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The man asking the questions doesn't know what to say when I confront him. Why men seem to want to know the deviant acts committed against her, I'll never understand. I continue to glare at him, and see Jeongguk out of the corner of my eye. He looks worried, but I wait for the next question.

"Noone here wants to hear the horrible crimes committed by Beom-Seok. I'm only asking the questions to help the judge and jury understand your mindset when you attacked him."

"I'd think it's obvious... I didn't want her to die!"

"Who is 'her'?"

"tsk... Don't be dumb..."

"I'm sorry? I need to ask, so you can explain who you're talking about."

"I'm talking about everyone's favorite weakling... The girl who doesn't even know how much I've endured to save her pathetic ass... I'm talking about Haerin!"

There was pin drop silence at my statement, and I smirk a little at all the stunned faces.

"Are you not Haerin?"

"Tch... Of course not!"

"What's your name?"


Gasps and murmuring is heard around the room, but I focus only on the lawyer in front of me. He paces back to his table and looks through some notes. When he turns to look at me, I just arch an eyebrow at him, trying to show my annoyance. He picks up a memory stick and walks to the monitor where a video could be played. I see him remove one and insert the new one.

"Maybe you could help me out then, Raven... I'm going to play some video clips and then I'd like you to answer some questions. Do you think you can do that?"

"Dude... I'm not slow, you don't need to talk to me like that... Play your videos chief..."

He chuckles, and moves back to his table, leaning his butt against it. I could mess with this guy, but I know it's not the right time... He points a remote at the monitor and I hear the music first. The bass forward songs that were always present at RED flow from the speaker. I look at the screen to see Beom-Seok in full on Dom mode, strutting around without his shirt. Damn it... I know what happened this night...

The view of the camera changes, and there is Haerin dancing seductively with one of the regulars. What was his name? They are laughing, and the guy begins pulling her closer by the waist, grinding together. Stupid girl was blushing like a school girl, and it's probably what set Beom-Seok off... She had grown too friendly with him, and he became a threat...

A few minutes pass, and suddenly a fist meets the guy's face. Haerin stumbles back, before he's got her by the hair. Growling words about her being a slut and planning to escape are muffled, but the fear in her eyes is clear. Tears stream from her eyes and then his hand strikes her face. When the video pauses on her wrecked face, the lawyer moves to stand near me.

"Who is the woman in this video?"


"Hmmm... Were you there too?"


"Can you show me?"

I take the remote from him, and fast forward a bit. When I allow the video to resume it's normal speed, Beom-Seok has her bent forward, holding her face on the table firmly. He spanks her ass hard, and I hear her scream in pain. A couple hits later, and he suddenly slams his cock into her, screaming at her that she's only his... His whore... His slut... His toy to play with anytime he wants...

I pause the video, and look at the woman's face... My face... Now looking blank, tears drying...

"This is me!"

"I don't understand... Where is Haerin if this is you?"

"I put her to sleep... Stupid baby was crying so hard, she almost fainted."

"Did you not cry?"

"No point... He enjoyed it when she cried, so I took over and never let him see her tears."


I don't know when I stopped breathing, but Namjoon Hyung's firm grip on my arm, shakes me back to the present. I'm stuck in the hell of my mind, having seen first hand how my poor Haerin suffered over the years. I look around the room, and see sympathetic looks aimed at Haerin which gives me a little relief, but it's far from finished.

Another video is being played, and I feel my stomach clench. I fight back the wretch as Beom-Seok ties Haerin to a rack of some kind. It looks like a medieval torture device. What happens next has some of the jurors crying out, and I have to look away from the footage. As the bull-whip strikes the tiny girl, the 'crack' sound makes me flinch. Her screams cut through any other noise, and they ring in my head on a heartbreaking loop.

I look at the witness stand, and feel relieved for the first time that I see the Raven persona looking back at me. As the video continues, the screaming dies down, and just grunts and whimpering are heard. Taking a chance to see what's happening, I understand better than I ever have... Raven is in control at the moment, and she doesn't cry... Doesn't scream... Doesn't show her pain...

I turn my eyes to the girl herself and offer her a small smile with a nod to acknowledge her sacrifices. She nods back and we just hold eye contact letting the noises from the video fade. Everything becomes crazy again when a broken voice from behind me begins yelling.

"Enough!! Stop this!! Please!! I can't take it anymore!! I'm sorry Haerin-ah... I'm so so so sorry... I should have never left... You didn't deserve that... I'm sorry!!!"

Jimin is standing, shaking, crying out in obvious agony. He's feeling all the things I'd been prepared for by Dr. Kang, and he can't handle it. I see a flicker in Haerin, and her hand goes to her head. Tae Hyung is holding Jimin back from falling to his knees to continue begging forgiveness from Haerin. The other Hyungs go to him also, and offer him support, trying to calm him.

The judge banging his gavel, stops Jimin's voice, but his quiet sobs continue. I see Haerin with tears dripping down her cheeks, and I feel relieved that she's back... The video has been turned off, and the judge calls for a recess. With a stern face, he warns the courtroom that if any further outbursts happen, we'll be removed. A fear strikes my heart that this could happen, and I look at Haerin. She meets my gaze with wide, terrified eyes, and I try to smile at her, but I'm sure it looks like a grimace...

People stand and move to exit, and to stretch their legs. They'll try and replace the horrific images they've seen with visions of life outside. Jimin comes to me, and collapses into my arms, crying and apologizing. I hug him tightly and try to calm him while keeping my eyes on Haerin as she stands on trembling legs and makes her way back towards the defense table.

"Jungkook-ssi... They're going to move Haerin to a room for some lunch."


I look at Haerin's back sadly as her lawyer helps her stand and redirects her to the door. Jimin is watching with watery eyes, and I hear him sniffle. I turn to him when Hae is out of sight, and pat his leg.

"I'm sorry Jeongguk-ah... I will go home so this doesn't happen again. I know she needs you here, and I'll never forgive myself if they make you leave... Or Naeun Noona..."

"Hey... It's fine Jimin-ssi... I think we've seen the worst. And besides, the jury saw Raven, and then her change back to Haerin when you were crying."

"She did?"

"Yes... Her eyes watched you, and she softened and began crying. Raven doesn't cry..."

He seems to think this through, and nod in agreement. We don't talk more, just sit and wait for court to resume. A voice calls me from the side door where they took my Haerin, and I snap my head up.

"Jungkook-ssi... Could you come with me? I need your help."

Dr. Kang beckons me from the doorway, and I stand to follow. We walk in silence down a back hallway, and she pushes open a door. As I enter I see the prosecutor, Haerin's lawyer, and the judge. Where's Haerin? Moving my eyes around the room, I see who I'm looking for, curled into a ball in the corner. I turn to Dr. Kang and she motions me to go to her.

Not waiting for longer, I move quickly to her and drop to my knees. I pull her into my arms, causing her to scream a little. Shushing her and caressing her hair, she settles down when she realizes it's me. Rocking her back and forth, her body relaxes into mine.

"i'm sorry jeongguk... i'm so sorry..."

"for what baby?"

"for everything..."

"you don't have to be sorry... i love you baby... we'll get through this..."

"they are going to send me away... i... i..."

"shhhh... you don't know this."

"take care of my babies... i'm sorry it took so long for you to meet them."

"we're going to take care of them together haerin-ah..."

We stay like this on the floor, until I hear the judge clearing his throat. Turning to look at the other people in the room, I squeeze Haerin closer to me.

"Mr. Jeon... Could you and Miss Choi please come to the table?"

I nod and help Haerin to stand. We move to the table together. She sits closely to me, placing her head on my chest so I wrap an arm around her.

"Jungkook-ssi... They have made a deal to end the trial."

I am shocked, relieved, and scared when I look around at the others.

"What is the deal?"

"I will bring Haerin to my facility in Daegu for treatment."

"For how long?"

"6 months."

Haerin whimpers in my arms, and I try not to yell at Dr. Kang. I hate the idea of being separated from her, but this is better than prison...

"Will I be allowed to visit? Will our kids be able to?"

"I'm sorry Jungkook-ssi... There will be no visits allowed. The therapy is intense, and she'll need to focus."

"But her children..."

"I know... After the first few weeks we can set up a weekly phone call. Other than that, this therapy needs to be followed to integrate her 2 personas."

Haerin is trembling in my arms, and my own heart is thudding painfully inside my chest.


I breathe out the one word question, and close my eyes inhaling the scent of her shampoo. When I don't hear an answer, I look at Dr. Kang. Her pitying face gives me the answer, and I pull Haerin against me. I feel my shirt getting damp from her tears, and I hold onto her tight.

"This is for the best Jungkook-ssi... She'll come back home in 6 months. If we don't take this deal, she will continue to be split, and may even go to prison which will only make Raven stronger."

I nod at her reasoning, but my heart is breaking at the thought of being separated from her. Guilt and fear are rising inside me that if I hadn't left her alone, we wouldn't be here. We could have been together and happy all these years... Maybe married... Maybe with more children... I don't notice the tears on my own face until I feel her tiny hands on my cheeks. She leans her forehead on mine, and I open my eyes to stare into her warm chocolate brown orbs.

"I love you Jeongguk... I'll always love you."

"I love you too Baby... Please remember we need you, and will be waiting for you..."

"I will... Be happy Jeongguk."

"I'll try... You're so much of my happiness though... So it'll be hard until you come back. Promise me this isn't goodbye Hae..."

"I promise..."


Sorry I made Jimin cry... 😥

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I love you all!!



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