•two• before

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Somi and I are walking through the empty hallways on our way to the cafeteria. We both stayed behind in our English class to get a little extra help. Since Jimin's birthday, things have been a little strange. Jimin has distanced himself from me, although he and Somi seem to be getting closer. I spend alot of time with Jeongguk, and I feel myself falling deeper for him every day.

"Hey... What are you thinking Hae?"

"How is Jimin? I haven't really had alot of interaction with him recently. Is he mad at me Somi?"

"What? No! He's been busy getting ready for his audition, you know that."

"Aah... That's right... Jeongguk's going to some auditions as well..."

"You're really into him aren't you?"

"Of course... Why are you asking?"

Somi stops and grabs my arm to halt my steps as well. Seeing her face looking so upset confuses me.

"What is it Somi-ah? Do you not like Jeongguk?"

"I just miss you Haerin... Jimin does too. You're always with him now, and you never spend time with us."

My heart falters hearing this from my best friend. I thought she was happy for me that Jeongguk and I are dating. I thought she and Jimin were happy also...

"I'm sorry Somi-ah... I... I don't know what to say... He's my boyfriend. I thought you and Jimin were getting closer... Maybe we can double date."

I see a tear leave Somi's eye and I rush to hug her. Guilt swims through me that I haven't noticed she was feeling this way. She abruptly pulls away and harshly wipes her face, trying to cover her feelings.

"Go ahead without me Hae... I'm just gonna run to the bathroom real quick."

Her retreating figure is all I see while I stand frozen. Have I neglected my friendship so much that she can't tolerate a hug from me? My own tears prick at my eyes, while I try to figure out how things got this messed up.

Heading towards the cafeteria again, I keep my head down, lost in my thoughts. The hallways are silent, the only sounds are my footsteps echoing off walls and lockers. Approaching a corner I pause when I hear some voices, and my name.

"I can't believe Haerin is so stupid. She really thinks that Jeongguk Oppa likes her."

"I know! It's just like Jimin... All her friends are only using her for the money and gifts."

"An average looking girl with money can get anyone I guess."

Wait! That last voice... Somi? She is talking about me? I peek around the corner to see my best friend with 2 other junior girls. My heart rate peaks when I hear the words my best friend says next.

"I hate her so much. She gets everything she wants and even Jimin is in love with her. She pretends she doesn't know, but she plays him so well."

Not wanting to hear more, I step out from my spot, and face down my best friend. Her face is stunned to see me, and she covers her mouth in shock. I don't hide my tears and just stare at the girls who were talking shit about me moments ago. Funny how they have nothing to say to my face... Even Somi.

My whole life, I've only had 2 friends that I thought cared about me as a person, and not a walking bank account... Now... One of them has been shown to not care the way she professed, and my whole world shifted.



I don't wait to hear more and walk past to go to the cafeteria alone. Somi can eat with her other 'friends' from now on for all I care. As soon as I walk through the door to the loud and raucous room, I spot Jimin sitting with a group of our mutual 'friends'. I don't waste time to go to his side and take the seat he always saves for me.

"Hey there. Where have you been? Hey... What's wrong Haerin? Have you been crying?"

He's turned in his seat to face me, but I only look down at my hands. I don't want to do what I'm about to do, but I need to know, so I have to ask...

"Are you my friend Jimin?"

"What? Of course I am Haerin-ah... Why are you asking?"

"Why are you my friend?"

I raise my face and look into his eyes. He seems taken aback by my question, and the rest of the table has fallen silent. I don't say anymore, but wait for him to answer the question. He's the only friend I've had since childhood. He knows everything about me. He is the one person who had been there when my parents left me alone to take care of the business. He knew the pressure they put on me to be the perfect daughter.

"Haerin... What is this about?"

"Can you just answer the question? Why are you my friend, Jimin?"

I watch his Adam's apple bob as he gulps, taking his time to think... The longer this takes, the less I'll believe anything he'll tell me.

"I've always been your friend Hae. I love you! Where is this coming from?"

"Is it because I'm rich? Because I give you expensive gifts? If I was poor tomorrow, would you still say the same?"

I ask this question quietly, afraid of his answer.

"Haerin-ah... I don't care about any of that. I don't know what happened, but if you never bought me another gift, or picked up another lunch tab, I'd still love you the same. You're my best friend Haerin... Now tell me what happened."

I don't answer him because I have one more question...

"Does Jeongguk really care about me for who I am?"

"Oh my God Hae! Of course he does! The guy is crazy about you. Why are you doubting us?"


"What? Did you 2 fight? Did she say these crazy things?"

"I heard her saying she hates me... That people only care about my money... That YOU only care about my money..."

Jimin wraps his arms around me and I lose my battle with the tears I've been holding in. I cry in his arms with the whole cafeteria talking about us. Feeling like I can't breathe, I let Jimin take me out from there. While we're walking towards the exit, we come across Somi and Jeongguk talking. As soon as he sees my teary face, he runs to me, bringing me into his strong arms. The tears that were starting to end, flow freely again.

Jimin marches up to Somi and slaps her across the face. I am stunned by his action, and almost go to stop him until I remember what she said. Jeongguk, not understanding, tries to call out to Jimin and stop him, but Somi makes things clear pretty quickly.

"Don't pretend Jimin! You know that if it weren't for the money, you would have stopped being her friend years ago! Especially since she doesn't love you the way you want her to... She chose your best friend instead of you!"


My breath hitches and Jeongguk squeezes me tighter, trying to comfort me.

"It doesn't matter... She will keep buying you off, and loving your best friend. You're making the worst mistake Park Jimin..."

I think it's over and things are quiet again. The only thing I hear is Jeongguk's soothing voice saying it's alright, and Jimin's heavy breathing. I start to move back when Somi speaks one last time.

"Jeongguk... You're not going to say anything? Did you forget that I know everything? All about how you never wanted to talk to Haerin before she started giving Jimin thousand dollar bracelets? You would avoid her at all costs because she isn't pretty? That's what you said back then... Has she been spending big money on you now? Is that why you're with her? You guys are such hypocrites!!"

Somi's loud footsteps are heard as she runs down the hallway. I pull back from my boyfriend, looking up to meet his pained eyes. I am waiting for him to say something, but he looks scared. Why would he be if he didn't do anything wrong?

"Hae... Jeongguk never said those things. You have to believe me..."

I turn to Jimin, and see him giving me a comforting smile. I remember his birthday party when Jeongguk basically told me that Jimin was in love with me. He wouldn't protect Jeongguk if he was lying to me... Would he?

"Listen to me Haerin... I love you. Nothing she said is true. I never avoided you because I didn't like you... I told you that night why I avoided you... I thought you were with my best friend... But I liked you... I've always liked you. No matter if you have money. Jimin and I both care about you, Hae... If you never buy me anything again, I'll still love you. Please... You have to believe me..."

I nod and hug Jeongguk, letting myself cry into his chest. Jimin takes my bag and the three of us walk to the entrance. They know I'm in no condition to attend any more classes today, so they bring me home. When we arrive, my maid, Naeun, comes to ask what happened. Jimin tells her I'm not feeling well, while my boyfriend brings me to my room. I sit dejectedly on my bed, hanging my head.

"Jeongguk-ah... When did Somi start hating me?"

"Shhhh... She is just a jealous person Hae. You don't need someone like her in your life."

I know he's right. It's true what he's saying, and yet my heart hurts so much. Have I ever had any real friend other than Jimin? Jeongguk has never made me doubt him since we met, but now I'm skeptical of everyone.

"Haerin-ah... I know you are feeling like the whole world is against you... Please don't do that to yourself baby."

"I just don't understand... Haven't I always been a good friend? Or maybe I'm not... Remember the night we first talked? You said that you thought Jimin liked me as more than a friend... I was so upset that I'd lose my friend, that I wouldn't even entertain the possibility. I still don't believe it, but she thinks I have been stringing him along... Is that what you think Jeongguk?"

"No baby... I know he's your best friend. You haven't done anything wrong."

"Can I ask you something Jeongguk?"

"Of course... Ask me anything."

"Why have I never met your family?"

I look into Jeongguk's eyes and he turns away. I don't understand why he doesn't meet my gaze, and I feel like maybe he doesn't think I'm good enough to meet his parents.

"Nevermind... It's ok. I understand."

"No Haerin... You don't. It has nothing to do with you. They are tough... They know I'm your friend, but they've forbidden me to date... If I told them, I'd be a disappointment... Me... Not you."

"Oh... Why though? Can I ask?" If you don't want to tell me it's alright."

"My brother... He met a girl in school and they dated. She was using him, and when it came out, he was heartbroken. His grades got very bad, and he almost didn't pass his college admissions... They don't want that for me."

I think about how could anyone do those things, and I know that I'd never intentionally hurt Jeongguk. I hug him and tell him I understand.

"You know what Hae... Why don't you come to dinner this weekend. I don't want to hide you from them anymore. I love you. They will love you too."

"Are you sure? I don't want to do anything that will get you in trouble. I completely understand if it's not the time..."

He's grinning his brightest grin, teeth showing, eyes crinkling... I can't help but smile back. The butterflies in my stomach are loose, and my heart is pounding when he joins his lips to mine. After a few minutes he seperates from me, leaving me panting.

"I'm sure Hae... They should get to know the girl I love. What do you say?"

"Yes Jeongguk... I'd like to meet them."


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy! Let me know in the comments!

Please vote and share the story also!!

Love you all!!


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