the wrong answer. My heartbeats are increasing, and I try to regulate my breathing while finding the right thing to say.

"I'm sorry... Nevermind... Forget I asked."

There's a disappointment in her tone, and I pull her chin up so I can look in her eyes. I see that her cheeks are pink, and she looks shy.

"You have nothing to apologize for... I was thinking, and if I'm being honest... I couldn't decide how to answer."

"Oh... Do you not like it?"

"Hmmm... I guess there are parts of it that I find intriguing... But I could never degrade anyone during sex... Are you asking me... What are you asking me for?"

"i want to submit to you... i want you to dominate me."

She whispers it, but is looking directly into my eyes with confidence. I feel myself get hard, and I continue to stare at her. Is this what she was thinking about when we were in the hotel?


I caress her reddened cheeks, while she chews her bottom lip. I hold a serious face, although I feel a grin dying to burst out at her adorableness.

"i... do you not want to?"

"I want to know why you want me to."

"i don't know... i like to not have to make decisions sometimes... i think it is nice to surrender to someone..."

"Do I not satisfy you?"

My insecurity rears up, and I wonder if I'm even able to be dominant. I've always tried to make sure not to hurt her, and let her be in charge more... especially after all she's been through... Now I'm doubting that she even enjoys sex with me.

"of course you do... i just thought maybe sometimes we could try it... i love you, and feel so special when you make love to me... i'm sorry... you must think i'm strange... let's forget it."

She turns her face away and begins to move to lay with her back to me. My heart aches, and I want to give her the answer she wants... But I'm afraid... What if I screw up and hurt her? What if she flashes back to the abuses she's suffered, and it's because of me? I don't realize the heavy sigh that leaves my mouth until I hear Haerin's words.

"Don't stress about it... I just wanted to know your thoughts. Now I do, and it's fine Jeongguk... I love you."

She's turned back to me, and snuggles into my side. The trouble is, I haven't told her my thoughts... She's assumed what I feel, and now I don't know if I should drop it. Pulling her closer to me, I lay with her against me, but can't find my calm. She's laying there, breathing easy, while my heart is pounding and my thoughts are rushing in all directions.

"i'm afraid baby..."

I whisper it, thinking she's sleeping, but wanting to say something...


Her tiny voice startles me, and I look down to see her big eyes looking at me.

"why are you afraid? please tell me."

Sitting up, and pulling her onto my lap, I make sure we're in eye contact for this conversation. There can't be any misunderstandings about this, or it will cause problems.

"I love you so much Hae... I guess I don't know if I could ever do something that might cause you pain..."

"I don't want you to 'hurt me' Jeongguk...  I'm not asking for that kind of dominance from you."

"What do you think about then? I guess I need you to tell me specifically..."

I see her cheeks heat up, but not more than my own.

"I want to be controlled... I don't want to be hurt or degraded, just... I want to follow orders... I want you to use me however you desire..."

"God... You are killing me baby..."

Her cute smile, and the twinkle in her eyes, says that this is something she is truly excited about. How can I refuse her?

"Haerin-ah... I want to do anything you'd like... I only want to make you happy, and satisfied... but I need to make sure I don't cross the limit... I'll never forgive myself if I hurt you in any way..."

"We can make rules... If you want to try... If you don't want to, then I will respect that Jeongguk."

"I love you Haerin... I just want to do some thinking..."

"Sure... We both need to be comfortable Jeongguk."

She smiles at me softly, and I can't help but kiss her. Our mouths move together like they are 2 pieces of a puzzle, and I hold her tightly against me. I love the way she makes me feel, and having her home, and in my arms, is heaven. We make out for a while, and then decide to sleep. I have some thinking to do... And some research if I want to understand what she's asking for. I am excited about the thought of giving her the things she wants, but so much more worried that I could trigger a bad reaction if I cross a line... Letting myself relax with her breathing deeply against my neck, I feel the world fade as I fall into slumber.


Collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion, I chuckle when he slaps my ass cheek. I don't think I could take another round, but his playfulness definitely affects me. Soft kisses move from the small of my back up my spine as he caresses the spot on my butt he just smacked. When his mouth is on the back of my neck, I tilt my head down to allow him to move his lips around my sensitive spots.

"God, you're so fucking hot Namjoon..."

I groan as I feel myself getting hard again. How he keeps doing this to me, I'll never understand. I'm exhausted, and my bedsheets are full of the multiple releases he's given me, but here I am, hard as a rock as he nips and sucks around my neck. I feel his cock harden against my lower back, and I turn to meet his mouth in a heated kiss. As I reach for him, a knock on my door breaks us from the start of round 4.


I'm panting, and I know I sound like I've been running, but Chul just grins at my weakened state.

"Namjoon Hyung? Can I talk to you?"

Jungkook... Shit...

"Give me a few minutes Kook..."

"Are you alright Hyung?"

"I'm fine Jungkook... Just wait for me in the living room."

I sit up, and Chul moves away, knowing that my group members get priority. I grab his neck and kiss him deeply for another minute, until I can't breathe anymore. When I pull away I see his beautiful smile and his hand moves through my hair to settle me.

"I need to clean up, or he'll smell sex on me... Sorry... We'll pick this up later."

Chul nods and smacks my ass when I stand from the bed.

"I'll just head out Joon... Call me... This was amazing."

I watch as he grabs his clothes and is quickly getting dressed. I have become very fond of Chul, but I wonder if he just views me as a hook up. We don't talk about feelings though, so until we do, I won't know. Before I can overthink it, I move to him and capture his lips in mine. He hums in satisfaction as our tongues dance together, and then we separate.

"I'll definitely call... Thanks for coming over..."

I watch him exit the room, and I speed to the shower with a groan and a full erection. Making quick work of my needs by myself, I clean myself up, and grabbing some sweats and a hoodie, head out to meet Jungkook.

"Hey Kook!"

He looks up at me with cheeks that are glowing red, and his cheeky smirk says he knows what he interrupted. He doesn't say anything though, and I thank him in my head for not making this awkward.

"Hyung... I have a few questions and need some advice."

"Alright... Is this about your new songs, or your mixtape?"

He scratches at the back of his neck, and looks away, signaling it's nothing to do with music. I wait for him to say what he needs, and watch as he seems to have an argument in his head. Jungkook is easy to read after the years we've spent together, and I can tell whatever this is, it's something that makes him nervous.

"Hyung... What do you know about BDSM?"

I choke on my own saliva, and stare at his blushing face with wide eyes. He doesn't hold my gaze, and I see him fiddling with his hoodie strings.

"I know enough... What's going on?"

"Ummm... Please don't tell anyone else..."

"I won't... Is there a problem Jungkook-ah?"

"Haerin said she's interested in being submissive to me... But I'm afraid Hyung."

His head hangs low, and I can tell he is in distress. I think hard about what I can say to help him, since there are so many things involved. I'm surprised she'd be into that after everything, but I guess maybe it's sort of understandable. It's been something that is a big part of her life, so maybe she doesn't know how to leave it behind... I don't know... I wish Chul was here now... He knows her so much better, and he might be able to help more than me...


His voice brings me back, and I nod at him in apology.

"What did she say exactly? If you can share it..."

"She said she wants me to dominate her. She wants me to tell her what to do... What my desires are... To use her..."

"That's basic BDSM Kook... She wants you to take charge."

"What if I hurt her Hyung?"

"How would you? I get that you're concerned... But there aren't things you want that could cause her harm are there?"

"What? No!!"

"Alright... Then there is nothing to worry about. You can do it without hurting her."


"Really? Do you not have any ideas? What is it that you like?"

"This is so embarrassing..."

I see his burning face, and I hold my laugh because I can see he really needs help.

"Jungkook... There are videos online with soft BDSM... Maybe you should watch some of those."

"I'd rather not... Can't you tell me something to help?"

Jungkook has always been this guy. So respectful, and never giving in to his libido. I often wonder if he even masturbates. I know my cousin told me that she had to take the lead with him, and he was very careful when they had sex. I guess it's understandable, since he has only been with a few girls...

"It sounds like she wants you to tell her how to please you... Be commanding, and take control. Have you ever... I don't know... Have you ever spanked her?"

"N-no... Not like you're thinking... And I might hurt her..."

"Jungkook... You won't hurt her... Maybe just tell her what you want... Start small... 'strip'... or 'get on your knees'... But then praise her when she does what you command... Refuse her orgasm... Tell her to hold it, and torture her in that way..."

I see his wheels turning as I give him a few things to try, and he nods his head. His ears are a crimson red, but he seems to understand a little better.

"Thank you Hyung."

"Jungkook-ah... Just do what feels natural to you. She asked you to try this, so feel more confident about it."



"Are you and Chul dating?"


Namjoon is busted!!🤭🤭🤭

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I love you all!!


What the hell?!? This is too sexy!!


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