•twenty-six• later

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I don't know why Jimin can't just talk to me at the dorm. He left the room for almost an hour and came back with Hoseok Hyung and said we needed to go somewhere. Now we're in a park and they both seem restless, but they aren't talking still. I'm trying not to be irritated, but this is getting ridiculous.

"Hyung... What are we doing here?"

"Jeongguk... The day we went to the kindergarten..."

"Papa! Papa!"

A small girl ran to Jimin and literally climbed his leg before he could say anything else. I'm stunned to see Jimin laugh and run his hand on her head.

"Hey Hyung!"

A small boy is now running to Hobi Hyung, and then I see the woman. My mouth hangs open a little as I watch her approach. She is laughing at the kids and I feel like my feet are rooted to the ground.


"Hello Jeon Jeongguk-ssi"

Tears are pricking my eyes, but I bite the inside of my lip to not burst out crying. She comes and stands in front of me, and I feel like I'm being transported back in time. She looks the same as 5 years ago.

"How??? Naeun Noona... You look the same."

"Thank you... I think... You are growing well Jeongguk. You've become quite a handsome young man. The dream boyfriend of half the world..."

I cringe at what she's saying. It's from an article published recently, and I hate it. I have so many questions, but don't know where to start. I am just completely lost.



"Are these your children?"

Jimin turns to look at me, with the small girl now in his arms. She has been so focused on him, that she hadn't even looked at me. I'm waiting for Noona's answer when I hear the squeal.


Suddenly Jimin almost drops the struggling child. He sets her down and before I know it, she's hugging onto my leg, almost knocking me down. She keeps screaming 'Papa' and there are tears in her eyes. I look at everyone around me and they are all smiling, but I feel only confused. Little hands are tugging at my pants and I look down into the face of the little girl... A face that is a copy of the girl I knew... The girl I loved...


Walking into the park, I almost turn back. I'm not sure this is a good idea. What if he freaks out? What if the kids get hurt? I see the 3 idols standing together in the distance, and I know it's too late to turn back when Mi-Hi takes off running. She's yelling 'Papa' and clings onto Jimin immediately.

Thankfully, he seemed to have expected this, so he just smiled at her and patted her head. Ye-Jun is jogging to Hoseok and greets him more formally, but with excitement. Hoseok gives him a hi-five and they begin talking. I see Jeongguk looking completely stunned in his spot, but only because he doesn't know who these kids are.

He turns slightly and catches my movement towards them. When his eyes take me in completely, his mouth falls open for a minute, and his beautifully sculpted brows draw together. I give him a small smile, and wait for him to say something. If I thought it would do any good, I would probably slap his handsome face. Common sense prevails and I just stop in front of him.

His eyes look wet, like he may cry at any moment, and I hope he doesn't. A bawling man-child is not what I need right now. We greet each other, and I can't hold back my sarcasm about him being every girls dream boyfriend. He broke my Haerin's heart, so I'll poke at him any time I want. When he asks if the kids are mine, and Mi-Hi finally notices him, she can't contain herself.

The moment she actually sees him, she screams 'PAPA!' making Jeongguk look at her in confusion. She wiggles until Jimin sets her down, and goes directly to Jeongguk and clings onto him. Mi-Hi has tears in her eyes and she continues to call him... Her papa is here, and she is the happiest child. Seeing the moment of recognition on Jeongguk's face for the features that are pure Haerin, makes me smile.

He looks up at me, and then I see his confusion, and pain. He only realizes that this little girl is related to Haerin at this point, that much is clear.



"Is she... Is..."

He can't bring himself to say what he wants, and Jimin stands next to him, placing his hand on the younger's shoulder. Mi-Hi continues to cry 'Papa' but I can see he's completely lost. I kneel down to reach out to Mi-Hi, and she comes into my arms. Her sobs at the perceived rejection are heart breaking. I don't know what to do, but Jimin helps me. He picks Mi-Hi up and walks with her to where Hoseok and Ye-Jun are watching everything.

Ye-Jun hasn't really been noticed by Jeongguk yet, and I'm certain once he does, he'll understand. Right now, he is thinking who knows what, but definitely NOT that Mi-Hi is his child.

"She is... Haerin's?"

I hear the vulnerability his voice holds, and my attitude softens.

"Yes... They are her twins."

His eyes shoot to the boy now, and then back to me... I just smile softly at him to reassure him. I see the first tear slide down his cheek, and I grab his hand.

"Let's walk Jeongguk... I'll answer your questions."

We step away from the others, and he looks back a couple times. His eyes are now cast down at his feet while we make our way to a bench further into the park. When we're seated, I release his hand and turn to him. He looks like a lost little boy right now, and my heart goes out to him.

"Ask me Jeongguk..."

"I-I... They are Haerin's?"


"Who is the father?"


"Noona... Are they... My children?"

His face is a cross between hope and terror. His big eyes are wide with tears escaping here and there. I place a hand on his, and nod.

"Yes Jeongguk... They are yours..."

I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that he would rip his hand away from me. He looks angry and I try to give him a minute. He stands and paces a little, trying to wrap his head around what I just told him.


When he shouts at me, I flinch. He's understandably pissed off, but I want him to calm down.


"Don't you yell at me Jeon Jeongguk! I'm here telling you now, so sit down and get a grip, or we'll leave!"

He sits again, but is clenching his fists and his jaw. I take some deep breaths and face the angry man.

"I understand you're upset... And that you have a million questions, but it'll be easier if you can calm down."

He scoffs at my statement, but doesn't say anything. I give him a minute to try and gather himself before I say anything else. When I think he is a little calmer, I start the conversation with his behavior.

"Please... Can you tell me why you never contacted her back then? You left and she was alone. What happened?"

He is shocked that I chose this to begin with, and I watch his shoulders fall. I knew he would soften if he remembered that his leaving is part of what has happened.

"We were not allowed to contact anyone... They took our phones..."

"Alright... But after you debuted were you not given a phone again?"


"So what happened?"

"My manager... He... He was always telling me it would only hurt my career and also it could be dangerous for her..."

"Well, your stupid saesangs would have been better than what she has lived through..."

"What do you mean? Noona? What happened?"

He's now completely soft and showing concern for Haerin.

"She survived..."

"excuse me... hyung?"

A small voice is heard and we both turn to Ye-Jun holding Hobi's hand. I nudge Jeongguk because he's just staring.

"Uh... Yes?"

"I'm sorry to bother you... But my sister is crying alot... Can I take Aunty with me?"

Jeongguk's eyes are sad that this is the request, and I see him looking at where Ye-Jun's hand is wrapped around Hobi's. Jeongguk nods and I stand from the bench. He doesn't move, but I grab him and drag him up.

"Come on Gguk... I'll need your help I'm sure."

We walk back to where Jimin is holding a sobbing Mi-Hi. I push Jeongguk forward and mouth 'go' to him. He trudges over to Jimin, and places a shaking hand on Mi-Hi's back. When she turns to him, she whimpers a 'papa' and opens her arms. I smile when he doesn't hesitate and brings her into his embrace. He looks at Jimin with tears pooling in his eyes.

"How's it feel Jeongguk-ah?"

"Amazing... Scary..."

Jimin nods at his friend and leaves father and daughter to bond. I sit back on a bench and watch them, smiling that Mi-Hi has her Papa... I don't even think about how it's going to be tough to separate her later, just allow her to have these moments. Jimin sits next to me and I can sense he wants to say something.

"Just say it Jimin-ssi... I'm not psychic."

"How did Haerin end up working in that club?"

"That's a long, painful story Jimin... And one I don't know if I can tell you."

"Did you tell Jeongguk?"

"I think he's had enough shocks for one day, don't you?"

We sit together, watching Jeongguk and Mi-Hi together. She is babbling, and he's just smiling and nodding at her. She grabs his cheeks with her tiny hands and plants a kiss on his lips. I laugh at his wide eyes when that happens. His large bunny like grin displays, and he kisses her back.

"What the hell is going on here? Unnie?"

Jimin and I turn to see the one person I was not expecting. I recognize immediately that this is Raven, and I stand from my spot to try to calm her. I'm almost to her when Mi-Hi notices her and points yelling 'Mama'. Jeongguk turns to see her, and confusion once again paints his features. THIS is not the girl he remembers, that much is clear.


Enough! These 4 walls are going to drive me crazy. I don't know what is wrong that we've been trapped in here for a week, but I'm done with it. I get up and head to the shower. I set the water to scalding, and clean the sticky sweat that is coating my body since I woke us up from that dream.

When I'm clean and shaved, I get out and walk to the closet to pick my outfit for work. It's been a week, and we're supposed to be making money to help Mi-Hi... I don't want that sweet girl limited to 3 words because we can't get over some stupid guy.

I pick the dress I consider a money maker and slide it on. It's a dark red bandage dress that hugs my curves. The deep plunge accentuates my cleavage, and I feel sexy when I wear it. I wear my hair up to show my long neck, and fix my makeup. The dark red lip stain matches the color of my dress perfectly, and I put on my black heels. When I'm ready, I grab my black leather jacket and head out. I'm in the mood for whatever the night brings.

As I walk past the park near the kindergarten, I see Ye-Jun with someone I don't know. They look like they're dancing, and I'm not immediately worried because I'm sure Unnie is close by. I approach, but before I can even open my mouth, I hear a giggle that I know is Mi-Hi. When I turn towards her, my blood boils. What the Fuck is she doing with him? He broke Haerin and now he will hurt Mi-Hi the same way when he decides to leave.

I march over towards them and stand behind Unnie and that other betrayer.

"What the hell is going on here? Unnie?"

Mi-Hi calls 'Mama' to me and I see Jeongguk turn to look at me, and the surprise on his face is priceless. He was clearly expecting a soft, and weak hearted Haerin... Naeun Unnie stands from the bench and comes to me.

"I can explain... Don't freak out."

I glare at her, and bite back my anger. I see Jimin standing up and starting to walk towards me and Unnie.

"Take a seat Park Jimin. This doesn't concern you."

"Listen... They found out about the kids at the kindergarten. They were the idols... It's only right he"


"please calm down... you're going to scare mi-hi."

"Unnie... What are you trying to do? She can't handle getting hurt by him again!"

I watch Naeun Unnie flinch, but she doesn't respond.

"Who can't be hurt by me, 'again'? What's going on?"

I turn to see the man who Haerin still pines for, standing there, looking at me while holding Mi-Hi like he has a right to her.

"Give her to me."

"Not until you explain what you meant. Who did I hurt?"

"Give. Me. Mi-Hi."

"Jeongguk... Please..."

"Noona... I said that I'll give her over when she explains what she meant by that."

I can feel my heart pounding and the blood flowing through my veins uncomfortably. It's like there is a drum in my ears, and my head is throbbing. No no no... I can't let her come out... She's weak... He'll break her... Spots are forming at the sides of my vision, and the park around me is dimming. I'm staring at Jeongguk, but his features aren't sharp anymore... A gasp leaves his lips as Unnie takes Mi-Hi from him and he is rushing towards me...


I hope you're all doing well!! It's a beautiful Spring Day here!

Please vote, comment, and share!!

I love you all!!


Hey there...

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