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I woke up wrapped around Haerin on the couch in the office. I felt every muscle in my body, and knew I was going to be in trouble during our taping later. Trying to shift a little, I woke the girl up, holding my breath with nervousness that she would freak out and get angry again. I watched as she rubbed her face cutely, and fluttered her eyes open.

When she saw me, her eyes widened, but she just put her face back down on my chest. Relieved, I ran my hand through her hair and held her tightly with my other arm around her waist. She giggled when my fingers grazed the skin at her waist, and I did in purpose to hear it again.

"S-Stop... Aaah..."

I pecked her forehead and stopped my tickle assault. She hummed at the feeling of my lips on her head, and I couldn't contain my smile.

"I have to go again. We have a taping this morning..."


"It won't always be like that Hae... I'll make sure to have more time."

"don't worry about it... it's not important."

"What do you mean? Of course it is."

"our lives don't match jeongguk... you shouldn't change yours... it was your dream."

"Choi Haerin... YOU are my dream..."

She looks away from me and refuses to make eye contact after that. I won't let her go that easily, so I know whatever she says, I'm just going to prove her wrong. Our lives are what we make them, and I'll change whatever I need to, in order to have her. I sit up and keep her on my lap holding her waist.

"Hae... Don't shut me out."

"i am not good enough for you... not anymore... i'm"

"Stop it... You're the only girl I want Haerin. I don't care what the world thinks."

"really? that's easy to say jeongguk... wait until the tabloids find out about it..."

"They only tell lies, so who cares? I will be fine if you're with me."

"i don't think it's going to work... i won't stop you from seeing the kids... but we need to stop this."

She gets up from my lap, leaving me feeling cold. I can't accept this, but I don't have time to argue right now. I push my hair back in frustration and stand from the couch, feeling my muscles and joints pop. My knuckles are bruised and still bloody from the punch I gave that guy, but I don't feel pain, just satisfaction.

I walk to her and pull her to face me. When she won't meet my eyes, I lift her chin gently to not hurt her. I lean in and ghost my lips over hers while I whisper what she needs to hear.

"you can push me away... i'll just come back again, and again... i love you haerin... i always have... i'm sorry that i hurt you, but i won't do it again. that is a promise."

I land my lips on the corner of her mouth hearing her breathing pick up. I pull away and smile at her, hoping for one back. She doesn't give me what I want though, and it hurts me more than I imagined. I don't complain, since the fault lies with me. I'm not giving up, so I'll just work harder.

"Do you want me to drop you at home? I have to go to my filming."

She just shakes her head, not offering me her voice anymore.

"I'll come by later to see the kids... And their beautiful mother."

Again, just a nod of her head, and her eyes dart away. Groaning, I walk out to door before my temper makes me say something I shouldn't.


I woke up this morning and realized Haerin was gone. The kids needed to get to school, and I had work, so I didn't have much time to think on it. Getting everything prepared for Ye-Jun and Mi-Hi, I noticed that the small vanity table had all of Raven's Makeup sitting out. My heart fell thinking that she went to Rush. I don't know why I hoped for a change just because she'd spent an hour with Jeongguk.

I've been distracted all day and my boss, who is normally understanding is a little irritated with me. I don't really know what to do, so I try to not think too much. When it's almost time for my lunch break, my cell phone rings, and I see it is the kid's school. Apologizing to my boss, I step away and answer the call.


"Naeun-ssi? This is director Lee."

"Yes ma'am... Is there a problem?"

"We need someone to pick up Ye-Jun and Mi-Hi. I tried their mother, but she didn't answer."

"Are they sick?"

"No. Ye-Jun got into a fight with one of the other children. I'll speak to you about it when you get here."

She hung up, not letting me say anything further. It's not normal for Ye-Jun to behave this way, so I wonder what happened. I head quickly to my boss to explain the situation, but she is waiting inside the door for me. I tell her that I have to go and start to apologize for it when she talks first.

"Naeun... I think you're a talented assistant, and I didn't mind being flexible while you and your friend were getting settled. It's just becoming too much now. How come you are the only one they call when they aren't even your children. I'm sorry, but if you leave today, I'll have to let you go."

This is the first time she's ever expressed impatience with my caretaking of Haerin's children. I'm surprised, but can't change anything at this moment. Ye-Jun and Mi-Hi need me... Haerin needs me... I'll get another job... I just really liked this one.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. My friend has lost everyone in her life, for one reason or another. I thought you were understanding of this, but I know maybe it's become too much inconvenience. Thank you for the job, but I have to follow through on my commitment to my friend, and her kids. I'll be back tomorrow to clear off my desk."

I turn and leave, fighting the tears of frustration. I promised myself that Haerin would never be alone again, and I won't fail her. Her sanity is slipping, and she needs me more than ever. Walking quickly now, I focus on getting to the school. Why did Ye-Jun fight?

I'm panting when I enter the director's office. I see both kids sitting in a corner looking sad and lost. I can tell Mi-Hi has been crying, but right now Ye-Jun is holding her in a tight embrace, keeping her calm. Ye-Jun sees me and I notice he looks sad, and doesn't hold my eyes.

"Hello Madam... I'm here."

I call the director's attention to me, and she turns. I can see she is unhappy, but surely they've had children fighting before. I know Ye-Jun, and he would never have done something to another student without provocation.

"Naeun-ssi... Please have a seat."

I sit on the edge of the chair she pointed at, and watch her looking at the kids. The look of disappointment is clear, but I can't figure out why.

"What happened? I have never known Ye-Jun to be a fighter."

"Another student and he were talking... Ye-Jun told a lie, and the other student told him he didn't believe him."


Ye-Jun's yelled protest makes Mi-Hi whimper, and I turn to him with wide eyes. I'm stunned at his behavior, but he looks positively furious at being called a liar.

"I know the twins have no father in their life, and I'm sure it makes it tough since they're surrounded by kids here who are in 2 parent homes... I warned you, and their mother, that these things might be happening... But I won't tolerate any acts of dishonesty and violence."

"I can understand"

"But Aunty Naeun..."

I stop Ye-Jun with a look, and he puts his head down.

"As I was saying... I understand what you're saying. Can I please know what you believe was his lie?"

"He told the other boy that his father appeared in their life... He claimed that his father is a famous idol... A member of BTS actually, like I can't check on that."

"I see..."

I look at Ye-Jun and he looks so sad that he wasn't believed. I smile and send a wink to him. Taking out my phone I send a text to Jeongguk to call me.

"You understand Naeun-ssi that we will need to send him home today, and further issues like this"

She is stopped as my phone began ringing. I smile widely and answer without excusing my rudeness.


"Noona? It's Jeongguk."

"Thank you for calling. I'm so sorry if I am pulling you away from something."

"No... We finished not long ago, so I'm free. Is there a problem with Haerin?"

"Actually no. The issue is with Ye-Jun."

"Oh? What happened? Is he alright?"

"He got into a fight at school you see. It might be helpful for everyone, if you're free, and could come here."

"Sure... I'll be on my way right away. Jimin-ssi will come since he's been before."

"Perfect. See you soon then. Thank you."

I end the call and wink at Ye-Jun, who smiles back at me.

"I'm sorry Madam. I thought it would be best to have their father come personally so you can explain to him about his son's behavior."

"Good. I'm sure he'll be disappointed to find out about the dishonesty."

"He's going to be disappointed for sure."

I left it there. I know that Jeongguk is new to this whole parent thing, but I'm betting he won't appreciate the director's attitude. I'm looking forward to it actually. Mi-Hi gets up from the corner and walks to me tentatively. I bring her into my lap and she looks at me with sad eyes.


"Yes honey... Your Papa is on his way. He will be here soon."

We sit in silence, and the director is busying herself with paperwork. After about 30 minutes, a knock on the door sounds. The director calls them to enter, and I watch with a perverse pleasure as Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin walk into the room dressed to the nines like they just left a performance. The look on the director's face shows nothing but confusion. She stands immediately and greets them formally, but I watch Jeongguk.

He's looking around the office, and sees Ye-Jun in the corner, and Mi-Hi on my lap who's fallen asleep.

"Hi Noona... What's happened?"

"You should ask the director. She can explain it best."

I'm grinning like an idiot, and Jimin sees, and can't help but chuckle. As Jeongguk turns to the director with a question in his eyes, Mi-Hi wakes up.


She squeals and jumps off my lap and skips her way to her father. He's only too happy to scoop her up, causing the director's jaw to drop.

"Hi my girl... How is Papa's princess?"

I have to fight hard not to laugh out loud when the director falls into her chair in defeat. She looks lost, but can't stop moving her eyes around to everyone in her office.

"Madam director-nim? What has happened today? Is there an issue with Ye-Jun?"

Her mouth opens and closes like a fish, and Jimin actually turns away to not let the giggle leave his mouth.

"I apologize Jeon Jungkook-ssi... I had no idea that you were the father of these children..."

"Why would you know?"

I smile at Ye-Jun, and nod to him so he'll say something.

"I told her Papa... I told a boy in my class about you, and he didn't believe me. He called me names, and said I was a liar. I pushed him, and I know that was bad, but when the director-nim came, she took his side. She said I shouldn't have lied about my Papa... But I never did."

Jeongguk just listens patiently and nods at his son's honesty. He turns to the director, who looks as if she's swallowed a bug. He raises a brow and waits for her to speak, but she doesn't. After a longer silence, Jimin can't stand it anymore.

"Jungkook-ah... Let's take the kids to lunch. It's been a stressful morning for them."

"Yes... Let's do that. Is it fine director-nim? Or do you have anything to tell me?"

"I... I'm very sorry I didn't believe Ye-Jun, Jungkook-ssi... It's just that I had no idea... Forgive my error."

"I'm not the one you should ask for their forgiveness Madam."

She looks embarrassed, but turns to Ye-Jun anyway.

"Jeon Ye-Jun. I apologize for not believing you about your father. Please forgive my error."

"Yes director-nim. I will forgive you. Please forgive my behavior with Suho. I should not have pushed him."

"Well, you can tell him that you're sorry tomorrow. Alright?"

"Yes director-nim... I will surely do that."

Now that everything is settled, I stand and take Ye-Jun's hand.

"I'll take him to get their bags if you want to wait for me in the hall. I see the mischief in Jeongguk, and he's leans in to whisper in my ear.

"let me take him... surely this other boy will be eating his words if i do."

He winks and takes Ye-Jun with him to the classroom. I watch, with a giggling Jimin, from the door. The whole class stops dead when the handsome idol walks in with Ye-Jun. The boy I can only assume is Suho, says 'no way' as Ye-Jun walks past him. The young female teachers are standing with their mouths open, and I laugh at how stupid they look. Have they never seen a man before?

"That was so fun to watch... I haven't laughed like that in a while."

I don't hold it back when Jeongguk and Ye-Jun join us in the hall. Both males just smile and nod at what I said. Mi-Hi reaches out for her father and he takes her quickly, swinging her around making her scream and laugh like crazy. Jimin puts his arm around my shoulder and I look at him, to find him giving his eye smile.

"Thank you for calling him Noona. You made his day."


I thought some comic relief was in order. I don't usually laugh at my own jokes, but this chapter made me grin at the scene I wrote.

I hope you found it cute, and funny as it's intended.

Please comment any feedback. It helps me know I'm doing something right, or wrong.

Vote and share also!!

I love you all!!


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